Read Rebound (Curvy Seduction Saga Book 1) Page 2

  Marc’s words rang in my head. Nobody would fuck a fatty like you if it weren’t for your money, Angie. Kick me out and you’ll have to start paying for sex.

  Smug rat-bastard.

  That’s when Gray literally picked Marc up by the collar and threw him out the front door.

  Marc had brushed the bits of gravel off his precious suit and stabbed at me some more. Might as well have your manservant here to take you for a ride. Though I doubt his salary is enough to try and squeeze his way between those thunder thighs.

  Gray had saved me from everything from slipping in the mud to mud-slinging gossips. Too bad he couldn’t save me from broken hearts. Even my knight in shining Armani couldn’t keep away the shameful truth I heard in Marc’s words.

  That’s probably what he was trying to do now with his flirting and offers to take me to a sex club.

  “You’re real funny. The Asylum. I’m so sure. Like I would fit in there.” I slugged Gray in the arm.

  He didn’t move a millimeter. “I’m not kidding.”

  “Sure. Right. Thanks for trying, but I’m telling you the only thing that will cheer me up is sending Marc dirty pictures of me in bed with another man.”

  Gray waited a beat, huffed out a short breath, and frowned at me. “How exactly do you propose to take said pictures?”

  “Uh, I guess it’ll have to be a selfie?”

  “Have you thought any of this so-called plan through? Like where do you plan to do the deed and how are you going to get rid of him when you’re done?”

  What was this, the Spanish-Italian girl inquisition? “I don’t know. I don’t have to know. You think every woman who has ever had a one-night stand preplanned everything?”

  Game face. There it was. The one he only wore when he was about to get all protective and bodyguard-y. “You’re not taking some random guy back to the house or even the brownstone.”

  Damn it. The brownstone was exactly my plan. Maybe we could go to Cruz towers instead? No. I hadn’t used our suite there in forever. That conversation with the doorman would be a bit awkward. “Okay, safety police, I’ll suggest we go to his place.”

  “Because that won’t get you murdered or worse,” he growled.

  I threw up my hands. “What do you want from me?”

  “For you to get your head out of your ass.”

  Gray had never, ever snapped at me like that before. I got enough insults from the rest of the men in my life. I didn’t need them from him. “Go away.”

  “Why, because you know I’m right?”

  “No, because I don’t care if you are. I’m doing this with or without your help.” I shoved at him and this time he moved. So there.

  “Fine. But I will be right over there watching every move every man makes on you, and if for one minute I think you’re not safe, I’m hauling your ass out of here.”

  I had a retort about how he couldn’t handle an ass as big as mine, but held my tongue. Partly because I knew he could. Much more because I wanted him to.

  I contented myself with sticking my tongue out at his back.

  “I saw that.”

  “You did not.”

  He pointed to the mirror behind the bar and kept walking. I stuck my tongue out at him again. He smiled then narrowed his eyes in the you-better-behave look.

  What, or he’d spank me?

  Umm, probably. Wasn’t that a fun-filled thought?

  Gray took up position standing in the opposite corner of the bar where he had a line of sight on everyone, including me. The scowl on his face had him on the verge of turning into Jekyll. He was cranky about my little revenge plan. He’d get over it. He couldn’t stay mad at me.

  Okay, back to work finding the man of my naughty dreams. A group of guys wearing jeans and frat-lettered sweatshirts pushed in through the door. Even I knew better than that.

  Up next was the best prospect of the night. The perfect good-girl rebellion, all leather and tattoos. I bet he had a motorcycle.

  Let’s see if Gray liked my choice. I jerked my chin in Son-of-Anarchy’s direction and raised both eyebrows silently asking for a go ahead.

  Gray rolled his eyes and shook his head. He took a long swig of beer and leaned against the wall. For being on high alert, you’d never know he was more than another guy in a bar cruising the room for chicks. I’d rarely seen him with a woman, much to my childish, hard-core crushing delight. Now I knew it was because his kind of dates happened in the dark corner of a BDSM club.

  Wouldn’t doing dark and dirty acts in a place like The Asylum be just as good of a revenge on stupid Marc as a skeezy one-night stand from a low-class bar?

  I pushed the beer away and stood. Screw this place. I was going to The Asylum. With Gray.


  Ménage Me

  Three steps across the room and I stopped short. Hold the phone then hang it up. Two well-dressed, well-groomed, well-well-well-aren't-you-the-hottest-thing-around guys pushed through the front door, lifting the Zagat rating of the bar by two stars just with their presence.

  Hmm. Sex club with my five-year crush or a threesome with two cute anonymous dudes? My heart said Gray, my mind said what the hell are you thinking, you aren’t ready for any sort of BDSM or sexy times with a man like that.

  Right. You can’t always get what you wah-unt.

  Plan B would have to wait. I had a ménage to attend to.

  The guys made their way through the crowd toward the pool table. I followed their progress, planning my opening pick-up line in my head. Something along the lines of “Wanna fuck?” ought to do it.

  The taller black-haired man glanced around the bar and pointed to a table being vacated by a bunch of co-eds. The two veered around the crowd eyeballing every one of the girls. His tan friend navigated the way through the throngs of Friday night partiers and I distinctly saw him grab one chick’s ass.

  They were definitely on the prowl.

  I ordered a couple of Gray’s whiskey shooter-beer combos and had them sent to my new targets. Maybe that would earn me some points. Surely my offer of no-strings sex would be appreciated, but which one would go for me?

  The waitress delivered the order and pointed in my direction. I raised my glass and my brow, asking to join their table. They looked at each other, used their wingman mental telepathy communication skills, and then the shorter dark one waved me over.

  Yeah, that’s right. Bitch got her some boys.

  I grabbed my drink from the bar, slid off the stool, making sure to let my skirt ride up for any interested onlookers and made my way over to their table.

  “Hello, boys. Care to help a girl find some entertainment for the night?” Might as well get right to the point.

  Tanned hottie leaned forward, cupped his chin into his hand, and studied me. I thought I saw a twinkle of interest in his eyes. I would actually prefer the bigger of the two. The one studying me probably wore smaller sized pants than I did.

  The other leaned back, spread his arms across the chairs, and looked me up and down. He was brooding compared to the boyish summer light sitting beside him. They were equally qualified to be underwear models, but in contrast to each other. Yin and Yang.

  “What kind of entertainment you looking for, doll?” A hint of an Irish brogue made him even sexier.

  I looked from one to the other, tipped my head to the side, and licked my bottom lip. Obvious? Yes.

  Fake it till ya make it, right? Being shy, quiet, and complacent hadn’t gotten me anywhere except lonely and alone. I liked trying on this new persona of the bad girl. Maybe I would get everything I was looking for tonight.

  “Have a seat...” He raised a questioning eyebrow.

  I glanced to where Gray had been standing and didn’t see him. Well I was a big girl. I didn’t need his approval.

  “Angelina,” I filled in.

  “I’m Hawk and this is Ian.” My soon to be Black Irish lover pulled a chair out with his foot and offered his hand. How very gallant. I took it
, absorbing the heat of his skin into my cold fingers. His touch sent a warmth through my whole body that ended right between my legs. I could imagine all kinds of fun in the sheets with this man over me. He was perfect for the evening’s intrigues.

  “Hi. You guys come here often?” Oh, yeah. Real smooth.

  Ian leaned forward and looked me up and down, his eyes pausing for more than a two count at my boobs. “You are one hot little Latin lover, darlin’. We haven’t seen you here before. I would have noticed all of that.”

  Whoa. It was slightly disconcerting to have those fiery blue eyes focused on me like that. These guys were not the distant, proper gentleman from the country club, that was for sure. Neither was being shy about showing his interest in me.

  That was a new one, and it gave me the boost of confidence I needed to keep faking it.

  I didn’t know if the warmth building inside was the alcohol or arousal, but I knew I wanted more of it.

  The shots I’d bought for them were still sitting on the table. I snagged one and drank it down in one quick gulp. “You boys wanna flip a coin to see who gets to take me home tonight?”

  Ha. Had that actually come out of my mouth? I don’t know who had taken over my body and brain, but I liked her.

  Hawk grabbed the other shot and brought it to his lips. “Why do we have to flip for you when we could just share?” he asked and then swallowed the whiskey.

  What? Share? Like both of them...together? Something flip-flopped behind my breasts.

  “Hey, Angel. Who are your new friends?” Gray set a bottle of water in front of me, swung a chair around to the table, plopped down into it, and slung his arm around my shoulders.

  No no no no no no no. “Go away,” I whispered between my teeth and smiled at Hawk and Ian.

  “Hey, man, we didn’t know she was here with someone.” Hawk raised his hands and sat back in his chair. Ian pushed away from the table.

  “She is.” His grip on my shoulder tightened. “But that doesn’t mean she can’t have some fun.”

  The two men glanced at each other. I was losing them and it was all Gray’s fault. I pushed away from him and out from under his arm.

  Ian shook his head. “If you two are doing some sort of break-up game, we do not want to get in the middle of that.”

  I laughed, awkwardly. “No, no. It’s nothing like that. I swear.”

  What was I supposed to say, though? That I was slumming it in a dank and dirty bar looking for a revenge sex one-night stand and this was my bodyguard who I wished was actually my lover and...damn it. If Gray screwed this up for me, I swear I was going to fire his ass.

  “What’s it like then?” Ian asked.

  Gray grabbed the beer in front of me and took a swig. He was acting so casual, like there wasn’t a volatile fire sparking right in front of him. He rubbed my arm, petting me. “Angel here wants to sow her wild oats.”

  Hawk frowned and narrowed his eyes. “And you’re just going to let her?”

  Like it was the most commonplace thing in the world, Gray said, “I’m going to watch.”


  Dirty Dirty

  I almost broke my neck swinging my head around to look at him. He was staring right at me with more than a little heat in his eyes.

  He gave me the tiniest of a head nod. The go-ahead.

  Gulp. Okay then.

  I looked back at the guys and smiled, pretending this was totally normal.

  “You two like,” I didn’t want to sound as innocent as I was but wanted to be clear on what I was about to get myself into. “having some fun nasty sheet time together?”

  “Yeah, we do. With a woman between us.” It was as if Hawk were talking about dancing the way he casually mentioned sex with more than one other person. Dirty dancing.

  I could totally do some dirty things with this guy in charge.

  Hawk reached out and ran the back of two fingers down my bare arm. “Normally, I’m not much into exhibitionism, but if that’s what turns you on I might be willing to try it. Have you ever been in a threesome with two men before and does your boyfriend here always watch?”

  Chingada Madre, that was a turn on and a half. “I’ve seen it in porn.”

  Oops. I was supposed to be the dirty bitch, not the looking for trouble sexual ingénue. My teeth sunk into the side of my lip, partially nerves, partially an attempt to look sexy. It seemed to work because Hawk leaned forward and touched my knee, making circles on it, and then slid his hand up to the edge of my skirt.

  My pussy jumped, begging his fingers to keep going. “Now I want to try it. How does it work with you two?”

  I’d always had a hard enough time keeping one man’s attention during sex. Now I had to perform for three? Hay, Dios Mio.

  “Any way you want, doll. My preference is with you on your hands and knees between us,” he said, while a slow easy smile spread across his friend’s face. It was the kind that said they’d played this game before.

  “Although I’d like to get a taste of your pink pussy first. I could spend hours down there, babe.” A smooth, sensuous voice poured out of Ian’s throat. Like warm chocolate, it pooled its way into my chest and heated my belly. I could come simply from hearing him talk. Dirty.

  Gray spread himself out, pushing his leg against mine and throwing his arms over my shoulder again. The muscles in his legs tensed with each advance from my two suitors.

  Hawke’s hand, that I’d been begging to crawl up my thigh did more than that. It tugged at my flesh, asking me to spread my legs. “Mmm, that way you could suck on my cock while I watch him make you come. I love a woman screaming around my dick.” His fingers tickled the edge of my panties, touching the wet lace. “That turns you on, doesn’t it, doll?”

  I suppressed the urge to gasp. I’d been playing my best don’t-give-a-shit loose and fast persona. The truth was, I’d only ever had blond, bland Republican sex in the hopes that someday I’d marry a blond, bland Republican and become a Volvo driving soccer mom.

  Marc screwed that up when he decided to fuck Mindy Monahan of the Boston Monahans in the ass, in the bathroom, at our engagement party.

  No more good girl for me. I wanted to be a member of the bad girls’ club. Fucking around with these two tasty treats was the best initiation I could think of.

  Gray’s arm around my shoulder tightened. “Angel here is a little gem and I want her to have a safe encounter, so condoms and someplace private are the requirements.”

  The guys looked at each other and then at Gray.

  “We can do that, but if anything feels hinky at any point, we call it off and part ways. Agreed?”

  “Absolutely,” I said, and Grayson nodded.

  “Good. Our place or yours?” Ian asked.

  Gray sat back in the chair and while he was still in protective mode, his body relaxed. “I’ve got a suite at Cruz Towers.”

  Hawk whistled. He glanced between me and Gray with a different look in his eye. “Slumming it tonight, are we?”

  He had no idea. But neither had I. I didn’t even know Gray had a place in the high-end towers sporting my last name. Weird because he also lived in the carriage house behind my brownstone, and had his own rooms at the house. These guys didn’t know anything about me having a live-in bodyguard or more money than God. They didn’t need to. Not for a one-night stand. Which I hadn’t thought through at all.

  I tried to be very nonchalant, shaking my head. “What makes you say that?”

  “Only that your boyfriend’s fun shack caters to the lifestyles of the rich and famous. If you two live like that, you’re not hurting for cash.”

  Money was not one of my wounds. No need for them to know my family owned the whole building and most of the rest of the block.

  I grinned and grabbed Gray’s cheek, giving it a grandma squeeze and jiggle. “Grayson is my sugar daddy, aren’t you, pumpkin? He always takes good care of me.”

  “Something like that.” His voice was dark and his eyes followed

  Either I’d pissed him off or turned him on. My bet was on the piss. Too bad. I was having fun playing this part. Plus, it distracted me from any apprehensions of sexy times with two men.

  Gray stood and offered me his hand. The guys hadn’t even agreed to this plan yet. For that matter, neither had I. That was Gray. Taking charge. Which I liked. A lot. “Shall we?”

  “They haven’t even finished their drinks yet,” I said.

  “It’s drink more or play. But not both. We want everyone to be safe, sane, and the whole thing to be consensual.”

  Both men stood to join Gray like randy teenagers. I didn’t think this would happen quite so fast. Definitely not with two men and for Gray to be involved in any way shape or form. I thought I’d have more time.

  But if we were going to Gray’s suite now, my faking it days were over. The second I got undressed, all three men would see me for the inexperienced, chubby girl I’d hidden under expensive clothes, make-up, and bravado.

  All my life, I’d been faking it. Maybe it was time I didn’t.

  I stood up and took Gray’s hand. “Coming boys? Because I’d like to.”

  Yeah, baby.


  Sex, Lies, and Videotape

  I was going to do dirty, naughty things with two men while another one watched. Cojeme.

  Even as my head revolted at this idea with whole body jitters, there were some other quivers lower in my belly that were shooing the nerves away.

  Ian nodded, stood, and said, “I’ll grab us a cab.”

  “No, it’s okay. I have a car.” I nodded to Gray and he pulled out his phone, sending a quick text to the driver.

  “Ooh la la.” Hawk rolled his eyes and didn’t seem impressed at all.

  That’s all right, I wasn’t here to impress. I simply wanted to make it through the night and get on with my life.

  We walked outside to the waiting limo. I waved Ian and Hawk into the car ahead of me. Before I could follow, Gray grabbed my elbow and held me back from the open door. “Are you sure you want to do this, Angel?”