Read Recall to Arms Page 10

obvious hesitation he said, “Hey, I’ve got an idea; would you like to go bowling tonight and maybe hang out at the diner? Some of the other kids in town will be out and you could meet them.”

  “Sure, I guess so, but I’ll have to ask my parents. If they want to meet you, is that a problem?”

  “No, sure, of course, I can meet your parents.”

  Stacey’s eyes seemed to twinkle, “So, what time?”

  Peter could hardly contain himself, “How about eight o’clock?”

  “How about seven in case my dad wants to talk to you?”

  She went to her pool bag and took out a notepad and pen. She seemed more mature than anyone he’d dated in school. She handed him the paper. With her address and phone number, he wanted the day to end; but it seemed longer than any other day that summer.

  That evening he skipped dinner. His mother was curious, but his father seemed disinterested in the “new girl.” He left the house after cleaning the inside of his old Chevy convertible. The top was up. At Stacey’s house, his knees were shaking as he approached the front door and mistakenly pushed the doorbell twice.

  She opened the door dressed in a short pleated skirt. Her blouse was open at the neck and hair flowed in soft brown waves. She mesmerized him. Her father and mother stood behind her.

  “Mom, dad, this is Peter.” Stepping aside, she gestured for him to enter. He realized that she didn’t know his last name.

  “Peter Shields sir, ma’am” He extended his hand first to Stacey’s father, then to her mother. Relief shot through his body when both gave him genuine smiles and expressed pleasant greetings.

  The only thing her father said was “Don’t stay out too late” and her mother said “Have a good time.”

  Leaving, he said “Your parents seem really nice” as his pulse rate started returning to normal.

  That night, they met some of Peter’s friends at the bowling alley, and later at a drive-in restaurant. Stacey enjoyed the camaraderie and was a magnet for all the boys. He was feeling especially good when he took her home before eleven.

  Parking in her parent’s driveway, they walked slowly to the front door. He felt awkward saying “Stacey, I had a great time tonight. There isn’t much to do in town, but you made everything special.”

  “It was such fun Peter! I lead a pretty dull life at school and it was special to get out with you and your friends.” After a brief pause at the door she continued, “I hope we can do it again!” Before he could say anything more, she stood on her toes and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Thanks. See you at the pool.”

  Peter was dumbstruck, saying nothing as she closed the door gently. Stunned, he wasn’t used to being kissed so spontaneously. His emotions raced while walking to the car.

  Driving home, he let his mind drift with emotion, finally settling on the disturbing fact that it would end in three months when he reported to the Army. Instead of the hopeful anticipation he felt after the oath, he now regretted it.

  They saw each other all through the summer, spending almost every day together. They fell in love; at least they shared feelings that felt like love. For the first few weeks, they spent whatever time Peter was free doing things that Stacey had never done before. Looking back, he wondered if she really enjoyed mountain biking or shooting at targets in the woods. They enjoyed being together and that was all that mattered.

  One night in mid-summer, they went to a movie, then mingled with friends at the Burger King, after which Peter decided to drive to Easter Ridge. He was nervous suggesting it, but when she said “Okay”, he could barely talk while driving.

  Easter Ridge is a barren hilltop north of Wilkes-Barre. Easter sunrise services were held there, but it was otherwise abandoned and isolated. Peter heard other guys bragging about their conquests on “the ridge”, but he’d never been there with a girl. His head was exploding with conflicted expectation. The drive took half an hour along a dark lonely road, and they hardly spoke while Stacey played with the radio. There was a full moon.

  Exiting the road onto a dirt path, the Chevy bounced across ruts and grooves angling uphill through the forest. Nearing the top, the trees opened to a grassy knoll about a quarter mile square. They were the only people there as Peter parked facing the moon. It was breathtaking.

  He turned off the ignition, stopping the radio. They both listened to the breeze blowing across his convertible top. Stacey was sitting at his side with her head tilted, looking through the windshield at the evening sky. “It’s beautiful,” she said breaking the silence.

  “Yeah, I sent a message to God asking him for this night.” Pleased with his response, Peter wasn’t sure what to do next. he’d never parked with a girl before. After a few still moments, he ventured ahead by stretching his right arm over her shoulders.

  She nestled closer saying, “It’s chilly up here.”

  “Do you want me to start the engine and heater?”

  “No, that’s not what I need to be warm.” She lifted her face toward him, inviting his lips to her. He hesitated then kissed her passionately for several minutes. He twisted behind the steering wheel, straining his back muscles. He knew it was uncomfortable for her too, but did not want to lose the intimacy of the moment. With his contorted muscles straining, sweat began forming on his forehead. Stacey said in a whisper “Maybe we would be more comfortable in the back seat.”

  “In the back seat?”

  “Sure silly, that steering wheel has you all scrunched up; you should be more comfortable. Let’s get in back.”

  “Okay.” Still unsure of himself, he opened his door and rushed around the front of the car stumbling on the uneven turf. Before he could open the passenger door, she had crawled over the seat into the back.

  “Fooled ya,” she giggled

  He pushed past the front seat and climbed back with her. He was nervous, without any clue about what to do next. Stacey took charge. She was sitting with her back against the driver side with her legs outstretched on the seat. Peter tried to avoid sitting on her legs while slanting forward to resume kissing her, when she said “Okay Peter, you need to get comfy and the seat isn’t wide enough for you to lie beside me. Come on, you can put one leg over mine.”

  He took a breath, terrified, but Stacey was calm as he lay half on top of her. In the dark, he could only imagine her dress high on her thighs as she relaxed under his weight. He was shaking with desire, but too scared to do anything. He could not initiate anything further. Stacey seemed totally relaxed softly saying, “Peter, I know I can trust you and we’re in love. I want you to have me tonight.”

  “I do love you with all my heart. I won’t hurt you or do anything you don’t want. I promise.”

  They kissed again, long, lingering and wet. Their tongues played together by mimicking the act of lovemaking they knew was coming. Stacey was equally inexperienced, but she was much calmer than Peter. As they embraced, she lowered her right hand along his back, following his strong physique around his belt line, as their pulses raced.

  For the next hour, the young lovers explored sex for the first time. As it ended, their heart rates slowed and the clamminess of their skin began to chill. “We better get dressed” she said, as he looked at her through dreary love-struck eyes.

  “Right” was all he could say.

  Giggling, Stacey pushed him away with her foot and started reassembling her clothes. She said “Thank you”, while getting dressed. Peter moved outside in the moonlight to finish dressing. It was cold, but the backseat was too cramped for both of them. He decided to wait outside until she was finished.

  When done, she crawled over the seat again. To his delight, she was sitting in the middle of the bench seat. As he climbed in the driver side, they embraced and kissed again. He felt that they could stay like this until sunrise; but both were fearful of restrictions by her parents. Starting the engine, he turned slowly in a circle, heading back toward town. She was leaning aga
inst his shoulder, and he knew there would be more sex between them.

  The summer together passed quickly. They continued to have fun, sharing more than sex. They had been virgins together, discovering life’s mystery, creating a private bond that would last forever.

  At the end of the summer, neither believed they would never see each other again. Stacey moved to Virginia in late August to live with relatives while attending the University. She wanted to be veterinarian, which would mean at least eight years of education. Peter finished the last days of summer getting the pool ready to close for the season and preparing to leave for the Army. Alone at night, he felt glum; he’d been committed to the military before meeting Stacey.

  They wrote letters and emails, and talked on the phone for a while; but over time, she found another boyfriend and the communications stopped. As years passed, Peter often reflected on that summer, and wondered how life would be different if he hadn’t rushed to join the Army. Tonight, on the hilltop, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the evening. Nights like this were rare. The tepid air seemed to come from all directions, and the sky was clear with an incandescent moon, like Easter Ridge.

  Peter went into the shed for his cot shortly after sunset. In the morning, he would walk to the clubhouse before dawn and take care of domestic needs. He would help open the kitchen in exchange for breakfast. Once night