Read Reckless Heat Page 23

  “Get out there then.”

  Paxton revved up and headed over to his starting position. I went over to the sidelines to watch, brushing back a floppy section of hair from my forehead. It was dusty out here, and the hair felt brittle and dry. Jinx would no doubt complain about me tracking dust into the apartment later. I hoped she did so I could punish her for it. Sometimes, I knew she did stuff like that because she wanted me to punish her. I understood now more than ever that she enjoyed what we did as much as I did. That’s what some people didn’t get about the Dom / Sub relationship. Outwardly, it looked like it was all about the Sub pleasing the Dom, but it was a two-way street, and that’s what Jinx and I had.

  The director gave the signal to start, and the cars started a slow roll. Paxton cruised up between them, and they started to speed up together.

  For the first time, I was happy it wasn’t me out there. I had so much to lose now. I’d have been worried about what would happen if I had another accident. Who would take care of my girl if something happened to me? The pain that she would feel if I was taken from her because I’d been too selfish to accept that some things were just too risky. All of that was hardly the right kind of attitude to get you in the zone.

  But when I watched from a distance, I felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing that if whatever happened was as great as I thought it would be, people would be impressed by my talent. It was art, in a way. I’d never thought myself an artist before. I liked it.

  Paxton and the cars picked up speed. They were reaching their top speeds, and the maneuver was coming quick. I watched with baited breath as Paxton jutted out in front of them, made the turn seamlessly, rode up onto the roof of the car...

  And wiped out. Hard.

  “Shit!” I started off at a run toward him.

  The paramedic van whizzed past me, sending up a volley of dust that stung at my eyes and made it impossible to see Paxton. Was he okay? Was he alive? Shit, what if I’d killed him?

  Dark, nasty thoughts ran through my head. What if one of my stunts had ruined another man’s career? That was a horrible way to start off my new venture, and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to recover from it. I’d be untouchable, but even if I weren’t, I wouldn’t want to go near a stunt ever again.

  By the time the dust cleared, the van was blocking my view of Paxton. I was close and rounded the white obstruction just in time to see Paxton break out laughing at something one of the medics said.

  He was seated on the edge of the van while they checked his head, shining lights into his eyes and prodding around for injuries. Paxton was grinning, not a care in the world.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, breathing hard as my heart pounded in my ears.

  Finally noticing me, Paxton perked up in my presence. “Oh, hey! Yeah, I’m good. I totally farmed that one, sorry.”

  “As long as you’re okay,” I replied and sucked in a deep breath. “I was worried for a sec.”

  He shrugged, chuckling. “I live for moments like this, man. I know what I did wrong, so I’ll get it right next time.”

  I blinked. I hadn’t expected him to be so...cheery.

  Then again, I’d been that way once.

  “Yeah, sure. When do you want to go again?”

  Paxton scratched his head, shooting me a bright smile. “I’m ready to go now. Can we go now?”

  The medics nodded in my direction. “He’s clear,” one of them said.

  “Lucky,” said the other.

  Paxton guffawed. “Lucky? I’d have been lucky if I got a bit more air. Definitely one of the more boring wipeouts I’ve had.” He winked. “Let’s go again!”



  I finished applying my last coat of lipstick and admired myself in the mirror. Diamond earrings, a slinky green dress, and just the right amount of makeup.

  “I’ve never seen you so fabulous,” Rhett commented. “I just wish I was there. It sounds like it will be so much fun.”

  I smiled and walked over to the iPad, picking it up until we were face level. “It’s not like Drew would be bringing you as his date,” I joked.

  Rhett rolled his eyes. “You don’t know that for sure.”

  Drew strolled into the room, pulling at his bowtie. “Yeah, Jinx. How do you know that Rhett and I wouldn’t look good on the red carpet together?”

  “I’m not saying you two wouldn’t look good,” I countered. “Just that if Drew took anyone but me to this thing, I’d cut his balls off.”

  Rhett winced from thousands of miles away. “Ouch.”

  “Good to know,” said Drew, a twinkle in his eye. “The car’s here. You ready?”

  “Oh, the car’s here,” said Rhett in a snobbish voice. “Look at me, I’m a fancy stunt choreographer, and I hire drivers to take my girlfriend to movie premiers.”

  I laughed and addressed Drew first. “Got it. I’ll be out in a sec.” Turning back to Rhett, I waggled a finger at his image. “What do you expect us to show up in? A cab? And tease him like that, and he’ll stop keeping an eye out for eligible movie star boyfriends for you.”

  Rhett sobered, eyes narrowing. “He wouldn’t.”

  “He would. Anything else you need to tell me before I head out?”

  “Just that I miss you and I can’t wait for you to visit next week.”

  “And the same to you.” I blew him a kiss. “Now go write up some lesson plans, or whatever it is you do these days.”

  I ended my call with Rhett, then went to meet Drew at the door. He was slaying it in an all-black tux that fit him just as well as the little half smile perched on his lips. I’d never seen him so done up, and damn, did he look good.

  “You ready?”

  I nodded and took his outstretched hand. “Let’s go make some magic.”

  The little studio apartment we rented wasn’t luxurious or elaborate, but it was home for us. Since Drew had gotten this job six months ago, we’d been saving to put a down payment on our own place, but so far this was all we had. Still, I loved every bit of it. I loved the white furniture and the silver accents on the kitchen cabinets. I loved waking up next to Drew, wrapped in our fluffy duvet. I loved that it was ours and that each day we came home and fell right into each other’s arms.

  I loved my life with Drew. I loved Drew.

  They say that the grass is always greener on the other side, but I hadn’t felt that in a long time. Not since I met him and my whole life took on new meaning. Not since my life started to finally make sense.

  I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed as the elevator slid down to the main floor.

  “What’s the matter?” he murmured.

  I smiled and patted his strong chest. “Nothing. That was a happy sigh.”

  “Good.” He chuckled. “If you’re going to be a surly date, I’ll take someone else.”

  I punched him in the ribs, and he pretended that I’d actually managed to injure him. The cocky grin he sent my way when I scowled at his performance was enough to knock the surliness right out of me.

  We stepped onto the street, but I didn’t see the town car he’d ordered. The only car pulled up in front of our building was a black stretch limousine that looked exactly like every girl’s fantasy.

  The driver got out, smiling broadly at us. “Good evening,” he greeted, walking around to open the door.

  I opened my mouth to tell him he had the wrong people, but Drew gestured toward the open door. “Your chariot awaits.”

  “You got us a limo?” My heart skipped a beat.

  Drew held my hand to assist me getting in, then kissed it. “I got you a limo,” he said. “You deserve it.”

  He slid down into the seat next to me, and the driver closed the door. Inside was a bottle of champagne on ice and two glasses. I was so happy that I was seriously struggling not to cry. The last thing I needed was to show up to my first movie premiere with black mascara streaks down my face. They’d stop inviting me after that. I hadn’t realized I’d needed waterproof mak
e-up to see an action movie.

  “Wow, Drew.”

  It was all I could say. Wow was right. He leaned forward and popped open the champagne, pouring us both glasses.

  “To us,” Drew said.

  “To us.”

  We drank, the bubbles teasing my throat all the way down. It was damn fine champagne. Drew was really slathering on the charm. I wondered if we’d be able to navigate around the tricky clasps of my gown quick enough to get in a little action before we arrived on the red carpet. Would the driver mind? Surely he saw stuff like that all the time.

  As I was considering the viability of a backseat shag, Drew took my glass out of my hand and placed it next to his.

  “Hey, I was drinking that,” I complained.

  He smirked. “You can drink it again in a second. You’re going to want to have your hands free for this.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows at him and grinned. Maybe he was thinking dirty thoughts as well. I could ride him with my skirt hiked up around my waist, or he could take me from behind. There was plenty of room for me to kneel on the floor. I slid my hand up his thigh to his crotch.

  “You and I are on surprisingly different pages right now,” he said, laughing as he gently removed my hand before I could start massaging his cock.

  I frowned at him, confused. “What page are you on?”

  “I don’t know…” he said thoughtfully. His hand snuck into his tux pocket so stealthily that I nearly missed it. When he pulled it out again, it was clutching a velvet box. A ring box.

  Fuck me.

  “I guess you could say I’m on the page where I ask you to marry me.”

  He flipped open the lid to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. The center diamond was surrounded by a halo of smaller diamonds, and they sparkled brilliantly, even in the dim lighting of the limo.

  My jaw dropped.

  Oh shit.

  It was looking like my mascara river was inevitable. I brought my hands to my open mouth, as if that would stop me from blubbering like a madwoman.


  “Generally, this is the part where you scream yes and attack me,” he joked. “Should I have gotten down on one knee? I suppose I could. I thought the limo would be enough.”

  I laughed, though my eyes were tearing up like crazy and the sound came out as more of a half sob. “Of course I’ll marry you, you idiot.”

  I grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss. Our breaths, lips, and passion molded and mingled together. With this ring, everything we were would mold and mingle together. My perfect life had just been taken up a notch. How could I have gotten so lucky?

  “I do have one condition,” I said breathlessly.

  Drew’s lips brushed mine as he spoke. “What’s that?”

  I grinned wickedly. “I think we should continue our therapy sessions.”

  Drew’s eyes met mine, green as freshly mown grass. Green as the emerald gown I wore. Green as the grass on our side of the fence.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Turn the page to read the bonus books.

  Book Description

  Senator’s daughter, Piety Van Allen, wakes up in Las Vegas with no memory of the previous night’s escapes. Not only does she find a naked stranger in her bed, but when she learns that she’s now married to the handsome Australian stripper from Flames Down Under, panic erupts.

  However, her best friend, Astra, comes up with a plan that could solve everything…or cause even more problems.

  Part One



  My head.

  Shit…my head.

  I had a concussion once, but it hadn’t hurt like this. Moaning, I pulled a pillow over my head and prayed for oblivion. Or death. Right now, I was willing to take either one.

  The pounding inside my skull only got worse, and as the bed shifted under me, my belly started to slosh around, making me feel nauseated too. That was just lovely.

  The bed shifted again, and I snapped, “Would you be still?”

  “Sorry,” a rough voice muttered.

  A rough, deep sexy voice.

  Somehow, that fact managed to penetrate the fog of pain and exhaustion, and I tugged the pillow an inch lower. It didn’t help. It actually made things worse because some moron – probably me – had forgotten to close the curtains last night and now the piercing bright light of a Las Vegas morning was trying to singe my retinas. But I needed to know why I’d just heard a man’s voice in my room.

  No, in my bed.

  There shouldn’t be a man’s voice in my room.

  Or anywhere in my vicinity.

  I tugged the pillow lower.


  A little lower.

  A disgruntled grumble came from my left, and I turned my head.

  Blond hair, sun-streaked and rumpled, hid half his face, but there was no denying one simple fact.

  There was most definitely a naked man just inches beside me.

  And I sure as hell didn’t know him.

  Yelping, I half jumped out of the bed, but fell on my ass as the blankets refused to come with me. They were tangled around his body, hanging on him for long moments before finally coming free.

  I scrambled backward and clambered to my feet just as he shoved upward onto his elbows, looking around with a surly snarl.

  Oh. Wow.

  He was…oh. Wow.

  And naked.

  Oh. Wow.

  “Who the hell are you?” I blurted, my hangover momentarily forgotten as I found myself staring into a pair of beautiful, pale blue eyes.

  He blinked, the irritation in his eyes fading, replaced by the same confusion I felt. “I…” Thick lashes, black and dusted with gold on the tips, fell over those amazing eyes, but even that couldn’t hide one plain and simple fact – he was checking me out the same way I’d just checked him out.

  Immediately, my nipples tightened, stabbing into the sheet I held clutched to my breasts.

  “Ah, the name’s Kaleb,” he said softly and thrust a hand through his unruly hair.

  A shiver raced down my spine as he spoke. An accent. I was such a sucker for an accent. “You…” I swallowed and told myself to get a grip. “You’re Australian. Sydney?”

  A thick blond brow shot up. “Good ear. Most Yanks wouldn’t recognize the difference between somebody from Sydney versus somebody from Perth. Spent much time there?”

  “Um, no.” With a weak smile, I shrugged. “My…family travels a lot. Or they used to.” I shrugged, not wanting to get into any of that. Besides, I had other things on my mind. Like why he was in my room. Although that was obvious. He was naked. I was naked. I reached up to push my hair back. Sunlight glinted off something, and I froze.

  “Oh.” Swallowing nervously, I stared at the gaudy thing on my left hand. “Oh, shit.”

  I glared at him, only to see him standing by the side of the bed, staring down at something I didn’t think was his toes.

  What in the hell was he doing? Admiring himself?

  He reached down and understanding dawned, mostly because I saw the empty condom wrapper on the nightstand. Blood rushed to my face, and my head started to spin.

  No. Oh, no.

  “A dream,” I whispered. “This is all a crazy dream.”

  I waited for the sexy Aussie to tell me otherwise or maybe come over and pick me up, kiss me…something that would convince me that maybe this was a dream. He was too busy walking toward the bathroom, treating me to an excellent view of his perfect ass – not an image I could easily look away from.

  “Not happening,” I said and pinched myself hard enough to hurt. Things were looking more and more insane by the minute.

  In desperation, I rushed for the door that opened into the adjoining suite.

  The lights were still off, and it was thankfully dim in there. Astra, my best friend, must have remembered to close the blinds, the wench.

  I fumbled through the dark living room area
and found my way into the bedroom. The blinds were pulled there too. I was tempted to just lay down and curl up next to her, but I needed to know what was going on.

  She was snoring softly, and when I shook her, she swatted at my hand. “Not today, baby,” she mumbled.

  “Wake up, Astra. It’s me.”

  She swatted at me again. “Oomph.”

  “Astra!” I shook her harder. When that brought no response, I went to the windows and grabbed a handful of curtains, jerking them open. She screeched behind me.

  “Bitch! Close those damn curtains!”

  “Wake up and talk to me,” I said, ignoring her. If I could handle the marching band in my skull, she could handle the light.

  She cracked an eye open, bloodshot and tired. Okay, she probably had a marching band of her own.

  But unlike me, Astra didn’t get totally wasted and forget things when she got drunk. “What happened last night?” I asked, holding up my hand, wiggling my fingers to give her something to focus on.

  A wide smiled curled her lips, and it even went to her eyes, bloodshot and tired as they were. “What do you mean, what happened? Forgotten already, sweetcheeks?”

  “Astra,” I said slowly, praying for patience. “I’m going to kill you, chop you into tiny pieces, and toss the remains out all over the desert. You’ll be eaten by scavengers before your family even knows you’re missing.”

  “Oh…savage.” She looked unfazed and sat up, lazily stretching her arms over her chest. The skinny strapped silk nightshirt she wore barely managed to cover her considerable...assets.

  I wouldn’t have had so much trouble. But then again, her breasts were probably the only thing holding the shirt up, with its deep vee neckline and high cut sides. Astra had one hell of a body.

  That nightshirt would've gaped down to my belly button. My body was strong and firm in all the right places, but an abundance of cleavage was one thing God had not blessed me with. I was smart, attractive. Confident too. I also had ridiculously wealthy parents who tried to control my life, but no excessive boobs in sight.