Read Reckless Heat Page 5

  As if sensing my thoughts, Rhett glanced down at me. “How are things going with your sexy stuntman?”

  I shrugged and took a few steps back to my seat, plonking down. “They’re going. He’s...complicated.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, he seems like he’s interested, and I’m definitely interested in him, but I wonder if we could ever really be anything?”

  Rhett stopped checking himself out in the mirror and came to stand in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest. Shit. I wasn’t sure I was ready for his full attention.

  “Why not?” he asked.

  His tone was less comforting and more commanding.

  “I don’t know, Rhett. We’re from different worlds.” I gestured around me. “Drew’s a small-town guy with a strong connection to his family and a lack of ability or desire to pursue his dream in the wider world. And you know me. I’m a city girl who only wants to pursue my dream in the wider world. I need to be in the heart of the action, whereas Drew needs space to be wild and get dirty.”

  Rhett’s mouth twitched into a lascivious smile. “I dunno, girl, that doesn’t sound so bad to me. Have you thought about trying things his way for a while?”

  I had, actually, though I hadn’t talked to anyone about it. What if I changed from visiting with a friend, to actually trying out what it might be like to live in a place like this? In this place?

  “Right now, I’m just taking a little distance.”

  Rhett raised a skeptical brow. “And what does that entail?”

  “Well...” I looked down at my feet. “I haven’t talked to him all day. Surely that’s a start.”

  Rhett snorted but made no further comment.

  Except my intention for a little distance didn’t last much longer than that. An hour later, when Drew called and asked me out on a date for that evening, I agreed.

  And I was even a little excited.

  Okay, more than a little.



  Drew picked me up from Rhett’s house, but we didn’t talk until we dismounted his bike around the back of Capelli’s. I probably should have felt lucky that he was taking me to the nicest restaurant in town, but it wasn’t like it was fine dining. I felt nervous more than anything.

  We’d never actually gone out on a nice, proper date. Was he going to end things with me? Had I screwed up somehow?

  “You look beautiful,” Drew said, taking my hand and leading me toward the front of the restaurant.

  “You’re looking pretty handsome yourself,” I commented.

  He’d gone so far as to put on a dress shirt and fancy shoes. I decided I preferred him just a little grimy, but he was mouthwatering no matter what he wore. I especially appreciated how the shirt clung to the definition of his pecs. Hot damn.

  Once we’d been seated, Drew caught my eye, his expression unusually sober. “I have a feeling you’re upset at me for something.”

  Better to get this out of the way, I supposed.

  I fiddled with a strand of my hair. “Well, I was a bit confused by how you were acting last night. I tell you that I had a shit interview kissed me.” I sighed. “Yes, I kissed you back, and no, I don’t regret the sex, but...”

  His expression was grim as he nodded along. “I know, it was a shitty move.”

  I was about to forgive him then and there, but he lowered his head a little and kept on apologizing.

  “I guess I got a little caught up worrying about you leaving.” His eyes were full of sincerity. It was touching. “I shouldn’t have let that get to me so much. I’m just not used to...this.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him over my water glass, but the waitress chose that moment to come over for our drink orders. When she was gone, I made sure to pick up right where we left off.

  “What is this exactly?” I asked. “What aren’t you used to? Going on dates? Boston girls? What?”

  There was no possible way for Drew to ever appear sheepish. His strong bone structure and the fact that his lips always looked at least a little bit cocky made it impossible. But that moment was the closest I’d ever seen him to that emotion.

  “I guess I just mean spending time with someone as much as we have. Wanting to spend time with someone as much as I want to spend time with you.”

  My heart gave a soppy thump, and I reached for his hand over the table. I half expected him to deny me that level of public affection, but Drew didn’t even hesitate. He wrapped his large hand around mine and squeezed.

  “Thank you,” I said. “For the apology. And you’re forgiven.”

  He grinned. All traces of sheepishness evaporated. Cocky Drew was back. “Good. Now prepare to have the best date you’ve ever had.”

  Since the fair was over, Drew no longer had a hotel room in town. I wasn’t about to take him back to Rhett’s house to meet a family that wasn’t even mine, so we ended up getting a cheap motel room that looked a lot cleaner than it probably was.

  By the time we walked through the door, though, it didn’t matter even a little. We were too engrossed in each other and had been since he’d kissed me outside the restaurant. It had only been twenty-four hours since I’d last tasted those lips, but I thirsted for him like he was the last drop of water in the desert.

  Drew slammed the motel door shut and then pushed me against it. I hooked a leg around his hip, and he hoisted me into the air like I weighed nothing. Maybe I didn’t. I felt weightless with him, like we’d left all the world’s problems outside. Now it was just the two of us, grappling for skin and choking down breaths between fierce kisses.

  He was already hard, and his erection rubbed against my sensitive core through layers of clothes. I moaned with pleasure, tightening my legs to pull him closer. I always needed him closer.

  “Next time I’m going to fuck you at my place,” he murmured against my lips. “Want to see you spread out on my bed. But I couldn’t wait tonight. You looked so fucking good in that dress.”

  I smiled into his mouth and nipped at his lower lip. “You’re looking pretty damn fine yourself, Mikelson. But I think I’d rather you were naked.”

  “Couldn’t agree more.”

  Before I knew what was happening, Drew swung us around and tossed me onto the bed. The springs screeched, and I giggled. Then I watched with bated breath as Drew stripped down to nothing. God, he looked good. People didn’t realize the sort of muscles that it took to do what he did. The tattoos that covered his arms and back rippled as he moved. There was both strength and grace in him, and arousal throbbed low in my belly.

  I scooted to the end of the bed and pulled him toward me so I could pepper kisses all along his stomach. I licked and kissed those amazing V-grooves even as I wrapped my hands around his cock. He moaned as my hands began to slowly work on his shaft, and almost fell over when I lowered my head to the tip and began to suck.

  I wanted all of Drew. I wanted him in every way I could have him. And I especially wanted his cock in my mouth. Feeling him quiver and shake as I alternated licking along his shaft and swallowing him whole was erotic beyond measure.

  “Fuck, Jinx.” Drew’s hand wound through my hair, pulling me just a little bit closer, made me take him a little deeper.

  I hummed against his shaft and swirled my tongue faster. I didn’t go for the showy sort of shit that girls learned from watching porn. I was all about making him feel good.

  He swore again and pulled me off him, eyes burning.

  “Clothes off,” he ordered, his voice hoarse.

  I happily obliged, stripping down before scooting backward. I didn’t bother with trying to make it sexy, but he didn’t seem to mind. He watched as I tossed my dress onto the floor. I followed it with my bra and panties, leaving me as naked as he was.

  I licked my lips as I leaned back on the pillows, and I could almost see the way he shivered. I loved having this kind of effect on him. He was a big guy and could easily overpower me, but in this one way, I had him in the palm o
f my hand. Power came in all forms, as I’d learned a few years ago.

  “You’re amazing,” he murmured, crawling toward me. Before I could respond, his tongue traced up my inner thigh, and the words dried up in my throat. He chuckled, his lips just skating along my outer lips.

  I held my breath and waited. I’d wanted to know what it was like to have his mouth on me, to feel him kissing my pussy the way he did my mouth.

  He parted my folds with his tongue, lapping at my core with relish, not easing into it in the same way I had with him. He devoured me, and I had to clench my fists in the bedsheets to stop from exploding. I couldn’t stop my hips from bucking up though, from seeking more, closer, deeper.

  And he gave it all.

  And then some.

  When he slid a finger into me, I couldn’t hold back a wail any longer. I ignored the knowledge that there were probably dozens of people who could hear me and let myself go. I couldn’t find it in me to care about anything other than the tongue manipulating my clit, and the fingers thrusting and twisting inside me.

  Holy hell. He was a fucking expert at this. Between his tongue and fingers, it felt like every erogenous zone I had was being stimulated at once.

  Maybe it was because of the tension that had been building all day, or maybe it was just from how turned on sucking his cock had made me, but I knew it wouldn’t be long until I tipped over the edge. Every moment pushed me higher, sent waves of pleasure over me, through me.

  My body quaked.

  My thighs clenched.

  And then he laced his fingers between mine and sucked on my clit. Hard.

  The world slipped out from underneath me, and I flew, soared, shattered.

  When I could finally capture a breath and the room around me came back into focus, I saw Drew staring at me with a devious smile. Locking our eyes, he inched up my body, lavishing hot kisses on my stomach and breasts on his way. Then his mouth covered mine, and it was all I could do to keep up with the ferocity of the kiss. It was teeth and tongue, and I could taste myself on him, and it made me dig my nails into his shoulders until he growled.

  At some point, he’d put on a condom, because when he settled between my legs, I could feel the thin layer of latex separating us. I appreciated his dedication to being safe, but I couldn’t deny the small part of me that wondered what it would be like to feel him bare inside me, feel his cock empty into me.

  He nudged at my entrance but didn’t push inside. I arched up, already feeling the ache in my core that told me I would die without him. I grabbed his ass and tried to pull him into me. I needed to feel the stretch and burn of his thick cock splitting me open.

  “I love seeing you like this.” His breath ghosted over my ear, making all my hair stand on end. “You’re so sexy but so sweet at the same time. It’s like you let your body take over and your mind takes a back seat.”

  He was right. When I was with Drew, I felt like my mind surrendered to everything happening to me. I wasn’t worrying, I wasn’t thinking. I was feeling, and only feeling him. I wasn’t sure what I felt about him being able to read me so well, but I would deal with that later.

  Right now, I had more important matters to tend to.

  Drew slid inside of me with one smooth stroke, and our bodies immediately picked up the dance they’d only just begun to learn together but had already begun to master. I closed my eyes, let myself enjoy how he filled me.

  I gave myself over to him and what I was feeling. I let myself be lost in his body, in our pleasure, and ignored the rest.



  Bringing a girl home to meet my family had never been something I thought I would do. Okay, I’d considered it as a future possibility, but only in the way that one envisioned themselves having kids or going gray. It wasn’t like it would be happening anytime soon, so why waste time thinking about it?

  Well, now I was in anxiety overdrive because I’d invited Jinx over to meet my family, and then immediately realized what a bad idea it was.

  I’d never brought a girl over before. What if my brothers decided to be assholes just to mess with me? What if Delaney tried to get too buddy-buddy and scared her off? Christ, what if my parents asked questions about our relationship?

  I tried not to think about it. I really did try. And I’d almost mastered it, up until the moment I picked up Jinx, and she was wearing the sweetest little summer dress. It had some sort of fruit printed on it, the hem just grazing her knees, and she looked like a wet dream come true.


  She slipped into the passenger seat of my beat up the pickup and leaned across the gearbox to kiss me.

  “I can’t believe you actually have a truck,” she said, her voice light and teasing. “How ordinary. I thought you just drove a dirt bike everywhere you went.”

  I chuckled and slid into first gear, pulling away and heading toward the highway. “I didn’t bring my truck when I was staying in town because I didn’t think it was necessary. I had no idea I’d be going on so many dates.”

  She smiled and reached over to drape her hand across mine where it sat on the gear shift. “I think that’s kinda sweet.”

  I blew air between my teeth and shook my head. Nonetheless, a familiar warmth snaked up inside of me.

  I still hadn’t gotten used to Jinx, or to the way I felt around her. Who knew if I ever would.

  “I can’t believe it!” Delaney practically skipped down the front lawn toward us, her eyes wide with glee. “Drew’s bringing home a girl! It’s like Christmas all over again.”

  This was exactly what I’d been afraid of, but Jinx took it in stride.

  “Look at you!” she said. “You’re like a carbon copy of your brother.”

  Delaney stopped and did a twirl, sending her black hair whirling through the air. Then she jumped up and gave me a big hug, squeezing me as tight as she could. After she’d finished with me, Delaney pulled Jinx in for a hug too. It was almost comical since Jinx was a few inches shorter than Delaney and definitely not as comfortable with the hug as she appeared.

  Still, she worked through it like a champ.

  “Mom’s been cooking since four,” Delaney said. She released Jinx and moved behind us, pressing us toward the front door. “I think she’ll absolutely lose her shit if she thinks either of you doesn’t like the food, so my advice is to put the enthusiasm up to eleven.”

  “Duly noted.” Jinx sent a sly side eye my way, her lips curved into a delicious grin.

  I reminded myself that kissing her senseless right here in the driveway probably wasn’t the sort of impression Jinx wanted to make.

  The second we got in the door, my mother came out of the kitchen. She had a hand towel tossed over her shoulder, and her glasses sat askew on the end of her nose, which meant she really had been cooking up a storm.

  “There’s my boy.” She smiled. “I’d almost thought you’d been replaced by a changeling when you told me you’d be bringing a girl over for dinner.”

  I cringed. “Mom.”

  “And this is Jinx?” Mom turned to the small blonde next to me. “Oh, you’re so beautiful! It’s no wonder you’ve swept Drew off his feet.”

  It didn’t matter how many stunts I did after this; Jinx would never think I was a badass again. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so embarrassed.

  But then I looked at Jinx, and the expression on her face was positively beatific. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen her smile so wide. I supposed my humiliation was worth it.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Mikelson.” Jinx extended a hand toward my mother. “I’ve heard so much about you. You’ve raised an amazing son.”

  Mom bypassed the handshake and went straight in for a hug. “If only one of my sons has turned out amazing, that’s more than I could have hoped for,” she joked.

  “Rude, Mom.”

  I looked up to see Dallas in the doorway. He leaned against it, chewing on a piece of food he’d stolen from the kitchen. I knew that beca
use as soon as Mom saw it, she shot him a hard glare and he gave her the lazy sort of grin that most people outside family didn’t get to see.

  “Dallas Mikelson, you’ll spoil your appetite.”

  Dallas tipped his head back and dropped the rest of whatever was in his hand into his mouth. Even the novelty of Jinx couldn’t stop my mom from darting toward him and smacking his hand, muttering something about him being a dumbass. She strode past him and back into the kitchen, apparently intent on making sure nothing else went missing.

  Dallas smiled and walked forward, extending a hand to Jinx. “Dallas Mikelson, at your service.”

  He was probably just being polite, but I couldn’t help the jealousy that snaked through me as Jinx smiled and took his hand. I didn’t like the way he was looking at her. Dallas was almost as bad with women as me. He’d never brought a girl home either.

  “I think that’s enough introductions for now,” I said, grabbing Jinx’s hand and pulling her away from my brother and toward the living room.

  Unfortunately, we didn’t get a second to be alone because the moment I put my hands on her waist to pull her toward me, Dad and Derek walked in, so the introductions continued.

  The dinner had originally been meant as a celebration of Delaney getting a place in town, but as soon as I told Mom I’d be bringing a girl, she’d turned it from a quiet, informal family dinner to a fucking circus.

  I stared at the fancy folded napkin on my dinner plate, trying to remember if I’d ever seen Mom fold napkins before. It was like the queen was coming over for dinner. Maybe even more special.

  Something in my stomach squirmed.

  Delaney didn’t even seem to notice that the focus of the meal had shifted from her to my love life. Not that she’d ever been the type to put herself before others. As the youngest, she always liked to be in the spotlight, but she would share it with anybody if there was an occasion for it. She’d been doted on from moment one, but it hadn’t spoiled her.