Read Reckless Heat Page 8

  “I know what you’re doing.”

  I’d been rubbing some of the water into my chest, and I looked over at Drew with wide, innocent eyes. “What?”

  He gestured up and down my body. “Trying to distract me.”

  “But whatever would I have to distract you from?” I asked, batting my lashes.

  He shifted in his seat, and I smiled. “You’re playing with fire, girl.”

  “Hopefully, that’s not all I’ll be playing with.”

  Unsurprisingly, this little game did wonders to distract both of us from our troubles. For the next few hours, every time I moved, I made sure to do it with measured slowness. I would cross my legs or stretch my arms behind my head, and Drew’s attention would flick to me instantly.

  It made me unbelievably horny. The thought that I was making him hard just by moving around was almost too delicious to stand. I could see his cock straining against his jeans, and I knew just what it would feel like in my hand. If the road ahead wasn’t so dangerous, I’d have leaned down and gotten a taste of him while we were still on the highway.

  When he pulled into the rest stop just past Walterboro, I knew exactly what was on his mind, because it was on mine too. I had only a second to look around and make sure nobody could see us before Drew unzipped his fly, and I leaned over to take his cock in my mouth. He cursed, banging his hands on the steering wheel as I took him all the way into my throat. I kept him there as I pushed down my shorts, worked them off one leg. As soon as I let his cock fall out of my mouth, I pulled the crotch of my panties aside and moved to straddle his lap.

  “You were driving me fucking crazy, you know that?” Drew growled in my ear, impaling me on his hard rod.

  I cried out in pleasure, letting my head drop onto his shoulder.

  We’d stopped using condoms a couple days ago when we’d both gotten test results to ensure that we were clean, and hell did it feel good.

  “I’ve been wanting to fuck you since the moment you got into the truck wearing those hot little shorts of yours. Spank that ass cherry red until you felt it.” He moaned. “Fuck you’re so tight.”

  I loved his filthy mouth. I rewarded him by sucking on his neck and grinding my hips down against his. I needed to mark him so that anyone who saw him would know that he was taken. That he was mine. He gripped me by the waist, setting a frenzied pace that made both of our chests heave for breath.

  My mind went blank as I rode him harder and faster, feeling my climax approaching with every stroke. My moans filled the truck’s cabin – and could probably be heard outside – but I didn’t care even a little. I just needed this tension inside me to give, and I needed to feel him explode inside me.

  “Oh fuck,” he gasped. “I’m coming, baby.”

  Those words were what did it. I vaulted into the abyss, biting my lip to stifle a scream. He slammed me down one last time, hard enough to tear another cry from my throat, and then we collapsed against the seat together.

  “That was hot.” He kissed my cheek. “Not helping out travel time though.”

  I laughed and smacked his arm. “Is that all you can think about?”

  “Life without order is chaos,” he said with mock somberness. “At least, according to my brother it is.”

  I shook my head, grinning, and rolled back over to my seat, hissing as he slipped out of me. After putting my shorts back on, I gave Drew a kiss and opened the door. “Gotta go to the bathroom real quick.”

  He nodded and watched me go.

  It was crazy how an orgasm could change your whole outlook on things. Maybe this glow wouldn’t last, but I was feeling positive. About the future. About us. About everything.

  And hey, maybe I had a job interview in Boston soon. And maybe I’d end up wanting to move back. But who knew what the future would bring. For now, I had Drew, and every second I got to spend with him was joyous. Sometimes, it was downright pleasurable.

  We were both in better spirits as we got back on the road. I even found a radio station I liked, which kept me happy and singing along for many of the remaining hours between us and Florida. Based on the amused smiles he kept throwing my way, Drew thought it was fun too.

  In life, you had to take the happy moments. You never knew how long they’d last.



  I was on a high and nobody could bring me down. It was the Fourth of July and our last day in Florida. The event grounds were strewn with red, white, and blue decorations. A shiver of excitement seemed to flow through the air, touching the revelers with the promise that something big was going to happen.

  Maybe I was just projecting because I wanted that something big to be me.

  Jinx popped up beside me, and I started. She grinned, holding a hand out with a hamburger in it. “Sorry. The line was long.”

  I took it from her and chomped into it. I was starving. Unlike most people, I got hungrier when I was nervous. And right now, I was starving.

  “That’s okay, babe.” My eyes searched the crowd gathering in the stands just outside the tent. I didn’t see anyone who screamed “agent,” but I knew there was one or two around. There had to be.


  I looked down at Jinx, who had barely nibbled on her own burger. Her appetite clearly didn’t share my response to stress.

  “No,” I said. “I’ve done this a million times.”

  Except I hadn’t – not the trick I was planning to do. But I only had one chance to impress whoever was out there in the crowd looking for talent. I’d saved the trick until the last day because I knew the atmosphere would be buzzing with energy, the people eager to see something spectacular. And I was going to be the one who gave it to them.

  Jinx folded the foil wrapper over the end of her burger and put it down on the little collapsible table in the middle of the tent. She came back and wrapped her arms around my middle, resting her forehead against my back.

  “Is it okay if I’m a little nervous?”

  I chuckled, warmth spreading in my stomach at the concern in her voice. “You’ve got nothing to be nervous about. Do you think I’m gonna fuck it up?”

  “No, no. Of course not.” She sighed, her hot breath blasting my t-shirt. “I’m just...I don’t know. I’m not used to all this.”

  I turned and pulled her against my chest, resting my chin on the top of her head. “You don’t need to worry, babe,” I said. “This is what I was born to do. I’m going to rock it, and then you and I are going to have the best fucking Fourth of July the world has ever seen.”

  She leaned back and looked up at me. A faint smile curved her lips, but I could still see the worry welling behind her eyes. “I believe in you.” She said it with reverence, like a prayer. Like I was a god. And fuck if she didn’t make me feel like one.

  The edge of my mouth tugged up into a half-smile. “I believe in me too. Now go get out into the stands. I don’t want you to miss a second of it.”

  Jinx did just that. After she left, I ate her abandoned burger in a few large bites and then got into my gear.

  It wasn’t an impossible jump, nor were the moves I intended to do particularly groundbreaking, though the arrangement was new. Lots of other skilled stuntmen had pulled it off before me, but it would certainly set me apart from the ragtag crew of shitty riders currently on the fair circuit. And it would impress any agents in the crowd, certainly.

  My bike grumbled beneath me as if it was as antsy as I was. My foot was planted on the packed dirt of the top of the ramp, and the long decline stretched out before me. Then the ramp veered up, and I fixed my gaze to the expanse beyond that.

  I had this. No doubts. No looking back.

  The crowd’s cheers were both distant and inside my head. Maybe it was me who was far away.

  I took one last look in the stands, this time looking for someone specific. There she was on the bottom row. My perfect blonde angel.

  I turned the handle, and the bike sprang to life, barreling down the ramp. Thirty fe
et. Twenty feet. Ten.

  Then there was nothing but the wind in my face and the emptiness below me. I flew.

  The crowd around me hadn’t thinned since I got back to the tent. They were relentless.

  “That was amazing!” one woman cried, throwing herself at me tits first. “I’m Tanya.”

  I gently extricated myself from her grip and pushed her back by the shoulders. “Thank you, but I’m not interested.”

  I didn’t even wait to see Tanya’s dissatisfied face as a kid came at me with a baseball cap he wanted me to sign. Since nobody had ever asked me to sign anything before, I happily obliged.

  Then someone came bursting through the crowd, pushing people away despite the fact that most of them towered over her. “Drew!”

  I laughed and picked up the smiling girl as she threw herself into my arms. We twirled to a chorus of awws mingled with a couple jealous murmurs that I ignored.

  “Told you there was nothing to worry about,” I murmured into Jinx’s ear, pressing a light kiss to her cheek.

  She pulled back, narrowed her eyes, and then socked me in the arm. The crowd laughed.

  “What the hell was that for?” I asked, rubbing my now sore muscle.

  Girl had one hell of a punch for such a small thing.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to do that?” she demanded. Her eyes sparked dangerously.

  I gently laced my arms around her and pulled her toward me, pretending all the people watching didn’t exist. It wasn’t hard. For me, there was only her.

  “I knew you’d be worried.” I pushed a piece of hair away from her forehead. “And I didn’t want that.”

  She glared and folded her arms. “A heads up still would have been nice.”

  “Next time I’ll make sure to provide notice,” I said, smiling. “But this time it’s done. Don’t be mad at me.”

  It came out as a command, but we both knew it was more of a plea. I couldn’t stand her being upset with me, even if it was worth knowing she hadn’t been as anxious before the show began as she could have been.

  Her little cupid’s bow mouth lifted. “Fine. I’m not mad.” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to my lips, whispering, “I guess it was pretty cool.”

  My chest rumbled with pleasure. I’d pulled off an amazing stunt, and I had Jinx’s approval. Everything in the world seemed to be just right.

  After the crowd finally cleared, one man remained. He hovered around the side of the tent, doing something on his phone. He looked a little too bored to be there for an autograph.

  As if he felt my gaze on him, the man looked up. He had a friendly enough face, with thick, expressive brows and a pleasant smile. He strode toward me, eyes fixed on mine the whole while.

  “I’m Herman Kendell.” He extended a hand to me. “I loved your show.”

  I took his hand and shook it, my heart beating a little faster in my chest as hope flared. “Glad you liked it, though you don’t seem like the normal type for these kinds of things.”

  Herman was wearing a designer suit, which looked ridiculous in comparison to the casual attire of almost everyone else there. Not to mention uncomfortable. It was well over ninety degrees, and I would’ve been sweating in my jeans and t-shirt even if I hadn’t just gotten off my bike.

  “Yes, well, I’m here on business.”

  “Is that so?” I tried to play it cool, tried to pretend like I wasn’t absolutely losing it inside.

  Jinx had run to grab us some Cokes, but I saw her coming back out of the corner of my eye. She saw who I was talking to and stopped where she stood, giving us space. Her smile said she suspected who this guy was.

  “Yes.” Herman reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a card, slipping it into my hand. “I’m a talent manager at Mirage Talents in Los Angeles. I was impressed by what you did today, and I think you’ve got a lot of potential.”

  The card was thick. Expensive.

  I worked to keep my voice casual as I replied. “I’m glad you think so. I’ve been looking to expand my work.”

  Herman’s inquisitive green eyes took in the tent and returned to me. “Yes, I suppose you couldn’t do this forever. Have you considered the opportunities that Hollywood could provide for you? Mirage Talents is based out of LA.”

  I had the strangest realization that I was actually experiencing the moment right before all my dreams came true.

  I told Herman I’d give him a call, and he left the tent, likely eager to get back to his hotel and away from surroundings he seemed to find distasteful. He passed Jinx on his way out, and I didn’t even mind that he checked her out as she walked past. I was in that good of a mood. Besides, it wasn’t like I had anything to worry about from him.

  “Who was that?” Jinx passed me a drink.

  I drained it, then tossed the cup into the nearby trashcan. I made an impatient gesture, and she did the same. As soon as the cup was out of her hand, I grabbed her and spun her around.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she shrieked.

  Laughing, I lifted her into my arms and spun around. She giggled, my joy contagious.

  “He was a talent manager!” I told her. “He wants to sign me.”

  Jinx’s feet hit the ground and then she jumped up into my arms again. “Oh my god!” She wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed. “That’s amazing!”

  It was amazing. It was probably the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me.

  Second to her.

  The sky exploded with color and sound, but underneath the bleachers, it was quiet and dark. Jinx snickered, and I dropped the hand I’d been leading her with and backed her up against the cement wall.

  “What are you laughing at?” I asked, putting my hands on either side of her face.

  Another dazzling explosion sent flashes of red and white across her face through the slats in the seating.

  “Just you.” Her fingers trailed along my chest, sending a line of goosebumps up my arm, and electricity straight down to my cock. “Taking me under the bleachers to fool around, like we’re in high school.”

  I cocked an eyebrow and pressed closer, trapping her with my arms on either side of her head. “I promise you that this will be nothing like what some pimply teenager did to you during football practice,” I growled, hating the thought of anyone else having touched her.


  Her eyes lit up, then darkened. “Good.”

  She met me halfway, lips crashing into mine with near-bruising force. She moaned and tipped her head up, and I snaked my tongue inside to sample her mouth.

  Fuck, she had a hot mouth.

  Later, when there weren’t so many kids around, I was going to put it to good use.

  But for now...

  My cock was hard and throbbing, and I ground it against her. She moaned, moving a hand down to rub me through my jeans. I returned the favor, pushing my hand against the damp heat at the front of her shorts. My kiss was brutal and demanding. I felt like I’d taken the world today, and she was the only thing left for me to conquer. I needed her submission like I needed oxygen, and each time she whimpered and sighed it was like taking a tiny breath.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  “I’m tempted to fuck you right here,” I murmured, knuckles pressed against the spot where I knew her clit would be throbbing.

  She groaned. “God, I wish. There are too many people around though.”

  She was right. It didn’t stop my cock from trying to burst from my jeans. It didn’t stop me from imagining her knees in the dust, her mouth open and waiting. Or from me wanting to bend her over, pull down her shorts and take her tight pussy right there.


  I kissed her again and bit down on her lip as if I was punishing her for being too fucking sexy. Her hips rolled up against my fingers, and she cursed softly under her breath.

  I sucked on her lip and then pulled back, moving my hand up to cup her face. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  Her lips
were swollen, parted. The tinge of pink in her cheeks was enough to drive a man mad. A few free wisps framing her face. “So are you.”

  “Come on.” I grabbed her hand and reluctantly led her back out the way we’d come. “Let’s go have some fun. And then, later, I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll never be able to think of Florida again without getting wet.”

  Jinx and I had gotten to know some of the other stunt guys over the last couple days, so when they invited us to go out for a few drinks after the fireworks, we accepted more so we didn’t seem rude than any desire to be anywhere but back in our room.

  An hour later, I still couldn’t think about anything other than how hot Jinx’s pussy felt against my fingers. From the way she kept looking at me, she couldn’t get my words out of her mind.


  I looked over at Jackson, who was seated across from me.

  “You’re spacing out.” He grinned. “Come with me for a sec.”

  I raised an eyebrow, but he offered no further explanation before pushing off from the table and walking toward the back of the bar. I kissed Jinx’s hand and then followed him. I figured he was going to ask me about getting him in with Herman since he’d been clearly jealous when I told him. But when we got to the bathroom, Jackson reached into his pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag. It contained a couple of white, chalky looking pills.

  “What the hell is that?” I asked.

  “This…” he shook the bag, “is what’s going to make the best day you’ve ever had into the best day that anyone has ever had.” Jackson dipped his fingers into the bag and pulled out one pill. He popped it into his mouth and swallowed, then held the bag out toward me.

  I frowned. “What is it?” I asked again.

  “Amphetamine.” Jackson shook the bag. He seemed to be fond of doing that. “It’s not gonna kill you, man. You deserve some fun.”

  Maybe this was Jackson’s way of sucking up to me. Show me a nice time. Share his drugs. All in the hopes that I’d think of him when Hollywood came knocking. I couldn’t help the little smile that ticked at my lips.