Read Reckoning Page 11

  "Sounds great," I said, holding out a bandaged hand to accept a cookie he passed over to me from the counter. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't quite know how to put it. "What is it?" I asked, cracking the cookie in two. "Some of those dishes," he said, his big blue eyes fixing on me hard, "I saw them burst in midair. They were being deflected."

  "I have powers," I said quietly. Though there was nothing wrong with this fact, I treated it like it was my dirty secret. It still felt foreign. "That's not possible," he answered, shaking his head. "I don't know why or how, but I do," I said. "Honest." "Goddess," he said. "So all this time, you've been fully capable of doing magick?" "Yep," I said, biting my cookie. "Poorly, but I can." Now that I thought of it, Sam would be the perfect person to teach me how to scry. Scrying seemed like a perfect way to get some information---maybe find out something about why I was supposed to come to Gloucester.

  "You work in divination, right?" I said.

  "Mostly," he replied.

  "Can you teach me how to scry?"

  "Scry?" He shrugged. "Sure. I can try. Not all witches can scry succesfully. It's a personal thing, and there are lots of different methods. You have to find out which one ir right for you. We'll try method first. We're related, so we might use the same element." He got up and went into the living room and returned with a large black bowl. He filled this from the contents of a jar he pulled from one of the kitchen cabinets. "It's seawater," he said, setting the bowl down on the table. "I gather up a jar a week. A major rule of Wicca---never take more natural resources than you need, even from something as huge as the ocean."

  Sam lectured me on the basics. I was impressed with the depth of his knowledge. Part of me always saw Sam as the goofy kid my mother had described in her book. Now I see what he really was: a mature and incredibly responsible witch with years of training. He placed five white candles around the bowl, elevating them on stacks of books so that they sat just above the rim. After lighting them with a match, he turned of the overhead light. "All right," he said, taking my hands. "Relax. Breathe deep. Focus on the water." I did. At first nothing happened. It was just us, sitting in the dark, staring into a bowl of water for about twenty minutes. Then I realized I was looking down through a square form, as if I was peering into a box. There was a flash of purple, then we were back to the water. I'd been hoping to see people, to hear them say clever, cryptic things. All I got was a box full of purple. "I think I've had enough, Sam," I said, sighing. "Did you see something?" he asked.

  "I don't think it was anything," I said. "Just a flash of color." "You're probably exhausted." He got up and turned on the light. "We'll try again when you're feeling better. For now, I think we both need some rest." 14. Witch Trials

  March 21, Ostara already. I've been so busy the past few months, I've barely noticed how the time has gone by since the dearc. No visits from Oona, thank the Goddess. We seem to have been completely successful.

  In the meantime the little child inside me grows. She is a girl, of this I am certain. I never knew what utter joy motherhood would bring. I have become even more aware of the turning of the wheel and the phases of the moon. I feel her movement when the moon is full. She tends to be sleepy when it wanes. ---Aoibheann

  Salem is only a short drive away, and Sam took a scenic route along the water. The sky was finally clear, and it was breezy. Aside from a few little aches and the cuts and bruises, I was fine. It was nice to get out alone with Sam. Pulling into the town, I was amazed by all the Wiccans I saw on the streets. Everyone seemed to have a pentacle necklace, or tattoo, or something kind of witchy. In fact, the witch thing seemed to be done to death. Every store window seemed to feature an picture of a little figure in a black pointed hat, riding a broom. Sam parked his car in a lot near the visitors' center. "Come on," he said. "There's something I want to show you." Tucked behind some buildings next to the lot was an ancient cemetery, with thin, frail headstones---some sunk halfway in the ground. Next to this was a square sectioned off by a low stone wall. Heavy slabs of stone jutted out from the wall at equal intervals, forming benches.

  "This is a weird park," I said as we entered the square.

  "Have a better look," Sam told me, pointing to the first bench. I went over to it. There was writing there. It read: Bridget Bishop, Hanged, June 10, 1962. I continued around, looking at each bench. Sam followed along behind me. Sarah Wildes, hanged. Elizabeth Howe, hanged. Susannah Martin, Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, George Burroughs, Martha Carrier---all hanged. Giles Corey, pressed to death. There were more still, their names carves roughly into the stones. It was so stark, so disturbing. "This is the Witch Trial Memorial," Sam explained. "These are the names of the people who were executed."

  I knew a bit about the witch trials from school and from some reading I'd done on my own. Two young girls had made claims that they were bewitched. From there, accusations flew and a court was set up. People were dragged in to testify. The girls continued and seemed to go crazy. More people came forward, claiming that they too had been attacked. In the end, twenty people were executed and dozens more accused or affected. The whole thing was over in a few months; then the people who ran the court were forced to close it and apologize for what they'd done.

  With a shiver I thought of my own behavior, how I'd wanted to write a letter to the local Widow's Vale paper and "expose" Wicca. While no one would have been tried or executed, I could have caused a lot of trouble for Morgan, Hunter, Mr Niall... so many others. Thank God Mary K. and I hadn't actually done anything.

  "You know what the weird thing is?" Sam said, looking down at the closest slab. "There people weren't witches at all. Some of the, were outsiders, just a little weird in society's eyes/ Some were prominent citizens. No rhyme or reason to it.' "Then what happened?" I asked. "Does anyone really understand?" "Not really," he said, carefully brushing some dead leaves that obscured the name on the bench below us. "It was hysteria. People pointed to anyone in sight, claiming anything the judges asked them to claim---if only they would be allowed to live. People admitted to things they didn't do. If you didn't confess, they executed you. These people"--- he indicated the benches around the square---"they wouldn't confess to things they hadn't done. They were very unlucky, and very brave."

  "But now the town is full of witches," I said. "Why come here when the people who were killed weren't even Wiccans?"

  "The idea still remains that witchcraft is evil and dark. I guess we feel the need to come here and set the record straight."

  "All this," I said, shivering as I looked over the bleak stone benches, "just because some girls made up stories about witches."

  "It was more insidious than that," Sam said. "People were ready to rush to judgment, even to kill, just to exorcise their own dark thoughts and fears. Now everyone looks back on this, not understanding how it could have happened. But people still persecute and hurt one another over things they can't personally understand." "I guess maybe you know something about that," I said. He nodded, understanding my meaning. "I guess so. I've always been out as a witch, and I came out with my sexuality early as well. I refuse to lie." "My mom never mentioned that you were gay. Did she know?" "Well"---he exhaled and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans---"I came out when I was eighteen, a few years after your mother left. But she always knew. I could tell. She was incredibly empathetic. She probably didn't think it was a big deal; I guess that's why she didn't mention it."

  My mother was empathetic. She could feel other people, sense their emotions---just like I have been doing more and more since I'd been here. I liked that part of being a witch. But the mention of my mother also brought my attention back to the graveyard with its decaying grave markers. We quietly walked away from the memorial. "So," I said, "do you have a boyfriend, or...?" "I did," he said. "We separated about two months ago." "Oh." I pushed some leaves around with my foot. "Sorry."

  "Don't be," he said genuinely. "Shawn and I decided that we needed to be apart for a while."

  "Shawn... was he a witch?" I asked.

  "Yes." Sam nodded, staring out at the street. "He lives in Holyoke. It's nearby." He snapped back to his normal, sunny demeanor. "Okay," he said, "we're getting way too serious. Let me show you the cool stuff."

  I followed Sam along, and pointed out favorite restaurants, shops, and houses. We passed Bell, Book, and candle---the shop where Charlie worked. We stepped in, but he wasn't there. I had to hide my profound disappointment. It wasn't like the blows to my head had given me amnesia. The incident in the library had been on my mind more less nonstop from the moment I woke up. I wondered what had happened between Charlie and Brigid. It couldn't have been good. Maybe, I thought , cringing with guilt---maybe he was breaking up with her at this very moment. Maybe that's why he wasn't at work. Not likely.

  Uggggh. Too much to think about. I still felt guilty. Maybe it was a good thing the plates had knocked me senseless that night. I probably would be a basket case otherwise. After picking up a birthday gift for Ruth, Sam took me to an old hotel for lunch. He told me stories about my mother, all kinds of brother-sister high jinks. As we were talking and enjoying ourselves, I realized how good Sam was being to me. He'd put me up and cared for me with no advance warning at all. He'd stood up to his family to defend me. I owed him honesty. There was a convenient lull in the conversation as Sam was eating, I decided to use it. "My dad doesn't know where I am," I said, not looking up. "I ran away." Sam stopped eating, set down his fork, and waited for me to continue. He didn't look at all that surprised. With that stunning introduction, I proceeded to tell him the whole story---and I mean the whole story. Everything from the dark wave to Hilary to the night I ran away. The entire Alisa Soto soap opera.

  "I've been calling someone from my coven," I said, coming to an end. "She put a watch sigil on me so that she'd be able to find me if I wasn't in touch." "That's something, I guess," he said, processing the information for a moment. Then he dug into the pocket of his brown suede jacket, pulled out a tiny call phone, and plunked it down on the table.

  I got the hint.

  When the first sound I heard was Hilary's voice, I readied myself to snap the phone closed again but then thought better of it. Sam was trusting me to call my family---ans Hilary, like it or not, was family now.

  "Hi, Hilary," I said, trying to sound cheerful, as if this was the most normal call in the world. "Alise? Is that you?" She sounded breathy, really alarmed. "It's me. Hi."

  "Where are you?"

  "Safe," I said firmly. "Fine. Staying in a nice warm house, eating three meals a day. Nothing to worry about."

  "Nothing to worry about? Alisa, your father's about to have a heart attack, and..." I heard her stop and steady herself. She must have known I could be spooked away. "I just called to tell you guys that I was okay," I said. "That's all. Is Dad around?" "No, he's at work, sweet---Alisa."

  She caught herself so abruptly, I actually felt bad, like I'd been way too rough on her. I knew she wasn't all bad.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked.

  "How am I feeling?" She was surprised. "Oh, I'm fine. Good. A little jumpy the last few days." We actually made some small talk over the next few minutes. I think I was even able to convince her that I was fine. I didn't sound crazy or strung out. In fact, I was about a million times calmer than I usually was at home. She told me that they'd stopped doing any planning or moving during the time I'd been gone, but that she'd had an ultrasound done. I was going to have a little brother. This news didn't nauseate me as much I would have imagined, and I even congratulated her with some real excitement. As I said goodbye, I felt like a changed woman. She would probably recommend to my dad that I be allowed to run away more often.

  I'd asked Sam if I could make one more quick call, and he'd agreed. I dialed Hunter's number.

  Hunter, I noticed, sounded even more adult and more British on the phone. His voice was deeper, and I could feel him pacing.

  "Alisa!" he said, exhaling loudly.

  I filled him in on the situation so far, and he hmm-ed and ah-ed in typical Hunter fashion. He'd gotten most of the story from Morgan, so I didn't have to start form the very beginning. "Have you spoken to your father?" he asked, with just a slightly parental edge to his voice. "Morgan tell me he's very upset, understandably." "I just spoke to Hilary for a few minutes," I said. "Everything's fine." "Well," he said, clearly not sure if he believed that last statement of mine, "I have some news as well, and it fits in rather neatly with what you've just told me. I spoke to both Ardán Rourke and Jon Vorwald. Jon said that it's possible that you have a trigger element, but he'll have to test you in person to figure out what that might be. He also said that he'd heard of one case, back in the fifties, of a telekinetic power that seemed to be passed down via first born female children."

  "Firstborn females?" I frowned. Actually, that would why my mother and I had telekinesis, but not Sam or Ruth. But if it was passed down to my mother...then Evelyn... "That's right." Hunter's crisp voice interrupted my thoughts. "Also, and this is very interesting, Ardàn knew of at least one case of a witch in the 1800s who had telekinesis. What's interesting about her is that when she got older, maybe sixty or seventy, her telekinetic incidents became more violent, harder to control. He thinks that it's possible that as witches get older, they lose some of their inhibitions. Their emotions become stronger and harder to reign in." "I don't understand," I said. "What does that have to do with me? I'm fifteen." "Think about it," he said. "You have telekinesis. Your mother had it. It's quite possible, then, that your grandmother has it. You just said that the incidents were getting worse with time and that they also flared up during times of family crisis." Evelyn. I sucked in my breath. This could be Evelyn. It made complete sense---to me anyway. When Evelyn was upset or under stress, that was when Oona was at her worst. But what could I do with this information? If she didn't already hate me, Evelyn would lose it if I came forward and suggested that she was responsible for all of the horrible things that had happened to her family. Besides that, I didn't have enough proof to be sure it was true. "Hello?" Hunter drew me back to reality. "Alisa?" "Still here," I said, gripping the lobby wall. "God, Hunter. What do I do now?" I wouldn't do anything yet. We can't be sure that this is actually what's going on. It's just a theory. Ardán's looking into the matter some more. Your case really interested him, and he wants to come over and meet you."

  "What can I say?" I said. "I'm fascinating." "So," he said, "when can we expect to see you?" "Uh..." I shifted from foot to foot. "Soon. I promise. Spring break is almost over. I just need a little more time."

  In the end, I had to promise to call him the next night, after the Ròiseal circle. Reeling from what I'd just heard, I headed back into the dining room. Should I tell Sam? No. Hunter had said to wait until he had more information. Waiting. Not my strong suit. As I came into the dining room, the waitress approached our table with the biggest brownie sundae I had ever seen. I sighed. Sam is the best.

  15. Ròiseal

  February 3, The baby will be coming any day now. At the Imbolic celebration last night, all of Ròiseal performed a ritual to ensure a safe birth. Just as I knew Sorcha was a girl. I know this is a boy--- a rascally little boy, at that.

  From the way he kicks, I tend to think that he will give his sister no peace! He's so feisty!

  We have decided to call him Somhairle.

  Sorcha seems to know that something is going on. I can tell by the look in her eye. She likes to run up and touch my stomach, then she giggles and runs away way. She'll sometimes drag Hugh over and point it out to him, her eyes full of wonder. My little girl---she's so full of the Goddess!


  "Looks like we're the last ones here," Sam said as we parked between Charlie's volkswagen and red motorcycle. Just the sight of Charlie's car turned me into jellyfish woman, with wobbly legs and a googly stare, but I managed to pull myself together enough to be able to walk to the front door like a normal human.

  Sam let us righ
t it and headed for the living room, where everyone was already gathered. A fire was going strong in the fireplace. In the middle of the room there was a cauldron filled with cool water and flower blossoms. Ruth's birthday cake was set on a small table, uncut. It wasn't exactly a rocking party. Brigid, Ruth, and Evelyn sat together on a long sofa, all looking uncomfortable. Ruth's heavy cast was obviously itching. Brigid looked tired and pensive. Evelyn was her usual sparkling self. The three of them were having a quiet conversation with Kate Giles. Ruth and Kate each gave me a hug when they saw me. Brigid and Evelyn each gave me a thousand-yard stare. After giving Ruth her gift, Sam settled down across the room, where Charlie was sitting with an older man. Tried to look casual as possible as I joined him there---my mind, however was constantly replaying our kiss. I had the DVD version going, with multiple angles, the trailer with the highlights, and the full director' cut. Charlie eyed the bruise near my eye, and I nodded to indicate that I was really all right.

  The man next to Charlie was dressed kind of formally in a neat gray suit with a light cream-colored sweater underneath the jacket. He was just as tall, but heavier. He looked like Charlie, with the same kind face and the mischievous peaked eyebrows, and though his hair was shot through with silver gray, it curled defiantly. I knew instantly that this was Charlie's father.

  "You're Alisa!" the man boomed, looking straight at me. He spoke so loudly that it startled some of the others. No drawn-out introductions needed here. Everyone should have a weird witch vibe. It makes things so much easier. "My dad," Charlie said.

  "I understand you were raised by nonwitches, Alisa! I'd love to know what that was like," his dad added. Charlie's eyes went wide, then rolled back into his head in comic grief. "My dad," Charlie repeated, containing an exasperated sigh. "Right at the point." "Did I say something wrong?" His father asked innocently. From Charlie's description of his father, I could easily see that he might have some strange people skills. "It's okay." I laughed. "If you have a few days to spare, I can tell you the whole story." "I'm not sure if I have a few entire days," he said, sipping his tea and honestly thinking it over, "but I'll check my schedule. Perhaps we can do a few blocks of time over the course of a week." Okay. He was very literal, too, but he seemed nice enough. I couldn't imagine Charlie coming from a family that wasn't nice.