Read Reconnected Page 15

  Chapter 14

  The next week goes by slowly, and things became routine. With rehab and everything I’m slowly getting stronger and by the end of the week, I can at least sit up without feeling like all my muscles were breaking. I was determined to find a way out of the bed. My leg may be broken in places, but a wheelchair could at least get me some fresh air or something.

  One day when I ask Liam to take me outside he gives me a look, "I think your best bet is to stay in that bed, babe."

  I frown at him, "I've been in this bed long enough. I can't achieve anything lying down and staring at the ceiling or pointless TV. I can't go see my best friend yet, I still don't know when Luke's service will be or if his family will even let me come to it...I just need to feel real air and the sun and not have to think about anything that's happened in the last 2 or 3 weeks!” I tell him exasperated.

  He sits next to me and takes my hand, "Do you regret crossing paths with me again, Katy?” He asks softly and looks down at where our hands are linked, "Do you blame me for this?"

  I shake my head and bite my lip, "No...No that's not what I meant about forgetting. I don't blame you, ok? I blame her. If I ever see Alexia Dalton, so help me...” I trail off and take a deep breath, "I pray every day that they find that insane woman. And I hope she gets to spend the rest of her life behind bars, instead of in front of a camera fooling the rest of the world."

  He pulls me to him and I lay my head on his chest, "I've been worried that once you get out of here, that you’re going to kick me out of your life again, because I brought Alexia into your life, and she was so blind to her jealousy that she didn't see all of this madness as wrong."

  I shake my head, "She's insane. Something made her just snap. ...I don't get it.” I sigh and pull back to look into his eyes, "Is this going to affect your movie? I mean, the two of you are like the big stars of it, right?"

  "Since we're done filming, I'm not sure what's going to happen. If she stays on the run, hell, if she gets caught and put in jail...I think they're going to want to recast and reshoot."

  "What's going to happen if she isn't found? Will we have to be scared of her forever?” I ask softly and look down at the floor.

  Liam sighs and shakes his head, "I have the highest confidence that she will be found. She's an actress; a lot of people know her face. There's going to be a press conference later to talk about the situation."

  "You mean the media hasn't eaten this up?"

  "They've tried...but thankfully, HIPAA keeps them from getting any of your medical info and I've made all the people who work for me sign a Confidentiality agreement to keep them from breathing a word on yours or Krista's conditions."

  "This whole thing is a nightmare.” I say shaking my head, "I want to just be able to close and lock a jail cell on Alexia Dalton and never have to think of her again."

  "Soon baby....I pray we're able to do just that really soon."

  I lean into him as I hear feet pounding down the hall and see Scott in my doorway trying to catch his breath and my heart starts pounding.

  " she...” I can't even get the words out.

  He shakes his head and actually gets smile on his face, "She's awake! She's awake and she doesn't remember the accident...but she's alive and she's talking.” He stops to take a breath and I notice tears in his eyes. Happy tears. I think my eyes mirror his.

  "Oh thank God!” I cry softly and cover my face as I allow the news to soak in.

  "She's asked for you...but the doctors have a bunch of tests to run on her to make sure everything's functioning the way it’s supposed to."

  "Right...tell her I love her, and I'll be there the second I'm allowed to, please."

  "Of two are strong, Katy. I bet she's gonna try to jump out of that bed as soon as she sees you in one piece again."

  I smile softly, "I'm gonna want to get out of the wheelchair I'll be stuck in too. Tell her as soon as we're both up and going again, we have 2 weeks of girl time to make up for."

  He smiles at that and nods "Will do."

  "And Scott?"


  "Get some rest, and eat, ok? She loves you...but if I know her she's going to feel really guilty if you’re not looking like the Hollywood movie star you are.” I tell him with a smile.

  He laughs at that and looks in the mirror by the door, "Yeah, I guess I'm not up to "Scott Adams’ standards” are I?” He asks light heartedly and scrubs at the scruff on his cheeks.

  "Not exactly buddy.” Liam smiles and claps him on the back.

  “I'll get to work on that....don't want my girl to think I've turned grungy while she's been...sleeping.” he says with a sad smile and take a deep breath, "Time to get back into the land of the living I guess."

  I nod, "It is."

  To my surprise, Scott walks over and hugs me.

  "What's this for?” I ask him confused.

  "For bringing Krista into my life, I might have lost about 10 years off my life, and probably my career, while I sat by her bed every day. But now, she's secured herself a place in my heart forever, and I've realized that I can't and don't want to live without her."

  "You take care of her, ok? She's my best friend...I'll have to hurt you if you hurt her you know."

  "I definitely don't plan on it."

  "Good,” I tell him with a wink and watch as he pats Liam's arm and walks out of the room.

  "He's going to ask her to marry him, isn't he?"

  He nods, "I think so, and I bet he's just going to need to buy a ring to make that thought official."

  "So you think they would mind combined wedding celebrations?"

  Liam snaps his head up to look at me, "What are you talking about baby?"

  I bite my lip nervously, "I was just thinking we’ve been through the wringer now, Liam. I don’t want to waste any more time apart. Would you want to renew our vows or get re-married, whatever it’s considered to be...”

  Liam laughs and comes over and hugs me hard as he starts kissing all over my face, "I think that is a perfect idea.” He says with a smile and I smile back at him.

  "Yeah?” I ask breathlessly.

  "Yeah,” He replies and gives me a long kiss, "You deserve to go all out this time. Once you’re healed up and everything, I'll talk to Scott and see about sending you girls dress shopping."

  I smile and hug him tight and sit back, "There's still something I need to do before I can go on into the future though.” I tell him as I brush his hair back.

  "Lay Lucas to rest,” he answers.

  I nod, "I need that final goodbye, Liam."

  "I know, baby. And you'll get it. I'll tell you what, I'll see if I can get permission to take you out today, with a wheelchair of course, and maybe a nurse can come just in case, and go to the cemetery."

  "Really?” I ask hopefully.

  He nods and squeezes my hand, "Yes, really. I think you need it."

  "Thank you.” I whisper as he kisses my head and walks out to talk to some people.

  I lean my head back and allow memories of my time with Lucas to flood my mind and although I feel tears threatening to fall again, I also feel a smile because I know that he had a happy life, and although the end of our relationship was rough, in the end we were friends again and before his life ended unnecessarily, I know I got to hold his hand for those last few seconds and he tried to comfort me and be there for me. The least I can do for him now is keep living.