Read Reconnected Page 17

Chapter 16

  Two weeks later, we're both hospital free and have gotten settled into our new home away from home. The first week was spent in my parents house while Liam got our house set up, but now we're all set in our own space and I'm finally getting around with just the help of crutches and the aide of my Mom, who insists on hovering over me as much as she can.

  "Mom, really...I'm ok, Liam's not even two feet away from me, I'm not going to hurt myself.” I tell her exasperated as I get over towards the couch.

  "Katelyn Marie, I've told you before, I'm your mother and it's my job to take care of you, even when you’re 24."

  I roll my eyes and give Liam a pleading look that he just returns a smile to.

  "Thanks again for helping out Mrs. Parker...we really appreciate it.”

  She just beams at him and I mouth, "Suck up!” to Liam.

  When she finally leaves the room, I use a pillow to cover my face, "I feel like a little kid! I'm doing a lot better at getting around with these things, your right there, Krista's just down the hall...can't I tell her to go back home now, please?” I pout at him.

  "You’re adorable when you pout.” He smirks and slides closer to me while wrapping his arms around me, "But she is your Mama, and you've always been very independent, it’s her only chance to be hands on for your own good."

  I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh, "When's your flight?"

  "7. And Mitchell has already called and told me like 3 different places I need to show my face at as soon as I land there. People everywhere want to know about the accident and about Alexia's role in it. At least I can just do the whole "no comment" thing,” he says with a shrug, "I'm going to ask everyone to keep a look out for her though, people know her face just as much as mine. But still....I don't want you-"

  "Going out alone, being without a bodyguard at any time...I know.” I roll my eyes. He's been repeating all this to me every day. Liam and Scott have both been extra protective of Krista and me leading up to when they have to leave for L.A. Scott's already left and even as he was walking out the door he was drilling the same speech into Krista's head.

  "I'm sorry I'm being annoying about it,” he says tucking my hair behind my ear, "But I refuse to take any chances with your safety."

  "I don't think my safety is in any danger with Mike and Rick around, have you seen them?"

  He laughs and kisses me as I hear Krista walk into the room and clear her throat. "Ok, none of the kissy kissy in front of me when I can't have any from my guy.” she says with a pout as she sits across from us.

  "Hey, I'm just getting them while I can; he leaves in a few hours.” I tell her with a small frown.

  "Hasn't Scott called since he got into L.A.?"

  She nods, "He has. He has an interview with...some network or other, in an hour. Then he's doing a photo shoot with Aria for movie posters, and who knows what else.” she sighs and runs a hand through her curls. "I just miss him. He’s been with me like 24/7 for over a month, I'm kind of attached."

  "Well, for the next week you have me to keep you company while the boys are busy working” I tell her with a smile. "We'll see what trouble we can get into."

  She laughs and pulls her legs up under her, "Oh, I'm sure there are all kinds of trouble to get into around here."

  Liam sighs shaking his head, "Please…don't get into too much trouble, for my own peace of mind?"

  Krista gives him her best innocent face, "You don't trust me?"

  He narrows his eyes at her, "I happen to have heard some stories of you girls' trouble."

  She just rolls her eyes, "We were younger then...besides, we have celebrities for boyfriends now, we aren't going to be flirting up anymore. And in case you missed it, Kate's got crutches; we can't do a whole lot of anything right now."

  "Trust me that is something I haven't missed."

  "Well, since we can't do much out and about, we can just stay in and watch some of those home movies I told you about, Kris.” I say with a smile and look over at Liam.

  "Oh goody! Those are going to be so much fun!” she claps her hands and I can't help but laugh.

  "I think that's my cue to get my last minute things packed.” Liam grumbles kissing my cheek as he stands up. "Try not to embarrass me too much, ok?"

  "Me? Never,” I smile and wave as he walks out of the room.

  "Ok…so,” Krista says and walks over to plop down beside me. "When can we get our hands on these home movies and even better...old pictures?’ she asks with a smile.

  "I had my mom grab them before she came over. Liam's mom and my mom are like, best friends; she likes to tell stories about him just as much as his mom does. She'll probably jump right in and tell you every embarrassing thing she remembers."

  "Ooh, even better! You know, it's kind of fun to see more into his real world. I mean, outside of ya'lls relationship and stuff,” she waves her hand in the air. "It's hard to imagine him ever not having that perfectly styled hair and killer wardrobe."

  I elbow her, "You checking out my husband's clothes now?” I tease her and she just smiles.

  "Of course, he's got a nice butt!” She shrugs, "But I'm sorry to tell you, Scott's butt is much hotter."

  I laugh shaking my head, "You’re a mess,, when do you get to see into Scott's pre-fame life? Is he taking you home anytime soon?"

  "We've talked about it...but I'm scared to death of his parents."

  I frown at that, "Why?"

  "Well, from what he's told me, his parents are very...uptight, prim and proper type people. And look at me, Kate.” She looks down, "I wear miniskirts, and halter tops and very high heels. How are they going to accept their son dating someone like me?"

  "For one thing, Scott loves and adores you. They have to of seen that from how he stayed by your side after the accident. And for another, you’re not one of those fake plastic Hollywood chicks that are going to go in there and put on an act the whole time. You’re real, Krista. If Scott loves you, they will too."

  "I sure hope so” she says softly and squeezes my hand. "Ok, enough about that. Ask your mama to bring in those movies!"

  I laugh and yell, “Mom!”

  She runs into the room and looks me over, "Katelyn, are you ok?"

  "I'm fine, I swear. Could you bring those movies I asked you to bring in here please?"

  She gets a smile on her face and nods, "Oh it’s so fun to look back at those videos! You two were just so young and I swear that Fiona and I just knew that you and Liam were meant to be together...” she rambles as she goes into the other room to fish through her bag of things she calls a purse. "Oh, here they are!"

  Just as she's putting a video into the VCR, Liam walks in pulling along his suitcase and carrying a duffel bag. "Do I even want to know what you’re about to watch?” he asks as he leans down to kiss me.

  I laugh and shake my head, "Probably not,” I kiss him back, "Are you heading out?"

  He nods and looks at his watch, "Yep, we're on a tight schedule and if I run behind, I'm in big trouble."

  "I love you...have a safe trip.” I push myself up and grab my crutches to be able to stand and hug him and give him a last kiss.

  "I will.” He kisses me again and leans over to hug Krista then walks over to my mom.

  "Mrs. Parker, always nice to come back home and see you.” he says with his movie star grin and hugs her.

  "Now Liam, you know by now that you can call me Stella.” she mock scolds him.

  He just laughs, "My Dad would have my hide for calling you that though."

  She laughs and pats his arm and turns back to fix the video.

  "I love you, Katy. Try to keep from getting into too much trouble, ok? That goes for you to, Krista."

  "Hey. I'm not making any promises.” Krista says with a grin.

  "Oh man, does Scott have his hands full with you.” He shakes his head and looks at his watch again, "Oh crap, I'm to go!” he quickly kisses my cheek and grabs his suitcase and bag and runs out the doo

  "Ok, Mr. No Fun is gone, let's watch!” Krista proclaims with a clap of her hands and my mom slides a video in.