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Chapter 1

  4 Years Later

  "Oh my God, Liam Warren is so freaking hot!" My roommate and best friend Krista says in awe holding up one of those magazine pull out posters.

  I laugh softly and nod. "Oh, he's something all right." I mutter and walk over to my bed.

  She doesn’t know that Liam was my high school sweetheart, or that I was with him when he was discovered in that theatre and swept off to L.A. Or that I was, and technically still am, married to the man in her magazine. Things just didn’t go to the way they do in the movies for us.

  There were women around him all the time and anytime I confronted him about it, he just said "It's part of the package, baby. Get used to it." But I never did. So I left him, and moved across the country. He tried to get a hold of me and my parents several times for a few months, but then gave up. So here I am, 24 years old and living in some dorms in college working towards a Psychology degree, and still legally married to a celebrity.

  "Oh! Did you hear? Liam and Scott Adams are going to be over on the beaches filming that new movie! We can go and see them film! You HAVE to come with me Kate," She rambled on practically bouncing before she stopped to catch her breath.

  I scrunch up my nose. "I don't think so, Krista. I have my own hot guy to ogle at when I want to."

  "Ugh, Lucas, really? How do you keep dating him? He has such a bad reputation and you know you could do so much better, Kate."

  "Hey, he treats me really great. We have fun together." I shrug and start for the door to head to class.

  "Well, all the celebs are supposed to be flying in to town in the next couple days. Maybe some will wander over to campus sometime." She said with a twinkle in her eyes causing me to laugh.

  "Keep on dreaming...they aren't really worth it." I whisper and walk out the door.


  Sure enough, three days later while I was walking across campus with Lucas we saw a large group of girls huddled together giggling.

  "What do you think that's all about?" He asks as he grabbed my hand. I look over past the crowd and see Liam's profile, his dark blonde hair all the way down his toned body to his tennis shoes. He hasn't changed at all.

  I groan. "It's just um...those actors that are in town. Those girls are all star-struck.” I said hurriedly and try to rush on by them.

  But the next voice I hear lets me know that I didn't move fast enough.

  "Oh my God...Katy?" I hear Liam yell and I grip Lucas' hand tightly trying to just keep going.

  “Is he talking to you, Kate?" Lucas leans down and whispers.

  I shake my head. "Uh no...He probably knows a million girls around here.” I whisper back waving my hand to dismiss the thought.


  Just as we're about to reach my dorm, we hear someone running behind us.

  "Katelyn Marie Warren!" I hear Liam yell angrily and flinch.

  Lucas pulls me behind him protectively. "Dude, I don't know what your problem is but you have the wrong girl. Her name is Kate Parker, not...whatever you just said.” He shook his head and looked back at me.

  Liam laughs humorlessly. "Oh really? And who exactly are you?" He asks as he crosses his arms and turned his dark blue eyed gaze to me.

  I take a deep breath and step in front of Lucas. "He's my boyfriend." I cross my own arms and glared across at him.

  Liam smiles and steps forward extending his arm to Lucas. "Well, boyfriend...I'm the husband."

  "What?!” Lucas yells and shoves his hand away. "What is he talking about, Kate?" he asks me.


  I glare again at Liam and take a deep breath. "Husband in name only. We were young and stupid. He got discovered, ran off to L.A and had his pick of every beautiful woman that wanted to come fill his bed."

  "I NEVER cheated on you, Katy!" He yells and looks behind him as a bodyguard and Scott walk over curiously.

  I couldn't help but laugh, "Maybe you didn’t then, but since then? I've seen all your magazine covers, Liam! How many "girlfriends" or hell just one night stands have you had in the last four years? I'm not Katy Warren anymore. I'm just normal Kate Parker again. And I've moved on and just want to forget that I was ever married to someone like you!" I grab Lucas' hand and turn to go inside but before I know it Liam rushes over and grabs my arm forcing me to face him.

  "How many men have you had, Katy? How many have you dated or had flings with since we've been separated? And a guy like this," he pointed at Lucas and shook his head, "You know your Mama must be so disappointed, you could do so much better."

  That was all I could take, I slapped him.

  "Lucas is great, thank you very much. He’s never hurt me like you did, and the only one my Mama has ever been disappointed in is you! So please do me a favor and stay on your side of the country in L.A. And by the way," I start as I shove past him pulling Lucas with me. "I want a divorce!”