Read Redgauntlet: A Tale Of The Eighteenth Century Page 10




  Having been your FACTOR LOCO TUTORIS or rather, I ought to say, incorrectness (since I acted without warrant from the court), yourNEGOTIORUM GESTOR, that connexion occasions my present writing. Andalthough having rendered an account of my intromissions, which have beenregularly approved of, not only by yourself (whom I could not prevailupon to look at more than the docket and sum total), but also by theworthy Mr. Samuel Griffiths of London, being the hand through whom theremittances were made, I may, in some sense, be considered as to youFUNCTUS OFFICIO; yet to speak facetiously, I trust you will not hold meaccountable as a vicious intromitter, should I still consider myself asoccasionally interested in your welfare. My motives for writing, at thistime, are twofold.

  I have met with a Mr. Herries of Birrenswork, a gentleman of veryancient descent, but who hath in time past been in difficulties, nordo I know if his affairs are yet well redd. Birrenswork says that hebelieves he was very familiar with your father, whom he states to havebeen called Ralph Latimer of Langcote Hall, in Westmoreland; and hementioned family affairs, which it may be of the highest importance toyou to be acquainted with; but as he seemed to decline communicatingthem to me, I could not civilly urge him thereanent. Thus much I know,that Mr. Herries had his own share in the late desperate and unhappymatter of 1745, and was in trouble about it, although that is probablynow over. Moreover, although he did not profess the Popish religionopenly, he had an eye that way. And both of these are reasons why I havehesitated to recommend him to a youth who maybe hath not altogether sowell founded his opinions concerning Kirk and State, that they mightnot be changed by some sudden wind of doctrine. For I have observedye, Master Darsie, to be rather tinctured with the old leaven ofprelacy--this under your leave; and although God forbid that you shouldbe in any manner disaffected to the Protestant Hanoverian line, yet yehave ever loved to hear the blawing, blazing stories which the Hielandgentlemen tell of those troublous times, which, if it were their will,they had better pretermit, as tending rather to shame than to honour.It is come to me also by a sidewind, as I may say, that you have beenneighbouring more than was needful among some of the pestilent sect ofQuakers--a people who own neither priest nor king, nor civil magistrate,nor the fabric of our law, and will not depone either IN CIVILIBUSor CRIMINALIBUS, be the loss to the lieges what it may. Anent whichheresies, it were good ye read 'The Snake in the Grass' or 'The Footout of the Snare,' being both well-approved tracts, touching thesedoctrines.

  Now, Mr. Darsie, ye are to judge for yourself whether ye can safely toyour soul's weal remain longer among these Papists and Quakers--thesedefections on the right hand, and failings away on the left; and trulyif you can confidently resist these evil examples of doctrine, I thinkye may as well tarry in the bounds where ye are, until you see Mr.Herries of Birrenswork, who does assuredly know more of your mattersthan I thought had been communicated to any man in Scotland. I wouldfain have precognosced him myself on these affairs, but found himunwilling to speak out, as I have partly intimated before.

  To call a new cause--I have the pleasure to tell you, that Alan haspassed his private Scots Law examinations with good approbation--a greatrelief to my mind; especially as worthy Mr. Pest told me in my ear therewas no fear of 'the callant', as he familiarly called him, which givesme great heart. His public trials, which are nothing in comparisonsave a mere form, are to take place, by order of the Honourable Deanof Faculty, on Wednesday first; and on Friday he puts on the gown, andgives a bit chack of dinner to his friends and acquaintances, as is, youknow, the custom. Your company will be wished for there, Master Darsie,by more than him, which I regret to think is impossible to have, as wellby your engagements, as that our cousin, Peter Fairford, comes from theWest on purpose, and we have no place to offer him but your chamberin the wall. And, to be plain with you, after my use and wont, MasterDarsie, it may be as well that Alan and you do not meet till he ishefted as it were to his new calling. You are a pleasant gentleman, andfull of daffing, which may well become you, as you have enough (asI understand) to uphold your merry humour. If you regard the matterwisely, you would perchance consider that a man of substance should havea douce and staid demeanour; yet you are so far from growing grave andconsiderate with the increase of your annual income, that the richeryou become, the merrier I think you grow. But this must be at your ownpleasure, so far as you are concerned. Alan, however (overpassing mysmall savings), has the world to win; and louping and laughing, as youand he were wont to do, would soon make the powder flee out of his wig,and the pence out of his pocket. Nevertheless, I trust you will meetwhen you return from your rambles; for there is a time, as the wise mansayeth, for gathering, and a time for casting away; it is always thepart of a man of sense to take the gathering time first. I remain,dear sir, your well-wishing friend; and obedient to command, ALEXANDERFAIRFORD.

  PS.--Alan's Thesis is upon the title DE PERICULO ET COMMODO REIVENDITAE, and is a very pretty piece of Latinity.--Ross House, in ourneighbourhood, is nearly finished, and is thought to excel Duff House inornature.