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  Psychic Knights

  Reformation - Part 1

  Book 1 in the Psychic Knights Series



  TechPsychers control Earth and its sister planets. They persecute the Naturals and their continual disappearance is unexplained. Thorn is part of an off-world resistance. His small band of Naturals, known as the Psychic Knights, have been successful in rescuing the persecuted over the last hundred years, but his frustrations to improve his psychic powers and desire to rescue more Naturals leads him on a mission that goes against his normal strict planning regime. The outcome is almost fatal.

  Thorn is rescued and finds that the effects of the psychic bomb had altered his mind in such a way that through training over the next thirty years his psychic powers increase.

  Towards the end of his training Thorn discovers his four brothers are still alive and sets off to reunite the Psychic Knights and with his new powers bring an end to the TechPsychers rule.

  This is the first book in the Psychic Knights series.

  Copyright 2011 by P.B.Thompson

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  Reformation - Part 1

  Chapter 1


  He struggled to open his eyes. Fighting with consciousness, the bright surroundings forced him to squint as his eyelids slowly lifted. He tried to move his arms, but found they were restrained. No, not restrained. Just immobile. The same for his legs. He felt no pain. Just an inability to move.

  Still fighting to stay conscious, his eyes finally focused on what was above him. A smooth, white ceiling. No markings. Just an ocean of white that for all he knew went on forever. He managed to move his head slightly. Softness could be felt. At least he had some feeling.

  Lavender! He could smell smoky lavender filling his nostrils as his head turned. His eyes saw movement. Coming towards him.

  "Thorn, you're..."

  Panic set in. He tried to move again, but couldn't and his head started swimming until he lost consciousness again.


  Nine days earlier

  The inconspicuous world lay in a Solar System many light years from Earth. It was one of three habitable planets that orbited the white sun. Prius 3 was mostly baron. A chunk of rock floating around the sun with no signs of life except the thick vegetation that covered a quarter of the planet. A perfect hiding place.

  Within naturally formed caves and valleys a community had formed over the last hundred years. These innocent humans had been hunted and hounded away from their home planet by the TechPsychers. These were the lucky ones. They had been saved by the small rebel groups that had grown from the persecution. Others had been captured and taken away to unknown destinations. All because of their natural abilities.

  High up in one of the caverns that overlooked a green valley a craft was coming into land. Its flashing landing lights illuminating part of the cavern. When it landed it coasted to the nearest docking point and the hatchway opened to let out fifty passengers. All a little shaken and tired from their recent ordeal. A greeting party came to meet them and ushered them to the back of the cavern where they were taken in lifts to the waiting medical staff.

  On the craft the five man strong crew were making their weapons safe and running checks on the craft itself.

  "Akarn, go and get that arm seen to. We'll take care of the equipment."

  "OK, but don't start the celebrating until I get back. I've still got another good arm to hold my glass with."

  The five men grinned in unison as though they were in a synchronised grinning competition. "Don't worry big man. We'll wait for you."

  Akarn heaved his massive bulk out of the ship and headed for the infirmary keeping hold of his injured arm.

  "Another successful mission," said Ifor stretching out his legs after the long trip back. "Those TechPsychers are so dumb. The vegetation outside put up more resistance when we were clearing it than they did." Ifor was checking his Vibro-Gun; his favoured weapon. He was six foot two inches tall and solidly built with receding hair that had been saying goodbye to his head since he was in his thirties. His light brown skinned face was hard and he had a look that could win a fight even before a fist was raised.

  "Don't get too carried away. You know they're never always that easy. We still need to make sure we are well prepared for the next time." The cautionary tone came from Thorn.

  "Ah! Come on Thorn. The TechPsychers are pussies. We're just too good for them and our record speaks for itself." Yilnar slid back on the bench he was on and rested against the bulkhead. "How long have we been together? Seventy, eighty years. How many people have we rescued? Thousands! And how many fatal casualties have we suffered? None! None of the other groups can match us and neither can the TechPsychers."

  "We owe a lot to intelligence and planning. Don't forget that."

  "Who does the planning? We do," Ifor said.

  Thorn smiled. His chiselled features softened as his teeth showed. He too was six foot two inches tall with a slender, but strong build that had formed over the many years he had trained for the numerous combat situations he and his team had been exposed to. His full head of hair had been shaved almost bald and the sweat glistened on his pale skin.

  "OK, so we are good. But don't let it go to your heads."

  Ifor and Yilnar let out a cheer just as Roman walked in from the engine compartment.

  "How is she?" Thorn had to shout to be heard.

  "A little TLC and she’ll be fine. What's going on?" Roman looked over at the two men cheering.

  "We're just getting in the celebratory mood," Ifor said.

  "Well boys, let's get packed up and start that celebrating. I've got to go and see the old man first. I'll meet you in the Valley bar as soon as I've finished." Thorn slung his back pack over his shoulder and collected up his weapons. "And order some of those Chilli Chicken Wraps. I'm starving."



  Once again Thorn wrestled with his consciousness trying to stay alert. The white ceiling came into focus again. He turned his head to a sound. A clunking mechanical sound. He could make out two humanoid figures. Mechanical figures working at what looked like a wall of computers at the far end of the room. Flashing lights played on his eyes sending a stabbing pain to his brain. He shut his eyes tight shielding them from the source of the pain. His mind began to swim again. No! He fought to stay awake, but slipped into unconsciousness once more.

  Chapter 2

  Nine Days Earlier

  Thorn returned his weapons to stock. Although, officially the weapons were shared amongst the teams in the encampment, in reality each member of Thorn's team had their own selection. Their own personal favourites that had been modified to their own preferences. And Gillon, the stock supervisor was the one who made the modifications.

  "Another successful trip, Thorn? There are already stories of how you and your team took out a whole detail of TechPsychers. Eight ships was the last count I heard." Gillon took the stubby Vibro-Gun and Laser Pistol, Thorn's personal choice, and stacked them in the rack reserved for the Psychic Knights. Thorn gave a sly grin.

  "Typical gossip. It was only five ships. Take a look at the Vibro-Gun for me. It seems to be lacking in power." He turned away.

  "Will do. Good to have you back."

  The old man, Tor-Pic, had an office two hundred metres below the landing bay overlooking the lush valley. Cut from the rock, it was sparsely furnished. Just a chair and
the Holo-Computer that kept track of all of his teams and intelligence agents spread throughout the galaxy. The Holo-Computer, set into the floor, projected numerous displays upwards filling the space between the chair and the view out into the valley. Though Tor-Pic controlled the Holo-Computer with his mind, he preferred to view the data on screen. At two hundred and ninety and on his third and final regeneration he liked to keep his physical body in good working order.

  His white hair barely covered his oversized cranium. The dark eyebrows were the only remnants of the colour his hair once was. A sullen look permanently etched on his face was the result of the fight with the TechPsychers over the last one hundred years. He wore dark leather trousers and a dark leather waistcoat over a white collarless shirt.

  'Are you free to see me now?'

  The request came through to Tor-Pic's mind.

  'Of course! Come in my boy,' he replied.

  Thorn entered the room with a big smile on his face. Tor-Pic greeted his friend as his chair elevated him upright. They both embraced for a few seconds.

  "It's good to see you back. And another successful rescue. Fifty more persecuted souls delivered from those damn TechPsychers. You played it to perfection, my boy. As always. Would you like a drink?" He made his way to a unit that was set in to the far wall.

  "Sure, why not?"

  "Your usual?"

  Thorn gave a casual nod. Tor-Pic projected his order to the machine and two glasses materialised in the opening at the bottom filled with ice cubes and shots of Earth rum. Both men gave a quick salute with the glasses and downed the drink in one.

  Thorn nodded to the displays around the room.

  "How are the other teams doing?"

  Tor-Pic walked towards them. "We lost half of Borren’s team on ReesEr 9," he said pointing to one display. "Unfortunately the rescue failed." He paused for a short moment. "We've had two other successes, saving a total of fourteen people." Tor-Pic looked at Thorn. The total helplessness he felt could be seen on his face. "We're not getting many intelligence reports through. The opportunities for rescues are few and far between. The rest of the teams are still here." He turned back to the displays. "We may have one coming through soon. A big one, but I've had false hope about these before so I'm not getting too excited."

  "Any more news on why the TechPsychers are doing this?"

  Tor-Pic shook his head. He went back to the dispenser and requested another two drinks.

  "Other than the theory that they feel threatened by us, no. We haven't got the resources to track them once their ships go into Hyperspace with our people on them. I find it hard to believe that they would transport them somewhere just to kill them. They must be using them for something. But until we have more bodies out in the field all we can do is rescue the ones we know about and hope we come across something that can end this nightmare."

  "We will, and make them pay for all the suffering they have caused. We have to believe we will find a weakness in their technology and bring them down." Thorn finished his second drink.

  "I've got two hundred people searching the entire galaxy. Half of them looking for our people and the other half keeping us up to date with the TechPsychers movements. Nowhere nearly enough. It's getting harder and harder to keep that belief." Tor-Pic gulped down the rest of his drink. "Enough of this defeatism. You must be eager to get back to your men to celebrate this latest victory. You head off there and I'll pass by a little later to join you."

  They both embraced again and Thorn left.

  Chapter 3

  Distant laser shots gently woke Thorn. He probed the room with his mind until he found the clock. Nine thirty Prius 3 time. A full eight hours sleep. 'I haven't done that in a while,' he thought. 'Mind you, the drinking session with the boys must have helped.' More laser fire. 'The idle teams must be getting some combat training in.'

  The white sun shone through the cracks in the shutters of the hut leaving bright stripes on his bed. The dust in the air glittered as it danced around him.

  Pulling back the cover he got out of bed scratching the back of his head. As he stepped down he felt the throb from an old wound. Walking to the fridge with a slight limp he got out a bottle of water. More laser fire fizzed outside as he took a swig from the bottle. Then an explosion. 'Jees! Have they used enough explosives?' The sarcastic thought disappeared as soon as he felt a gentle nudge on his mind. Someone wanted to mind talk with him. He opened up.

  'Thorn, it's Tor. I've had some interesting feedback from one of our men on Earth. Come and see me when you've got a minute. I'll be in the Strategy Room.'

  'OK, I'll just get something to eat and I'll come by.'

  The early sun shone brightly behind the tall rocks casting long shadows over the Porta-Habs. The area below the caves in the valley had been cleared and Porta-Habs erected for the serving Team members. Further down the valley were the civilians that had been rescued and decided to stay on Prius 3. Most of the rescued were relocated on other worlds, but a small community had stayed, which numbered in the thousands. They stayed to help with the on-going struggle against the TechPsychers. Technicians, medical staff, teachers for the kids, and the usual bars and gambling places that had grown for the basic human needs.

  He made the short walk to the mess hall taking in his favourite views of the sloping valley that led down into the built up living area and onto the lush vegetation. As he opened the door he was greeted with a short cheer.

  "You finally got out of your stinking pit, then," Ifor said. The rest of the Psychic Knights were there already.

  Thorn smiled and said, "I don't know about you guys, but I sure needed that sleep". He grabbed a plate and began filling it up from the selection of food that had been laid out. It was so nice to have proper food again.

  "We were just having a little chat about what we're going to do next. Seeing as there doesn't seem to be anything lined up for us and as there are so many teams here still, maybe we could have a short break for a week or so. We've been out in the field for the last month. I think we deserve a rest. We were just discussing about going to Nexuss. The planet's well known for its pleasure arcades and gambling halls. At least in the southern hemisphere." Yilnar looked around the room as everyone nodded in agreement. His lineage hailed from the Mediterranean and his dusky tan seemed to accentuate his pearl white teeth and shocking black hair. Two inches shorter than Thorn and Ifor, his broad shoulders and thick set, muscular body made him a more imposing figure.

  "Want to throw away your credits, eh? Didn't you learn anything from last night down in the valley?"

  "Yeah, he learnt that not everyone wearing a dress is a woman." Everyone burst out laughing at Akarn's rare quip.

  "You may have to put that on hold. I've just been summoned by the old man. He may have something for us yet," Thorn managed to get out through his laughing.

  "Well if there's anything I like more than gambling it's breaking a few of them TechPsychers heads." Akarn ground his massive fist into his palm. "Any idea where we're off to?"

  "Nope. Not yet. As soon as I've eaten I'm going to see him, now budge over and let me fill my empty belly."

  An hour later Thorn was standing in the Strategy Room pouring over data on the displays in front of Tor-Pic's chair. A detailed map was shown on one of them. An aerial view of the same area was displayed on another. A cluster of buildings could be seen within a clearing that had been roughly gouged out from a jungle area on Earth. No rescue attempts had ever been made on Earth before. The departure areas that held the captives before they were taken off world were too heavily guarded, even for Thorn's team.

  "This is the best chance we've ever had of making a rescue on Earth. And it will be the biggest rescue attempt we've ever tried. Up to three hundred captives are in this area. You've got the best team for the job, Thorn." Tor-Pic pointed to the aerial view and singled out one of the buildings. "They're held in this building. We're not too sure why they are there. Our sources think it may be some sort of experiment
ation area. Away from the public eye. Whatever it is the same objectives apply. Rescue the captives and leave nothing and no one standing."

  Thorn looked concerned. "We've never attempted anything on Earth before because it's too risky. What makes you so sure this is any safer?"

  Tor-Pic glared at him. "Our sources are reliable. This is one of the best opportunities to save a lot of our people. We have all the information we need for getting on and off the planet without being detected. We have men on the inside that can disable the areas network of scanners for the time that it will take for you to set down. Every last detail has been taken care of."

  A frown crept over Thorn's face. "Could our source have been compromised?"

  The old man shook his head. "Impossible! All the checks we have in place confirm our cover is still secure." He grabbed Thorn's arm firmly and stared at him with an intensity that burned deep in Thorn's soul. His voice lowered. "A rescue of this scale is very rare. Who knows what's going on down there! We have to save these people!"

  Thorn hesitated. The old man was getting emotional. He hadn't seen him like this before and he wondered if his emotions were affecting his decisions. Finally he answered.

  "It goes against my better judgement, but we'll do it. I'll confer with the men and we'll come up with a plan."

  "We have a time scale for this one. Our source can disable the scanning network at 0700 hours Earth time five days from now for five minutes. And then again 0700 hours two days later for when the rescue is complete."

  Thorn's eyes widened when he heard this.

  "That's way too soon. It'll take us four days to get there, as long as we have no problems on the way, and it'll be a day for us to get things ready here. I don't like this Tor. This isn't how we've survived all of this time."