Read Regenis 4 Chronicles {Book 1} Page 1

Regenis 4 Chronicles

  Book 1

  Steve Simons

  Copyright 2009 Steve Simons

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  Chapter 1 - Welcome Surprises

  Chapter 2 - Regenis 4 Night Lights

  Chapter 3 - Through The Back Door

  Chapter 4 - Its all on the label

  Chapter 5 - With Friends Like These

  Chapter 6 - Who to Trust

  Chapter 7 - An Interesting Place

  Chapter 8 - One Down

  Chapter 9 - Games Without Fun

  Chapter 10 - Where To?

  Chapter 11 - Sunrise at the Temples

  Chapter 12 - Discoveries and Meetings

  Chapter 13 - Suspicions

  Chapter 14 - Working Things Out


  Chapter 1 - Welcome Surprises

  The two moons of Regenis 4 were still visible, their silvery light streaming through the small window in the food preparation area of the Glaceon's dwelling. The silvery light was gradually being tinged by the orange and red hues of the sun as it was just peeping above the horizon.

  A heated discussion was taking place in the food preparation area. Edward and Maria were discussing their eldest son's birthday present. Edward in his mid-fifties, didn't feel his age despite the put downs he received from his sons, was arguing his case as to why he bought his eldest son such a dangerous and adventurous present, without consulting his wife Maria, who was ten years younger, yet the way she talked sometimes you'd have thought she was the older of the two of them. Maria was not only annoyed that Edward had bought such such an irresponsible gift, but that he had not discussed it beforehand, every year before this, they had discussed and agreed what they were going to get their sons for their birthday, before actually getting it,. Edward knew that Maria would not have agreed to get the present that he had brought for Ed. He knew the very arguments that Maria was using now, would have stood in his way. As Ed was 18, Edward had been determined to get his son a really special present to reward him for all his study and hard work at the academy, at the same time it would give Ed a sense of independence that Edward had wished he'd had at 18.

  Maria told Edward that the present was impractical and dangerous and that he'd never forgive himself if Ed killed himself. Edward referred Maria to Ed's academy reports and pointed out that he was an excellent pilot and his navigational skills were second to none. Maria said that the present was too fast and totally impractical. Ed wouldn't be able to carry anything on it. He'd be tempted to speed around and ram himself into the rocks. Edward decided to put his foot down by saying that the deed had been done and they could only see how Ed gets on with it.

  Maria, determined to have the last word on the matter, said that Edward could be the one that takes the call from E-services when they inform the family that Ed has broken his limbs or worse.

  Edward calls an end to the discussion by pointing out that Ed was on his way to the food preparation room.

  The door opened and sure enough in walked Ed, he was as tall as his dad and had the same light hair colour, but his facial features were much more like his Mother's. In a sleepy manner, yet still with some enthusiasm in his voice he greeted his parents with his usual "Sub Zero both, any Tastiday left?"

  Maria told Ed that she had bought a fresh "cart" yesterday. Then she wished Ed a happy birthday, and handed him an e-screen, announcing that his EB-Cards were on it.

  Edward remarked that he couldn't figure out why they still called them "cards".

  Ed, enjoying the opportunity, rebuked his father and told him not to be such a "Stuffer Duffer".

  Maria, whilst used to their banter and continual put downs, was never comfortable about it and saw it as her duty to smooth things out, so she was glad of an opportunity to interrupt things as she handed over the bowl of breakfast cereal and said, "Here are your Tastiday Ed".

  Edward asked Ed if he could get the weed waster out of the equipment store when he'd finished his breakfast. Ed said he'd do it, but protested that he would not use it, as last time he burned his feet.

  Edward ribbed Ed by saying, "Just how big do they have to paint the arrows on it? What do you expect if you point the darned thing the wrong way round then turn it on?"

  Ed replied that he can't help it if he's blind as well as stupid.

  Edward said, "Excuses, excuses, always excuses."

  Maria encouraged them to hush up and for Ed to eat his breakfast.

  Ed said, "OK, OK, Fetch bot refuelling."

  Fetch bot was Ed's nickname for himself whenever he was given fetching and errand type tasks. Edward smiled, if there was one thing that he appreciate about his eldest son, it was his sense of humour. Edward could get to a situation where he was really annoyed about something that Ed had or come to that had not done and be really fuming about it. Then along would come Ed and with a quick one liner Ed would completely defuse the situation. Ed seemed on the surface to have a devil may care attitude, yet he was in reality really conscientious. He just didn't show it outwardly, it would seem as if a problem didn't really matter, yet he'd come up with a well thought out solution. Edward also noted that Ed was a born leader, he had the ability to get others enthusiastic about whatever needed to be done and could, it seemed, effortlessly pass out tasks and they would be done. It was almost as if Ed had hypnotic powers, a kind of personal magnetism.

  Ed then remarked, "Quick Mum get some more breakfast, Dad has contracted Cheshire Cat syndrome."

  Edward looked around for something safe to throw at Ed and settled on a globe root, left over from last nights meal. He skilfully threw it straight at Ed's right ear, striking it's target straight away.

  Ed responded with, "Fetch bot has suffered memory loss, task stack now empty.

  Edward said, "Job stack open, push, travel to equipment store, open, retrieve weed waster, close store, leave weed waster in dangerous place on path and disappear. Close job stack and execute job stack."

  At one time, in his many faceted life, Edward was a systems programmer. So he had often resorted back to such language, Ed and Paul enjoyed this banter, after all they had grown up with it and it made life a bit more interesting trying to interpret what really they had to do. After all it beat being asked to "Ed please fetch the weed waster".

  Ed laughed and asked why the weed waster should be left in a dangerous place on the path. Edward replied that this was Ed's usual behaviour.

  Maria interjected a protest of "Boys!"

  Ed responded, "OK Mum, Fetch bot refuelled, executing job stack."

  Just then Paul, Ed's younger brother, only by two years, entered the food preparation area. Paul had black hair just like Maria's, his facial features were a cross between Edward's and Maria's. He was about 4 centimetres shorter than Ed. Paul was much "quieter" than Ed, in that he merged more into the background, he seemed more studious, quite content to spend hours on Galcomnet (similar to today's internet), whereas Ed was more content to be in a group of mates having a laugh and a joke about the latest vid (film or video clip) that had hit the GN (Galc

  Paul seemed to be much more awake and with it, as he greeted Ed with, "Sub-Zero and happy BD by the way. The SC given you anything worthwhile for me to borrow?"

  SC was the nickname youngsters on Regenis 4 used when referring to their parents. SC meant supporters club.

  Ed responded with, "Fetch bot gotta do errand as MTSCM got don't want to do it myself syndrome."

  Paul asked, "MTSCM what on R4 is that?"

  Ed replied, "Male Type SC Member."

  Paul encouraged Ed with, "Oh I see. Fetch bot better get on with it as I'm dying to see what hand me down or borrow it, I'm getting."

  "Who's BD is it?" replied Ed.

  "Why its your BD Ed, but you know I just love to benefit too.", answered Paul.

  Paul was quite right, he nearly always ended up borrowing Ed's birthday presents, or if it was that great, he'd have to wait until Ed tired of it, then Ed would get the item as a hand me down. Ed left to carry out his errand.

  Paul asked his Mum what was for "Munchies". Maria asked if he wants some Tastiday.

  Paul responded, "What low carb rubbish? Give me full fat any day."

  Maria replied, "I haven't got full English, got to order more supplies today."

  Paul disappointedly said, "No FFE, OK I'll skip munchies and see if Fetch bot has lasered off his foot successfully yet."

  Quite why it was referred to as Full Fat English breakfast no-one knows, it bears little relation to the cooked breakfasts that originally bore that name, apart from the fact that it had a higher fat content than the modern breakfast options and of course it is cooked. FFE was not very popular, as medical advice favoured lower fat foods as being more healthy. However it was still available as some people liked to eat it as a treat. Paul, whilst knowing all the science behind the medical advice, preferred to buck the current trend as he just liked the taste and the comfortable feeling that such a breakfast gave him.

  Paul emerged from the dwelling entrance, into the sunlight, hardly able to believe his eyes. His brother Ed was sitting astride a shiny new Airsleaker.

  Paul asked if it was the AS 40 60.

  Ed replied, "The very same."

  Paul, still disbelieving his eyes, asked, "Why would the male SC buy himself one of those? Is it some sort of mid-life crisis thing? Surely he knows the female of the clan would do her nut."

  Ed responded, "It's not for Dad , its for me!"

  Paul asked how Ed knew that.

  Ed replied, that it was kind of a given away by the gift gift label on the control stix.

  Paul, still unable to believe what had happened says, "Blimey how did he get that through the FSC?"

  Edward, now standing behind Paul, made him jump by responding, "He didn't, she's still fuming."

  Ed responded, "Thanks, its, its....."

  Edward finished his sentence with the question, "Got to go back to the manufacturer?"

  Ed replied, "No way! It's sub-zero, you're the best MSC ever."

  Edward, corrected his son with, "Dad would be better!"

  Paul asked Ed when he was going to take the air sleaker for a test run.

  Ed replied that he needed to read the manual first. Then he said, "You can come on the test run if you like."

  Paul replied, "Does an ant eater turn down the chance of a free ant hill?"

  Ed says, "I'll take that as a yes then."

  Edward, smiled and said, "Well I'm not even bothering to say anything about safe piloting, if you're taking time out to read the manual."

  Ed replied, "Ah but I didn't say which part, I might only be reading the specifications, so I know how much I can get out of this beauty."

  ~~ Later ~~

  Paul objected to having to putting a helmet on, but Ed being safety conscious insisted. Edward walked by them as Ed was doing the final pre-flight checks and jibbed, "You got your hands full there Ed, Paul already giving you grief?"

  Ed replied, "These youngsters eh?"

  Edward replied, "Enjoy yourselves boys, see you latter."

  The boys waved as the air sleaker lifted off and gently eased itself forward. Paul heard Ed ask, "Where to sir?"

  Paul replied, "Make it a mystery tour."

  "OK, hold on tight!" said Ed. The air sleaker leaned to the right and headed off at speed, looping over the roof of their dwelling, heading off to the distant hills. The speed picked up even further as the engine got more settled.

  Paul, almost shouted into Ed's headset, "This is great, no wonder you enjoy this flying stuff."

  Ed reminded Paul that the microphones were pretty sensitive on the comms gear. Then pointed out that they would soon be coming up upon the Dekantsi caves and he told Paul to look to the right of the air sleaker.

  Sure enough they rose into the air to clear the top of the first hill and the caves could be seen quite clearly below. The Air Sleeker leaned to the left and flew over some larger openings, then approached a large cliff. Ed pulled back the stick to make the air sleaker rise, both boys were rather worried that the sleaker wouldn't rise quickly enough, but it was definitely up to the task and it glided over the top of the cliff effortlessly. They continued on for a short while, rising all the time, so they'd rise over the oncoming hills, then a gorge came into view.

  Ed remarked, "This might be interesting to check out the sleaker's steering."

  Paul nervously replied, "Just don't get too close to those rocks."

  The air sleaker gently dropped down into the gorge, the rocks seemed quite close as the sleaker swung from one side to the other, snaking its way down the gorge, following its wobbly path.

  Paul said, "Hey you are good at this piloting thing." It was the first time that Paul had ever travelled with Ed as pilot. The pilots at the academy were not allowed to take other students with them as passengers, only instructors were allowed to accompany the trainees. Yes, Paul had watched his brother a few times, but that was only from the ground and it was difficult to get a true measure of the skill involved from that perspective.

  They passed several side shoots, then Ed decided he'd explore one of them. The turn caught Paul by surprise, he nearly fell off, but recovered just-in time.

  The new gorge they had entered become ever wider until suddenly the side walls completely dropped away, as did the floor of the gorge. They seemed to be in a massive canyon, with rocks far below them. Ed skirted round the edge of the canyon for a bit, but when they came across nothing of interest, Ed decided they would turn back. When they got back to main run, Ed decided to rise up so they could get an aerial view of the gorge runs and that canyon that they had just been in.

  To the surprise of both boys there was no sign of the large canyon, just a large expanse of flat rock. Ed marked his current position on the air sleaker's navigation system, so he could check out a map of the area when they got home.

  They scouted around a bit more, took a circular tour over the mines and then headed home.

  When they arrived home, they could see that there were two people talking to their Dad.

  Ed landed the air sleaker without any fuss. The boys dismounted.

  One of the visitors broke away from the little huddle by the dwelling entrance. He was shorter but somewhat larger than Paul, although he was about the same age. He had red hair, so red it looked like a fashion dye that was all the rage some time ago. As best he could, he rushed over to Ed and Paul, exclaiming, "Wow I don't believe it, it can't be, that isn't an AS 40 60?"

  "Oh hi, Elcesior, it sure is, Ed is just testing it out for me." replied Paul. He knew Elcesior as they shared some classes at the academy. Elcesior had only recently joined the academy, but the two boys had become friends very quickly.

  Ed quickly responded, "Hey clan boy, its mine, you're going to have to wait some years before this baby becomes a hand me down, or a 'Can I borrow it'."

  Elcesior remarked that Ed was really lucky to have one of the the most wanted icons of their age, he then remarked that its pulling power far outweig
hed anything that the academy had.

  All heads turned round as they heard a female voice say, "So this is where you're hiding yourself Elcesior. Nice Airsleaker!"

  Ed can hardly believe his eyes, there standing before him was the coolest girl he'd ever seen. Her long blond hair gleaming in the sunshine, framing her face and leading Ed's eyes down to her ...... dress which was more stylish than he'd seen in years. The last time he'd seen something this stylish was when they had an unexpected visitor from Yedzion, she had come to see their father. He remembered there had been some tension between Edward and Maria for a few days after the visit. Ed looked back at this girl's face, such large blue eyes, you could almost take a swim in those eyes. He couldn't help but notice her pupils suddenly get larger. He realised that he must be staring at her and turned his attention back to Elcesior, just in time to hear him say, "Oh hi Jenny, yes it's Paul's."

  Ed corrected the statement with, "No actually it could only be owned by an ace pilot, I'm Ed by the way, the current owner of said Airsleaker." He nervously looked back at Jenny to see if his bragging had any effect upon her. He was just in time to see her avert her gaze away from him. He could not help but notice the slight change in colouration of her face, it was changing from its beautiful pale to a somewhat redder hue. This time, he could not take his eyes away from Jenny's face, her face was long and slender, although he could see that she was wearing some make-up it was subtle enough that he could see that she was genuinely beautiful. He could not understand the feelings he was experiencing. Before now whenever he saw a girl, he just saw her as yet another friend, but this feeling was considerably different. As Jenny looked back in his direction again, Ed found himself involuntarily looking away again. This was ridiculous, he thought to himself, but he seemed to have no control over his own reactions.