Read Regenis 4 Chronicles {Book 1} Page 5

"We didn't know, so that's why we were doing a search on Galcomnet." said Ed, hoping this would throw their Dad off of the scent.

  Edward picked up Paul's e-reader and scanned the list of chemical names and origination codes, then he saw the logo.

  "What is going on here boys? This logo is the Plessorean Corporation logo from Galtoid 3." Asked Edward.

  "Is it?" asked Ed, then he turned to Paul hoping he could swing things back onto the game theme and said, "Ah that explains who the adversary is in the game."

  Edward was obviously not convinced and continued, "What are you two boys up to? It isn't a game is it?"

  Neither boy could look straight at their Dad's face, which instantly told him, he was right.

  "OK come clean, what is going on and come to it, what is in that bottle by the terminal, the label looks a bit strange?" asked Edward.

  Both boys looked at each other and nodded.

  "OK. Dad, you're right it isn't a game, we've stumbled on something that we think is a hugh threat, but we wanted to make sure before doing anything hasty." Admitted Ed.

  "Right start from the beginning." insisted Edward.

  Between Ed and Paul, they told the story of their discovery and research to-date.

  When they finished Edward admitted, "Well I can see why you wanted to keep this secret, tell the wrong person and you'd tip off the perpetrators. Mind you I think you may have tipped them off yourselves, that someone is onto them. I wouldn't mind betting they have either increased their security or have shut the factory down and cleared out."

  "What do you think we should do next?" asked Ed.

  "Mmmm tricky, give me some time, I still have some trusted contacts in the administration, I'll do a bit of digging around to ensure this isn't anything to do with them. As you suspect though, I'm sure this is some sort of off-world threat. Of course the one thing we don't know is whether it is aimed at us or at another planet or group of planets." replied Edward.

  "OK. we'll continue our research into the chemicals and prove the chemical weapon threat." said Paul.

  "Be careful to cover your tracks, use different search engines to check out the different chemicals. I suppose you haven't got user names and accounts other than your own?" Asked Edward.

  "Hey you're not dealing with amateurs here Dad. Got it covered." replied Paul.

  "If you need more user names I still have a few up my sleeve that you can use." offered Edward.

  "Oh yes please, you can never have enough." replied Paul.

  Edward asked if Paul's e-reader was networked and after being assured it wasn't, he entered several account details onto it. Then reminded Paul to delete them after he'd finished using them. Paul was amazed at how his Dad could remember all the account details without having to refer to an e-reader.

  Edward remarked, "That's the beauty of being an Administration employee on the security side, they provide memory augmentation that is secure to the individual."

  "What is augment..." asked Ed

  "An implant in my brain, that enhances my memory, I can store memories and information away securely, like this conversation and there will be no trace in my brain, but instead it is locked away in my secure storage and only accessible by me. Even the administration can't access it, without me wishing them to. Its a kind of double security, in-case of spies within the ring of spies." replied Edward.

  "You were a spy?" asked Ed.

  "Who was a what?" replied Edward winking, "I'm just a man trying to scratch a living on a desolate rock in this sector of space."

  The boys continued their research and their Dad disappeared for a few days, "on business".


  Chapter 5 - With Friends Like These

  "Just how many days is a few?" asked Paul, "Dad has been gone for nearly a week now and apart from a VisiCall on his second day, we've heard nor seen nothing of him."

  Ed replied, "Yes I got to admit I'm getting pretty worried myself now. What can we do about it though, we haven't got a clue where he went or who he was going to see?"

  "Maybe that's our starting point, to find out who he is most likely to have visited.", suggested Paul.

  "That's all very well, but we don't want to raise any suspicions about what he was up to." said Ed.

  "We won't if we merely take the tack that he was looking up old friends and we are concerned that we haven't heard from him for nearly a week." replied Paul.

  "OK I'll ask Mum who were his closest friends as we believe he was planning to look one or two up whilst he was away." suggested Ed.

  "That sounds OK to me. Just don't sound worried." said Paul.

  Ed left Paul's room and came back about twenty minutes later.

  "Well how did it go?" asked Paul.

  "Mum was relieved that I talked to her as she was getting worried about Dad herself, she even said that it reminded her of their early days at Regenis 4, when he'd often disappear for weeks on end and she wouldn't have a clue when let alone if she'd see him again." replied Ed.

  "Did she give you any leads as to whom he was most likely to have visited?" asked Paul.

  "Yes there were several in the field so to speak, but only three highly likely in the really trusted category." said Ed.

  "Trusted category, wow if you got to that level of conversation, Mum must be really suspicious now." remarked Paul.

  "Leave it out, I'm more subtle than that. I don't think she has a clue that you and I are involved in anything, we're just caring sons as far as she's concerned. The upshot is that you and I have got access to funds and got her blessing to seek Dad out, provided we keep in touch and don't get ourselves into any trouble or danger." said Ed.

  "We're in enough of that already." responded Paul.

  Ed continued, "Our first port of call, is literally a port. We are going to Hescedion space port, where Dad's old mate Jerestican Klayfer works. I rang his daughter....."

  "You have quite a thing with Girls don't you?" interrupted Paul.

  Ed ignored him and went on to say, "...she said we'd be most welcome to stay with them for a couple of days, as the last time Jerestican saw us, you were a baby and I was a toddler. She said he'd be thrilled to see us, as for Dad visiting Jerestican, she hasn't seen him, but that doesn't mean anything, as they could have met up at Jerestican's workplace, in any case his daughter had been away for the last week, she'd only just arrived back from her academy."

  "Well best pack some gear and say farewell to Mum. How are we travelling, by Airsleaker?" asked Paul.

  "No way it's too far and in any case Mum wouldn't trust us on a solo journey further than half a day's ride. We're travelling by overnight Tubevec." replied Ed.

  "Great, I've always fancied one of those overnight journeys. Something strangely exciting about sleeping in your Jim Jams whilst travelling on a Tubevec with a load of strangers in the compartments around you." said Paul.

  "You're just downright weird Clan Boy." responded Ed.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  "Did you get any sleep?" asked Ed.

  "A little. I kept hearing noises from the other compartments and corridor. I'd just get off to sleep for a while and wake up again. How about you?" replied Paul.

  "Pretty much the same, I don't feel as if I'd had a wink of sleep." said Ed.

  "Looking forward to meeting Academy Girl?" asked Paul.

  "More keen to find out what happened to Dad." said Ed.

  "Let's go and get some breakfast. I understand their cooked offerings are something to behold." suggested Paul.

  As it happened both boys were in for a bit of disappointment, the catering facilities had decided to go faulty and there wasn't even a supply of Ed's favourite Tastiday.

  So they just has some juice for breakfast.

  The Transvec soon arrived at their destination, The station was absolutely packed and heaving with people heading this way and that. The space port was obviously a very popular place for travellers.

  Ed said, "Carina is meeti
ng us by the central information desk. I think it is in this direction." He was consulting his e-reader, which was displaying a map of the space port.

  The two boys walked in the indicated direction and sure enough, even through the throngs of the heaving mass of people, they could see the sign "Central Information". As they got closer, Paul caught sight of a beautiful girl with chestnut shoulder length hair. He couldn't believe their luck when he saw that she was holding up a handwritten sign that read "Ed & Paul".

  "That must be Carina over there." exclaimed Paul to Ed.

  Ed looking in the direction Paul was pointing and saw the sign then the girl. He replied, "I suppose so."

  They jostled their way through the crowd, at one point they became separated as the crowd pushed between them. But they joined up again when they reached the girl holding up the sign. Paul was first to reach her and introduced himself and at the same time checked that she had the right Paul and Ed, well after all there could be another Paul & Ed around in this crowd somewhere. By the time Ed joined them, Paul and Carina were chatting as if they were old friends meeting up again after a long break. Ed decided to take a back seat, literally, as they took a transport to Carina and Jerestican's dwelling. By the time they arrived at the apartment, it seemed as if Carina and Paul had exchanged their life stories. They hadn't stopped talking since they first met. Ed felt like a lemon sat in the back of the transport, he just concentrated on the journey, taking in all the sights, after all it was his first time at the port and he didn't want to miss a thing.

  When they arrived at the apartment, it was a very attractive apartment, overlooking the main docking area of the space port itself; Carina showed the boys to their rooms. She told them that her Dad would be back in time for dinner, so they had the rest of day to settle in and explore the space port and town if they liked. Then she offered them breakfast, which Paul accepted without hesitation, what is more he even asked if Carina had some of Ed's favourite Tastiday, to which she replied, "Yes its Dad's favourite too. Although I can't understand it, I hate the stuff, prefer a good English myself." Carina then admitted that she'd known about the Tubevec's catering disaster before it came in to the station, "one advantage of being family of staff", she said.

  The rest of the day was spent exploring the town, the boys were very impressed by the sheer number and variety of shops, restaurants and entertainments. They said that the port was far too busy and hectic for "country folk like them".

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Jerestican had a real surprise when he walked in and found two lads chatting to Carina, he assumed at first that the were academy pals. Then Carina explained who they were. Ed then asked if their Dad had contacted or visited Jerestican over the last five or six days. To their delight, he replied that Edward had visited him about four days ago as he was on business in the area. Jerestican asked if anything was wrong. Paul told him that they hadn't heard from him for nearly a week and thought it was a little strange, as usually he kept in close contact when he went away.

  Jerestican said, "I can see why you'd be worried then. In the old days when we worked for the Administration it would be nothing to be away for weeks without contact, but not now..... that's something different."

  Ed diplomatically asked if Edward had discussed anything with Jerestican before he left. Jerestican seemed a little nervous at this question, he seemed to be avoiding any eye contact, as if he were not sure whether to say anything in-case of letting any secrets out. Ed thought this was strange behaviour for what he assumed Jerestican to be, an ex-spy. After a somewhat embarrassing pause Jerestican said,"Well actually we did discuss something that your father was investigating, but I can't really say anything about it as it was kind of related to your father's old trade."

  It was interesting that Jerestican had assumed that Edward had told his sons that he was a spy, or perhaps the assumption that Jerestican was also a spy is incorrect, perhaps Edward had a cover employment and Jerestican was actually unknowingly part of that cover. This spy business was far too complicated to get your head around it all.

  Paul asked, "Did Edward give any indication as to where he was going next on his journeys?"

  "Well actually I suggested he visit some old colleagues that we used to work closely with and I think he was going to visit them." said Jerestican.

  "Great, would you mind if we contacted them, to see if Edward had visited or contacted them?" asked Ed.

  Jerestican replied somewhat hesitantly, "Well actually...... I can't ...... I can't pass on any details, as they may not appreciate me letting you know anything about them. I can however, contact them myself and see if Edward did visit or make contact."

  Ed said, "That would be very helpful if you could, as we are quite concerned." He paused for a short while and then continued, "Oh and by the way we do know what Edward is investigating, as we made the discovery in the first place."

  Jerestican seemed very shocked at this admission and only responded with, "Oh I see."

  It was Carina who spoke next, she said, "I hope Dad manages to find him OK. I'd hate the thought of anything happening to your Dad, he was always very nice when he visited us, so it comes as no surprise that he raised two caring sons like yourselves."

  Jerestican suddenly said, "I can't believe how you two have grown.......... Ed was a toddler and you Paul were a babe in arms when I last saw you two. That's the problem with living out in the sticks, I didn't get to see you grow up, whereas your father saw Carinna quite often as we have always lived in busy and central places. Let's celebrate meeting up again and go out for dinner tonight, my treat."

  "That's most kind of you." accepted Ed somewhat nervously, he was still unsure about Jerestican's reaction to the earlier discussion. Ed had a strong feeling that Jerestican was hiding something. It was only later when the boys were getting changed to go out, that he had a chance to discuss it with Paul, who admitted he had the same feeling of suspicion. They agreed that whilst they were keen to know if their dad had contacted Jerestican's colleagues, they also needed to watch their back and ensure they didn't stay too long and fall into some form of trap. Although it may already be too late.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  The restaurant was separated off into discrete areas, each table screened off from the next by virtu-screens. These had the dual purpose of looking attractive, yet providing soundproofing, so it made it very difficult for conversations to be overheard. Guests can, if they want to, completely shield themselves in their cubicle, leaving none or only one surface transparent.

  Paul whispered to Ed, "I think I'd prefer it if this place was a bit more open". Ed nodded in agreement.

  They were soon shown to their table and were reading the e-menu, the silence between them was quite uncomfortable. Paul looked up and caught Carina's quizzical look, she mouthed, "What's going on? Why has the conversation died all of a sudden?"

  Paul shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know if Carina could be trusted and didn't really want to put the situation to test, so decided to play dumb. He continued reading the menu, but soon looked up again as Carina spoke.

  Carina said, "That's the one disadvantage to this place, there's just too much choice and all of it is really excellent."

  Jerestican said, "Well I had to bring Edward's boys to somewhere fitting for the occasion."

  Carina, determined to keep the conversation on a roll, said, "Well I'm going to be boring and have what I had last time we came, the Borasican stew."

  Jerestican said, "Ah yes that was good, I'll join you. No pressure lads take your time, its all good, the only thing I'd advise avoiding is the Plegarian Wrap, tends to repeat on you for days afterwards. I made that mistake when I was away with Edward once, never again. Mind you we ran into an interesting Professor, can't remember his name now, anyway he had the same thing, we ran into him a couple of days later and he agreed with me, never again."

  Ed replied, "OK clan boy, forewarned is fore armed,
let's give the Plegarian wrap a miss then. I think I fancy the Trascedian Noodles."

  Carina said, "Oh yes that is good, mind you its quite spicy, great if you like hot foods."

  Ed replied, "Count me in."

  Paul felt a bit under pressure now, as he was last to choose, he said, "I can't quite decide between the Hepsiganian stir fry or the Klesti salad."

  Jerestican responded, "The Klesti Salad is quite metallic in taste, but very good for you, plenty of vitamins and minerals and the Hepsiganian stir fry is quite oily, but none-the-less both very good."

  Paul said, "I've had the Hepsiganian stir fry before, so perhaps I'll try the Klesti salad."

  Jerestican told them that they merely had to press the item on the screen twice to order. The screens changed to drinks immediately afterwards and an estimate of delivery time of the meal was displayed at the bottom of each of the screens, the time was counting down.

  "Wow talk about time pressure, to place your order." exclaimed Paul.

  "It's just for guidance." said Jerestican.

  The rest of the meal passed by quite pleasantly, Carina and Jerestican asking the boys about their academy courses and plans for the future and Paul asked similar questions of Carina. They all enjoyed their meals and the time seemed to pass by quite quickly.