Read Regenis 4 Chronicles - Book 2 - The Invisible Foe Page 13

  Ed apologises for disturbing Richard. Richard says that it was alright as he was getting up anyway as he was still back on Regenis time.


  Chapter 21 - Life As Normal

  Fedioaux smiles as Ed walks in, she asks, "Get some sleep?"

  Ed smiles and replies, "Surprisingly, I did in the end, took a while to get off, but I was so tired, that I nearly slept over the alarm. Thanks for the new cabin by the way, I've never travelled Luxuriant class before. The gold controls in the bathroom, a nice touch, but a bit strange in the depths of space."

  Fedioaux replies, "Yes I've always thought that also. Only travelled Luxuriant class twice myself. I just thought that as it was there and you needed a port in a storm, it was the least I could do. Nothing to report regards our flight status, everything went well and we are on target for our destination, only three more course changes to make, one on your shift, I have left the details in the log for you, due about 11pm. Oh I am told that the analysis of the security cameras has been completed and there's a formal review panel sitting in about 20 minutes. I have been invited to attend, I'll probably go to the opening session, but I'm quite tired now, so I probably won't be able to stay too long. You'll probably get some feedback in three to four hours time, unless its a really complicated affair. Sorry I should have used a better word than that. I'm just so tired.

  Ed smiles and says, "Thanks, you'd best get off and get something to eat."

  Fedioaux smiles back and nods. Then picks something up from the control desk nearest the flight deck door. Ed wonders what Fedioaux has just picked up, as he can't recall her bringing anything on duty with her.

  The flight deck door closes, Ed sets up his Z-aphmediator and pulls up one of his favourite musivids. Well no point in suffering in silence, could be a long shift.

  Ed's comms device beeps, it is a message from Richard, he is asking where Ed is as he has to see him urgently. Ed sends back a reply to suggest that they meet up outside the flight deck door in ten minutes. He must do the system checks and it is regulations that he can't invite Richard onto the flight deck itself.

  The checks done, Ed exits the flight deck and is not surprised to find Richard already waiting for him outside. Richard launches straight into, "Its happened, its happened again, another craft disappeared, but there was no flight path cross over, so we have it wrong. This mission is flawed."

  Ed says, "Slow down, Unc, slow down. You say another craft has disappeared? Where was its last known whereabouts?"

  Richard lifts his arm, checks his comms device. He is silently reading for a while, then announces, "It doesn't actually say."

  Ed with disbelieving look on his face says, "Are you sure?"

  Richard holds out his arm and Ed grabs it and sets about reading the quite long message. Then declares, "It's there you bozo. Can you copy that to my comm device?"

  Richard asks, "Where?"

  Ed replies, "My comms device, can you copy the message to my comms device?"

  "Yes, yes I got that bit, where was the location of the craft?" asks Richard, still with arm outstretched towards Ed.

  Ed points to a particular part of the message. Richard exclaims, "Oh they are co-ordinates are they? I thought it was some sort of data source code." He sets about transferring the message to Ed.

  Ed darts back into the flight deck, Richard attempts to follow him and Ed points to the sign that says, 'Authorised Personnel only -Flight Crew'. Richard stops in his tracks, but protests, "Our lot are funding this trip though."

  Ed continuing to walk in, quickly spins his head round and says, "Its Regulations nothing to do with who owns or charters the craft." The door slides shut.

  Richard paces up and down as he waits for Ed to emerge again. He has quite a wait,all the time Richard is wondering what on Regenis 4, Ed is up to in there. Surely it shouldn't be taking this long?

  Ed emerges, e-screen in hand, he apologises for the wait, then says, "Well I can't prove it yet, but I am convinced that this mission isn't in vain, whilst it may have looked like it with this news. I am convinced there was another craft in the same area and the reason no-one knew of its existence is because it was on some sort of secret mission, possibly military in nature. It could be that someone else was also trying out our experiment, only in their case they may have been using a scheduled flight as the other craft. The annoying part is I can't prove it, what I have is little pieces of the jigsaw, which if you put them together seem to fit the bill. What we need is someone Like Paul who can get the information that we need."

  "Sorry but this seems a bit unbelievable without any proof and how on Regenis 4 is Paul going to get that for us?" asks Richard.

  "All I can say at this stage is, trust us. He can probably get an answer back to us in about...." Ed quickly does a mental calculation of the time to get messages out and back from Paul and also a rough time for Paul to hack someone else's secret network. Ed continues, "five or six hours, Oh heck he'll be in bed when the message gets there, add at least three hours on and that makes nine hours, can you get your lot to hold off cancelling this mission for at least that long?"

  Richard silent for a while, then says, "Well judging by that message, they don't at this stage seem minded to cancel the mission, as clearly something is triggering this thing. See what young Paul can do for us. In the meantime I'll tell our people that we are working on a lead. Can you give me more on what has convinced you that there was another craft?"

  Ed tells Richard what he has found, then returns to the flight deck, to begin the instrument checking all over again.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Fedioaux seems somewhat delicate as she walks through the door, not her usual confident and cheery self.

  Ed grins and says, "You could have stayed in bed a bit longer."

  Fedioaux says, "Now he tells me!" and there's a weak smile on her face. She continues, "If there's one thing I hate, its politics. Oh by the way did you get any feedback on the hearing?"

  Ed concerned, replies, "No, how did it go?"

  "I do not know, there was so much politics going on, I got so frustrated with it all that I left." replies Fedioaux.

  "Surely they should have been concentrating on the evidence and been debating that?" points out Ed.

  "Yes they should have, but however one of the panel members was a real pain in the ?. and kept interrupting things with points of law as to what evidence can and cannot be considered."

  "Perhaps he was a legal specialist." suggests Ed.

  "More like an overqualified doorman, he was one of their security people. I stayed for an hour whilst they debated what types of evidence could and could not be included in the hearing. In that hour we hadn't heard a flaming thing! If I was hoping to make up my own mind as to what had happened I didn't stand a chance, so its no surprise that you heard nothing, they probably have to arrange another meeting, due to so much wasted time. It must be so frustrating to whoever did the analysis as they are probably thinking it was an open and shut case, not that I'm pre-judging by the way. There's me going on, anything to report, was it a hectic night? Did the course correction go alright?"

  Ed smiles, then says, "Well actually there was one thing, the course correction went to the book, there were no problems with the craft or instruments...."

  Fedioaux interrupts with, "OK, but what went wrong?"

  "It wasn't here with us, another craft has gone missing." Ed replies.

  "What? I thought that couldn't happen, Richard had said that...."

  Ed still smiling says, "In theory it shouldn't have happened, but however, we think there was another craft involved and that a cross over occurred."

  "But I thought those were banned and who is we?" asks Fedioaux.

  "Oh didn't you know? There's more than just a family connection, between Richard and my family, we are working with the Regenis Security Services, my brother is an analyst and I'm a problem solver and adviser. Oh and my D
ad is a kidnap specialist."

  "How does the latter fit into the picture?" asks Fedioaux, somewhat mystified.

  "It doesn't, its a family joke, the last case my family worked on, my Dad managed to get himself kidnapped, so we refer to him as a kidnap specialist, although come to that I suppose my brother and I are pretty good, as we also got kidnapped at one stage, just we escaped. He had to be rescued."

  Fedioaux puts her hands up and says, "OK you've got me, I am totally confused now."

  "Essentially, my uncle, brother and I are the we. Although I am waiting for confirmation from my brother that he agrees with us. He will be finding the evidence to support what we believe to be the case."

  "Nothing is ever simple these days is it?" asks Fedioaux, then says, "When is the mystery of the latest disappearance likely to be resolved? Or will you have to shoot me if you tell me the answer to that one?"

  "Now I'm the confused one, why would I want to shoot you?" asks Ed, complete with puzzled expression.

  "You're a spy and I thought that's what you chaps do if someone knows more than they should."

  Ed nods as he now understands where Fedioaux is coming from. He replies, "I suppose I had best 'shoot off' and get some rest, before the next shift."

  "Oh very droll, don't forget you get a day off, as its Jiash now, then me and you are back on in 16 hours time. Lucky for some eh? At least I can get some more sleep when I have done this handover, I feel like I need it. Head still spinning from last night's debates. I just hope I don't get another invite to the next panel meeting, or I might speak my mind." Fedioaux's annoyed look has returned, but not for long. Ed picks up his Z-aphmediator and sets off for the Luxuriant cafeteria, hoping that he doesn't run into Jiash on the way.


  Chapter 22 - Hard

  The beep of Ed's comms device is totally unexpected, he is so fast asleep, it takes him ages to figure out what was making that annoying noise, it is almost as if it was part of the dream he was having. He wonders at one point, if he had actually heard it. It is bugging him now, so he reaches out to turn the lights on low, but typical, his fingers arrive at the wrong place on the control and the lights come on really bright. Through squinted eyes, Ed manages to slide his finger back down the control so the lights are only just on. He reaches for the comms device and sure enough the message indicator shows not one, but two messages from Paul had arrived, the first about half an hour ago and the second just now. Ed must have been so asleep he didn't hear the sound the first time around, or is that, what the thinking he had dreamed it, was all about?

  Ed can't believe his eyes, the first message confirms what Ed had thought, there was a second craft and it was military, with some dummy flight path registered for the first two legs of its journey, then as far as official records were concerned, just faded into obscurity, whereas in reality it crossed the path of a commercial flight bound for the Dexquark sector. Paul's second message contains all the proof. Ed turns out the lights, satisfied that his hunch was right and he had the proof at last. He toys with the idea of sending a message to Richard, but decides it can wait. He settles down again, but can't get back to sleep. So turns on the lights again, only dim first time. Ed forwards the messages to Richard and copies Fedioaux in.. He briefly wonders how Jiash is getting on, whether she reported for duty or not. Then quickly shuts down that train of thought, turns off the lights again and settles back to sleep.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Breakfast had been a real blast, not! Ed was the only person in the cafeteria and although he stopped there for an hour, in the hope that someone would join him, he was disappointed. Even the girl working there wasn't that interested in chatting.

  Ed went back to his room, not daring to go to the entertainments room in-case Jiash had decided to go there, after her shift. Ed decides to play a game or two. The first one is far too complicated and fast for Ed, he gets frustrated. The next one is quite boring and predictable. Surely there must be something between to two extremes, but Ed decides he cannot be bothered to hunt around and find something, instead he settles back to watch a vid. It is painful trying to keep yourself deliberately entertained, to avoid doing things that you would normally do. This cabin may be the lap of luxury, but it may as well be a prison cell as far as Ed is concerned. It is keeping him from getting out there and having chats with the crew and 'passengers'. Ed just hopes this all ends soon and that a verdict is reached regards his innocence. This creeping around trying to avoid bumping into Jiash is too much of a pain. Hopefully that review panel will have re-sat and made some sort of decisions regards the matter. So long as that individual, who was so heavily tied up in the politics of the situation has not had their way again and hogged proceedings.

  Ed finds that his mind has drifted so far off, that he has lost track of what is going on in the vid, mind you that might make it a bit more interesting, trying to figure out what had been going on whilst Ed was somewhat otherwise occupied.

  There's a beep from Ed's comms device, its from Richard. The message reads, 'So we are still in business, you up and about? If so where can I find you?'

  Ed quickly fires off a reply and within minutes there is an announcement on the cabin system, to the effect that Richard Glaceons is here to see Ed. Ed tells the system to let Richard in.

  Richard, big grin on his face, enters the room. He says, "Oh very plush, been upgraded have we?"

  Ed asks, "So what has brought you here then?"

  "Well apparently we are only two hours from our destination and I wanted to see you before things get too busy that we won't have a chance to talk. How is it going? Presumably still heard nothing from the review panel?" asks Richard.

  Ed replies, "Nothing, almost like they have given up after the last disastrous sitting. Have we heard anything from the other craft taking part in the cross over?"

  "Yes, like us they are on track for the meeting. I'll see if I can find out what has happened about the the review panel. You shouldn't have this hanging over you as we face the challenge of whatever is out there. How are you bearing up?" Richard walks over to the other chair.

  "It hasn't been easy, especially as I have to make sure I avoid places that Jiash is likely to go to, which is most of the places that I'd usually go to."

  "Actually I haven't seen her around at all since all this broke out. She seems to have a self imposed embargo to also avoid all her usual places."

  Ed turns off the screen, as it was a bit of a distraction, he wasn't really enjoying the vid anyway. He says, "Mind you Jiash was on duty earlier, well hopefully she turned up for her duty. I would hate to think that she had got herself into any more trouble."

  "Its good to hear that you haven't lost that caring touch. After all if all this works out for the best, you've still got to work with each other." Remarks Richard.

  "That is if I don't end up being locked away." replies Ed.

  "Now now, keep positive, I'm sure the evidence will speak for itself."

  Ed looks rather agitated as he replies, "It's not the evidence that I'm worried about, its more how it is interpreted. As it is, my Captain doesn't seem to believe me."

  "Probably more like, she has to be seen to be independent and not show any favouritism, not easy for the captain you know." replies Richard with his usual encouraging smile.

  Ed replies, "No I suppose it isn't. Anyway what have you been up to, just been enjoying the trip?"

  "Hardly, been in a series of meetings, haven't had much sleep since being aboard. You'd be surprised how much planning they are putting into this thing. There have been encoded messages flying backwards and forwards between us and the other craft."

  "What's it name?"

  "What?" asks Richard, face contorted as he tries to figure out what Ed means.

  "The other craft that we are crossing with, what is its name?" asks Ed.

  "Oh its the Questor 9, a battle cruiser, got some heavy weapons apparentl
y and some impressive small craft aboard, so it can launch a multipoint attack if required. Only ever seen one of those craft before and I can assure you they are really impressive. Probably about three or four time the size of this craft." Richard's arms stretching out wide, hopelessly trying to indicate the relative size difference, but failing miserably.

  "Wow that is big. Any idea which of the two craft is likely to be sucked into the anomaly, or is the hope that we will both be sucked in?"

  Richard thoughtfully pauses before answering the question, then says, "Well actually that's a good question and to the best of my knowledge, no one knows the answer to that one. It could be that the first one that gets within closest reach is sucked in first. In fact come to think of it, there has only ever been one craft actually sucked in at any of the cross overs. The other remains behind, almost as if there has to be a witness left behind."

  "Now that is dead weird, unless you wanted to be found out, why leave a witness? Surely it would make sense to take both craft. Unless whatever is snatching them, can only take one craft, perhaps there is a limit on its power and it has to recharge or whatever it does, before attempting to grab another craft. Have there been any incidences where the second craft has hung around afterwards for some considerable time, either through choice, or perhaps their drives have been damaged in the incident?" asks Ed, trying somehow to make sense out of all this.