Read Regenis 4 Chronicles - Book 2 - The Invisible Foe Page 19

  Galdesar feeling slightly more comfortable, smiles, although he's still unsure by what means Sylvie came to that understanding.

  Sylvie asks, "So what is your plan now?"

  "Call a Leader Board Meeting and discuss a plan that I have. You are both invited, same room as before, in fifteen, OK with you?" Galdesar waits long enough for the nods then departs.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  The Klashnayev, so dark it almost does not show up on the ripples, where it does, it is just a faint outline. It sticks to the sides of the tunnel, darting up and down, avoiding the weapons fire that is trying to prevent its entry into the anomaly.

  Galdesar knew this would not be an easy ride. He prided himself that he had engaged one the best pilots known to mankind, in fact any species type. The Captain was certainly living up to his reputation. Not great for the people aboard, as the craft swings up and down avoiding the weapons fire. It would probably be better if the artificial gravity were not on and the passengers could float through the craft. Although the gravity wave pulling them in also made things twice as difficult. Although credit to the Captain he was at least ensuring those forces were uniformly pulling from the front of the craft.

  Just as suddenly as the ride began, the gravity wave drops off and the craft emerges into what looks like a large junk yard of space craft, with its own back drop of stars and galaxies. This must be a parallel universe or maybe some distant point in space, as the star patterns and galaxies look nothing like the area of space that they have just come from.

  So these beings have not taken apart all of the captured craft. There is hope yet of mounting a rescue, using some of their own craft.

  The battle is not over yet though as the Klashnayev is still under fire and is wildly swinging about, darting between the dormant craft parked up here.

  Galdesar hopes that in the Captain's enthusiasm to avoid being hit, he does not wreak havoc on the craft around them. They would be useless to the rescue mission, if they were all plugged full of holes.

  There is a sudden bright flash and the whole craft shakes, moments later. The weapons crew have hit something. There's an announcement over the tannoy system, to the effect that they should no longer be troubled by the alien's weapons as a direct hit has been scored. There is a cheer throughout the craft. Everyone glad that the violent swings of the Klashnayev should no longer be necessary.

  The Klashnayev comes to a halt.

  Sylvie makes contact with Ed to get an update on the beings and their reaction to the latest events.

  Ed reports back that they are furious that Sylvie's craft has made it into their domain and also that their weapons system has been knocked out. However, thus far they do not seem to be backing down on their attitude regards further discussion, if anything the latest events have swung the other two in favour of doing nasty things to the Klashnayev. Ed adds that he has tried to get the beings to see that things can only get worse if they continue not to talk about the situation. They seem to be blanking Ed and his pleas. The only good thing about the situation is that the beings do not appear to want to carry out any form of retaliation in terms of the people they are holding in the pods. Nor the people aboard the Klashnayev.

  Sylvie suggests that maybe she could try and talk some sense into these beings.

  Ed agrees that it could do no more harm than has been done already. He adds that whilst he cannot see Sylvie, it is nice to know that she and Paul are even closer to him now. Although he is rather worried that they will end up in pods like himself and the others around him.

  Sylvie says that she has been wondering why that has not happened already. She says that she will consult Galdesar about that aspect before contacting the beings, it may do them good to stew for a bit anyway.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Galdesar's explanation of shielding meant nothing to Sylvie, she just has to take it at face value that Galdesar knows what he's talking about and that it is as good an explanation as any. Sylvie has repeatedly tried to engage with the beings, to get them to hold some sort of dialogue with her, but they just ignore her. It is almost like having a radio transmitter that receives a broadcast but cannot transmit back on the same frequency. The beings can either not hear Sylvie or they are deliberately ignoring her.

  Galdesar is all in favour of yet more demonstration of the power of the Klashnayev, but Sylvie does not want to lose any more craft than absolutely necessary. It is a classic stand off, neither side knowing what to do next, but neither wanting to budge from their standpoint.

  Sylvie suggests that they could use their time productively and try and find Ed and the other captives. As there is little else that they can do at this time the Captain is in favour of Sylvie's suggestion, as are some of Galdesar's Leader Board, but Galdesar and the largest part of the group are in favour of yet more demonstration of their capabilities.

  Paul has until this point remained silent and merely been an observer of the events and discussions. He takes everyone by surprise when he says, "May I speak on behalf of my brother and those other captives somewhere out there?"

  There is silence for a while, then Galdesar says, "Well go on then, what do you want to say? You have the floor."

  Paul rather nervously says, "My brother and the others trapped with him, need as much chance of getting out of here and if you carry on blowing up the craft, it reduces their chances of getting out alive. I don't know if you have noticed, but we don't appear to have a lot of empty space on this craft?"

  There's an embarrassing silence.

  Galdesar, takes a deep breath and says, "I understand your fears, your concern for your brother and the others. Believe it or not, I share your concern, but they are not going to get out of here unless we can break the the rebellious spirit of these beings that are holding them. None of us are getting out of here, because I certainly am not leaving here until I know I can get your brother and his friends out of here."

  Paul replies, "But with no craft, how are we going to get them out of here?"

  Galdesar smiles as he says, "You are not seeing the bigger picture Paul. It is my job and come to that Sylvie's also to do that."

  Paul angrily says, "But destroying all the craft how does that help, apart from satisfy your need to show off your military mite and power?"

  Sylvie comes to Paul's aid, saying, "He's right Galdesar, destroying all the craft won't achieve anything, apart from getting these beings even more annoyed than they are. We may even find ourselves trapped in here, having burnt all our bridges."

  There's silence again, then Galdesar says, "The bigger picture Sylvie." He pauses again, then continues, "We are in no hurry, we can always send for more craft, once we have sorted these beings out. We have nothing to lose, they have everything that they have worked for to lose. What is more we have to have a resolution to this mess that is not just for now, but will last."

  Sylvie replies, "So you are just going to blast up all the craft until these beings give in? Peeve them off until they are pushed into a corner and have to consider going against their beliefs and start killing the captives, to get you to listen to them and their demands. That isn't going to achieve a long term solution."

  "The bigger picture Sylvie. As we are in no hurry and as I liked your earlier suggestion anyway, let's go and find where these beings are holding their captives. In the meantime, I think your friend Ed can do us a favour and get the message out to these beings that we are not best pleased and unless they co-operate with us, they will lose more than their weapons systems. I know what, tell them that we are choosing a prize craft to destroy next, just to demonstrate that we mean business. Tell Ed nothing of our conversation just now. Trust me I know what I am doing most of the time, I just need a bit some guidance from time to time."

  Sylvie says, "You don't make it easy, do you?"

  "Now come on, when have I ever made it easy? You knew this wasn't going to be a walk in Mall." Galdesar smiles, then tells the Cap
tain to "Drive us around a bit and see if you can find something big enough to keep all the people from these craft in. Whilst we're driving around, see if you can spot some prize looking craft that these beings will not want to miss out on."


  Chapter 32 - What Use Is A Crumbling Empire?

  The screen shows a really impressive craft, it is enormous, looking more like several craft than just a single craft.

  Galdesar comments, "That's a beauty. I think they could miss that one."

  The Captain tells Galdesar that this could be where the captives are being kept, as he has found nothing else whilst on his grand circular tour.

  Galdesar says, "Shame I was just looking forward to putting a few choice holes in that beauty to warm these beings up to my way of thinking. Got anything else for me as a likely target?"

  The Captain shows pictures of two other quite impressive craft, with 'reasonable real estate' as he put it. Galdesar is not quite as impressed with the two offerings but selects one and asks the Captain to "Motor on over to it if you please and we'll open the front door just to show our friends out there that we mean business." Next Galdesar instructs his weapons people to hold fire until he tells them to light up the target. Then he asks Sylvie if she can contact Ed and ask him to press the beings for some decisions as we are getting a little impatient with the wait. He then tells Sylvie to stare at the picture of the suspected holding place of the captives and relay that to Ed as being their next target.

  Sylvie smiles and says, "I like your thinking Galdesar, I bet you were a wicked chess player when you were young."

  "Never played the game, I thought it was boring, I preferred the shoot em ups. Plenty of action." Galdesar looks over at Paul and asks, "How about you? Strategy or blast 'em to here and back again?"

  Paul somewhat embarrassed still about his earlier outburst, wishes he hadn't been asked the question.

  Galdesar not one to give in easily, asks, "Well which side do you lean towards?"

  Paul feeling pushed into a corner, wonders if he should make a stand in support of what he was saying earlier or should he forget all that and say what he normally prefers. There's still an embarrassing silence, then Paul says, "If its a game, then blast 'em up every time."

  Galdesar still smiling says, "That's the spirit, tell it as it is. Life is a game, just got to know how to play it and when to take risks and when you shouldn't. That's why we have friends, to tell us when not to take risks. Still friends?"

  Paul seeing that Galdesar means well and he's offering an olive branch, Paul takes it and uncharacteristically for him says, "Hell yes, we're on the same side."

  Paul feels a friendly slap on the back and Sylvie says, "I told you'd like my friends. With friends like these you don't have enemies." she laughs.

  Galdesar also laughs and says, "No 'cause if they won't play ball, we blow 'em up!"

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~~

  Ed senses even more panic than before as he relays Sylvie's message onto the beings. The panic is not coming from Sylvie, but from the beings. At first he can't see why, their attitude has suddenly changed, they have been quite adamant that they will not give in to the travellers. Surely one more craft will make no difference, unless of course it is the last one that they have, that has not been taken apart. No it isn't that, Ed senses something even more important and conflicting than that.

  Suddenly Ed sees why the panic, the image of the craft that Sylvie had projected to Ed and he then onto the beings, was none other than the very container that Ed and all the pods are housed. What is more the beings are also here as well. He gets a strong image of a apart of the craft that seems to mean more to the beings than any other. No hold on there's another part of the craft also, something to do with life support. But life support of whom or should that be what? Of the people in the pods. Ed focuses back onto the earlier part of the craft, that must be where the beings are, there is a lot of feeling associated with that area.

  Ed relays what he thinks he has found to Sylvie. He just hopes that the beings don't pick up on his thoughts. He must think it then forget about it otherwise they will pick it up.

  Sylvie tells Ed that he has done a very good job and that he must relay to them that the intention is to blow a hole in the side of the craft. Ed questions why they would want to run the risk of blowing him and the others up. Briefly there's a flash of an image of another craft, then Sylvie tells Ed that he must tell them that the craft that they are in is under threat and the travellers mean business. Will they consider talking about a solution to their mutual problem.

  Ed relays the message as directed. He puts all thoughts of that briefly seen image of the other craft, out of his mind. Their sense of panic has risen even further now, yet they still don't seem to be considering co-operation, yes it is thrown into the mix now and again but, there is more dwelling on defensive actions and thoughts. This lot seem quite relentless, their actions pointless, can't they see that they are putting everyone's lives at risk?

  Briefly there is a change in the debate taking place, they must have picked up on Ed's thoughts. Then shock!

  Ed can feel the vibration. Sylvie and the others have done it, they have hit the place that Ed and the others are being held in. He cannot believe that they would take that risk, just how many live have been lost. There's a massive wave of shock now as others join in the conversation. Their ways of talking of communicating, much wider and diverse than before. It is as if a hundred people all decided to talk at once. You hear and feel the massive upsurge of voices, you can also make out one or two recognisable phrases and even voices. One, Ed was sure was Richard, the others he cannot name but he vaguely recognises them. In all the turmoil, Ed tries to reach out to Richard, in the vain hope that Richard will hear and recognise Ed. Ed repeats, "It's OK Sylvie is here."

  The beings are confused and almost as one, ask "What this Sylvie is." Whilst in the distance, again Ed hears, well more like feels Richard as he says, "That is good to hear, hope she is taking care of herself. If anyone can....." the voice, the feeling is drowned out by those other voices, the feeling of despair of tragedy of loss.


  Chapter 33 - So Where Do We Go Now?

  Galdesar with much disbelief at the way that Sylvie explains what she is picking up, says, "Anyone would have thought we had blown them all up. Instead of some tin pot hulk just down the road. Still its giving those critters something to think about. How are they going to calm this lot down now. They won't want to be saddled with this problem for much longer." He looks at Sylvie's face and says, "OK I know not very sympathetic to the victims of this mess, but you gotta allow me some feeling of victory at this latest turn of events, who'd have thought the latest explosion would have woken up so many of their sleeping beauty captives?"

  Sylvie suggests that they wait for things to settle down , before doing anything further. The beings will have enough on their hands trying to cope with the state of panic, without being pressured further.

  Much to Sylvie's surprise, Galdesar agrees that they have done enough and he even says, "Hopefully that will be an end to it all now. They certainly are sitting up and listening now. If they weren't listening to those outside of their vessel, they have to listen to the weight of voices and feeling inside."

  Sylvie says she has to take a break as she has such a headache from all those voices. Galdesar and Paul are quite concerned about her welfare. Paul escorts Sylvie back to her cabin, fixes her a drink, settles her in, then goes back to the awaiting Galdesar. Who despite his previous bravado, seems quite concerned about Sylvie.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Ed says that things are calming down somewhat now, although there are still some people ranting and wanting to know why they have been put so much at risk by these beings. The beings themselves have been so focussed on trying to settle things down and restore some sort of normality, that they have not had time to lock themselves into previ
ous cyclic debates. Instead their concern is what can they do to get these travellers back to their own people now that they do not have the craft to transport them out of here.

  Galdesar is quite smug when he hears this relayed back to him, he says, "Mission accomplished, we came hammering on the door and the beings finally have listened. Now we just need to offer our help again."

  Sylvie relays the positive sense of what Galdesar was saying. Ed gets an overwhelming feeling now that the beings are willing to co-operate. What is more he has picked up that the craft were only captured in the first place, as these beings are without physical presence as such and live in a dimension that lacks materials. Having seen and experienced what Ed's dimension was like, because of an accidental opening of the anomaly, these beings envied what Ed and his peoples had. But once they had pulled one of their craft through, the beings sensed the sentient people aboard and knew they would be unable to harm them, it was just not in their nature, so they built the pod storage area to take care of the travellers whilst the beings pursued their desire to have material things that possessed presence. They still desire ownership of such materials, but they cannot bare what they have to do with the people in order to have the material things.