Read Regenis 4 Chronicles - Book 2 - The Invisible Foe Page 2

  Richard remarks that it was simply ages since he'd seen Carina last, she must have only been about 8 or 9, he went on to say how much she reminded him of her mother.

  Edward makes some sort of apology and quickly departs. None of those left in the room had caught the meaning of the apology and all were as mystified as each other at Edward's sudden departure. Ed asks Richard, what had happened to Carina's mother.

  Richard replies that there had been a quite tragic transport accident, she had been away for a few days and on her return journey the Tubevec had caught fire. There had been a spate of such accidents at the time, turned out to be dodgy control circuitry. Richard said her loss had hit the group pretty hard. Carina was only about three at the time. He said Edward felt so bad about the situation that he kept in close touch with both Jerestican and Carina, visiting whenever he could. Richard adds that it must have really hit Edward hard to find out that Jeriscan could betray him and the administration in the way he did.

  Ed thinks, 'Ah that's why he so upset, to have Carina as a reminder of such betrayal under his own roof and getting along so well with his youngest son.' Ed felt sorry for his Dad, but did not know what he could do to help him cope.

  The room is soon bubbling again as Paul and Carina have arrived back and Carina is heaping Maria with praise over the decoration of their dwelling. Maria is quite proud but also humble at her achievements and turns attention away from herself telling Carina that if it is decoration skill and expertise that should be praised, then Ed's girlfriend Jenny, is the one that praise should be heaped upon, as she was now a well renowned interior designer, receiving commissions from all over the planet. They start a discussion about a trading hall that Jenny had done some fantastic work upon. Maria extols Jenny's talent and skills. Then remembers that she can call up pictures on GalcomNet or GN as they call it on Regenis 4. Maria and Carina settle into their own huddle round the entertainment screen reviewing the pictures.

  Meanwhile Richard puts Paul into the picture regards the purpose of his visit and at the same time properly introduces his guest, KKMentarq.

  Paul holds out his hand in friendship and says "Pleased to meet you, is it Mr or Miss KKMentaq.

  To which the visitor replies, "Neither, we be known simply as KK, especially to persons as charming as your group, young Paul."

  Paul smiles and says, "Now its my turn to correct things, when my uncle referred to me as 'young Paul' it was a reflection on the fact that I am the youngest of the er group as you referred to us as. My name is simply Paul. Anyway I hope that we can help you KK."

  "Like the same we are in the hopeful state of this matter." replies KK.

  Richard holds up the data pack and suggests, "I hope that you can work your magic and spot some sort of pattern in the behaviour and disappearances. Sadly there are no local recordings of the events or helpful readings that would indicate what has caused them. Merely locations, dates, times, sizes of craft, numbers of persons missing and also inventory of any cargo being carried. Our techno bods can find no patterns in the data at all.

  Carina says, "What you're a wizard with all this analysing stuff?"

  Paul modest as ever replies, "Well I try."

  Ed says, "Now come brother, you are just too modest, you're a wiz at tactical games as well."

  Carina quite impressed says, "There's so much I just don't know about you, you have so many talents."

  Paul messing around says, "Stick around kid, there's much much more up my sleeve. Where the hell did this arm come from?" At that he pulls a fake arm out of his sleeve whilst waving the fingers of his hand in the air.

  Ed laughs and pronounces Paul a clown of the highest order. KK is most confused by the behaviour, whereas Richard is faintly bemused at the antics of his nephew.

  Paul grabs the data pack from Richard and heads towards the door, stops looks over his shoulder and asks, "Well are coming to watch a genius at work?" He holds out his hand towards Carina. She excitedly grabs his hand and almost bounces towards the door. She looks over he shoulder to say something, when Ed says, "What you want me to come along with you two?"

  Paul quick witted replies, "I said Genius, not nincompoop, you're hopeless with this sort of stuff fly boy."

  Ed smiles, he knows when to let go. He returns to the chair that he had collared earlier.

  Maria frets, asking Ed, "Do you think they will OK?"

  Ed replies, "I think little clan boy can take care of himself." Then he adds, "I think she's quite harmless."

  Maria pokes Ed in the ribs, to which he responds, "Now steady on, I haven't eaten yet."

  Maria asks if Richard and KK would like something to eat. KK kindly declines the offer, whilst Richard says that he would welcome something, as he hadn't eaten since the snack on the Transvec. Maria sets off in the direction of the food preparation area, deviating via Paul's room.

  Meanwhile back in the entertainment room, Ed asks Richard what he has been up to recently. Richard says that he had been kept busy with this latest mystery of the disappearances. He adds that he feels quite worn out with all the dashing around he has been doing.

  Ed teases him saying, "Surely its all virtual visits now?"

  "If only it were, but we have found that we get more information by going to the scene and talking face to face. People tend to forget little details when communicating over some artificial link and often it is the little things that can be most important key to solve a mystery." replies Richard.

  There is a long silence, which is broken as Richard asks, "So how are you finding the work of a commercial pilot?"

  Ed replies, "Well I get up and there it is waiting for me."

  "You know what I mean, the world of work is totally different from the academy, how are you coping with it? Asks Richard.

  Ed replies, "See what you mean, getting along fine thanks, seems most strange putting in all those days of flying rather hours. Apart from the fact that some flights can be really dull, most of the time it is quite interesting. Met some really interesting passengers. Had a super chat the other day with this really knowledgeable guy who was a specialist in philosophy and religions. He was telling me that he'd just finished the study of the religion of an ancient alien race. His task was hampered by the fact that there wasn't much in the way of modern records which made reference to the concepts of the earlier culture. He had to learn the earlier form of the alien's language before he could even attempt any interpretation of the writings on statues and walls of a recently discovered temple. We had a great debate about how much of his work was assumption and how much based on fact."

  Richard is smiling as he is enjoying his nephew's tale of his encounter. Even KK seems to be paying close attention.

  Maria comes back with some delicious smelling food. Richard and Ed dive in and complement Maria on her cooking, she keeps quiet about the fact that it was pre-prepared from the store.

  Paul and Carina rejoin the group some time later. Paul tells Richard that so far he is also unable to spot any patterns in the disappearances, however he has an idea for another tack that he could try tomorrow. Richard glances at the wall time display and declares that he and KK must get off to the hotel, but promises that they will return the following day.

  Maria suggests they come for lunch, then she huddles with KK and enquires about KK's diet.

  Richard asks that they give Edward his best wishes and to let him know that he's returning tomorrow.

  Ed pulling Richard's leg asks, "Is that so he has the opportunity to escape before you get here?"

  Richard pokes Ed in the ribs and says, "You young man, are getting far too cheeky."

  Paul exclaims, "Getting, he's always been like that uncle Richard."

  They all say good night, then decant off into their various rooms. Maria hangs about tidying up and making sure that everyone's needs are dealt with and that they are all comfortable.

  Finally she goes off to her room. After a while ther
e are raised voices coming from Edward and Maria's room. This settles down after a while and peace is restored.

  The guest room door opens and despite the gloomy light in the passageway, someone skilfully, yet silently tiptoes towards Paul's bedroom door. The door opens, then closes without making a sound.


  Chapter 3 - Catching Up

  The doorbell sounds, Maria is first to the door and welcomes Jenny in. She calls for Ed telling him that he has a visitor.

  Ed emerges from his room and yawns, complaining that Richard is rather early and it doesn't give a guy a chance to catch up with his beauty sleep.

  Jenny says, "Hi Ed, I didn't think you needed beauty sleep. Maria told me that you'd come home last night, I thought I'd wait until this morning before coming over to see you."

  Ed replies, "Oh hi Jenny, I thought you were away, doing a commission off-world somewhere or other, or so Elcelsior had told Paul."

  Jenny says, "But he's my brother, what does he know about me, he hardly ever listens to me let alone pays any attention to what I say. I arrived back yesterday."

  Ed kisses Jenny on the cheek, then says, "Bet they were delighted with the end result."

  Jenny smiling, replies, "The critics were ranting and raving about it."

  Maria congratulates Jenny, "Well done another success to your portfolio of works, you and I must look up the pictures and critique write ups. I am dying to see what you have produced this time. I think you are so talented."

  Ed says, "Now steady mother, we don't want Jenny's head swelling so much that she can't get back out through the door again. Although, that could have it's advantages." Ed leans towards her and kisses her again.

  Jenny responds, "Now behave Ed. Oh I heard Carina has come to visit. Elcelsior was well impressed with her, thought she was the life and soul of the party. She seems to be getting along famously with your brother."

  Maria decides that it is time to slip away.

  Ed replies, "Yes I spotted they were holding hands when they came in last night."

  Jenny grabs Ed's hand and asks, "And what's wrong with a bit of hand holding?"

  "Nothing if it's yours." replies Ed, then asks, "Seriously, the last job go well, any problems?"

  Jenny replies, "Well there was a bit of a difference in opinion between myself and the client for a while, she just didn't like part of my design, but it was a key part of the design that made it unique and was really the whole point of the design."

  Ed asks, "How did you get over that one?"

  Jenny replies, "Well I tried the talk her through the concept tack, but that didn't wash, she was absolutely insistent that the element she didn't like should be replaced or she would discharge me from the commission."

  "Tricky one, did you back down then?" asks Ed.

  Jenny surprised that Ed would even suggest such a thing replies, "No way. I was lucky as one of the client's friends came by and saw the work, before it was shut down. He was full of praise and enthused about the installation, saying that he had not seen anything so striking and original in ages. He insisted that I talk him through my concept and he was as excited, as I was about it. The client discussed it with her friend and I was quite surprised when she returned later and actually apologised for her behaviour, she said that she now understood what I was trying to achieve and felt she could fully support me. When it came to the unveiling ceremony, the client was delighted with the critiques praise."

  "Well done you." says Ed and he kisses and hugs her, then adds, "I'm proud of you."

  Jenny asks, "Hows the world of commercial pilot, still finding it interesting and rewarding?"

  Ed replies, "Interesting? Not quite as much as it was, rewarding? Well.... actually, yes I just got a pay rise. Had a review and they were really pleased with my progress and work, so much so that they have recommended me to jump up two pay points."

  Jenny squeezes his hand affectionately and says, "Hey, well done you too. At this rate we'll be able to afford a deposit on our own place soon."

  Ed asks, "Just how much have we got in the jolly old savings line anyway."

  Jenny replies, "I don't know I have been too busy earning it, to check on it. Now don't forget to increase your payments when you get your pay rise through."

  Ed asks, "Can I keep the first three months worth?"

  "Oh, don't tell me you've seen the latest air sleeker and it's a just got to have piece of kit. No way Ed my boy, you promised that we would save up." replies Jenny.

  Ed has that pleading look on his face that Jenny just loves and can't resist. He says, "I have been good, in fact some pay checks I have been paying in more than I should have, especially if I've had a really long trip and Mickey hasn't been along for the ride, so I haven't spent much when we got to the other end."

  Jenny interrupts with, "That Mickey is a bad influence on you."

  Ed replies, "Yeah, but he's a really good laugh and the stop overs pass by really quickly."

  "As does your spending money!" points out Jenny. Then relents with, "Yeah, actually he is a good laugh, but just make sure when we get our own place he isn't always hanging around or we won't be able to keep up the payments."

  Ed laughs and Jenny asks, "What?"

  Ed replies, "Well hark at us, we sound like an old married couple."

  Paul walks out of his room and looks down the corridor at Jenny and Ed. He says, "Hi Jenny, didn't know you were back as well."

  Jenny remarks, "Nice Jim Jams Paul."

  Paul glances down at himself and realises that he is still in his pyjamas. He quickly darts back into his room, Ed and jenny laugh.

  Ed asks, "Had breakfast?"

  Jenny replies, "Of course not, wanted to see you soonest after I had woken up."

  "So your commission location was in somewhat a different time zone?" asks Ed.

  "What makes you assume that?" asks Jenny.

  "For you not to be up early is mighty strange. So you must have been catching up on sleep." says Ed.

  "OK OK enough of the analysis, lets eat." replies Jenny, leading Ed towards the food prep area.

  Maria is a bit startled at first when they enter. She recovers quickly and asks if Jenny would like anything to eat or drink.

  Ed looks at Jenny and asks, "Tasty day and Jacazo juice OK with you Jen?"

  Jenny smiles and nods. Ed says, "Its OK mum I'll get them. Dad having a lye-in?"

  Maria replies, "No he had something to do, went out earlier. Oh I we haven't got any Jacazo juice, but I did manage to get some of this." She holds up some fancy tub and reads the label, "Dried Orange, came from earth, apparently quite popular at one time. Karen said its quite nice once it has been liquefied"

  "I'll give anything a try, how about you Jen?" asks Ed.

  Jenny says, "I'll try a bit of yours."

  Paul walks in with Carina in tow, both are dressed and looking quite presentable.

  Ed says his customary,"Sub-zero both." then asks, "Did you get anywhere with uncle Richard's puzzle?"

  Paul replies, "My terminal working on it now. Been going for a couple of hours, there's a lot of data on that pack. Took a while to find common layout as it has come from so many sources, but I think that's licked now."

  Maria tells the group that Richard will be returning in about an hour.

  Paul asks, "Dad alright? He seemed a bit worried about something last night."

  Maria says that she wasn't sure what was getting him, he was a bit up tight about something, but wouldn't talk about it. Maria added that he had said that he was going somewhere in the morning and that she was so tired that she didn't see him go.

  Paul remarks, "Hope he's OK."

  Maria asks, "I suppose you want your usual for breakfast? What about you Carina?"

  Paul nods and Carina says, "I'll have the same as Paul, if that's OK with you."

  Maria, sounds rather concerned as she asks, "Its Full Fat English, is that alright?"

a smiles, grabs Paul's hand and says, "That's fine."

  Ed whispers to Jenny, "Like twins."

  Jenny nudges him in the side. Ed sets about getting their cereals, whilst Maria sets about getting the juice. Then she asks if Paul and Carina would like to try some of this orange juice too.


  Chapter 4 - Guilty Or Just A Coincidence?

  Richard arrives, but without his guest KK, he tells Maria that KK was not feeling very well, probably to do with adjusting to the atmosphere and the gravity, also adjusting to a different time zone. Their days are a lot shorter and the gravity not so strong, so KK was quite tired.

  Maria is quite sympathetic and says that she hopes KK is feeling better soon. Richard is more concerned that Maria has not gone to a lot of trouble regards lunch arrangements. Maria assures him that she hasn't and that it will be easy to cancel the order for KK's lunch. She darts off to the entertainments room and logs onto to GN to cancel KK's element of her food order.