Read Regenis 4 Chronicles - Book 2 - The Invisible Foe Page 5

  There to the left on the horizon were the two suns. The planet was not actually revolving round two suns, one of the suns was actually some considerable distance away and had its own planetary system rotating around it, but it was so large, that it appeared as if it was in this planetary system. A most strange sight. Ed was looking forward to getting outside and seeing the suns and asteroid belt without being constrained by the metallic structure of the dome.


  Chapter 8 - A Lot Packed Into Two Days

  Whilst only having two days shore leave, Ed had managed to pack a lot into those two days and for the most part that was down to the friendliness of the locals and a few chance conversations that Ed had held whilst finding accommodation and trying to simply find his way around the place. His first break had come when he reached the main information desk, the clerk was not awfully helpful, but there happened to be this guy standing near Ed who overheard his conversation. The guy tore the clerk off a strip, saying that he should be ashamed treating visitors in such a way. At first Ed thought that the guy was merely trying to make money out of Ed, as he suggested that he could stay at his brother's hotel, although he didn't call it a hotel as here they refer to such places as Visitation Basement Centres. Ed was quite wary at first, but his self allocated guide, was very helpful, chatty and as it happened his brother's VBC or hotel was really luxurious but reasonably priced. Ed's host claimed that he could not stand the places that rip visitors off and that was his prime reason for going into the VBC business, to ensure that his guest got genuine value for money and enjoy their stay so much that they will return again and spread the word across the galaxy. Ed could quite see why guests would want to spread the word across the galaxy, when he saw his room.

  The man that had introduced Ed to this lap of luxury, had introduced himself as Davisk Cater-hiat, he told Ed that he could call him 'Dee Cee' as that was how most travellers referred to him as. Dee Cee had managed to get out of Ed the fact that he would have liked to visit the rocks of Nesjarvik, but he was sure it couldn't be done, in just two days. Dee Cee tut tutted like a device gone faulty, he was obviously in strong disagreement with Ed's view. Dee Cee told Ed that if you believed the e-Brochures and propaganda, that the tourist sector put out, that would be the case, but they just want to take visitors the long way round and make it seem as if it is further than it actually is, include an extra stop over and get as many credits out of them as possible. Dee Cee told Ed that his sister's friends owned a travelator that could whisk them to Nesjarvick in 300 galdeks, the equivalent of 2 hours. What was more, around dusk is the perfect time to view the rocks. If Ed wanted, Dee Cee could arrange a trip that very afternoon and as cousins also owned a VBC not far from the rocks, he could arrange a meal at their balcony restaurant. He added that it would be no problem as he was already arranging a trip for another pilot from Ed's company.

  Ed was really worried, that this was going to cost him a fortune, but when Dee Cee came up with the fully inclusive price, it was well under what he and Mickey would blow in a single night's entertainment. Whilst feeling a little guilty about the fact that he should be saving, Ed, also saw that this was a lifetime trip that he couldn't really turn down. He also felt a bit more reassured that there would be someone else from his company going with him, he just hoped that it wasn't going to be the captain. Ed cheekily asked if Dee Cee knew the name of the other pilot. Dee Cee reeled off a name, but it meant nothing to Ed however, they had so many pilots from so many worlds that it was no real surprise that he didn't recognise the name.

  After finding out that the other person going, was not his captain and still with some reservations about this Dee Cee character, yet Ed would really like to go on this trip; he decides that he will offer to pay half the quoted fee up front and the remainder on his return. He tells Dee Cee of his decision and Dee Cee tells Ed that he is most surprised that visitors are always concerned about 'up front payments' he adds 'is there no trust still left in the intergalactic alliance?' Dee Cee adds that he wouldn't want a single credit until Ed is safely returned to the space port. After all he, Dee Cee, would not have any expenses until the trip is done, part of the benefit of doing business with family and friends. Dee Cee assures Ed that Dee Cee's way of working was best for all concerned and keeps everyone happy.

  Ed and Dee Cee shake hands on the deal and arrange to meet up in the hotel reception in a hundred galdeks, about three quarters of an hour.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Ed, no longer in uniform, wonders who amongst the others in the lobby of the hotel, sorry VBC, will be his fellow passenger. Maybe they are all coming on the trip, if so, Ed hopes the travelator will be a comfortable size. That starts Ed worrying about the safety of this transport vehicle. That's the disadvantage of being a professional pilot, you can't just sit back and enjoy the journey, you are always worrying about the last time the vehicle was safety inspected and serviced and come to that whether the pilot or driver is actually properly trained and qualified. Ed decides that he will have to put all these concerns on the back burner.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Dee Cee as bubbly as ever, strolls through the VBC's entrance and is greeted by his brother. Dee Cee heads straight for Ed and he joyously shakes Ed's hand, then a female voice is heard behind Ed, she exclaims, "Ah click! Dee Cee click! Thought me click! Had me the wrong time click!"

  Ed turns and is most surprised to see a really stunning looking girl standing behind him. Dee Cee introduces Ed to Jiash Weskeltov from AlmoonRhi Intergalactic Flights, then he introduces Jiash to Ed Glaceon of Regenis Intergalactic Flights.

  Ed had heard of Weskeltov before and AlmoonRhi, but where and what context. He racks his brains, but cannot remember either. So decides to ask Jiash. She says that he will have heard 'AlmoonRhi' at space ports on the announcements, it is actually her home planet. She goes bright green as she continues, "As for click! Me name click! It associate with me best flight student click! You name on list too click! Me not mistaken click!"

  It is Ed's turn to blush as he confirms that he had also made it into the top 10 intergalactic graduate pilot list. They follow Dee Cee out of the VBC and there waiting for them is what looks like a cross between a golf cart and a quad bike, it has the same sort of large tyres. It looks rather scruffy and rather out of place inside the dome. It is covered in dust and looks like it could do with a wash. Dee Cee invites them aboard and once they are seated, he closes the see through sides to the vehicle, explaining 'that it is rather dusty out there.'

  Once they set off Jiash and Ed engage in discussion about where they had been and experiences. It all made the journey to the take off location pass very quickly.

  Dee Cee seems quite delighted that his passengers are getting on so well.

  When they arrive at the take off location, they can see a craft waiting for them, it looks rather like a green and grey shoe box on grey legs with a see through dome on top. There appear to be people already on-board.

  Ed remarks, that he hopes that they have not kept the other passengers waiting too long. Dee Cee assures them that the others were early and enjoying a party, so no need to worry on their account.

  Soon they are all aboard and the craft takes off on its one and a half hour journey. Their host passes around some skin protective cream and encourages them to put some on, as the rays from the two suns can be quite damaging, especially this time of year. They laugh at the fact that the cream is dark green and makes their skin all the same colour.

  Various nibbles and drinks are passed around on the journey. Including the sight seeing elements, the food, drink and the chat with other guests; the whole journey is most enjoyable and the one and a half hours passes very quickly.

  Ed is delighted that the tour of the rocks was also well worth the trip. He is delighted with the photographs that he takes.

  When the suns have set, the group adjourn to the VBC, which true to Dee Cee's promise is
very close by, in fact so much so that they can still see the rocks from the balcony restaurant. Finishing the trip off nicely.

  On the journey back to the space port, Jiash says to Ed, "If it were not click! For the fact that click! Me find your speech difficult click! To follow click! As you do not pause click! But speak in one long click! Stream, I would quite like to pair with you click! As you have great click! Looks and standing click!"

  Ed now feeling quite safe at Jiash's admission, says that he also finds Jiash quite stunning in terms of her looks and he is honoured at her admiration of his looks. They laugh as he says that even if he tried very hard he would find it difficult to change his manner of speech and he 'Clucks' for comic affect. He is most surprised when Jiash slides down in her seat and snuggles up to Ed. Ed is not sure what he should do, but finds himself stroking Jiash's soft dark hair. When they reach the VBC, Dee Cee is quite surprised to see Jiash snuggled up to Ed. He smiles and whispers, should we wake her?

  Ed is quite surprised, as he didn't know she was sleeping.


  Chapter 9 - What Goes Around Comes Around

  Ed was quite surprised that he had not seen Jiash Weskeltov, come down for breakfast. He had deliberately stopped around, to see if she was alright after yesterday's trip. Ed wonders if she is just one of those people who skips breakfast. He just hopes that she doesn't oversleep and miss her flight; although why he should come to that conclusion is a mystery, as he doesn't even know when her next flight out is scheduled. Often there were stop overs of several days and sometimes if you are really lucky, several weeks. Although the latter situation is not good if it is a poor location to be stuck at; and Ed has stopped at a few of those.

  What to do with himself now, he has about 5 hours to dispose of before he has to report back to his craft. Ed decides he will consult Dee Cee's brother. He is somewhat disappointed to find hat Dee Cee's brother doesn't speak a word of English and he doesn't have a translator either.

  Ed decides that he will have to find his own entertainment, exploring the space port dome and possibly the municipality, if only he can find his way to it. That would certainly be a good starting point. Ed goes up to his room, collects his things together and packs them away into his overnight bag. He reports to the reception desk and surprisingly Dee Cee's brother understands enough English to ask "check check you out?" Ed pays the bill and there are no unexpected surprises, it costs exactly what Dee Cee had quoted. The hotel owner hands Ed a fancy cup that has advertising displayed on the side and showed animated pictures of the hotel and the tourist attractions of the planet. Ed is confused and thinks that the man wants to sell him the cup, but the hotel owner manages to get Ed to understand that he wants nothing for the cup, then produces another one and shoves that towards Ed also, indicating that he can have a second one. Ed decides that he had best take the cups, before he embarrasses the hotel owner any more. Ed bows to the hotel owner and thanks him for his kindness. The man understands the gesture, even if he does not understand the language.

  Ed departs, trying to shove the cups into his bag, without dropping or damaging them. He is glad that they seem to be made of some unbreakable material and can stand up to poor treatment. He wonders how many more of these cups are making their way across, up and down the galaxies. Potentially there could be billions of them, all little ambassadors of the planet of Deslax and the VBC Cater-Hiat. Now that the cups have been safely stowed away, Ed can turn his attention back to his sight seeing. The dome seems particularly busy today, perhaps there has either been a particularly large passenger craft land, or maybe several smaller ones. Then another possibility sprang to mind, that there may be multiple departures scheduled and that's why the populace of the dome has increased somewhat. In any case it adds something to the atmosphere of the place and come to that the overall noise. Ed makes a mental note that he must be more careful about his baggage, the last thing he wants is to lose his overnighter and those precious cups. He laughs to himself and the thought of the latter.

  The VBC Cater-Hiat hotel was near the outer ring of constructions of the dome. Ed had decided that he would wander around this outer ring, in the hope that he could find the municipality. There are several other VBCs near the Cater-Hiat, also what appear to be offices, some of these specialising in travel insurance and booking agents. Surprisingly, no shops, although this would be a prime location for them. Perhaps there is some sort of planning rule that ensures that the shops are confined to a particular area, presumably the municipality. There didn't seem to be any shops in the main area of the space port, when Ed passed through it yesterday, it seemed to be mainly caf?s, restaurants, checking-in areas and transfer tubes. Ed walked on and on, being passed every so often by a buggy similar to the one that he had travelled in yesterday. He always looked at the driver, in-case it was Dee Cee, but none had Dee Cee even aboard, let alone as driver. Ed was by now feeling quite fed up with offices and hotels, also being on his own. He secretly hoped that Dee Cee would happen along like a genie uncorked from a magic bottle, but there was no sign of him. Ed wished that he had paid for a GN connection and uploaded a map of this place, then at least he would know where he was in relation to his desired destination.

  Someone comes up to him, starts to try and negotiate a sale of some pretty useless and nasty tourist memorabilia, but Ed waves them to a side, they are pretty insistent though, sure that they can interest Ed and negotiate a deal. Ed again waves them to go away. They take this as a sign to pull out another item from under the multi-layered garment they are wearing. They start again with their sales pitch, first turning the item carefully over in their hand, so that Ed can admire the workmanship and detail. Workmanship, thinks Ed, more like turned out by the million by some back-street machine somewhere. Ed again indicates that he is just not interested. This time, he is thankful that the seller has spotted a pair of hopeful tourists. Ed keeps his head down and hopes that they don't see him, as it is Penelope and her partner. He turns sideways and darts behind one of the buggy vehicles that just happens to be passing at the time and as it is having difficulty negotiating its way through the crowds it has slowed down, making it easier for Ed to keep pace. Good, the seller has engaged Penelope and partner in their sales pitch. Ed makes a speedy getaway.

  It was then that Ed noticed that the numbers of people had increased and the thoroughfare seemed somewhat busier. Ed could feel himself being carried away like a small creature in the sea being swept along by an irresistible tide. The row of buildings to the right seemed to swing away from him, as Ed strained to look over the sea of bobbing heads, he could just make out buildings across the other side. As he looked up he could see that the dome merged into a sort of archway, this marked the tunnel that must lead to the municipality. If only he could read the sign that was suspended in mid air, marking the entrance to the tunnel. There were several languages, but none were ones he could read. Which was strange for an interstellar space port. Perhaps the sign was old and no-one had thought to update it.

  There was some jostling behind Ed and as a consequence, he found himself almost losing his balance as the crowd swept down this side path. Ed thought that it was a good job he actually wanted to go to the municipality, as he'd have no chance of fighting his way against this tide of people. Ed decides to pick up pace and the ploy works. He manages to get ahead of the masses and the new found space feels much more comfortable, although he is not sure how long he can keep up this pace. There's an entrance to the right side, Ed darts in and is pleasantly surprised at sudden amount of space before him and the lack of people. He takes a leisurely stroll amongst the collection of cloths. Ed thinks, "Wow this lot must cost a fair number of credits. It looks quite high quality and there isn't a price tag in place, that's usually a sign that it is going to be pricey." Ed taking the chance to have a rest and get his breath back, wanders around aimlessly admiring the patterns.

  Lost in the sea of colours a
nd patterns, Ed is totally unprepared for the salesman's voice as he asks, "Is sir looking for something in particular?" Had it not been for the fact that it would be downright rude, Ed was tempted to laugh, as the voice and question were like something from a bygone earthonian age. Ed finds himself uttering the phrase, "Oh just looking." He is most surprised to hear his voice come out of the salesman's translator, in the local language. The salesman asks if the particular cloth that Ed is beside appeals. The conversation continues, with Ed trying his hardest to get away.

  Ed is most relieved when he hears an elderly voice say, "Ah English, I hope you have good taste young man, I wonder if you could help me as I am in somewhat of a dilemma. I just cannot make up my mind between three materials."

  The salesman seeing an opportunity at last for an actual sale, offers his help. The woman engages in conversation about her choices. Whilst Ed slips out of the store, before getting caught by anyone else.

  The passageway outside is just as busy as it was before, but Ed manages to find a couple of pockets of space that enable Ed to move into a slower stream of people. Ed is now able to take a more leisurely view of the area and the shops. As Ed comes across shops or goods that interest him, he darts through the stream of people and takes a closer look. In most cases the shops are too busy for the shop assistants to have time to bother Ed. Which he is delighted about. Ed sees numerous gadgets that he would love to buy, but given that he and Jenny are saving, he is being strong and resisted the temptation to buy.