Read Regenis 4 Chronicles - Book 2 - The Invisible Foe Page 9

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  The doctor had taken Edward to one side and prepared him for the fact that they were going to change Ed's treatment. He said that they would use some equipment that whilst it looked awful, it would break down the cycling affects of the trauma that Ed was suffering. He added that they used to use drugs to achieve the same result, but they often had nasty side effects and sometimes even longer term damage could result. The doctor had suggested that as the treatment did not look 'pretty', as he put it, it may be best if Maria and Jenny were taken away for a while. Edward asked how long the equipment would be in place. The doctor had said that was a difficult one to answer, as it depended on the individual and how bad they were.

  Despite much protest, Edward had managed to convince Jenny and Maria to take a break and go out for a meal. They wanted to go to the hospital cafeteria, but Edward knew that they needed to be further away. If only the hospital had not provided rooms, it would be easier to stay away from the hospital for longer.

  Ed knew nothing of the equipment being attached to him. As he stands and watches again, as the Geshbelhaus and it's little fleet of rafts heads inevitably to their doom, unstoppable. Ed stands helplessly watching, wanting to go in pursuit of them. Then memory of the last time that he did it comes back as clear as daylight, they ended up being sucked into the anomaly as well. Is there no way out of this nightmare? The invisible foe, you can't see a weakness if you can't see your foe. There is no way out, always the same, even if it is different; it always ends the same, the foe wins. It isn't like a game, real lives at risk this time. Real people, who's families and loved ones will miss them, they will never see them again. Never... just like the escape from this nightmare, it never ends. There's something to the left, just what was that? Surely not another anomaly? It reminds Ed of something, just what is it? There it is again. Sunshine glinting through the slat of a Venetian blind that has not closed properly. It steals its way into the room, knowing that it shouldn't be there, yet having found its way through, it must make the most of it's opportunity to shine, to be noticed. Just what is it doing here, at this time? It was never here before. Just what is going on here? Venetian blinds in the depths of space? Oh I see it is one of those similarity things, it isn't actually Venetian blinds, just reminds me of Venetian blinds. What does it mean though, it was not there before? What has changed? Why have things changed, is there something else, someone else here? Will it all end differently this time? Is this like a sign that the superhero has arrived, to save them all? How ridiculous, that does not happen in real life. Is this real life though? There it is again a glint, a flash, like a beacon, signalling a way out. Like the light at the end of a long tunnel, providing hope that there is something to look forward to, that there is a way to escape this long passageway of darkness. Hope, there is hope, there is a way through this.

  The small group, Edward, Marie and Jenny, think that there is something wrong at first. The doctor standing outside of Ed's room, has to be a bad sign, the worst. Yet he is smiling, actually smiling. They cannot wait to get to the doorway, to ask the doctor what the news is and why is he smiling? They run, like they have not run in ages. The distance closing between them and the answer. The doctor speaks before they actually reach him, a big beaming smile across his face now. He smiles at their efforts to reach him in the shortest possible time. The puffing and panting can clearly be heard, as they strain to ask the unasked question. The doctor answers it before it can be asked. He tells them that he is pleased to say that the new treatment has been a complete success. It was the support that Ed needed to help him out of the spiral that he had found himself trapped in. He was now breaking free and the doctor adds that Ed should hopefully reach full consciousness, within the next 30 to 60 minutes. He warns that they must be gentle though and ask no questions about what happened to him, as he will be asking enough questions of himself and it could throw him over the edge again, if forced back to face it all again. The doctor suggests that they concentrate on the positive things of welcoming him back, reassuring him that he is safe and back home. The doctor unsure that he can trust them not to ask the questions that they were dying to ask, nervously asks if they understand the seriousness of not asking questions. They assure him that they understand. Reluctantly he lets them in. There are two nurses in attendance.

  Edward's first thought is, that the doctor was right, this equipment isn't a pretty sight, big and unwieldy, looking as if it could do more harm than good. Yet thankfully, it seems as if it is doing the job that it was intended to do and by all accounts, doing that well and in such a short space of time. Edward is thankful for the wonders of modern medical science.

  Maria and Jenny nervously look at the machine. One of the nurses reassures them that it will not harm either them nor Ed. She launches into an explanation as to how it works, but it is all too complicated for them to take it in. It is just thankful that it appears to be doing its job. As they approach closer now, Jenny and Maria are relieved to see that Ed's eyes are no longer staring, the eye lids are closed now. His eyes below the lids seem to be darting from side to side. As happens in that state of sleep, ah what is it called? Yes R.E.M. Sleep, that is it, something to do with rapid eye movements and Ed is certainly experiencing those. Yet he seems in all other respects to be calm. There is a more relaxed air about him now.

  The group of three settle into nearby chairs, awaiting the return of their Ed, as if they are awaiting the arrival of an inbound flight. Waiting for Ed's arrival to be announced, to see his cheery face again as he steps through the arrivals gateway. This time it will be different, this time he will see them, as they see him.



  Chapter 15 - Announcing The Arrival Of

  "Is it too early?" asks Maria of the doctor. He smiles sympathetically at her, places a hand on her shoulder, as reassurance that what he is about to say is sincere and an honest assessment of the situation.

  The doctor speaks softly, at first too softly, the group of three have to lean in towards him to catch the words. He speaks up and says, "The signs are, that Ed is well on his way back to us, we do not want to alarm him, having the equipment still attached, when he comes too. As I am sure you can imagine, it is pretty frightening to be stuck in the middle of this kit. I can assure you that it has done its job, it has broken the pattern, the spell if you like. Ed has found his way out of the cycle of fear, helplessness and remorse. He has seen the ray of hope and his mind is now, doing the healing work that is necessary, before he returns to us. We just have to allow him the time to come around. I have only once before, seen such a rapid response like this, and I can assure you that she was also a very strong character like your Ed. Such a will to survive, and to beat the odds. I am sure Ed will cope well, just remember what I said about questions, concentrate on the positives, that he is well and back with you. He will do the rest."

  No barriers now between the family and Ed. They take turns to sit on the bed or beside the bed, holding his hands, stroking his hair, talking to him. Whilst he does not respond, he seems at peace, he is having a long deserved rest. The rapid eye movements have even ceased now. His dreams or was it nightmares have stopped.

  The waiting is painful, but better this than to watch whilst he was in torment.

  Edward takes Jenny off to get some dinner leaving Maria, happy to be with her Ed.

  Ed's comm unit beeps. It makes Maria jump. How can anyone want to be calling him? Maria scrabbles around in the bedside locker and finds it, hiding in the back somewhere. Fearful that whoever is calling will cancel the call, Maria struggles with the screen, finds the right button, then hears Paul's voice. She asks why he has called Ed's comms device. Paul apologises but points out that hers and Dad's were switched off; he and Carina were desperate to know what was going on.

  Maria apologises for her earlier annoyed tone, she tells Paul the good news. She is halfway
through telling Paul about the treatment, when she is amazed to hear Ed's voice, he says, "That clan boy? Tell him I'm trying to get some kip here."

  Maria throws herself around Ed and kisses him multiple times, much to Ed's protestations of, "Steady Mother, you're crushing me!" He takes a quick look about himself and asks, "Where on Regenis am I anyway? One minute I'm on the Cosmos 3, then I'm goodness knows where, being crushed by my mad mother and awoken by that crazy clan boy."

  They can hear Paul's voice as he cheers, "He's alright, he's alright, crazy, but alright!"

  Ed replies, "Hey look who's talking crazy clan boy, of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Ed was getting fed up with all the "Pussy footing around." as he put it, Jenny and the family were obviously being very careful about what they said in his presence and no-one would tell him what happened out there, in space and come to that what had happened to make him forget the journey from Deslax to home. He can remember the trip out to Nesjarvic, also his tour around the Municipality and encounter with Emily, which reminds him, he wonders what has happened to the gift that Emily had brought for him and Jenny, it isn't in his room. Yes he's back home now, in the comforts of his own room, although actually desperate not to be. Let me explain that, Ed has itchy feet and is desperate to get back to work. He has been home for at least three weeks now. Ed's Mum and dad, and come to that Jenny also, have been dead against Ed returning to work. They just won't tell him why.

  Ed thinks, at least good old uncle Richard is coming round today and knowing him, he's as subtle as a construct element, so whatever this lot are covering up, he'll blurt out without even knowing it is taboo. You wouldn't think he was a secret agent, he couldn't keep a family secret if his very life depended upon it. Ed was looking forward to his visit, some honesty at last.

  Ed had managed to find the photos he had taken whilst at Deslax. He had uploaded them, well most of them, he thought he had best delete the couple of Penelope, to save having to explain them away. However, he still remembered their conversations and her getting grief from her partner. Ed kept the ones of Jiash though. As they were all taken with the rest of the group, she didn't particularly stand out, so there would need to be no explanations required there. Ed still remembers her rather embarrassing honesty. It was a fond memory though, did a lot for the ego.

  Suddenly a name flashes into Ed's mind, a name that seems strange in the context of remembering his trip to Deslax, he can't remember bumping into him whilst on Deslax, perhaps he had just received a comm whilst on shore leave, or maybe during transit. Ed just cannot think why the impression of Keiran's name should be so strong. Keiran Yardley, a mate from the Academy, he hadn't seen Keiran for a while, so why would his name be so strong now? Perhaps he had Commed Ed to arrange a meeting and Ed had forgotten about it until now? Whatever it was, it will come back ?. Jason, another friend's name, coming to him with the same strength of feeling, but again why, it has been at least three or four months since he had seen Jason. Did the three of them meet up at Deslax? He just cannot remember. Perhaps if he comms the pair of them now, they can remind him just what happened.

  Ed is halfway through writing the message, when there's a knock at the door. Ed invites whoever it is, to come in. He glances at the time, too early for Richard surely. He's right, it's the smiling and beautiful face of Jenny. Another stunning outfit too. Ed can't recall seeing this one before. Dare he say as much, he decides he will chance it and compliments her on her clothes and asks if she is planning to take him somewhere special.

  Jenny's smile is now even wider as she says, "Flattery will get you everywhere. She flings her arms around him and there's a passionate embrace. Then a voice of protest, coming from the corridor outside.

  Paul says, "Well you could at least close the door, its enough to put me off my lunch you know."

  Ed waits until Jenny's grip eases up, he finishes the kiss with another quick pressing of lips and squeezes her waist again. He can feel her squirm, she often says that it tickles. Ed pulls away and replies to his brother, "What's the matter, clan boy? Had a bad morning?"

  There is no reply.

  Ed turns his attention back to Jenny, he asks, "What's been happening in the busy world of Jenny then?"

  Jenny replies, "Spent most of the day doing some research for my latest commission, the client has given me a free hand and I hate it when they do that without giving any idea of their values or what they stand for."

  Ed suggests, "I would have thought that was an artist's dream, you can do what you want."

  "And precisely what would you know about it, fly boy?" Jenny asks as she gently caresses Ed's face with her hand. Then continues, "The client may say that I have a free hand, but if I produce something that says nothing about them, their beliefs and values, they won't like it."

  "Complicated isn't it?" asks Ed, he takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it, working his way up her nearly bare arm, to her neck. She tilts her head gently to one side, as she likes it when Ed does this, it is like a game, the rules of which you know off by heart.

  Ed almost up to Jenny's neck, when he hears his Mum at the door, she says, "Oh sorry dears, I'll just pop this tray over here, I assumed you'd like some too Jenny."

  "Oh thanks Mrs Glaceons." responds Jenny straightening up her neck and smiles.

  "Maria, Jenny dear, none of this Mrs Glaceons. You're almost family Jenny, no need to be formal." replies Maria and she smiles at the pair of them. Seeing them together like this reminds her so much of herself and Edward in their early years. It was all different now of course, well...sometimes it isn't, sometimes Edward can be quite romantic and it is like travelling back in time, to before the boys came along. If only it could always be like it is when you are young. Somehow life gets in the way and things change.

  Maria slips off leaving Ed and Jenny to enjoy their time together.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  Richard much relieved that Ed is back to his old self, pats him on the back and remarks, "Well done Ed, you have done remarkably well."

  "So what's the news on the interstellar routes then Unc?" Asks Ed with big beaming smile across his face. Maria shakes her head ever so slightly, hoping that Richard catches the meaning and that Ed does not. Richard as subtle as ever, asks if she has an ear infection and then goes on to say that they can be pretty nasty.

  Ed prompts again, "Come on Unc, spill the beans, what's the news out there, I'm dying to know what's going on."

  Richard says, "Oh yes, so you must be."

  Maria asks if Richard wants a drink, after all it was a long journey from the city.

  Richard, easily distracted, answers that it would be rather nice, he wonders if Edward still has any of that Galzekian beer that he'd brought over last time he visited.

  Ed says, "What Dad had some Galzekian beer and I knew nothing about it?"

  Maria points out that he wasn't supposed to have any beer, with the tablets he was taking. Ed replies that he'd finished those about a week ago.

  Richard asks, "How about it then Maria?"

  Maria throws Richard, one of those looks that could do serious harm, if only he were that sensitive to take it seriously and Richard certainly didn't come into that category. She says, "Edward forgot he had it, as he didn't like it much, anyway."

  Richard as sensitive as ever replies, "All the more for you and me then Ed."

  Maria throws him another look, which has the same effect as water on a ducks back, it just slid straight past him. Richard instead turns back to Ed and says, "Well there have been no more...."

  Once again he is interrupted by Maria, she says, "Now don't go tiring Ed out with all your stories." The latter said, as if Ed was still a little boy and it was his bed time.

  Ed says, "Stop fussing mum, I just want to know what's going on out there." He points to the ceiling, although he means the sky.

  Maria mouths, 'Just be careful.
' at Richard.

  Richard says, "As I was saying, there have been no more, er, no more problems with flights."

  "Why, what was the problem?" asks Ed.

  "There was a shortage of crews for a bit, but it all seems to be over now. Probably one of those illness things that grips the galaxies from time to time." replies Richard, hoping that Ed will buy into the lie.

  Ed looks a bit suspicious for a moment, then his face clears as he asks, "Still as busy as ever in the spy business then Unc?"

  "Certainly am, the universe seems to have gone to pot, reports coming in from all points, most of it is just rumour mongering." replies Richard.

  Ed smiles and asks, "OK there is something else up, just what is it? You can't hide it from me you know."

  Jenny comes to Richard's defence saying, "He merely means that things in general are busy."

  Ed says, "If I wasn't suspicious before, I really am now if Jenny comes to Richard's defence. There's a conspiracy going on here, just what are you lot covering up? I know something happened when I was out, there, I just can't remember what it was. I have a strong feeling that friends of mine were involved, but again I can't remember how, I just remember that Keiran Yardley's name came to mind, whilst I was in hospital, I had the strong feeling that others were also involved, but I can't remember who, or what they were involved in. What are you covering up and why?