Read Reign Check Page 17

  Florencia let out an annoyed harrumph.

  “—and this decision would have not only put humans at risk but also exposed the existence of certain gateways of the demon worlds to this slaying society Kieran speaks of.”

  “So these slayers,” I said, trying to get it clear in my head. “They know demons definitely exist?”

  “Yes. Those who are aware keep the existence of the dark worlds, as well as the faery realm, a secret from others of their kind. It’s the best way. Should they happen to discover or create a gateway here, it would be extremely unpleasant for all involved. It is my duty to protect the Underworld from any unpleasantness like this. Desmond understands this now—that one’s royal duty must precede all else.”

  Anger ignited inside me at her dismissive attitude toward my father’s pain.

  “I think Desmond should be executed for breaking such an important rule,” Florencia stated bluntly. “A human woman. I still cannot believe it.”

  “No, he shouldn’t,” I snapped at her, then clamped my mouth shut at her surprised look.

  My anger turned quickly to fear. Did Florencia have the power to punish me? Kassandra had warned that she was the enforcer of rules. Hell hath no fury like a demoness scorned.

  Queen Sephina sighed. “And after his execution, then what? The power of the Shadowlands would shift to his half-human daughter, confining her within the castle walls until her own death. As one raised in the human world since birth, she would not make an adequate queen.”

  While I didn’t want to take the throne—in fact, it was the last thing I wanted—I did bristle a little at the accusation that I’d suck at it. Just because I was half human didn’t mean I wouldn’t try my very best.

  Groden cleared his throat. “There is also the ever-looming threat of the prophecy. Would it, perhaps, be vengeance for her father’s execution that triggers the Darkling to destroy us all?” He eyed me and Michael uneasily, breathing hard enough that the gold ring through his nose bounced. “I propose a rule that no Darkling shall ever become queen. Punishable by beheading!”

  He scribbled this down on his parchment.

  Queen Sephina rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, such a thing cannot be governed by law, Groden. She is Desmond’s heir by blood.”

  “So what?”

  She looked slightly exasperated with this debate. “Royal blood cannot be challenged. Princess Nikki is heir to the Shadowlands throne for as long as she lives and breathes. The prophecy changes nothing when it comes to this matter.”

  “I think the prophecy is a lie,” I said.

  Five sets of eyes widened and tracked to me. Florencia gasped out loud.

  “You wish to challenge the prophecy?” Queen Sephina asked.

  “I …” I licked my dry lips. I hadn’t exactly expected such a dramatic reaction. I hadn’t even known I was going to say that until I did. “Well, yes. I challenge it. I’m … I’m here to prove that it can’t be true. I have no intention of destroying anything or anyone.”

  “Intentions are different from future actions,” Kieran said. “You can’t predict what will happen based on how you feel at this particular moment. Besides, the prophecy was related directly to me. It is true. I would swear on my own life and the life of my mother.”

  The queen patted his arm. “Of course, my son. The palace oracle has never been wrong before.”

  I bit my lip, finding the direction of this “meeting” to be stomach-churningly bad. I opened my mouth to say something else.

  ::Princess,:: Michael projected to me before I spoke. ::Let them discuss among themselves. Don’t give them a reason to extend this any longer than it has to be.::

  He was telling me to stop attempting to put my foot in my mouth. The less said, the better. This was only a meet and greet.

  Got it.

  Sephina leaned back in her chair. “I wish to see your Darkling form.”

  I gulped. “Now?”


  Again, performance anxiety crawled through me. “I can normally change form when I’m feeling emotional”—I had that covered, but I still felt weakened from being in that hellhound’s drooling, power-draining presence—“but right now … uh, I’m not sure if I can.”

  “Then let me help you.” Queen Sephina’s eyes glowed red, and I felt a wave of magic flow over me. I gasped as all my muscles tensed, my limbs tingling with the force of her pulling my Darkling form out from inside me.

  The change was fast and shockingly painful. The sides of my head burned as my horns appeared. My talons grew. My muscles became leaner and firmer. My black wings tore right through the back of my red sweater as if it wasn’t any stronger than tissue paper. My hair grew longer, thicker, and changed to a bright, fiery red I could see from the corner of my eye. When I traced my tongue over my teeth, I confirmed that I sported sharp canines, like a vampire might have. And now that I was aware of its existence—yes, I also definitely felt a tail. Yikes.

  “This is your Darkling form?” Kieran raised an eyebrow, his gaze sweeping the length of me. “You look much the same as before, only now you are more beautiful.”

  Gee, lucky me. A compliment from Kieran. However, it was one that only succeeded in creeping me out.

  More beautiful? I projected the thought toward Michael: He’s crazy.

  Michael hadn’t moved an inch from my side since we’d approached the council table. His hands were clasped behind his back. ::Yes, Kieran is clearly crazy. I think you’re equally beautiful in either human or Darkling form.::

  My heart swelled at that. The council probably wouldn’t approve if I threw my arms around him and kissed him right then, would they?

  Nope. They’d likely throw us both in the dungeon.

  I couldn’t see myself, but I’d turned fully Darkling a couple of times before—wings and all—and I felt much the same as I had then. Stronger, more powerful … and way angrier. My fear mostly faded away, replaced by an annoyance that the council would make me do this—parade myself before them and let them judge me as though this was a demon beauty contest. It was now obvious this meeting was only to show me who really had the power in the room—them, not me, and I wasn’t supposed to forget it.

  “This is it,” I said, holding my taloned hands up to either side as I turned around in a slow circle. “What you see is what you get.”

  “You have your father’s wings,” Florencia said wistfully.

  I shifted my weight to my other foot. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  The queen’s eyes narrowed as her gaze swept over me. “How do you intend to destroy us when you still look so very human?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to destroy you.”

  There was some visible tension around her mouth. “The prophecy was very clear. The first Darkling in a thousand years—”

  “Wait a minute,” I said, interrupting her, which was probably a big no-no. Taking Darkling form meant losing some, if not all, of my human fear of the council. It also brought a sense of clarity and objectivity that I didn’t normally have. “Are you sure I’m the first Darkling in a thousand years?”

  “Of course we’re sure,” Kieran said bluntly. “There is no other.”

  I thought it over. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the prophecy says, ‘Nikki Donovan, the first Darkling in a thousand years.’ Or even, the ‘Darkling daughter of the Shadowlands’ king.’ It just said the first Darkling. How can you be positive it’s me?”

  There was total silence in the cavernous room for a long moment.

  “There has been no other Darkling child but you,” Queen Sephina said evenly. “If there had been, I would know.”

  “Maybe or maybe not,” I challenged. “Any Darkling who feared for its life would probably try to keep its existence under wraps, given what little history I’ve heard. I don’t think a Darkling would stroll through the Underworld wearing an ‘I’m a Darkling, Ask Me How!’ T-shirt.”

  Michael studied me. ::You?
??re right, Princess. This is a strong argument against the prophecy. But still … please be careful what you say. Don’t provoke them.::

  I’ll try my best.

  “It’s impossible,” Florencia interjected. “No demon, aside from your father, has visited the human world in a thousand years. The Shadowlands prevent casual travel or communication between the dark and light worlds. You’re speaking nonsense, child. You must take after your mother.”

  I shot her a withering look that she reflected right back at me.

  “Nobody except my father in a thousand years?” I asked, doing my best to sound as respectful as possible, despite the anger bristling under my skin. “With all due respect, I find that hard to believe.”

  “Desmond had permission from his own father to visit the human world,” Florencia countered. “A foolish decision on the former king’s part, knowing how impulsive his son then was.”

  I shook my head. “There has to have been some kind of communication, some contact. This city looks just like a human city. The way some demons dress is very similar to how humans dress”—I pointed over my shoulder toward the back of the room—“like Princess Kassandra’s outfit, for example. I could have bought the exact same thing last time I was at the mall. Even the way you talk—it’s all very human. To me, that means you must have had some contact more recently than a thousand years ago to influence things, even if it was just a little.”

  “We haven’t,” Kieran said bluntly.

  “Sure we have,” said the cockroach.


  All eyes turned to Beasley.

  He shrugged his buglike black shoulders. “I mean, there’s all that paperwork that needs to be filled out and submitted to King Desmond, and he takes forever to approve anyone for a trip beyond the dark worlds. He’s fastidious, I’ll give him that. But don’t deny it, Your Majesty. Scouts and servants are often sent to fetch samples of the human world—books, movies, food, drink, clothing—for us to study and enjoy.” He leaned back in his chair. “Besides, the Shadowlands is not the only place to find a gateway to the human world.”

  This got Kieran’s full attention. “It’s not?”

  “Beasley,” the queen hissed. “This is not the time to discuss this.”

  “But doesn’t Prince Kieran know this already?” Beasley asked. “There are other gateways scattered throughout the Underworld and Hell. Hidden ones. It stands to reason, at one time or another, they may have been discovered by a wandering demon who could have been swept away, never to return again.”

  “Tell me, Beasley, where are these hidden gateways?” Kieran asked curiously, leaning toward the bug at the end of the table.

  “Let us change the subject, please,” the queen said.

  “They’re hidden, Prince Kieran. Which means they’re not easily found. Frankly, I don’t know where they are. Not that I’d ever be interested in traveling to the human world. I don’t think they’d welcome me with open arms.”

  I thought of Rhys and his ability to hide his pointed ears and wings enough to fit in. “Can’t you do a glamour to look human?”

  The cockroach looked at me. “Afraid that’s not one of my talents. Besides, when you’re as gorgeous as I am, why would you ever want to look any different?”

  I blinked.

  Beasley laughed. “I’m kidding of course. I’m fully aware I’m hideous. I’d be there three minutes before finding myself on the wrong side of a demon-slayer’s sword.”

  Good point.

  I suddenly got a mental image of Melinda facing off against Beasley. She hated bugs. She was afraid of spiders. But could she kick demon butt?

  It wouldn’t be a pretty sight.

  Would she kill a demon who looked scary but wasn’t a threat? How did that work? I’d only just met Beasley, but so far he seemed fairly personable and helpful, despite his appearance.

  I couldn’t deal with the demon council right now and think about Melinda. The whole thing made me feel seriously seasick.

  Groden slapped his hand against the table. “I propose a rule that all secret gateways be revealed to any demon wishing to do a little interworld sightseeing. A penalty of death to all who conceal their locations!”

  “Beasley,” the queen said sharply, apparently disturbed by the direction of this discussion. “You’re saying you believe there may be demons living in the human world even as we speak?”

  “I’m saying it’s possible,” Beasley replied, his antennae twitching. “We know there are dragons living there already, so why not demons as well? The possibility is enough for me to lean toward Princess Nikki’s argument that the prophecy may not be about her at all.”

  “It was related to me the day the Darkling would have turned sixteen and come into her powers,” Kieran said.

  “Possibly a coincidence,” Beasley replied. “Besides, just look at her. She’s way too adorable to be as destructive as the prophecy says she is. Those horns could not be cuter.”

  Cockroaches were now my absolute favorite insect.

  Okay, I lied. They weren’t. But I’d make an exception for Beasley.

  I returned my attention to the queen. I waited, holding my breath, for what she’d say next. She studied me for a full minute, her gaze moving over my Darkling form, taking in all my extra demonic accessories as if appraising me for auction value.

  “Very well, you may leave us now.” She flicked her hand and I felt magic sweep over me, changing me back to human form. I staggered backward as momentary but severe pain lanced through me. Luckily, Michael caught my arm and steadied me before I fell.

  The queen stood up from behind the table and approached me. I willed myself not to back away from her. She grasped my hands and kissed me on either cheek.

  “Please give my regards to your father,” she said.

  “Sure,” I said breathlessly.

  So that’s it? I glanced at Michael. We’re free to go?

  His expression was guarded. ::I think so.::

  Queen Sephina continued to hold my hands in hers. She peered at me as if expecting me to show suddenly that my true face was even uglier than Beasley’s. Her gaze slowly moved down to my wrist.

  “You have a dragon’s tear,” she said with shock.

  A chair scraped against the floor as Kieran rose to his feet. “A dragon’s tear? A real one?”

  I was surprised Elizabeth hadn’t told him already. She’d been well aware of the gift I received from my father.

  “It’s very beautiful,” Queen Sephina said, holding my wrist tighter.

  I tried not to pull away from her. “Thank you.”

  “Did your father give you this?”

  “He did.”

  She nodded. “I’d heard he slayed a dragon when he was no more than your age. It was an accomplishment that branded him as a future king, despite his stubbornness in many things. It makes sense that he would give it to you.”

  My father had been the one to kill the dragon who shed the tear I now wore on the chain around my wrist?

  “Well, some fathers hunt deer,” I said, repressing a shudder. “My father hunted dragons. Same difference.”

  “Hardly. Dragons are very dangerous and magical creatures. Only three dragons have been slain in recorded history, and your father is responsible for the most recent. This tear is very precious. I hope you realize and appreciate that.”

  “More and more every minute.”

  “You have given me much to consider here today.” She finally released me. “My daughter will see you back to the Shadowlands gateway. Good-bye.”

  Without another word, she turned dismissively away from me and went back to her chair. Now that she wasn’t sitting in it, I noticed it had a gold sheen and was speckled with the same jewels she wore in her hair. Was it her throne?

  ::Let’s go, Princess. Wouldn’t want to outstay our welcome.::

  It was an excellent idea. I turned, and Michael and I walked away from the council and toward the elevator, where Kassandra waited for us. I
still felt on edge.

  Did that go well? I asked. Now that my Darkling form was gone, so was my confidence.

  ::I think so. They asked fewer questions than I thought they would.::

  Did I do okay? I think I talked too much.

  ::You stood up for what you believe in. You didn’t take everything they said with your head lowered like many would. I was impressed.::

  Despite the compliment, a lump formed in my throat. I’d stood up for what I believed in, but I couldn’t stand up and tell them how I felt about Shadows—how I felt about Michael in particular. I wasn’t that brave. And I couldn’t put him in danger.

  So, what now?

  ::Now we do exactly as Queen Sephina suggested. We leave.::

  Lead the way.

  Kassandra grinned as we approached and got in the elevator with her. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  I was still breathing. I wasn’t currently redecorating a dungeon cell. I’d let the demon council check me out and I’d challenged the prophecy, enough to put doubt in their minds about it. It definitely could have gone worse.

  I was surprised I hadn’t thought of the possibility there might be another Darkling around somewhere, either now or some time in the past millennium. It was a reassuring thought, and I allowed a small measure of relief to flow through me. Is that why Irena couldn’t see the first prophecy for herself? Because it was so vague and maybe not even about me at all?

  Whatever the reason, now I could go back to my seminormal life, where all I had to deal with were faery kings and jealous demon-slaying best friends.

  Still major problems, but ones I could at least deal with in the human world, not here.

  “It’s so cool you have a dragon’s tear,” Kassandra said as the elevator slowly began to make its way down to the lobby. “Can I see?”

  I pulled up the sleeve of my sweater—now ripped and a bit drafty in the back, thanks to my unscheduled wing appearance—and showed her the bracelet.