Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 17

Chapter 13

  -Erik's Pov-


  It’s been a few hours since Lara’s water first broke, a few minutes since it was announced that she was about to give birth to our first baby. The child who may inherit the spot of being the Beta of our pack in the future.

  "Hoooooly craaaaap! Erik Jamison Thomas, you are dead meat as soon as I get out of this place!" Lara shrieked gripping onto my arms, clearly managing to almost cut my circulation.

  "Ssshh, just breathe." I cooed, letting her crush my bones. I just wish I could take away all the pain my mate was currently feeling, but it was impossible.

  "Okay Mrs. Thomas just take a deep breath and give one more push in 3," the doctor instructed.

  I watch my wife sigh breathlessly and take in a whole lot of air as the doctor reached 1. She grunted then held my arm harder as I thought I heard a cracking sound. Finally cries filled the air signaling our child was born. Wait what time is it? My eyes wandered everywhere, but there was no clock.

  "Sir, you looking for the time?" a nurse asked while handing the baby to Lara.

  I nodded as the nurse said, "Congratulations Mrs and Mr Thomas, you've got a son. By the way, Happy Thanksgiving."

  I stare in awe at our baby, though the baby wasn't clean yet, and he haven't been on earth that long yet, I could just tell he'd be a ladies man. Aren't we all? Suddenly a jolt of pain hit me, while I heard my mate scream. Dammit, that bond. If she goes through pain, I go through pain. Remind me to never get her pregnant again.

  I think she heard me, cause immediately she turned her head at me and gave me her famous evil glare.

  Evil glare?! What do you mean evil! She thought to me through the mind link, while punching me, with the hand that was on my side.

  "Stop punching me would you!" I hissed. "Just work on the kid."

  "Say whaaaa-"

  --- ( Half An Hour Since Both Children Were Born ) ---

  "Harmony and Jeremy Thomas...daddy loves you," I whispered, into the ears of my newborns.

  Both of them silenced at the thought of their names.

  "See I told you they'd like it," my mate said, staring at all me and our children.

  “But Jeremy is way too alike to Austin’s middle name...”


  "Here take the kids," I said to her, handing the babies to her one-by-one.

  "Where you going?"

  "I'm going to run for my life before everyone comes here for all those torturous pictures," I joked, rolling my eyes.

  "You wouldn't..."

  "You're right, I wouldn't. I'll just run around naked, getting drunk."

  "Be serious."

  "Okay, okay. I'm going to grab Austin and Bev, then I guess we'd have to buy some stuff before you get home," I said, digging for my cellphone.


  "Yeup, well take care, I'll be back before you even know it."

  She nodded and started playing with the babies in her arms. I stood up from the plastic chair I've been sitting on, (which not to mention killed my butt) and headed towards the door.

  Right before my hand came in touch with the doorknob, suddenly the door burst, slamming right into my nose on the way. I started cussing, while clutching onto my nose, as our family came into the mini hospital room. Beverly took one look at me and started laughing, leaning into Austin's arms. I glared at her but kept rubbing my nose; thank god that door didn't break it. Or else, I would point to that door and go, "I'm suing this thing!" Well technically I wouldn't but still...

  At the corner of my eyes, I saw Austin kiss the top Beverly's head while laughing at me.

  I was tempted to growl at them, but I was not to do that to the alpha...and the Luna. Yeah that's right; Bev finally gave in to Austin.

  "Awww, they're adorable!" Jennifer squealed taking Harmony in her arms.

  Oh no. I'm not watching this, I pushed past the laughing couple and tried to walk out the door, but the voice of my mother ordered me to stop.


  "Erik come over here for a sec," she commanded patting a spot next to her on the mini sofa at the corner of the room.

  "But I have to quickly buy some stuff for the babi-"

  "Stuff? Awh sweetheart, get your butt over here," my mother once again said, patting at the spot next to her...again.

  "Mom, what happened to my words of stop calling me sweetheart?"

  "It flew out the window the second you said it. Now get over here, you make any more rude remarks and you'll regret it, because what I'm about to give you wouldn't wanna lose," she said, quoting the 'I'm' part.

  I sighed in defeat and bent down to the sofa.

  "So you wanna know what we all got you two?" she asked excited, clapping to herself and bouncing on the poor sofa.


  Instead of speaking my dad threw me a pair of keys that smacked my head.

  "Dammit dad, watch where you throw things!" I complained, rubbing my head. First my nose, now the side of my head. What next? My crotch?

  "Son, just shut up and pay attention to what I just threw at you."

  I dangled the keys from my pinkie and inspected it, "So what is it? A new car?"

  "Mister, are you stupid? Cars these days have those ‘beep beep’ remote crap, not a normal key to unlock the door.... So guess again."

  Before I could take another guess, Lara snatched the keys out of my hands.

  When did she get up?

  "Hoooly crap! You guys, got us our own place to live! Oh my god! Thank you such much!" she screamed, hugging everyone and crying.

  I stared at everyone in shock.

  "Y-you g-guys...w-wha- Holy shit," I muttered.

  "Yeup, you see, we've got everything done. Painting, and everything. Except for decorating, well we got the kids room covered but yours...there's only a bed."

  "That's more than enough! Thanks so much!" my wife screamed, throwing the keys at me, then went to give our parents a hug.

  "I d-don't know what to say," I choked out.

  "Son, just thank us and give us a family picture," my dad said, giving me a thumbs us.

  "Thanks," I mumbled, scratching my head.

  Beverly and Austin continued to laugh at me at the side, as we all gathered for a family picture.

  Madi held up a camera as she ordered us to stand closer or whatever.

  "Ok guys. 1.2..."

  At three everyone smiled, squeezing tight together. I really wonder how raising two kids at a time would be like.

  Chapter 14


  I sat in my new house waiting for Austin to come home. Such pure silence... brings me back to the thought of how we managed to end up living together...