Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 8

  Chapter 6


  5 months later


  I can’t even believe it’s already been five months since I left home. I pretty much kept in touch with no one but my own brother and Brian.

  “Who do you thin—“ a phrase of a one direction song began. It was coming from my phone.

  Sighing, I fetched it out of my back pocket of my jeans, and clicked the accept call button without even bothering to check the caller ID. “Hello.” I chirped, as I got ready to leave the house.

  "Beverly! Oh god. For once you decide to pick up your phone!" my mom yelled on the other end, clearly pissed off.

  "Mom, chillax. You call during class half of the time, so there was no way I could've answered the phone." I replied as I heaved my bag over my back.

  “Then what happened to the other half of the times?” she questioned.

  Aw shoot. I can’t tell her it was just because I wanted to avoid most contact from home…

  “Mom, don’t tell me you called to just lecture me about how I don’t pick up my phone.”


  "Anyways mom, any particular reason you out of nowhere called?" I asked pacing myself as I jogged to my car.

  "Does a mother simply need a reason to talk to her child?!"

  "Uhh... I suppose not?" I replied.

  "Why do I hear a questioning tone in there?"

  "Cause there was?"

  I heard her huff over the phone, and gave in.

  "Okay, fine. Anyways Beverly, guess what?!" she shrieked.

  I opened my mouth to reply, "U-" coming out of my mouth before she interrupted.

  "No, don't guess. I'll tell you! Your brother is getting married!" She screamed out giggling.

  Married? And he didn't tell me? Some brother he is, and I thought he was catching me up when I called.

  "To who?"

  "His mate. Duh." she said in a tone that went "are you freaking serious?"

  "Gee thanks for the tone, mom."


  I swear my mom talks like me sometimes. No wonder we can't deny that we are mother-daughter.

  "Anyways mom, when'd he propose?" I asked, curious. "Wait no. I'll ask them for myself. Anyways I should go, it’s getting late and Clarisse and Ashton expects me back.”

  "Okay, take care sweetie, bye"

  "Bye mom."

  I was about to click the end button, when my mom suddenly screamed out "Wait!"

  I stared at the phone, damn this lady can yell.

  "Yes mother?"

  "I've already contacted Clarisse and Ashton and told them you would be driving back here tomorrow."

  "What?! I'm not driving back home! Or well yet... wait why?" I asked not sure which answer I wanted first.

  "Beverly." she said in a stern voice.

  Yes mom, saying my name totally answers the question.

  "Yes mommy?"

  "You see, Erik really hoped you would be here for his graduation and his wedding, so I kind of just arranged it for you to come back home..."

  “B-but I still got a week of school lef—“

  “Yeah, but you finished all your exams already, so you’re coming home. Count it as like it’s an early summer for you,” she said, cutting me off.

  I sighed in response. I'm not even going to argue with her.

  "I'll be there by 7 tonight."

  “Okay then sweetie, bye!”

  “Bye.” I mumbled.

  I wasn’t planning on putting myself in the spot to see Austin’s face for a loooong time. Now with me having to go to their grad there’s no escape, especially if I have to face him at Erik’s wedding. Kill me now.




  I pulled into the drive-thru line up of the Starbuck’s that was around an hour drive away from home. It’s currently around 5 in the evening, and even though I’ve only drove for an hour, I really need this coffee.

  “Hello, may I take your order?” The employee asked.

  I took a look at the signs again… hmm… should I go for a frap? Fresh brewed coffee? Screw it, I’ll just stick to my normal vanilla latte.




  Sipping my almost done latte, I pulled into the street where my home was. The familiar scent of the woods nearby and wolves came rushing back to me. I missed this fresh, pine smell. Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands running over the leather part of the steering wheel. I kept driving, but then a bright glow of light suddenly hit me. I got in a car crash, writhed in pain and died. Kidding. No. That didn't happen. But a glow of light did hit me, but no crashing was involved. Just my own home came to my sight. Five cars were parked in our driveway. A few that I recognize and a few that I didn't. One including… Austin's. Great. He’s here too?

  Blowing a gust of air to get my bangs out of my face, I took my sunglasses off and shoved it into the case as I pulled out. One, Two, Three, I counted to myself, before I swung my legs out of the car. The first new scent that hit me was food, daaamn. Then within the next second my stomach started growling at me. Oi, how I miss the food mom cooks.

  Quickly, I made my way to the front door, eager to get inside and fill my stomach full with the grilled chicken I smell. Reaching in my bag for the house keys, something sharp dug into my skin. Oh. My. Fucking. God.As a habit, my automatic reflex was to fling my hand around while jumping up and down screaming 'ow’ numerous times.

  "Denise Beverly Thomas, come give momma a hug!" my mother shouted out as she flung the house door open, running out to greet me.

  "Uh, hey mom..." I breathed out as I wrapped one arm around her, while keeping my other hand away.

  "Sweetie, I'm so glad your home! C'mon let's get inside, everyone misses you!"

  "Mom, exactly who's everyone?" I asked nervous. I mean when she means everyone, it could be the whole entire town for all I know.

  "Oh you know, the entire pack." she answered casually pulling me through the doors of the house, as others came out to greet me.

  "The entire pack!? Do you have any idea how many of us are in the entire pack! Mom there’s a whole—“

  “Bev!” I heard my brother’s mate scream. Before I could even take in what was happening next, I found myself choking in the embrace I was caught in. What the heck. Since when did she get so strong?

  "Opps, sorry." Lara said, a faint blush creeping to her face.

  Out of nowhere, arms crept around her waist and then Erik's face popped up right on her shoulder.

  "Hey lil’ sis," he greeted, smirking.

  "Good news, huh." I said, winking at him.

  His eyes went wide, as he quickly let go of his fiancée, pulling me aside.

  "How'd you know? Not even the pack knows? Only mo-" he snapped in fingers in realization, "that blabber mouth of mom's. Must love her," he muttered.

  "I heard that!" Mom's voice shouted from behind the doors.


  I burst into laughter, and pat him on the back.

  "Mothers, huh?" I said still laughing. "So when were you gonna tell me, you were engaged?" I shouted out, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  His eyes popped out and he hissed at me. "You’re a dead woman." he mumbled as a few of our close friends rushed over.

  "Dude, why'd you hide it from us!" one yelled out, slapping his back hard, making Erik choke on his own spit, while others just said things along those lines.

  Suddenly someone chuckled, the sound like bells. Austin. His blonde hair in a mess, those blue eyes and those lips-

  You...I growled at my wolf.

  What? I missed him. You might’ve not, but I did! my wolf exclaimed shaking in excitement, almost dragging my body to him.

  Austin caught my eyes looking at him, and he started smirking.

  I groaned. How tempted I am, to just wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Ugh, how much I wish cockiness didn't run in this town. I mean I know how my palm fits perfectly on the side of his face?
??you know, giving him a nice red mark there.

  "Miss me much?" he asked walking right up to me.

  I rolled my eyes at him and quickly made a move to save my brother so he doesn't get killed before he even becomes a married man. Reaching my arm into the crowd of men, I grabbed my brother’s arm and pulled him right out. There’s a reason why I’m strong, okay.

  “What the fuck was that!” Erik shrieked.

  I made one look at him, snorted and started laughing all over again.

  "Bro, not telling the others is fine," Austin said, receiving a few heys in the background, "but how could you keep the news of your engagement away from your own best friend!"

  I snickered, "You didn't tell him either?" I asked pointing at the guy beside me.

  I shook my head disapprovingly at my brother. "This is gonna be one of the longest day of your life bro."



  So tired. Who expected a day could be this long. Announcements of engagement, tears, and lots of chit chatting which is pretty much how I landed into the spot of being extremely tired. Oh and not to mention, I was reminded of how a group of wolves could be compared to a batch of pigs. Just a few hours ago we were eating dinner and oh boy, before I could even reach out for food, more than half of the dishes were gone.