Read Religious Fangs Page 15

down and he began mumbling Guillem's name.

  He stayed there a few minutes, but then he heard as someone was coming into the room so he put his hood over his head and approached the door.

  “Hey, who are you!” Roberto's mother yelled at him. But Guillem just ran past her at full speed dodging her as he went by. Then he ran through the corridor, into the stairs, down the two floors and finally out of the hospital.

  After he got out of the hospital he managed to hide in a small alley. As soon as he confirmed nobody was looking for him he tried to run again, but his body did not respond, all he could think about was drinking someone blood to sate his hunger.

  He started looking around for someone, maybe he could just drink a little bit of some drunken beggar. After a couple minutes searching on the alley he heard a dog growling, it was a stray dog hiding behind some trash cans at the farther end of the alley, the dog was just laying down, staring and growling at him. As he approached the dog got up and barked violently, but with a quick attack Guillem managed to take hold of him by the back of his neck, the dog kept trying to free himself from his grip, but as soon as Guillem bit him the dog just squealed and stayed very quiet, enjoying the feeling of having him sucking its blood just like the girl did before. The taste was not as good as the blood from the little girl in Sebastian's house, but it was wonderful anyway, he was about to let himself go and drink as much blood as he could, but managed to control himself and after drinking a fair amount of blood he just threw the dog as far as he could from him. The poor thing hit the floor violently and weakly ran away squealing and with his tail between his back legs.

  He called another taxi and went to the San Ignis movie theatre to see Lissette, she was already waiting for him and was dressed with a beautiful pink short dress. After the usual kisses in the cheek they went to see a movie. It felt like centuries since the last time he enjoyed some peaceful time in the company of such a beautiful, sweet and natural woman. After the movie they went to a restaurant so Lissette could have something to eat.

  “Lissette, I would like to go see my family. Even if it is from the window. It would feel good to confirm that everything is still fine there.”

  “Of course Sweetie,” she said smiling “let's go.”

  They took a taxi to Santa Ines. All the way she was holding his hand which made him slightly confused, she was very beautiful and caring, but he did not have any real feelings for her and on top of that he was dead, who would want to be with a vampire? Lately he had seen many movies where people got sexually aroused by vampires, in particular young girls, but it was just stupid, how could a dead thing be considered sexual? So far it had been just one endless nightmare.

  It was already quite advanced into the morning when they arrived to Santa Ines. Guillem went running to his house to check if someone was awake that he could see through the kitchen's window and found his parents hugging there, his mother had her head on his father's chest and was still crying.

  “Let's get out of here.” Guillem said with a mad grin in his face.

  “So quickly? Where do you want to go this time?”

  “Let's go to your apartment. If you still want to receive me.”

  “Of course, let's go.” She said in a very light voice tone.

  They were going to the freeway by the same stairs where Lissette had problems the previous night, but as they approached it they could hear voices coming from there.

  “Do you have the iron?”

  “Yes, it is some cool merchandise what Marta gave us, isn't it?”

  “Now anyone coming through here is going to pay for our humiliation. I hope the same idiot from yesterday night came around here tonight, it would be wonderful to fuck him.”

  “Yes, I would like to open a few new holes in him. The little pussy that egg head opened on my fucking side still hurts like hell.”

  “Hide, shut up and let's wait. Someone will have to go to work very soon.”

  “Give me a beer.”

  “Here, drink it and shut up!.”

  Guillem took Lissette's hand and dragged her away from there.

  “Wait right here. I will give those two a lesson, again.”

  “But you will need me to help you.”

  “How do I explain to you that I am dead?” Guillem yelled at her. “Maybe my situation is not so bad and I am able to help some people around here.”

  “Scream if you need any help,” she said with watery eyes “I can throw them a few rocks from up here at least!”

  “I will call you. Now hide and do not make any noise.”

  Guillem carefully approached the slope next to the stairs using some bushes to hide. Once he got to a proper position, he started searching for the thugs which he found hiding on a few bushes on the other side of the stairs.

  He took his pistol and aimed carefully at the chest of the same thug he had shot the night before, after aiming for a few seconds he fired his weapon. The thug tried to cover the blood flowing out of his chest with his hands and then fell to the floor. The other one turned toward the spot where Guillem was hiding and fired at him blindly and missed.

  When Guillem saw the blood his eyes clouded, he felt as all the accumulated hunger came rushing back and felt the same primal desires he had been trying to control. All he could think about was drinking all the blood flowing out of the thug's body. He dropped the weapon where he was hiding and jumped down toward the body, falling over it, lifted it as if it was made of paper and then bit him on the neck tearing all the flesh that separated him from his blood until he finally felt the sweet nectar that was mortal blood.

  He felt as something cold entered into his chest. The other thug was firing at him and the fire bursts from the gun made him feel even more agitated, Guillem's hunger transformed into anger and now he wanted to just kill him. He let go the body he was holding and then ran toward the thug. He was still firing at Guillem which just stirred his anger even more so he punched the boy once and again directly to his rib cage. His punches were crushing the thugs ribs with every impact. The thug kept firing his pistol and trying to defend himself, but the bullet holes in Guillem's body did not hinder him at all, these did not slow him down or even caused him any sort of pain, instead they just made his rage increase. When the thug finally fell unconscious with most of his ribs fractured, Guillem dropped himself above the body and then kept punching it again and again until finally he crushed his rib cage open.

  Once both thugs were down, Guillem relaxed and took a deep breath of the blood's smell, then he started biting and ripping the flesh from the thugs chest and gorging on the flowing blood. After there was no more blood flowing from the corpse, Guillem went back to the first corpse and continued drinking its blood. Meanwhile he instinctively channelled some of the blood to his body's bullet holes, it filled them and then transformed in arteries, flesh and skin again fixing his body.

  There he stayed lying down next to the corpses, playing in the blood and flesh still covering the floor. He was completely satisfied and finally regained his self control. There he stayed next to the corpses' remains, speechless over what he had just done, he new it was wrong, but there was no trembling, no tears, nothing. He then sat and stared at the remains, took a wood stick and started moving the remains around, playing with the flesh and other residue. He finally got up and took the thug's pistols and after confirming they were the same as his old weapon he then took the ammunition.

  Who knows, maybe he was really a monster in a mission from God, maybe this was his destiny. This desires he felt were a part of him now, maybe they had been buried under so many of the trappings of humanity and he was not a real human any more. His education told him he should be sorry for what happened, but all his body and self kept screaming that nothing bad happened, everything was fine and normal. He looked upstairs and saw Lissette, she was staring at him with tears in her eyes, as soon as their eyes crossed she ran away.

  Guillem got up, he felt stronger than ever, his skin was as tight as it w
as when he was alive. He ran upstairs to pick up his weapon, hid it in his overcoat and then ran toward Lissette, easily reaching and stopping her.

  “I am fine, you do have to worry. What happened? Where were you going without me?” Guillem asked her with a very cold voice tone.

  “Let me go, you are an animal.” She said crying and pushing him.

  “But, I need you.” Guillem said holding her by the shoulders. “What am I going to do without you? Where am I going to sleep? The sun is coming up soon.”

  “I do not care, let me go! I cannot care about a beast like you any more. There is something very evil inside of you, you used to be a very good person. I hope the light of the sun catches you!”

  “You want me to die?”

  “You are already dead!”

  Guillem let her go. He stayed there looking at her as she ran away and then started walking without any destination. He could not stop thinking about her words.

  After walking for a couple of hours he leaned back against a tree in a park to wait for the sun, maybe this was for the best. He closed his eyes and waited, but just a few minutes later a car approached at full speed and stopped in front of him, its brakes screeching. It was a Ford Explorer with windows only for the driver and co-driver. The co-driver window rolled down and an older guy with a huge and strong complexion yelled at him.

  “What do you think you are doing?