Read Religious Fangs Page 6

as soon as the rapists were starting to do their thing Guillen and his group started throwing everything they could which included rocks, bricks and concrete blocks.

  Guillem threw everything he could, but it was Maria who managed to hit one of them directly in his forehead knocking him out, there was a madness in her eyes that Guillem had never seen before. The other troublemakers ran toward the building while pulling their pants up with one hand and using the other to try and protect themselves from everything that was being thrown at them by Guillem and his group.

  As soon as the troublemakers disappeared under the first floor Guillem they heard how the other engaged them in a fight, his group decided to run downstairs to help the others. As they went down to the ground level they saw how each of their friends were being surrounded by two of the troublemakers. Xavier was literally dancing between the two guys, dodging them gracefully while hitting them repeatedly with his piece of timber, it looked as if he was dancing and having fun. Cristobal was trying to hit his opponents with the sledgehammer, but the guys were small and very quick so they kept dodging him and his huge weapon. Tom was defending himself as best as possible using what he had learned in his karate lessons and finally Edward was clumsily attacking one of the guys with his piece of timber without much success while trying to avoid being hit by them.

  Having seen the situation Guillem went to help Edward while Maria and Lucio did the same with Cristobal and Tom. First he went to the younger and smaller of both of the guys, a man in his early twenties. The guy was still a lot taller than him and of dark skin tone, Guillem managed to punch him a few times, but he did not make the guy slow down at all, on the good side Guillem was a lot quicker than his opponent and managed to avoid his attacks. He managed to at least keep the guy distracted for a while to give time to Edward to recover until his opponent suddenly decided to run away from the fight together with another two of his partners, he saw how Maria and Lucio ran past him following the fugitives.

  Guillem had a quick look at the battleground and saw Xavier still dancing around his two opponents while still hitting repeatedly the same guy with his stick, he already had the guy very disoriented and his movements were getting quite clumsy. Cristobal was running like a bull toward the other guy attacking Xavier, leaving at least one body where he was standing before, the body had a knee bent in an impossible angle. Tom was hitting repeatedly a guy directly to his head and had him about to fall and finally Edward was still fighting with the same guy, both still going strong.

  Guillem tried giving chase, but he was already too tired and saw as his other friends left him too far behind until they finally reached the fugitives.

  Lucio and Maria were trying to stop one of the guys, but he kept dodging them, they were still trying to do it when Tom appeared from nowhere charging at the guy and with a strong jump he connecting a very powerful spinning kick in the guy's chest that threw him and Tom himself rolling into the ground. The guy kept trying to get up and escape, but Tom held him down and kept punching him in the face until he was finally unconscious.

  Cristobal reached another of the troublemakers, managing to put the sledgehammer around his neck and then started strangling him with it. The guy kept trying to get free until he finally managed to do it, but as soon as he did, Cristobal stroke him directly in the chest with the sledgehammer sinking it into his rib cage.

  The third fugitive kept managing to evade their efforts to stop him until Roberto came out of nowhere together with three women and blocked him. One of the women jumped over the guy and started scratching him in the face while the others were punching him until they managed to know him out. So much was their anger that Roberto had to pull the women away from the unconscious body before they made some more permanent damage which could even kill the guy.

  “Quickly, drag them to the building and tie them up with this.” Said Roberto as he threw them a rope and went running again back toward the entry.

  While helping Edward drag one of the bodies to the building he noticed as Roberto came out of some bushes with a larger group of people, they came dragging yet another body, probably the entrance guard Roberto took out.

  It took them a while, but finally managed to move all the bodies to the third floor, there they tied them all together. The bodies were placed toward the middle of the floor so it was not easy to see them from the rest of the faculty and then put a few blocks, garbage and other stuff they could find around them so they were hidden from anyone that might go to that floor. They almost regained consciousness a few times, but Tom took care of leaving them unconscious again with a direct punch to the head.

  Guillem checked some of the bodies to check they all were at least stable enough to survive a few hours. There were quite a few fractures courtesy of Cristobal and a few nails in Roberto's guard, but it calmed him down that everyone was alive and his group was just tired, having only had a few bruises.

  “Ok, now we must leave this place.” Said Roberto.

  “What?” One of the girls they just rescued said crying. “Why don't we stay here?” Said another one.

  “That is your problem. We helped you get free, but now you are on your own.” Said Xavier. “We cannot take care of ourselves with you following us around. We should try and get out of here through the Rugby field.”

  “Yes, that sounds like a good idea.” Said Cristobal while placing the sledgehammer within the back of his leather jacket and into his belt.

  “Let's go then. Not a lot of time will pass until they come here looking for those guys.” Said Roberto as he pointed at the unconscious guards.

  It was already later than 9pm. The street seemed to be a lot emptier than before, but still some patrols of troublemakers went by every few minutes and there was a small group of people in the faculty's entrance as well by the time they started to go down, they were most probably looking around for their missing members. The people they rescued decided to stay on the building, some of them were discussing what to do, but most were just crying without restrain.

  They approached the fence separating them from the rugby field and searched from a group of bushes for a place where they could pass without being seen. As soon as they found it, they went there and Guillem, Lucio and Edward climbed over the fence with the rest of the guys following them up closely.

  “We have to cross the field without being noticed. If someone sees us we are going to be trapped so please be careful.” Said Roberto after they crossed the first fence.

  The group lined up with Xavier at the head and they started crossing the field trying not to be seen, but as soon as Xavier got a couple of meters into it they heard a few screams coming from the entrance.

  “Hey! A group of oligarchs is trying to escape! Let's go get them!”

  “Run! See you on the other side of the fence!” Yelled Xavier as he started running toward the fence.

  Guillem and the group ran toward the fence with all their strength. As soon as the got there they started climbing it, but Guillem could just reach up to half the fence before sliding down again, his legs were just not responding any more. He saw how everyone managed to climb to the other side of the fence, a few of them tried helping him from the top, but he had just started to make some progress in getting over it when he felt the troublemakers arrive and grapple him by the waist, arms and legs and began pulling him away from the fence. His friends tried to help him, but the troublemakers managed to pull him away, he saw how Cristobal tried jumping back over the fence, but the others stopped him and pointed at the field entrance. There was yet another group of troublemakers coming in with clubs and broken bottles.

  Now he was alone, the troublemakers dragged him all the way to the faculty entrance and threw him against a wall next to the guard shelter then one of the guys tied him by the wrists and ankles using a rope.

  There were a lot more prisoners around him, most probably brought in after they left their hideout in the construction site. Most of them had bruises all over their bodies, some were
unconscious and finally the women were semi naked and crying with some of them covered in blood, in particular between their legs.

  One of their captors came to him and spat on his face then took him by his armpits and forced him to stand up, took his wallet, mobile phone, keys and everything he could find in his pockets before kicking him on his belly throwing him against the wall one more time. The guy took all of his belongings and went laughing into the guard shelter.

  Guillem closed his eyes and tried to forget everything he was living at the moment and began praying. God had never forgotten about him and this was not going to be the first time, he was sure about it.

  An hour passed, Guillem was fighting the fatigue he felt when a bright light forced him to open his eyes. It was a police car which was coming silently into the faculty. His captors which were around 20 as he last counted, started running around looking for anything to use as weapons, they picked up everything they could find from clubs to guns.

  The police car came very close to the entrance's internal gate and two police officers came down of it, went to the back of the car and unloaded a box from there which they carried together toward the faculty. The small hope Guillem had gained with the arrival of the police car