Read Reluctant Knight, The Page 1


  The Reluctant Knight

  A Bookworms and Booya Book

  © 2004 By Nona Mae King

  Inspired by the characters Seifer Almasy, Quistis Trepe,

  and other characters from

  Final Fantasy VIII © SquareEnix

  Cover design by Fury Publishing


  To Save A Soul


  My Fair Princess

  Searching for Sara


  Bookworms and Booya (series)

  Few Words

  The Reluctant Knight

  In Theory

  A Rose By Any Other Name

  Terra (series)

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  The following is a work of Fan-Fiction based on the world and characters from the video game Final Fantasy VIII by Square-Enix. Additional information about the game and characters can be found at and Wikipedia.


  Glossary of Characters:

  Fujin 'Ahndra' Kelley-- a young woman with pale skin, short silver hair and an eye patch. She was a member of Seifer's Disciplinary Committee and is now part of Garden's Security Network. Fujin prefers to speak in terse sentences, often with only a single word.

  Seifer Almasy--Head of Network Security and long-time rival of Squall. He is hard on his team and demands nothing but the best. The head of the Disciplinary Committee before the second Sorceress War. He is often seen as a bully rather than a true law enforcer.

  Janine Larabie--(property of Nona Mae King) Outspoken and highly opinionated, she is not above questioning orders if it means saving the life of innocent civilians or her squad. On her own since the age of 13, she and her brother lived on the street until she was taken in by a missionary and his wife. She is the only female gun-blader.

  Marshal Beita--(property of Nona Mae King) a calm individual who thinks before acting, generally only behaving irrationally when protecting those he cares about. He has a tendency of using sarcastic humor to alleviate tension. He witnessed his younger sister's rape and murder.

  Zell Dincht--an impulsive martial artist who is loyal to his friends. He also has a passion for hot dogs, a recurring gag of the game being they are always sold out by the time he reaches the cafeteria. He grew up at the same orphanage as Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, Squall and Seifer, who gave him the nickname "chicken-wuss". Zell was adopted by "Ma Dincht" from the city of Balamb.

  Sally Regal (the Library Girl)-- a timid individual who has a knack for solving puzzles and a fierce loyalty to Zell Dincht. She was originally enrolled at Garden by her parents to help her with her extreme shyness and lack of social aptitude.

  Quistis Trepe--Head of Instruction at Balamb Garden. She grew up at the same orphanage as Zell, Squall, Seifer, Selphie and Irvine. She was adopted at a young age, though never grew close to her adoptive family.

  Selphie Tilmitt--an instructor at Balamb Garden who originally transferred from the now destroyed Trabia Garden. She is active and energetic, although slightly clumsy. She participates in many extracurricular activities, such as planning the Garden Festival and running the school's website.

  Squall Leonhart--Commander of the Garden Network. He rarely speaks and is known as a lone wolf who always focuses on duty. He grew up at the same orphanage as Quistis, Zell, Seifer, Selphie, and Irvine, though he was never adopted.

  Rinoa Heartilly--the daughter of General Caraway and singer/pianist Julia Heartilly. She is a member of the Forest Owls, a resistance faction seeking to liberate the small nation of Timber from Galbadian occupation. Squall and Rinoa are romantically involved.

  Irvine Kinneas-- one of the Garden's elite sharpshooters. He acts like a carefree, but misunderstood loner; however, this is merely a façade to charm women and hide his lack of confidence. He grew up at the same orphanage as Quistis, Zell, Seifer, Selphie, and Squall.

  Jaxon Crest--(property of J. Seay) Entered Trabia Garden at the age of fifteen and quickly progressed through the ranks. Studied battle theory and practiced swordsmanship since the age of ten. He is easy to work with and is often requested for missions outside of the Garden Network. He still feels guilt about the death of his fiancée.



  Most of Final Fantasy VIII is set on an unnamed fantasy world with one moon. The game primarily consists of modern elements, but does contain some futuristic elements. The planet comprises five major landmasses, with Esthar, the largest, covering most of the eastern portion of the map. Galbadia, the second-largest continent, lies to the west, and contains many of the game's locations.

  The northernmost landmass is Trabia, an Arctic region. Positioned roughly in the middle of the world map lies Balamb, the smallest continent, the island on which the game begins. The remaining landmass is small and mostly desolate, riddled with rough, rocky terrain caused by the impact of a "Lunar Cry", an event where monsters from the moon fall to the planet. The southernmost landmass includes an archipelago of broken sections of land that have drifted apart. Islands and marine structures flesh out the rest of the game world, and a handful of off-world locations round out the game's playable areas.

  What is "Balamb Garden"?--Garden is a prestigious network of military academies for elite mercenaries known as "SeeDs". There are four Gardens as of this series: Balamb, Galbadia, Trabia, and Deling.

  What is a "GF"?--GF stands for Guardian Force and is a magical creature able to be summoned in battle. There are a wide variety of GFs in the Final Fantasy universe. A side-effect of consistent use is loss of long-term memory.



  (Compiled from the Final Fantasy VIII Wikipedia, IGN Plot Analysis, and the Database)

  Legend has it that a being called the "Great Hyne" creates the World and Mankind. Sorceress powers are said to derive from fragments of the Great Hyne, passed down from generation to generation.

  Civilization flourishes first in Centra. As time goes on, mobile shelters leave Centra and end up in Trabia, Galbaldia and Balamb (these are now known as Gardens). Monsters fall from the Moon every few hundred years in an event known as the "Lunar Cry". A mysterious Crystal Pillar is discovered and is believed to originate from the Moon and to have some link with the frequency and focal points of the Lunar Cry's.

  Both the Dollet and Esthar Empires flourish first. For reasons unknown, Centra scientists begin experimenting with the power of the Crystal Pillar, bringing it to the main Centra continent. Years later, a Lunar Cry strikes Centra, destroying all traces of civilization and leaving only a massive crater, into which sinks the Crystal Pillar. Soon thereafter, the Dollet Empire collapses, eclipsed by the rapidly growing Galbaldian Empire centered around Deling City.

  The Esthar Empire eventually falls under the rule of the malevolent, power-hungry sorceress Adel, manipulated by a sorceress from the future: Ultimecia. The Sorceress War begins as the now powerful Galbadian Empire clash with Esthar forces. Esthar discovers the Crystal Pillar, moving it within the great box, Lunatic Pandora, to Esthar where Doctor Odine begins studying the pillar's relationship to Tear's Point and the Lunar Cry.

  Using the Sorceress War as an excuse, Galbadia invades and occupies Timber and, a decade later, attempts to invade the Dollet Dukedom. Dollet in turn hires the assistance of the Balamb Garden branch of "SeeD", Garden
's elite mercenary force (SeeD uses the mission as a final exam for its cadets). SeeD halts the Galbadian advance.

  When assigned to help Rinoa's resistance faction in Galbadian-occupied Timber, Squall learns a sorceress named Edea is behind Galbadia's recent hostilities. Under orders from Balamb and Galbadia Gardens, Squall and his comrades attempt to assassinate Edea. The sorceress thwarts the attempt, and Seifer abandons Garden to become Edea's second-in-command.

  In retaliation, Edea launches a missile attack on Trabia Garden. Fearing that Balamb Garden is the next target, the team splits into two units, one to warn Balamb of the attack while the other attempts to stop the missile launch against Trabia. The mission fails and Trabia Garden is lost with only a handful of survivors.

  While investigating Trabia Garden's wreckage, it is discovered that Garden and SeeD's primary mission is to defeat corrupt sorceresses. After this revelation by Headmaster Cid, the forces of Balamb Garden and the Galbadian Army, led by Squall and Seifer respectively, engage in battle. After Balamb defeats Galbadia, Edea loses a decisive battle against the SeeD, forcing Ultimecia to transfer her powers. Squall's team then infiltrates Lunatic Pandora, travels to Ultimecia's era and defeats her.

  A few months after the end of the second Sorceress War, Squall proposes the idea of joining all Gardens into a single Network. This would establish a broader base of military knowledge and experience, monetary support, and fuller utilization of combined resources. He also proposes that Seifer Almasy be re-instated and then assigned the position Head of Garden Network Security upon graduation. This position was suggested based on Seifer's past performance with the Disciplinary Committee and personal reasons Squall would not volunteer.

  Upon the final proposal of the Garden Network, all administrators unanimously agreed they would not approve unless Squall be promoted from Commander of Balamb Garden to Garden Network Commander. He accepted.

  As the intra/inter Garden Network is finalized, Squall proposed the building of a high-risk Garden in Deling City to separate those candidates and See-Ds that had a collection of serious infractions on their record. An emphasis on rehabilitation, counseling, and discipline was proposed.

  Squall later initiated an undercover unit of See-D to track terrorist groups. It operates under strict secrecy, often being classified as "Black-Ops", and has an unknown number of high-ranking See-D at its core. Last known number of See-D specifically trained for this unit was twenty. They are dispersed throughout the world.


  Author's Note: If you have not read Bookworms and . . . Booya!, I would recommend doing so before reading The Reluctant Knight. The following book is a side-story which takes place during books 3 and 4 of the Bookworms and Booya series.

  The Reluctant Knight

  Chapter One:

  Hell's Morning

  Janine smelled the coffee before she rounded the corner of the second floor hall, but it wasn't enough of a warning. Not that morning, the morning from hell.

  Corner turned--and coffee everywhere, staining her uniform, burning the skin of her left hand, and raising her temper to an even higher degree. Especially with the vocalized "Shit!" from the tall, muscular blond with the facial scar and the menacing green eyes.

  The man glared at her the same as she glared at him. His black-silk shirt was soaked, as was the front of his black slacks and the report in his hand.

  "Pull your head out of your ass!" he barked.

  Shaking the hot coffee from her hand, Janine rubbed it onto her uniform skirt as her brown eyes darkened to the black of Hell's most shadowed corner. In fact, she practically felt her spiked black hair bristle. "If you'd pulled your head out a little faster, we wouldn't be in this situation, now would we?" She looked down at her soiled uniform. "Damn it. First impressions are officially shot to hell." Janine once more lifted her gaze. The man worked on shaking the coffee from his report and his other arm. "Now that I've helped clear your tunnel vision, can you tell me where Quistis Trepe's office is?"

  "So you can shove your head back up your ass?" He scoffed, easily holding her annoyed gaze. "What happened to SeeD survival skills?" Pushing his now-empty coffee mug into her hand, he commanded, "Get me a refill while you're looking. Black. Hot," and then stepped past.

  Janine looked down at the coffee mug slack‑jawed--'Death is answering 'no' ' brought a scoff--and turned to watch with narrowed eyes as the man strode away. She arched an eyebrow, a smirk overpowering the irritation. Nice ass. Then the frown returned. Figures he would be one.

  Looking again to her soiled uniform, Janine uttered a few choice phrases of authority and needed cranial-ectomies as her glare darkened. And the morning of hell continues. She hesitated to wonder what else could go wrong. After all, she didn't want to tempt the fates. Hell. I'll just spit in their eye. Makes life more interesting anyway. She shook her head and lifted her gaze to an examination of the many doors on each side of the hall. Finally, she shrugged and stepped to the first door, his coffee mug still in hand. Yeah. I'll get you your coffee.

  When Hyne's ass blew sparks.

  Janine had made it halfway down the hall before she found Head Instructor Quistis Trepe's office on the right. Taking in a deep breath, she visibly straightened her posture before tapping on the office door, opening it, and stepping inside. Quistis Trepe was a slender blonde with blue eyes and a somewhat smug expression. Great. Just great. But Janine wanted this position. Badly. And she was willing to put up with assholes and smug princesses both to get it.

  "Quistis Trepe? I'm Janine Larabie, Ma'am. I'm here for the Instructor position."

  Quistis stood from behind her desk and accepted Janine's hand, returning a firm handshake that instantly raised Janine's respect-level. "Janine." Then Quistis motioned to the front of Janine's uniform, eyebrow raised. "What happened to you?"

  Janine waved it away. "A case of mistaken right-of-way."

  Quistis' eyebrow twitched as she sat back in her chair. "Oh?"

  "I would have changed, but I didn't want to be late."

  "I appreciate it." Quistis' gaze momentarily focused on the mug held tightly in Janine's hand, but she didn't comment. Setting the mug onto the floor by the front-right foot of the chair, Janine's gaze continued to focus on Quistis' face. Quistis had lowered her gaze to a report pulled from a stack of papers on her right. She opened it and scanned the information within. "Impressive. Perfect score on your Field Exam. High honors in all your classes. Hm. Gunblade expert. Squall and Seifer will love that."

  "Will I be able to meet them?" Janine asked, probably a little too eagerly, but she had heard a lot of things about both men and looked forward to the opportunity to cross blades with them. Gunbladers. Damn good gunbladers. The best of the best.

  She practically felt giddy.

  Quistis looked up. "Squall will want to meet whomever I choose for the position, yes." She examined Janine a moment before setting aside the report and leaning forward on the desk. "Why should I give it to you?"

  "Because I'm hell on heels when it comes to Battle Theory. And because I want it," Janine informed simply.

  Quistis acknowledged the statement with a slight nod and then lifted another collection of reports and records. "Why you over these?"

  Janine looked to the fistful of records and momentarily clenched her jaw before focusing again on Quistis. "I've wanted to be an Instructor at Balamb Garden since I became a candidate, Ma'am. I worked my ass off at Trabia as a SeeD and Instructor both, doing everything I could to get pluses on my record that would make it possible." Janine leaned a bit forward. "You should hire me because I am what you need."

  Quistis regarded Janine while slowly lowering the other records to the desk. Then she stood and presented her hand. "Congratulations. You have it."

  Standing, Janine smiled brightly as she firmly shook Quistis' hand. "Thank you, Ma'am. You won't regret this."

  Quistis' lips twitched slightly as she released Janine's hand. "Oh I'll make sure of that. Now, go down to the security div
ision for your I.D. and passcode to the Network."

  Janine saluted. "Yes, Ma'am."

  "And don't forget Seifer's mug," Quistis added, motioning to the mug at the leg of the chair.

  Janine's smile vanished. "Pardon?"

  "The mug. 'Death is answering 'no.'' It's Seifer's." Quistis smirked and crossed her arms. "Mistaken right-of-way? Yes, that would be Seifer."

  I plowed over the Head of Network Security?! Janine rolled her eyes. Shit!

  Quistis sat and retrieved a few papers. "Welcome aboard."

  Janine gathered the mug as she said "Thank you," and then turned to exit the office and close the door behind her. After performing a small circle of a celebratory dance and sounding a squeal, she composed herself, straightened her coffee‑stained uniform, and headed back the way she'd come, tightening her hold on the coffee mug. 'Death is answering 'no',' huh? She smirked. We'll see about that.



  Seifer's gaze focused on an empty mug. He looked up--and leaned back into his chair, arms crossed. The black-haired, brown-eyed, tight-ass'd SeeD from before stood there, arms crossed, lips tilted slightly upward, and eyes bright with a 'What are you going to do now?' expression. He smirked. Hot damn.

  Gesturing to his mug with a slight lift of his chin, he innocently offered, "Forget something?"

  "No." She leaned slightly forward. "Will it be painful?"

  Seifer raised an eyebrow.

  "Death," she prompted. "Now that I've said 'no', will it be painful?"

  His smirk returned. "Pain is the life of a SeeD. If you can't take it, run home to mommy."

  She rolled her eyes. "Oh brother. 'Pain is the life--' Hell. Even my baby brother could come up with something better than that."

  Eyebrow twitching, the thought button pusher vaguely drifted through his mind as he stood and picked up the mug. He presented it to her again. "Great. Bring him in. In the meantime... I like it hot."

  "You probably like it wet, too." Then she turned and walked casually out.

  Seifer stared after her in actual shock before irritation flared and he frowned and firmly set the mug down to follow after her. He caught up to her in the hall outside Ahndra's office, catching the black‑haired SeeD by the arm to turn her to face him.