Read Reluctant Knight, The Page 4

  Seifer held her gaze; still serious, still intense, still guarded. Then he stepped forward so fast and kissed her so hard she barely had a moment to think before the thrill had her full-force. Then Seifer pulled his mouth so very slowly from hers that it felt like it was still there. Even when she could feel his breath against her ear, his mouth continued to burn hers... and then . . . .

  . . . she heard "Bring it, Larabie" hummed against the area behind her ear.

  Janine's eyes snapped open and she stumbled backward, staring at him as her chest heaved with passion and shock. He stood there, arms at his sides and expression as guarded as before. "How--" She tried to ignore the burning of her throat. "I haven't heard anything for three years--"

  Seifer didn't respond. He only stood there watching her.

  Janine stepped forward, and she grabbed firm hold of the front of his black-silk shirt. "I heard you! How, damn it?"

  Seifer slowly reached up to touch the area behind her ears. That place she always attached her assists. "Vibration. There. Uses the bones like . . . an amplifier."

  Janine stared up at him with wide eyes.

  "Your assists. Same principle," he continued, still carefully guarded and controlled.

  And Janine had been wearing them for so long that she forgot how they worked. Wearing them since the Wendigo attack. Trying to fight the inevitable. The coming silence.

  Janine closed her eyes and tilted her head as she leaned closer. "Do it again," she whispered. "Say something. Anything."

  Seifer's warmth surrounded her, and then his lips were again behind her ear, humming words that she heard. Her arms surrounded his neck, her hands in his hair and pressing his lips tighter against her skin as she moved closer . . . hearing. Hearing. Hearing.

  But then the humming stopped and she felt only his rough breath against her skin and the deep rise and fall of his chest pressing against her. Janine knew where she wanted this thrill to take her. Sex with a man who understood how to make her hear? Hearing her name in his voice and not an amplified--

  Seifer gripped her arms and pushed slowly back. Janine kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to see or hear the refusal to what she knew they wanted. That insane desire to experience an almost absolute stranger. The thrill of the risk and the 'after'. But Janine knew there waited a deeper thrill at the end of a more subtle chase. The thrill of having a proud man like Seifer Almasy pursue her.

  Janine slowly opened her eyes, immediately focusing on the guarded emerald of a man always in strict control. Her lips tilted upward. "You are one damn sexy man, Seifer Almasy."

  Then she kissed him, slow and deep, while giving him one last taste of the prize at the end of the hunt. Once she pulled back, she caressed the lipstick from his mouth with her thumb while sending him an inviting glance and a lop-sided smirk. Then she turned to walk away. Her smile widened when she could feel his eyes on her. Show me what you got.

  Chapter Four

  A Different Invitation

  Janine tapped her pen against the pad of paper while sending another glance to the entry of the cafeteria. Come on, come on. I know you have a room in the dorms. I checked. She re-read her lesson plan for Monday while taking a sip of her coffee. She grumbled. Janine hated waiting, but she was determined to keep her ass in her chair until Seifer came for his morning coffee.

  Her fingers tapped a quick rhythm as she sent another look toward the entry. He wasn't in the Training Center. Janine went early that morning in hopes he would be training. More than anything she wanted a chance to cross blades with him. No such luck. It had been Zell Dincht and Sally Regal working out the details of their newest submission prospect to Combat King. So Janine stayed; offering her opinion, pointers, and expertise when asked.

  Seifer was right: Sally could take her. Or, at least give her a glorious battle.

  Janine smirked and added another project to the syllabus. Then movement caught her eye and she looked up--But Seifer wasn't the one coming toward her. Janine released a breath and a mumbled "Shit" as she lowered her gaze to the pad yet again. Maybe he had a meeting with Comman--

  "Hey there, darlin'."

  Janine arched an eyebrow the same time she lifted her gaze to the smiling face of a tall and slender man in leather chaps, a heavy brown trench coat, and a cowboy hat.

  He tipped said hat back with a finger as he nodded, winked, and smiled at her; all at the same time. Then he looped his thumbs on the waist of his chap-covered denims. "Haven't seen you about before," he commented in an easy drawl. "New?"

  "No." And Janine lowered her gaze back to her lesson plan, oh-so-tempted to turn off her assists. The man would commonly be classified as a 'lover, not a fighter'. No fun at all.

  Mr. Cowboy chuckled and straddled the chair, crossing his arms over the top of it. "Well now, isn't that strange. I thought I'd seen all the pretty ladies in this here establishment."

  "You'd like to fantasize. Reality would never be that good to you."

  He chuckled again. "Why so hostile, darlin'? Just being friendly."

  "Disgustingly so, and I haven't finished my morning coffee to dull the effect. Try again later." She glanced up to momentarily meet his gaze. "Better yet, don't. I like it jaded and hard, not sweet and soft."

  The man's eyes twinkled, but Seifer entered--coffee mug in hand--just as Mr. Cowboy started speaking again. Janine's focus shifted entirely to Seifer, willing him to notice her. A few moments later, those emerald eyes glanced her direction. His previous attitude of focused calm sparked to something else as he altered his direction to her table mid-step toward the counter for his coffee.

  Janine's lips twitched and she shifted her gaze to Mr. Cowboy. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm trying to plan a syllabus. While I should be flattered and flutter my lashes at you for the attention, I'd sooner flush my head down the toilet. In other words, you're annoying the hell out of me." Just as Seifer walked up from behind she said "So, if you could put your head back into your pants, I would appreciate it."

  "Kinneas." Mr. Cowboy twitched and looked over his shoulder to Seifer. "What did I tell you about coming here without notifying me first?"

  Janine's smirk widened slightly as she watched 'Kinneas' slowly stand. Seifer still towered over him at least two inches.

  "I was in the--"

  "Kinneas," Seifer interrupted, voice calm but cold, "I don't care if you were six inches outside Garden perimeter needing medical attention. If you don't notify me, you keep your ass at Galbadia Garden. Clear?"

  A lopsided smirk teased the corners of his mouth as he touched the brim of his hat. "Clear."

  Seifer motioned roughly to the cafeteria exit. "Get the hell out of here."

  Tipping his hat to Janine, Kinneas vocalized an easy "Ma'am" before sauntering away.

  Seifer frowned after him.

  Janine leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "My hero." He adjusted his hold on his coffee mug and focused once again on her. To her surprise, the glare remained. Her lips twitched upward. "From your look of death, it seems your morning from hell has already begun." She gracefully motioned to his coffee mug. "You better get your morning juice, big guy."

  Seifer held her gaze, his jaw muscle twitching wildly before he about-faced and stalked to the counter. He slammed down his mug and barked at the cafeteria lady, who barked back while grabbing up his mug and going to fill it. Janine arched an eyebrow and absently tapped her fingers against her upper arm. Hm.

  Gathering her pad and pen, Janine stood, keeping also a close watch on Seifer as he accepted the coffee from the furious cafeteria lady. Then Janine headed for the exit just as Seifer turned. She could feel the reverberation of his steps as he approached.

  She pushed through the doors and continued forward, slowing her pace a little more each second. She finally heard the simulated sound of the doors swinging open and closed again and felt his steps again pound on the marbled floor. When he stepped parallel to her, she reached out a hand to catch his arm and pulled him to the side.

  Janine stared unflinching into his hard glare. "Who shoved the rod up your ass this morning?"

  Seifer wrenched his arm from her grasp. "Step off, Larabie."

  "'Step off'? I haven't even stepped on." She scrutinized his hard expression. "You need to take a turn in the Training Center? Bash some heads. Kick some ass--"

  He clenched his jaw, and his hold on the mug tightened. "Step off."

  Janine frowned. "Like hell I'm going to 'step off', you big jackass," she hissed as firmly as possible. "You look like you're about to explode, so I'm trying to give you a chance to blow some steam. Damn."

  Seifer leaned toward her. "Blow some steam?" he hissed back at her. "I don't need to blow any god-damn steam!"

  An eyebrow twitched, and she slowly crossed her arms. Seifer fisted his free hand so tight his knuckles popped, and Janine could have sworn she heard a growl.

  Smirking, she observed, "It's all about being in control and keeping your focus and doing your job, isn't it?" Seifer's countenance hardened. "Don't you ever let it go? How are you going to do your job when you can't see straight for--"

  He pointed in her face. "Don't."

  Janine lifted her hands. "Fine. I won't say it, but I'm telling you--" she thumped on her chest with a hand, "--bring it. Sparring in the T.C., yelling about some dumbshit who doesn't know his head from his ass, hell. I don't care. The thrill and rush behind the clash brought on by a completely pissed-off gunblader? Shit! I won't be passing that up, and I'll take you on without breaking a sweat."

  Seifer stepped forward fast, forcing her back against the wall while one hand firmly held her upper arm. "Don't open this box."

  Janine smiled and leaned toward him, tone low and threatening a multitude of thrilling possibilities. "Why not? Afraid I might stick around?"

  Seifer lowered his head but kept his mouth from touching hers. "Damn it," he grumbled, and there was a mere hint of skin against skin.

  Janine chuckled. "I bet you say that to all the girls."

  He vocalized another growl and then pushed back. "Last warning. You don't wa--"

  "Like hell I don't." Janine grabbed his shirtfront and pulled him into her kiss, her mouth speaking the promises of all sorts of thrills if he would just open the door. Then she pushed roughly back, her fingers still curled into the black silk. "Don't you tell me what I do or don't want, Seifer Almasy. I'm a big girl, and I can handle whatever you chuck at me."

  Seifer stared down at her with that emerald gaze--He smirked. "I bet."

  Janine's lips twitched. "Damn you're hot when you smile." Then she pushed him gently away, fully releasing his shirtfront to smooth the front of the wrinkles. "You better take off before I take it off."

  Seifer chuckled and handed her his mug of coffee. "Hold this."

  She arched an eyebrow at the coffee mug--Seifer pulled her against him, intercepting her mouth as she raised her head in surprise. Those large hands settled warm and heavy on her hips and drew her closer. Janine very nearly purred.

  Then he pulled his mouth away and took back his mug. "See you around, Larabie," he said gruffly.

  "Is that a threat or a promise?"

  He chuckled as he moved past. "Whatever gets it done."

  Janine licked her lips and watched him move away.



  Seifer looked up from the collection of reports on his desk. Sally Regal wrung her hands and gnawed her lower lip while standing in the doorway of his office. He raised an eyebrow. "What, Regal?"

  "Um, well, I. . . ."

  Frowning, Seifer waved her in. "Shut the door."

  Regal closed the door and then shuffled forward to slowly sit in the chair across from him. Seifer leaned back in his chair and grabbed firm hold of his coffee, his patience, and his tongue as he prompted "Problem?"

  Regal clasped her hands in her lap. "Sir, I don't think Fu--I mean . . . I don't think . . . she likes me."

  Seifer raised an eyebrow. "Regal, Ahndra only 'likes' two people. Don't take it personal."

  "But . . ." Regal slowly raised her eyes from her clasped hands. "But... She doesn't even respect me."

  Seifer regarded her as he slowly set down his mug. He had no idea where Regal came up with some of her ideas about people. Sometimes he believed she was as dense as chicken-wuss.

  "D-Does she?"

  Seifer absently tapped his desk. Normally he wouldn't give a flying fuck what people thought about who or why, but Regal was a. . . special case. Damn you, Squall. He stood and made his way to his office door, opening it to catch Ahndra's attention and direct her inside. He opened the door wider as she cautiously entered, casting him a guarded glance. "Sit."

  Ahndra made her way to the other chair and stiffly did as she was told. Seifer continued to grip the doorknob for a brief moment before stepping forward and leaning back against his desk. This was one of the major aspects of his job he could live without: encouraging communication between co-workers.

  He crossed his arms. "Regal," he prompted.

  Regal paled as she stared at her hands. "S-Sir . . ."

  "Regal, now."

  A tear trickled from her eye, but she quickly wiped it away and asked "Ma'am, do you . . . Can I . . ." She sniffed and finally looked over at Ahndra. "What should I do to make you respect me?"

  Ahndra blinked in complete shock, which Seifer could understand. But only because he knew she had come to respect Sally Regal since the mission in Winhill with Marshal. Only because Marshal confessed certain things about Regal which Ahndra hadn't known. Things Regal never told anyone. Facts not open to casual viewing, regardless of Ahndra's high security clearance.

  Ahndra looked to Seifer. "I don't understand."

  Seifer motioned to Regal. "So tell her," he snapped. Hand-holding should not have been part of his job description.

  Regal actually held Ahndra's returning gaze. "I can do this job, Fuj . . . I-I mean, Ahn . . . Ma'am, I can. Really." She sniffed again. "I try not to make mistakes. And I try to do what you want as fast as I can, but . . . But . . ." Regal wiped the tears from her face. "Is it just me? Because I'm so scared of everything? Because I'm shy?"

  Ahndra was at a total and complete loss. Seifer smirked. He loved to watch her squirm.

  "Your work is acceptable," Ahndra finally said.

  "Ahndra, damn," Seifer hissed. Even he could have done better than that.

  She shot him a glare.

  "Oh," was all Regal whispered.

  Ahndra tightly crossed her arms. "I do not . . . I . . ." She pressed her lips together and sent Seifer another glare before looking away. "I respect you, Regal," she confessed in a tight tone.

  Regal looked up at Ahndra with wide eyes. "Y-You do?"

  "You are fast. You are thorough. You do not complain. You do more than what you are assigned."

  Regal smiled, tears coming faster. "Really?" she squeaked.

  Seifer shook his head, smirking. She really had no idea.

  Ahndra adjusted her crossed arms and briefly glanced toward Regal before looking away again. "Yes."

  Regal smiled at Ahndra in silence for another collection of very uncomfortable seconds--at least for Ahndra--before calmly wiping the tears from her face and standing. "Thank you," she said softly. Then she focused on Seifer. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

  Seifer waved it aside. Always made him damned uncomfortable. "Leave early, Regal. That's an order." He was running low on things to assign her anyway, she works so damned fast.

  Regal giggled. "Yes, sir." Then she hurried out of the office with another smile at the duo as well as another round of "Thank you"s before she closed the door behind her.

  Seifer scratched at his scalp. "Damned if I get people like her, falling over themselves to apologize for living." He shook his head again. "She should've just called you out and beat your ass." Seifer barked out a laugh. Ahndra didn't join in. He met her hard stare. "What."

  "Janine Larabie."

  Seifer smirked and re-cross
ed his arms. "Yes?"


  And damned if he didn't know that already. "Point?"


  Hell yes! She was already making trouble for him because the minute he clocked off, he couldn't focus. He smirked wider. A twisted part of him knew that fact was the best part of the whole thing. Mostly because he knew she was likely having the same problem.


  Don't I know it? And she wasn't scared of him, either. Made his skin crawl all the time thinking about what that could mean. "Your point, Ahndra?"

  Ahndra smirked and finished the list with "Perfect," as she stood and headed for the door.

  "You forgot 'smart ass'," Seifer called after her. And tight ass. And sweet ass . . .

  "No, I didn't." She closed the door after her.

  Seifer chuckled and straightened, going around to his desk just as his door opened again. He looked up as Quistis stepped forward. Seifer sat and leaned back in his chair. "What."

  Quistis crossed her arms. "I heard something I didn't like."

  Seifer scoffed and sat forward in his chair to again work on reviewing the reports on his desk. He had a meeting with Squall in the morning. "Surprise."

  "It's about you and Janine Larabie."

  Seifer's entire body went rigid. "None of your business," he snapped without looking up.

  "Like hell it's none of my business." Quistis' tone was sharp. "She's my fill-in. My temporary fill-in. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

  Having some damned fun! "My job."

  "Your job?" Quistis scoffed. "Feeling up an Instructor is your job now? Since when?"

  Seifer very slowly lifted his gaze to hers. "Trepe, step off," he warned under his breath.

  "Then back off. She's here to teach my classes and make my story believable. She's not here for you to get your--"

  Seifer stood. "Get out."

  Quistis held Seifer's hard glare. "Back off, Almasy, or I go to Squall." She turned and strode from the office, slamming the door behind her.

  Seifer clenched his jaw. Bitch. She had always used her position to boss and push people around, and she only got worse the closer Squall got with Rinoa. Seifer wouldn't wish Quistis on a dead dog if and when the two got married. He scoffed and slumped back into his chair. He couldn't wait until Quistis left on her mission, and she had only agreed to it because Squall asked her. Seifer scoffed again, wishing it were Monday so that she'd be off his ass and with Zack Regal in Timber. Poor shit.