Read Remember Yesterday Page 23

  Chapter 13

  Derek and Brad sat on the couch like two school boys, watching Anna pace angrily from one side of the living room to the next.

  “This is a disaster,” she muttered.

  Derek nodded, still not daring to speak. Something about her demeanor warned him that the sound of his voice might be the last thing she may want to hear. He glanced over at Brad whose face was like stone and he suddenly felt like he was at odds here.

  “It’s my fault, I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid,” Brad moaned.

  Derek sighed, “we have no idea what she is capable of. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

  Anna turned and glared at them, “well what do you two expect. A woman walks into her house, finds her husband in the arms of another woman, who he then announces has a child for him and then she sees divorce papers laid out before them. How do you think you would feel?”

  Brad pursed his lips, “you’re right, Mara has a right to be angry.”

  Derek shook his head, “now this is not what I had in mind, it’s turned into a… nightmare…

  “Just a nightmare? Brad’s wife thinks I’m some sort of scarlet woman, a home wrecker!” Anna interrupted.

  Derek grimaced, “yeah and I’m sorry ‘bout that. Look we’re all tired, let’s just turn in for the night. Anna we need to check you into a hotel, you look really worn out,” he reached up, undid the clasp on his brace and pulled it off. He slowly leaned his head from left to right, testing it out a little, looking like a robot.

  “Let’s go Derek,” Anna picked up her jacket.

  Brad shot to his feet, “wait no, please I’ve got plenty of room, you can stay here.”

  Anna shook her head, “no Brad, when your wife comes back I don’t want to be in the way again and make her ill impression of me concrete.”

  “Well let Derek stay too, that way you won't feel too uncomfortable.”

  Anna looked over at Derek who shrugged, “it’s not a problem for me.”

  “It’s okay Brad, thanks but… I can’t stay here. Let’s go.”

  Derek opened the front door and stepped to the side, “after you my lady,” he mocked, wiggling his brows playfully.

  Anna scrunched up her nose and stepped inside, her stiff posture and frown revealing that she was still angry about the turn of events.

  “Hey we couldn’t have foreseen that there’d be no rooms available in the hotel of our choice, or that the other one was a total flea bag, and all the others are too far away,” Derek coaxed as he tossed his jacket aside.

  Anna turned around to face him, “I should’ve booked one in advance,” she said with a sigh. She walked about the room, perusing the careful design and expensive décor, “you’ve got a nice place, not a touch of woman.”

  Derek chuckled, “let me guess, it doesn’t meet your standards?”

  Anna smiled tiredly, “its fine.”

  Derek walked toward her and smiled down at her, his eyes were considerably thoughtful and his expression compassionate. Then without warning he reached out and drew her into a warm, embrace. Anna leaned against his chest, she was a bit tense at first completely taken of guard, then she relaxed and leaned into his strong arms and broad chest. In that surprising embrace, she could feel some of the tension of that night oozing away. Derek felt likewise.

  When they separated, Anna looked up at him quizzically, “what was that for?”

  Derek shrugged, “I’ve wanted to do that since you accepted my offer. Not many would’ve done what you did.”

  Anna’s eyes narrowed with playful mischief, a look Derek had come to realize was the prologue to her flirting. It wasn’t something she did often, and he doubted she was aware that she did but she wasn’t bad at it either.

  “Why didn’t you then?”

  Derek smirked and shifted his weight, not daring to take his eyes of hers, “you didn’t look as sweet as you do now, you’re extremely cute when you’re tired, I just couldn’t resist.”

  Derek was no novice, he’d had his fair share of practice, but none of it could’ve prepared him for Anna’s sudden shift of mood. He noticed when her eyes glazed over, all playfulness gone and in that instant he felt his limbs go weak with disappointment and a hint of relief. Anna didn’t know it, but he wasn’t that kind of guy and he was sure she wasn’t that kind of girl, he hoped his actions didn’t make her think so.

  Anna dropped her gaze and stepped back, “I’m really tired,” she mumbled, and turned away.

  Derek pointed toward the closed dark wood door behind her, “bedroom’s that way.”

  As she turned and sauntered wearily toward the room, he called out after her, “and staying at Brad’s would’ve been inappropriate huh?” he mocked.

  Anna turned around suddenly and stuck her tongue out at him, tauntingly.

  “Yeah, that’s real grown up Anna.”