Read Remember Yesterday Page 8

Mara was pacing nervously, and Trent looked up at her wearily. She had been like that since they had returned four days ago.

  “What if no one found him, what if he remembers? I’ll never forgive myself,” she was a wreck.

  Trent sighed; he was beginning to get agitated, “would you stop that, I don’t remember you ever being this fussy. You were the one that suggested we dump him, when we could have done it right there and now we wouldn’t have any doubts” he got up from Brad’s recliner and walked over to where Mara was leaning.

  She looked up at him suspiciously, “whatever you’re thinking, don’t” she warned.

  Trent was chuckling deviously, as he continued to advance on her, “come on Mara, don’t tell me you went and turned good girl on me.” he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her against him, taking her completely by surprise. Mara looked at him coolly, despite her revulsion.

  Trent continued with his pointless seduction, “come on baby, three years is a long time to spend without a real man” he coaxed, as he slowly lowered his head to hers. Mara’s hair bristled and she turned her face from him, he followed her greedily.

  “Trent, I’m not up for this. I’m married remember, to a man that could outdo you any day…. in anything” she spat.

  Trent went rigid; Mara couldn’t have made him madder. He jerked his hands away from her and looked down at her coldly.

  She smiled smugly, “the truth hurts huh” she teased.

  Trent bared his teeth angrily and lifted his fist, but before he could really respond, Mara had turned and was walking slowly away, her hips swaying seductively.

  Trent stood there glaring at her retreating figure, she had no idea who she was dealing with.

  “We’ll see who comes out of this on top Mara, at the end of this you’ll come back begging for me to take you back and if you don’t, let’s just say no one will have you if I can’t.”