Read Remembering You Page 10

The next morning, we hopped back on the I-5 S and headed out of Oregon. It wouldn’t be too much longer before we arrived in California. I put up my feet on the dash as we listened and sang along to Queen. Sam was looking extra sexy because he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days and he had that sexy man scruff going on. I took my hand and rubbed it. I was finding it very difficult to keep my hands off him. He turned his head and looked at me with a wide grin.

  “You like that?”

  “I love it.” I smiled.

  All of a sudden, something hit me. “Oh shit, I never got Zoey a baby gift.”

  “How did you forget that?”

  “Gee, I wonder, Sam. You’ve been a huge distraction.”

  He laughed. “Oh, so it’s my fault you didn’t get your sister a baby gift?”

  “Yeah, maybe if you weren’t so damn sexy and so loveable, I would be able to think about other things.”

  He reached over and grabbed my hand. “I know the feeling, babe. Don’t worry. As soon as we get into California, we’ll stop and buy something.”

  I stared out the window, in deep thought, while biting down on my bottom lip.

  “You okay, Claire?”

  “I’m just a little nervous about seeing my family, that’s all.”

  Sam put his hand on my thigh. “I know, but if you want, I’ll come with you.”

  “You know how much I love you, right?” I asked.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for you to meet the Montgomery family. I still have questions left unanswered and it could get ugly.”

  “It’s okay. I understand, but I do want you to meet my mom.”

  I looked at him and smiled while taking hold of his hand. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  We were just a short drive to Newport Beach. “My iPhone says the nearest Babies R Us is in five miles.”

  “I know. Remember, I lived here too.” He smiled.

  Just another coincidence, right?

  We pulled into the parking lot and walked hand in hand into the store. I pulled Zoey’s registry up from the computer and glanced at it.

  “Oh my God. All that for one baby?” Sam exclaimed as he looked at it with me.

  “I guess so. Good thing she lives in a big house.”

  “I think you might have waited too long, Claire. It looks like everything’s been bought.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s okay. I’ll get her some baby clothes.”

  We walked over to the clothes section and to the boys’ area. Zoey was having a boy and I could tell she was secretly disappointed. I was at one rack and Sam was at another. He was so cute, looking through the sleepers and holding them up for my opinion. It made me think that maybe one day we’d be doing this for our baby. Okay, I was getting ahead of myself, but the thought did pop into my mind.

  “Claire, is that you?” I heard someone familiar.

  I turned around, and across the aisle were Rachel and Ally.

  “Eek, it is you,” Ally squeaked as she ran over and almost knocked me down.

  Rachel followed and the three of us shared a big girlfriend hug.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

  “Last minute shopping for your sister’s shower,” Rachel answered.

  Sam strolled over and put his hand on the small of my back. Ally and Rachel gasped and Ally covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Rachel, Ally, this is Sam Snow, my boyfriend.”

  I noticed the strange reaction and the looks on Ally’s and Rachel’s faces, and then I got a sick feeling in my stomach.

  “Hi, nice to meet you both.” Sam smiled as he extended his hand.

  Both girls stuttered and acted nervous.

  “What’s going on with you two?” I asked.

  “Nothing, Claire. It’s just that your boyfriend is incredibly sexy and we’re so happy to see you with someone,” Ally said.

  Sam blushed and looked down.

  Rachel looked at her phone. “Shit, look what time it is. Ally we’re late for that thing. We have to go.”

  “Okay, well, I will see you guys tomorrow at the shower. Please do me a favor and don’t tell my parents or Zoey about Sam. I want it to be a surprise.”

  “No worries, Claire. Our lips are sealed,” Ally said.

  As they walked away, I could see something in their faces as they whispered to each other.

  “That was a little uncomfortable,” Sam said.

  “Yeah, no kidding. Something is going on with them. They know something.”

  I paid for the baby items and we walked back to the car. Sam looked over at me as he fastened his seat belt. “I’ll drop you off at home and then go to my mom’s house.”

  My face turned sad. “I can’t bear to be without you tonight.”

  Sam ran his finger down my jawline, “I know, babe. I can’t either.”

  “I want to meet your mom now. I don’t want to go home first. In fact, can we get a hotel for the night and I’ll go home tomorrow to attend the shower?”

  Sam’s face looked surprised. “Sure, I’ll take you home with me now, but you better tell your mom you aren’t coming today.”

  I pulled my phone out of my purse and dialed Corinne.

  “Hi, Claire.” She sounded stressed.

  “Hi, Mom. I wanted to let you know that my flight was delayed, and I won’t be in until tomorrow.”

  “What? Claire Rose Montgomery, you better not be late for your sister’s shower.”

  Sam’s eyes widened because I had her on speakerphone and she was yelling.

  “Calm down, Mom. I’ll be home in plenty of time before the shower, I promise.”

  “You better be, Claire; this is very important to your sister and Dylan.”

  “Bye, Mom.” I rolled my eyes as I hit the end button.

  “Wow, you would think the world revolves around Zoey,” Sam said.

  “Yeah, it pretty much does,” I said seriously.

  Chapter 16

  My stomach tied itself in knots as Sam pulled into the driveway of his mother’s house. I took in a deep breath and got out of the car. Sam held my hand as we walked through the door.

  “There’s my boy,” his mother said as she turned around and gasped.

  Suddenly, she looked as white as a ghost. “Mom, are you okay?”

  She stood there staring at me, frozen, like she’d seen a ghost.

  “I’m fine, Sam. It’s just I’m so happy you’re here,” she stuttered.

  He walked over and hugged her. “Mom, this is Claire, the girl I told you about over the phone.”

  Tears started to fill her eyes as she put her hand over her mouth, unable to control the sobs that followed.

  “Mom, what is it? What’s wrong?” Sam took her hand and led her to the table so she could sit down.

  I looked at them, horrified. “Sam, I think it’s me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Claire.”

  I walked over to his mom and took her hand. “You know me, don’t you?”

  “Claire, that’s enough!” Sam snapped as he walked over to the sink to get a glass of water.

  “Mrs. Snow, please. I’m begging you.”

  Sam walked over to me. “Claire, I said enough!”

  Just as he turned his back, his mother spoke. “She’s right, Sam.”

  My jaw dropped and I instantly felt sick to my stomach. Sam turned around, tightened his jaw, and looked in his mother’s direction. “What do you mean ‘she’s right’?”

  She took in a sharp breath before she began to explain. “You and Claire knew each other before the accident, and it’s by the grace of God that you found each other again.”

  I knew it. I was right. It was Sam all along. The other person in my visions, the man in the picture Rachel had; it was Sam every time. He walked over and sat down next to her, tears filling his eyes.

  “What are you talking about, Mom? You told me I wasn’t seeing anyone before the accident.”

y heart started to ache and a dark sadness came over me.

  “I’m so ashamed, Sam, and I beg you to forgive me,” she pleaded.

  I could see Sam getting more upset by the second. I put my hand on his arm.

  “Sam, please let her explain.”

  “You’re lucky she’s here, Mom, or I would have left already and you would never see me again.”

  “The night of the accident, you went to pick up Claire because she got in a fight with her parents and she left home. You were bringing her back here to stay with us. You were stopped at a traffic light and, when the light turned green, you went, but two cars that were racing one another ran the light and smashed into you, causing you to spin and crash into another car. When Claire’s parents found out she didn’t remember anything about her life, they came to me and asked how you were. When I told them you had woken up and couldn’t remember the year prior to the accident, they offered me money never to mention Claire to you.”

  I gasped and felt like I was about to pass out.

  “I took the money for you, son; for your medical bills and for your future.”

  Sam ran his hands through his hair and got up from his seat.

  “Do you have any idea the hell I’ve lived?” he screamed.

  I took in a deep breath as he turned and looked at me. “Baby, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” he cried as he wrapped his arms around me.

  His mother got up and went to her room. A few moments later, she came back and set an envelope on the table.

  “I took these from your phone and had them developed after the accident. I don’t know why I did, but I did, and now I’m giving them to you. All I can ask is for both of you to forgive me.”

  Sam grabbed the envelope from the table. “Claire, let’s go.”

  “Sam, I think—”

  “Now, Claire!” His voice was angry. This was a side of him I had never seen before. “Mom, I just need some time.”

  He stormed out the door and I ran after him. We drove in silence until we found a hotel. We got out of the car and Sam checked us in. He still wouldn’t look at me. I wanted so badly to throw my arms around him and hold him tight. He opened the door, threw down our bags, and grabbed me, pushing me up against the wall. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.

  “Sam, don’t,” I whispered.

  He stopped and looked at me with cold, sad eyes. “I need to fuck you, Claire.” His pained eyes pleaded. I brought my hand to his face and nodded. He lifted my shirt over my head and tore the button off my jeans; he took down the straps of my bra, exposing my breasts, and he quickly took down my underwear. I unbuttoned his jeans as he helped me take them off. He grabbed my leg and put it around his waist as he thrust inside me, slamming me up against the wall with each thrust. Soft groans rumbled in the back of his throat as he buried his face into my neck and released himself inside me. Sam lifted his head and look at me as tears started to fall from his eyes. I grabbed his head and pulled it into my chest. I felt his shoulders move up and down as he cried into me, letting go all his emotion. I felt his pain, but I had cried so much, there wasn’t anything left, and now I needed to be strong for him. I lifted his head and softly kissed his lips. I led him to the bed, where we both lay down and held each other.

  “I’m sorry, Claire.”

  “Sorry for what, Sam?” This beautiful, caring man had nothing to be sorry for and it broke my heart that he was apologizing to me.

  “I’m sorry for not believing you.”

  I gently stroked his face. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You have been here for me and loved me, even when you thought I was crazy.”

  Sam let out a light laugh. I crinkled my nose at him and kissed his lips. “The only thing that matters is we found each other again. How many people can say that?”

  Sam interlaced our fingers. “I lost three years with you, and believe me, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  He pulled me into him and held my head against his chest. “I just can’t believe this, Claire. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. How could our parents do that?”

  “Correction. You mean, how could my parents do that? I will never forgive them for this. What they did is unforgivable and I always knew something wasn’t right.”


  The next morning, we got up, took a shower, and got dressed. Sam walked over to me as I was putting the final touches on my makeup.

  “I didn’t hurt you last night, did I?” he asked with great concern.

  I turned and looked at him. “No, baby, you didn’t hurt me at all. In fact, it was really hot.”

  He gave me that heart-melting smile and laughed. “Okay, then we’ll have to try it more often.”

  “You better, Mr. Snow,” I said as I tapped his nose with my blush brush.

  He kissed my cheek and pulled out the envelope his mother gave him from his back pocket. He slowly opened it and removed several photos. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at them, one by one. As he looked up at me, he smiled and held up a picture of us kissing. I walked over and sat down next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder as he showed me each picture of us. We looked so happy and so in love, just like we were now.

  “My parents kept us apart, Sam.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, babe. Look, we found each other again, and this time, nothing and no one will ever tear us apart,” he said as he kissed my head.

  “You’re right, but my parents will pay for what they did to us.”

  “We need to get going, Claire,” he said as he handed me the pictures.

  Sam gathered his wallet and keys. We left the hotel and he drove me to the house. I twisted my hands the whole way, knowing I had to put on an act until the shower was over. Sam reached over and stroked my hair.

  “Stay strong, baby.”

  I took his hand and kissed his palm. “Don’t worry; strong is all I am now.”

  I walked through the front doors of the Montgomery house and was greeted by a server with a tray of mimosas. I took a glass and downed it as fast as I could. The foyer was decorated with arrangements of fresh flowers. I walked to the kitchen, where a chef and his team were preparing the food. Waiters and waitresses graced the backyard, making sure the guests were taken care of. I walked out the patio door.

  “Claire, darling,” Corinne spoke as she hugged me. “Welcome home, darling.”

  “Hi, Mom.” I kissed her on the cheek.

  “Claire, you look fabulous,” Zoey said as she hugged me and then whispered, “You have some explaining to do.”

  I rolled my eyes and whispered back, “You have no idea.”

  In the middle of the backyard, there was a large white tent decorated with white lights. Inside the tent sat round tables with white and light blue linens. Fresh flower arrangements of blue carnations and white roses decorated the tables with fine white china that was perfectly placed. One side of the tent was lined with tables made for gifts as the other housed a cake table and multiple cupcake towers.

  “Claire, honey.” Harry walked up to me with open arms.

  “Hi, Dad. How are you?”

  “I’m good, sweetheart. How are you? You look amazing.”

  I gently smiled when I heard Rachel and Ally calling my name. I turned and looked at them.

  “Go talk to your friends. I’m sure you have a lot of catching up to do,” Harry said as he kissed my cheek and walked away.

  I stood there and waited for them to approach me. Ally came running to me with her arms open as Rachel slowed behind her. We hugged and pretended nothing had happened yesterday at the store. The shower was about to start when Corinne got up and made a speech.


  After four hours and about a few hundred gifts later, the guests started to rise from their seats and leave. Zoey and Dylan were beaming from ear to ear as they looked over the generous presents people gave them. I sent a text message to Sam.

  “The shower is endin
g. It’s time for you to come over and meet my parents again.”

  “I’ll be there soon. Are you okay?”

  “I’ve never been better. Just hurry. I’ll wait for you out front.”

  “On my way, babe.”

  Sam pulled up and got out of the car. I walked over to him, grabbed his hand, and led him through the backyard to the tent. My family and friends were in there, cooing over the baby clothes. “Mom, Dad, I want you to meet the love of my life.” They turned around and their faces dropped as they looked at Sam.

  “This is Sam, Sam Snow.” Rachel grabbed a hold of Ally’s arm as both girls stood frozen in time, waiting for the show to begin. Sam extended his hand to my parents.

  “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  Harry smiled and, for the first time, Corinne was speechless. Her lips parted. “How did you two meet?” she stuttered.

  I grabbed Sam’s arm and leaned into him. “He lives in the apartment across the hall from me.”

  Corinne grabbed Harry’s arm and held on for dear life. Zoey stood there, hanging onto Dylan. She looked like she was about to go into labor. Silence filled the tent, which alerted me that I had everyone’s attention.

  Corinne shifted uncomfortably in her position as Harry looked away. I looked around the tent. “Is there something anyone has to tell me?”

  Sam looked at me and leaned closer; he knew what was about to happen. “How about you, Mother, Father, Zoey?” I glared at them.

  I let go of Sam and walked closer to my parents, circling them as I spoke. “What was I doing before the accident? Who was I with? Can anyone tell me?”

  Corinne looked at me with a stern look. “Claire, we’ve been over this a thousand times.”

  “You’re right, Corinne.” Her eyes widened. “We have been over this a thousand times and it’s been nothing but a thousand lies,” I shouted in her face. “It seems to me that Sam and I didn’t just meet in Seattle. We were dating before the accident and you forbade me to see him anymore, so I packed up and left home, except I didn’t get very far, now, did I, Mother?”

  Tears swelled in her eyes. “Claire, that’s enough,” Harry snapped.

  I looked away from Corinne and into my father’s eyes. “I’m not even close to being done, Dad, and of all people, I thought I could trust you.” His face took on pain and his eyes slowly closed.