Read Remembering You Page 2

  “Look what the two of you have done; you both should be ashamed of yourselves,” Harry said.

  I quietly took the back stairs to my room. I picked up my phone from the bed and saw that I had a text message from a number I didn’t recognize.

  “Hi, Claire, it’s Sam. I hope you don’t mind, but I took your number from the repair slip at the shop. I just wanted to tell you that I’m looking forward to dinner tomorrow night.”

  I smiled like a kid on Christmas morning as I replied back.

  “Hi, Sam. I don’t mind at all. In fact, I’m glad you did. I look forward to having dinner with you tomorrow too.”

  A few seconds later, another text from Sam came through.

  “Great. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, Claire.”

  My heart fluttered and excitement settled through my body. I took a shower and climbed into bed, looking out the window at the sky that was lit up from the stars and thinking about Sam.


  The next morning, my alarm went off at six for school. My best friends, Rachel and Ally, were picking me up, since my car was being repaired. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, my Coldplay t-shirt, and threw my long, light brown hair in a ponytail. This was usually my everyday school look. It smelled like pancakes throughout the house, and since I didn’t eat dinner last night, I was starving. I walked down the back stairs into the kitchen to find Harry flipping pancakes.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” He smiled.

  “Morning, Dad,” I said as I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. “Smells good in here. Are those your famous apple cinnamon pancakes?”

  “Yep, and I made them just for you.” He winked.

  I poured a cup of coffee and perched myself on a stool at the island. Harry put two large pancakes on my plate and set the bottle of syrup on the counter. Corinne and Zoey walked in.

  “Oh, Harry, these smell wonderful.” She smiled as she kissed him on the cheek.

  Zoey looked at me and snarled, “You’re going to get fat.”

  I cut a large piece of my pancake, picked it up with my hand, shoved it in my mouth, and looked at her while chewing slowly.

  “Claire, that’s enough!” Corinne snapped.

  “Good morning to you too, Mom,” I said with a mouthful.

  Harry looked at Zoey. “Claire weighs about ninety pounds. She could stand to put on a little weight. Leave her alone.”

  There was one thing I could always count on and that was Harry to be on my side. He sat down next to me at the island.

  “I was thinking, why don’t you ask this new friend of yours to come to the house for dinner tonight?”

  I started choking on my pancakes. “Dad, no offense, but I just met him. I’m not ready to have him dragged through the mud from the likes of this family.”

  “Claire, we wouldn’t do that,” he said.

  “Oh, the hell you wouldn’t. I have to go to school. I’ll see you later, Dad.” I got up, kissed him on the cheek, glared at Zoey, and said goodbye to Corinne.

  Rachel and Ally were waiting for me outside. I hopped into the back seat and sighed. Ally turned around and looked at me.

  “Another Montgomery family breakfast?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, the usual bullshit.”

  “So what happened to the Bug?” Rachel asked.

  “It just broke down, and I’m going on a date tonight.” I smiled.

  Ally whipped her head around to face me. “What? Claire Montgomery doesn’t date.”

  “I know, I know, keep your panties on,” I said as I bit down on my lip.

  “Come on, Claire, we haven’t got all day. Spill,” Rachel snapped.

  “His name is Sam, and he was driving his tow truck yesterday and saw me standing on the side of the road next to my car. He pulled over and offered to help me. He took my car to his garage, drove me home, and asked me to go to dinner with him.”

  Ally pounded her fists on her knees. “OMG, OMG, I can’t believe it. He’s like Prince Charming coming to your rescue.”

  I smiled. “He’s really nice. He’s such a gentleman, and we both love Coldplay.”

  “Well, there’s a match made in Heaven.” Rachel laughed.

  We pulled into the parking lot at school and Ally grabbed my arm. “What’s Corinne going to say, Claire? He works in a garage; he’s not a millionaire.”

  “She already knows and is pissed. But I don’t care, because when I was with him, I felt alive for the first time in my life.”

  Rachel stopped and looked at me. “What do you mean?”

  “All I know is when I was with him, I felt something I never felt before. I was so happy and I felt safe. I felt like I could conquer the world.”

  Ally rolled her eyes. “Stop being dramatic and let’s get to class.”

  It was the truth, and I knew nobody could relate to what I was feeling. I just hoped I wasn’t headed for heartbreak.

  Chapter 3

  The day seemed to last forever, and I couldn’t wait to get out of school. I didn’t have much time left. I was graduating in a month and then I was heading off to the University of Washington to study Journalism and Literature. As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs and got in the shower. I liked my showers scolding hot and had a habit of staying in too long. I stood under the hot water and washed my hair, thinking about Sam and how I couldn’t wait to see him. I was confused because I’d never felt this way about a person before. Guys had always been interested in me, but I’d never found any of them interesting enough to date. They were all spoiled rich boys that were used to getting everything they wanted. I stepped out of the shower, pruned skin and all, wrapped a towel around me, and heard my phone chime. I grabbed my phone from my purse and saw there was a text from Sam.

  “Hi, Claire, your car will be ready sometime tomorrow. I had to order a part and it won’t be in until tomorrow morning. I wanted to keep you updated. See you tonight.”

  “Thank you, Sam. I’m looking forward to our date,” I replied back.

  “Me too, Claire,” he replied with a smiley face.

  My heart started to flutter when I saw his text. I wondered if he had been thinking about me all day like I was thinking about him. I put on a pair of skinny black jeans and a pale pink lace tank top with a matching cami underneath. As I was getting dressed, there was a knock at my door.

  “Claire, it’s us. Can we come in?” Ally said.

  “Yeah, it’s open. Come in.”

  The door flew open and Ally and Rachel strolled in with a duffel bag. “We’re here to help you get ready for your date.” Rachel smiled.

  “I can get ready on my own, thank you.” I smiled.

  Ally walked over and grabbed my hands. “Claire, this is your first date ever, and we, as your best friends, are going to make sure you look hot!”

  Rachel threw the duffel bag on my bed and started unloading the massive amounts of hair products, curling irons, and makeup. Ally walked me over to my vanity and pointed to the chair, ordering me to sit down. She did my makeup while Rachel curled my hair. Once I was finished, I looked in the mirror, and even I couldn’t believe what I saw. Rachel curled my hair so the curls flowed softly around my shoulders and Ally did my eyes in a smoky color with a bit of blush and a light pink lipstick. I must admit, I looked good and, for the first time, I felt sexy.

  I glanced at my phone and it was 6:45 p.m. when we walked downstairs. Ally and Rachel said they weren’t leaving until they met Sam. I could tell they were dying to see what he looked like. I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and Corinne and Zoey were sitting at the table, looking through wedding magazines. Both of them looked up. The expression on Zoey’s face was priceless.

  “Claire, you look absolutely beautiful.” Corinne smiled. “Zoey, doesn’t your sister look amazing?”

  “Yeah, she’s okay,” she said.

  The doorbell rang and, instantly, the butterflies awoke from their dormant sleep and started fluttering around. I tried to run to the door before a
nyone else could, but it was too late; Rachel had already let Sam in and both her and Ally were already drooling over him.

  “Sam, hi.” I smiled.

  “Hi, Claire. Wow, you look amazing.”

  I bit my bottom lip and looked down. “Thank you. I see you have met my two best friends.”

  “Yes, I have.” Sam laughed.

  The dreaded moment came when I saw Zoey and Corinne standing in the doorway between the hall and the kitchen.

  “Sam, this is my mother, Corinne, and my sister, Zoey,” I introduced.

  Sam walked over to them and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you both.”

  Zoey looked him up and down, and Corinne lightly shook his hand. I needed to get him out of there as fast I could.

  “Come on, Sam. Let’s go. I’m starving.”

  He looked at me and smiled. “I’m ready when you are.”

  We walked outside, and I turned back to look at Ally and Rachel, who were both standing there with their jaws dropped open. “OMG, he’s a dream God,” Ally mouthed as Rachel gave a thumbs up.

  He opened the car door for me and I slid in. “What’s your favorite type of food?” Sam asked.

  “Hmm, I like all kinds of food, but if you must know, my absolute favorite is Mexican.”

  His eyes lit up like lightning in the sky. “Mine too. I’d like to take you to my favorite Mexican restaurant, if that’s okay.”

  “I’d like that very much.” I smiled.

  We pulled up to Diablo’s, a Mexican restaurant that was also my favorite.

  “I love this place; they have the best Mexican food.”

  “You know Diablos?” he asked.

  “Yep, I first came here with Rachel and her family. I’ve been addicted to it ever since.”

  We walked in the restaurant and were seated at a table near the fireplace. The décor was amazing. The walls were painted with murals of cities in Mexico while the ceiling was covered in clouds. The waiter came by with chips and salsa and asked us for our drink order. I opened the menu, but already knew what I was getting. Diablos had the best Mexican pizza.

  “What do you usually get?” I asked Sam.

  He glanced up from his menu. “Either the Mexican pizza or the chicken enchiladas.”

  I smiled as my heart started to beat a little faster. “The Mexican pizza is my favorite.”

  “Looks like we have a lot in common, Claire,” he said as he gently put his hand on mine and then looked down.

  I didn’t pull away; I loved the way his skin felt on mine. During dinner, we held deep discussions about our families. Sam’s dad had passed away in a car accident when he was three years old, and his mom raised him by herself, pulling double shifts at the hospital to try and make ends meet. As soon as Sam was old enough to work, he got a job and helped his mom with the bills.

  “Cal was a friend of my dad’s and when I was about thirteen years old, he started teaching me how to fix cars. When I turned sixteen, he hired me to help him at his garage.”

  I was in awe of this boy, who worked not only for himself, but also to help his mom pay her bills. I wanted to cry because I’d never met a person who thought more about others than themselves. I poured out my soul to him about my family and how I felt; maybe it was too soon, but I felt comfortable talking to Sam, and it just felt right. He held my hand as I told him about Corinne, Zoey, and Dylan. I saw his eyes turn dark gray when I told him what Dylan had tried last year. I assured him it was okay because I’d threatened him and he knew I would make good on those threats.

  “Tell me you like Mexican fried ice cream,” he said excitedly.

  I looked down and, with a small smile, I said, “I don’t like it; I love it!”

  He went from disappointed to happy in a matter of a split second. The waiter brought our ice cream and gave us each a spoon. Sam swiftly ran his spoon through the whipped cream.

  “Open up.” He smiled as he held the spoon to my mouth.

  My heart started pounding and the butterflies got all excited and started dancing around. I opened my mouth as he fed me the whipped cream. I knew it was only our first date, but I think I was starting to fall in love with him. It felt right. He felt right. Being with him felt right. After we finished off the ice cream, Sam paid the bill and took my hand. He led me out of the restaurant and to the small park that was across the street. It was a beautiful night and the stars brightly lit up the sky. We each took a seat on the swings and slowly swung back and forth as we continued to talk about our hopes and dreams.

  Sam took me home after we spent an hour at the park because it was a school night. He pulled in my driveway, and I struggled because I didn’t want this night to end. He reached over and gently traced the outline of my jaw with his finger.

  “You are very beautiful, Claire Montgomery, and I had the best night of my life with you.”

  I stared into his blue-gray eyes and leaned closer into him, focusing on his lips. He gently put his mouth on mine and kissed me softly. I started to tremble. He cupped the back of my neck as he kissed me; his tongue opened my lips and slid softly into my mouth. I followed his lead and let my tongue join his. His mouth was amazing, and it set my body on fire. I desired him, all of him, from this one kiss. He let out a deep groan, which drove me wild as I ran my fingers through his brown hair. He moved his mouth from my lips to my neck and started kissing me softly by my ear. I panted as he moved his hand down to my breast and cupped it through my shirt. He stopped and pulled away.

  “Claire, I’m sorry. We have to stop,” he said, panting.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Sam.”

  I wanted to tell him that I was a virgin. Even though I was embarrassed, I told him anyway because he had a right to know. He smiled at me and pushed my hair back off my shoulder.

  “Good, that makes me happy that you’ve saved yourself for someone special.”

  I put my hand on his as he held my face. “Thank you.”

  He kissed my forehead and then the tip of my nose. “Since tomorrow is Friday. Will you consider going out with me again?”

  I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “I can’t wait to see you again.” We kissed goodnight and Sam walked me up to the door.

  “See you tomorrow, Claire.” He smiled as we both had a hard time letting go of each other’s hand.

  “See you tomorrow, Sam.” I smiled back.

  Harry and Corinne were sitting in the living room and both turned their heads when they heard the door open.

  “Hi, Claire. How was your date?” Harry asked.

  I walked over to where they were sitting. “It was amazing, Dad. I had the best time.”

  “It’s good to see you smile.”

  “Does this boy go to college?” Corinne asked.

  And there it was: the interrogation and questioning as if I was on trial. “No, Mom, he doesn’t. He works full time so he can help his mom with the bills. His dad passed away when he was three years old and she raised him as a single mom.”

  Corinne rolled her eyes. “I don’t think you should see him again. You can do so much better.”

  “Too bad,” I spat. “We’re going out tomorrow night.”

  Harry decided it was time to step in. “Claire, go to bed, and Corinne, just stop, please just stop.”

  She got up and huffed all the way to her bedroom. I said good night to Harry and headed up to my room. As soon as I changed into my pajamas, I climbed into bed and read a text that came from Sam.

  “I miss you already, Claire. Maybe it’s too soon, but I really like you.”

  My heart melted as I responded back.

  “I miss you, Sam, and I really like you too. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, babe.”

  I smiled as I read his last message and fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, I awoke to a good morning text.

  “Have a good day at school and I’ll see you later.”

  “Good morning. I’
ll have a great day as soon as I see you!”

  I was having Rachel drive me to the garage so I could pick up my car after school. The three of us sat at lunch and I was grilled about Sam and our date.

  “You are in love, Claire Montgomery,” Ally pointed out.

  I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. She was right, I think I was in love. As soon as the last bell rang, we hopped into Rachel’s car and headed to Irvine to pick up my car.

  “Thanks for taking me,” I said.

  “No problem, friend; that’s what I’m here for.” Rachel smiled.

  We pulled up to the garage and I saw Sam standing there, talking to Cal. The minute I saw him, my stomach went into a craze and my heart started racing. He looked over at me and smiled as I got out of the car. He waved to Rachel before she drove off, and I walked over to him and Cal with a smile on my face.

  “Hey, Cal. How are you?”

  “Doing well, Claire. It’s good to see you again.” He smiled as he walked away.

  Sam reached over, grabbed my waist, and pulled me closer to him, gently kissing my lips.

  “Hi,” he whispered.

  “Hi,” I whispered back.

  He handed me the keys and told me not to worry, that the car was taken care of.

  “How much do I owe you, Sam?”

  He softly kissed my lips again. “A date, that’s all.”

  “Please let me pay you for the repairs.”

  He shook his head no and opened my car door. “Mark my words, Sam Snow, I will repay you.”

  He smiled as he gave me a soft kiss. “See you tonight, Claire,” he said as he shut the door.

  I drove home, listening to Coldplay and smiling as I thought about Sam. As soon as I walked through the door, I was summoned to the kitchen.

  “Claire, I need you to come to dinner with us tonight. We are going with Dylan and his family to discuss the engagement party.”