Read Renegade Rising Page 24

Chapter 23: Rolce Reborn

  Rolce charged forward as his deep battle cry reverberated off the walls. Malik sprang up, rushing to meet this new adversary, followed by the rest of the small army. Gisbo was able to sit up and watch, through one eye, the magnificence that was Rolce. The Renegade-to-be thrust his pole-arm forward, slamming it into the first boy’s stomach as he pushed backward into three more, forcing them to the ground. Rolce jumped over the three fallen boys and let out a fierce kick to another boy's mid-section, following it up with a thrust upward from his pole-arm that struck the boy in the chin. Rolce then spun his pole-arm rapidly in a tight defensive circle. Anybody who tried to take a swipe at him was met with a strike from his spinning pole-arm.

  Gisbo saw firsthand the power of a Nazarite in close quarter combat. With his pole-arm, Rolce made the enemy’s advantage in numbers turn to nothing. Rolce’s pole-arm began to glow even brighter as he held it above his head, spinning it like a green whirlwind.

  Boys were thrown left and right from the force of Rolce's weapon, slamming against the cave walls. Like before, the boys were back on their feet in no time and, in a swarm, all of them leapt in the air, seeking to crush Rolce with their weight. Rolce actually smiled! He raised his pole-arm into the air and, with another battle cry, slammed the hilt of it into the cave floor, twisting it as he unleashed a combination of Nazarite abilities Gisbo had never seen.

  Hundreds of stalactites and stalagmites broke from the ceiling and floor of the cavern. With another wave of Rolce’s pole-arm, they whizzed through the air, about five at a time, making contact with each charging boy in mid-air. All twenty or so of them flew backward, slamming back into the cave wall. This time they weren’t coming back. Rolce stretched out his hand, hovering his palm in the direction of each boy, one at a time. The stones and spikes melded together, pinning each boy to the wall with their arms by their sides. Shax’s slaves all hung by their mid-sections a few feet off the ground, pinned and struggling to break free of the stone restraints encircling their torsos. Rolce planted his pole-arm straight up in the ground and stood idle, his eyes locked on his father. Gisbo watched as father and son gazed at one another.

  “Bravo! Bravo, my boy! Wonderful job! Never have I seen anyone combine such a variety of Naforian techniques like that at your age! Thrusting the stones at the kids without harming a single one, then melding them together to trap them. Wonderful work, my boy, you make a father so proud!” Shax exclaimed, flashing his blackened smile. Even Lokin looked impressed as he surveyed the area in awe.

  “Shut up!” Rolce said. Gisbo had never seen his eyes angry like this, even more than when he crushed the snake’s head. Shax looked hurt at his remark.

  “Get 'em, Rolce! Kick his ass! Fao, to Rolce! Help him!” Gisbo yelled. Fao jumped to Rolce’s side as they both broke into a run, headed for Shax. Rolce recoiled his pole-arm and thrust it toward the invisible wall which had stopped Gisbo. Glowing green cracks seemed to appear out of thin air. Rolce recoiled again and held his pole-arm like a bat as he gave a mighty swing, shattering the barrier in a mist of green sparkles. Shax looked alarmed, but Rolce didn't wait as he stormed ahead with Fao by his side, unblinking.

  As Rolce suspected, Lokin dove from Shax’s right side, but with a quick swipe of his pole-arm, Rolce deflected his daggers and followed it up with a quick a blow to his stomach, literally lifting the man from the ground with freakish strength. Fao leapt behind Shax with great agility and skillfully bit his lower leg, causing him to look back for just a moment as Rolce continued to charge, swinging his steel pole-arm downward upon Shax’s head.

  With surprising agility for a man of Shax’s size, he managed to lean backward, narrowly missing a blow that would have knocked him out - but not quickly enough. The tip of the metallic pole-arm graced his nose, breaking it in a fierce crack. Blood poured down his face. In a yell, Shax swirled about with his own staff, unleashing a burst of darkness that sent Rolce and Fao skidding across the stone floor away from him. Rolce and Fao were on their feet in a hurry as Shax stood, clutching his bleeding nose in disbelief, amazed that Rolce had managed to draw blood from him.

  “Such aggression. You definitely didn’t inheret this mindlessness from me . . .”

  “ENOUGH! Come out! Whoever you are! Let's see the real puppet master!” Rolce interrupted.

  “Rolce, what are you talking about?” Gisbo asked, rising to his feet and stumbling to his friend.

  “Exactly what I said, Gisbo. Look at his eyes! Look at all these kid’s eyes! They're white orbs! The telltale sign mind-link is being performed. Now watch my eyes as I connect with the boy over there. Look at my eyes, Gisbo,” Rolce said as he raised his hand to the boy trapped against the wall nearest to him and closed his eyes. Slowly, Rolce lowered his hand and opened his eyes.

  “Don’t you see, Gisbo! I’m just a beginner Sybil and can only use the mind-link when I close my eyes. A master, however, is a totally different story! A master won’t need to raise their hand over people and can leave their eyes open, even carry on conversations while connecting to someone from miles away. It is a powerful ability! Now look, look at my father’s eyes, Gisbo! They're white! White as all the kids here! Somebody’s controlling him too,” Rolce said, pointing at his father. Gisbo finally understood.

  “Yeah, but wouldn’t Moordin have noticed that? You mean to tell me that your dad has been controlled this entire time?” Gisbo asked aloud.

  “Moordin isn’t a Sybil, Gisbo. Only someone like Sybil Honj would have noticed such a minor detail and Moordin was the only one who saw him the day he went crazy. It makes perfect sense! Somebody else is here, I know it! Come out!” Rolce yelled.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Lokin said, laughing hysterically, rising to his shaky feet.

  “Yes, in fact, we would!” said a voice behind them. Gisbo turned to see Harpie land on Rolce’s shoulder, followed by Falcon, Moordin, Foxblade and Narroway himself leading the charge. Seeing them all burst forth like the warriors of old caused gooseflesh to erupt over Gisbo’s body.

  “Now you’rr gonna get it, you freak!” Gisbo yelled, pointing at Lokin. Everyone stood beside them, weapons raised and fully ignited.

  “We got your message from Harpie just in time, Rolce. I rushed here with everyone at my dinner table and made it through the portal before it closed. It seems you both have done quite well for yourselves, Gisbo a little worse for the wear . . . let us take it from here, if you don’t mind, boys,” Narroway explained as he patted both boys on the shoulder.

  “Narroway? Good to see you once more. Oh, and Moordin too! Why, with you, this is quite the reunion! Too bad my lovely wife couldn’t be here as well,” Shax said, grinning. Moordin’s face contorted in fury and disgust.

  “Reveal yourself, traitor! I want to kill you myself! One who destroys families and the lives of children deserves the fiery plains of hell!” Moordin yelled.

  “So poetic for such an intense situation, Moordin. You will know my identity soon enough - I bet it's killing you. Even now you are praying that it is so, praying you will have your good friend back after all these years. This would have been so much easier for us if your father didn’t up and disappear, Narroway – or, as I conclude, run away. Would have saved so much suffering ... but no matter, Jackobi is here and he will open the portal for us. The new Man-Phoenix! The visions of the Sybil are absolute! We know the portal will open for us tonight and we will provide Drakearon with his Sybil, his key to reenter his home realm,” Shax said, staring at Narroway. Strangely, Narroway laughed.

  “You laugh at this?” Shax asked, his face twisted in confusion.

  “Yes, I laugh at this ridiculous plot. If you would come out from the doorway, I would explain to you fully just how flawed your plan really is . . . Purah,” Narroway said. All eyes were on Narroway at the mention of Purah's name.

  “Purah? Narroway, are you . . .” Falcon began as footsteps echoed from the dark doorway behind Shax. A man stepped forth into the light. It was indeed
Purah. Everyone in the room was shocked, especially Falcon.

  “Purah! Is . . . is that really you?” Falcon yelled. Purah emerged shakily from the doorway, clutching his head and squinting in pain.

  “Falcon! Falcon, is that you? Oh, oh my head . . . the Drakeness is everywhere,” Purah mumbled, walking slowly towards them.

  “But . . . but how are you alive, my friend? We saw you impaled on Vadid’s statue! What happened?” Falcon exclaimed, but Narroway interrupted.

  “No, Falcon, I’m sorry to have hidden the truth from you, but that is not the Purah that we know.” Narroway said as he held Falcon back from rushing to his friend.

  “What? What do you mean?” Falcon asked.

  “Just as I said, my friend, the Purah you have known has been nothing more than a façade. He is the man behind all of this; his death was an illusion. There is a Shininja ability that Lokin must have known which gives the illusion of death. The sword, we thought, was driven through his heart - but a Shininja can shift vital organs within their bodies to trick the enemy. Lokin must have done this procedure to Purah and put him in a temporary death-like state using various Shininja herbs and formulas then retrieved him from his grave one of these nights. Purah is a Sybil, perhaps even more powerful then Sybil Honj. The man before you is the mastermind of all you see. The kidnappings, Shax’s supposed injection of Drakeness, all of it. Seventeen years in the making. Seventeen years of deception. Purah, was it worth it?” Narroway asked through gritted teeth. Purah dropped his act of dizzied walking, stood to full height and grinned.

  “Oh yes, Narroway. It took the patience of a Shininja, certainly, but all the while it was worth it. Even now, my conscience is clean. I will listen, Narroway. Please, tell me why this plan is so flawed?” Purah said, standing beside Shax, who was now drooling and hunched over like the rest of the kids.

  “I would love to, but why don’t we allow Jackobi to explain it for us instead? Moordin, if you would release him?” Narroway said calmly. With a wave of Moordin’s staff, the stone cracked around Jackobi. He landed neatly on his feet, eyes as blue as Foxblade’s, and walked silently over to his father, who gave him a great hug.

  “A job well done, son, you have made your father so proud,” Foxblade said as he released him. Jackobi turned and gave Purah the same murderous, vengeful look Rolce had witnessed in his dream.

  “What? What do you mean, a job well done?” Gisbo asked, confused.

  “How I’ve desired to kill you, Purah, for so long. Insisting you would sacrifice Shax’s son to further his pain and complete the process of killing his family… it sickened me. The patience I endured to not kill you! Man-Phoenix? Humph, I’m no Man-Phoenix. Rather, I am the new Man-Phoenix’s sworn protector, for I alone am immune to the effects of the Drakeness. It has been a fine display of acting, allowing you to think you had overcome me while I called the shots for my own body. My mission is done,” Jackobi said, locking stares with Purah.

  “We knew, Purah, we knew there were traitors among us. We also knew the new Man-Phoenix would reveal himself within this generation of children. Jackobi’s ability to suppress the Drakeness was discovered in secret at a young age; for with every Man-Phoenix, there has been also been a Sentry, just like Vadid’s wife Amari long ago. You foolishly assumed that it would be the most powerful of the children, kidnapping the top scorers. Tonight you discovered that Jackobi was the most powerful for his age bracket, as a Sentry usually is. If you had tried tonight to use his supposed hibernating powers, you would have been sorely disappointed, for a Man-Phoenix he is not.

  Now, in the name of my father, Renegades and Strifes alike, you will be executed for unforgivable crimes. Renegades! We attack now!” Narroway ordered as the Renegade masters charged forward. Just as when Gisbo had tried, a wall of invisibility blocked their path. Suddenly surges of black tentacles pulsated from the wall, blasting the Renegades. Everyone was thrown backward, slamming hard against the rock floor, some unmoving, others screaming and convulsing in pain. Gisbo, Rolce and Jackobi stared on in horror as their mighty class masters were taken down, unable to rise from their feet after just one blast of the Drakeness.

  “What’s wrong with them!? What the hell do we do now?” Gisbo cried out.

  “Wait,” Jackobi breathed as he held his hand up. Falcon stirred from his fallen position and rose to his feet.

  “Impossible! Falcon? The pupil of Vadid the Valiant still stands? The Drakeness strike that I hit you all with hurts physically, yes, but the true pain lies within as all the sins and iniquities one has committed in his life are turned back upon the sinner in utmost suffering. You are the most stained among them all! The most tarnished and sinful! You should have lost consciousness from the pain. It is impossible! Even the blameless Narroway cannot stand!” Purah said, eyes registering surprise. What he said was true. Falcon was shaking all over, writhing in pain, as every scar across his body reopened and blood burst all across his flesh. Falcon remained standing nevertheless, grinding his teeth in pain.

  “I . . . cannot believe this! You were my friend, Purah! My brother in arms! I . . . AHHHH!!!” Falcon screamed as fresh blood erupted from his wounds. “ . . . will is everything. Will . . . to . . . CHANGE! Will to protect . . . my . . . my son!” Falcon said as he looked at Gisbo for the first time, eyes watering. “ . . . and . . . WILL to see you PUNISHED! JACKOBI! MAKE YOUR SOARIAN RACE PROUD!” Falcon screamed as he tossed his sword to Foxblade’s son. Jackobi caught it neatly and he charged at the blackened wall, covered with twisting energy waves that looked like black tentacles. Jackobi leapt in the air as they sought him, ready to inflict all kinds of suffering, but it was no use - they passed right through his body as if it were smoke. In one more bound, Jackobi cleared the barrier and raised his sword high, aiming for Purah.

  Lokin was there in a flash. Deflecting Falcon’s sword with his dagger, he dealt a swift spinning kick to Jackobi’s jaw, so strong that it propelled the boy through the air and onto the pile of unconscious Renegades.

  “Jackobi!” Gisbo and Rolce said in unison.

  “Will? WILL!? All will can be broken! Bend before Drakearon once more, Falcon!” Purah yelled as he thrust black lightning, striking Falcon off his feet so that he yelled and screamed in anguish. Purah relinquished his attack and gazed at Falcon who lay motionless.

  “You see, Gisbo? POWER breaks will! No one can change who they truly are! They can only act and force their true selves down as I did! Falcon never told you he was your father out of sheer guilt. Did you know he grew up with Drakearon? Falcon here was his best friend and right hand man throughout his entire regime. With my blameless record I made your father the supposed redeemed man he is today! No one else trusted him. It is amazing to see how a man can change his ways all from the hammering of another’s empty words and false encouragement. Look at him! A new man because of me! I still cannot see Drakearon’s interest in him. He may be strong, but his mind is pathetic and weak. But that's all ancient history now,” Purah asserted with a gleeful smile at the shock on Gisbo and Rolce’s faces. Gisbo stared at his class master - his father – lying still on the ground. Suddenly Falcon stirred, opened his eyes and rose to his feet. Purah’s face froze momentarily.

  “I don’t believe it,” he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “What do you think you're trying to prove, Falcon? You can’t hope to defeat me in this state! Stand down!” Purah demanded. Falcon shook his head.

  “I will always stand…to give an example to my son. To . . . to show him . . .” Falcon cried out in pain. Breathing heavily, he continued, “ . . . what, what it means to be a Renegade. What it means to be a man. Will is everything, Gisbo! You have the will of your father . . . flow . . . flowing through you! Never give in! NEVER! REMEMBER, GISBO! REMEMBER EVERYTHING! YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!” Unbelievably, Falcon's voice gained strength until he was screaming hoarsely. As if a general had given orders, the fallen bodies around him began to rise shakily to their feet, weapons drawn and glowing so brightly that the
cavern appeared to be lit from within and the walls were bathed in vibrant red, blue, green and yellow like a cathedral.

  Gisbo also stood in disbelief. A familiar feeling washed over him, something indefinable, as his flesh began to heat from within. Before he knew what was happening, his eyes erupted in flames and Gisbo was once again thrust into the darkened forest of his childhood dreams, facing the monster with large, red, fiery eyes.

  “Gisbo Falcon, you have done well and pleased me. You have sought the path of friendship and loyalty. You will remember everything for you ARE the new Man-Phoenix! Remember! Remember the day against the wolves!” The voice echoed through his head, and then the giant dark being erupted into bright blue flames! As the light washed over him, Gisbo understood - understood everything. This wasn’t a monster at all, it was the phoenix, symbol of the Renegades and avatar to IAM himself! Suddenly, Gisbo’s conscious was taken back to the day he battled the wolves to claim Fao for his Boon.

  He felt hot pain flood his forearm as a black wolf bit into his flesh. Gisbo couldn’t get him off for if he did the wolf he was currently holding would have his throat and then…it would all be over. The pain was excruciating, almost to the point of needing to let go. He was trapped as he saw Fao trying to fight off a wolf of her own. It was then everything went black around him . . . but not for long.

  He felt hot pain flood his forearm as a black wolf bit into his flesh. Gisbo couldn’t get him off for if he did the wolf he was currently holding would have his throat and then…it would all be over. The pain was excruciating, almost to the point of needing to let go. He was trapped as he saw Fao trying to fight off a wolf of her own. It was then everything went black around him . . . but not for long.

  There he was once more, in the forest of his dreams. It was night and there before him was the enflamed eye’s that had haunted his nightmares. Gisbo stood before it, facing the one thing that ever truly frightened him.

  Gisbo looked down, the wrapping of vines still tied around his foot. He picked up right where he left off in his last dream. This was it, the meaning of this dream… death. He was being pursued by it and now it was here to collect. Cold sweat dripped into Gisbo’s eyes, stinging them, as the demon now stood right in front of him. The heat pulsating from the monster made his eyebrows feel as if they were about to singe right off. The fire lit eyes felt as if they were looking through him. It was then it raised its head and let out a deep laughter, sounding totally wild, dangerous and then…it spoke.

  “Why do you run from me boy?” The voice asked. Its voice was so deep it provided its own echo, power dripped from every word.

  Gisbo was a bit taken aback. Never had the demon actually spoken to him. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came.

  “WHY!!!???” The voice bellowed. It took all what Gisbo could muster to answer, not a very good answer at that.

  “I, don’t know…” Gisbo stammered.

  “Even now, too full of pride to simply admit!!! You fear me, that is why you run.” The powerful voice boomed and turned its head, uninterested. Gisbo sat awkwardly, shaking from head to toe. The head then turned back around, the eyes roared brighter in fresh flames.

  “Don’t you know what I am?” The voice boomed, a little quieter this time.

  “No . . .” Gisbo answered.

  “I am your courage! Why do you run from me?” The voice boomed again. Gisbo looked stunned and confused.

  “My, my courage?” Gisbo said a little more in control of himself this time. The eye’s roared with fire yet again.

  “Yes! You have run from me long enough! You lack it completely! The voice boomed, frustrated.

  “I, I have courage! I fear nothing! I . . .” Gisbo stammered out before being cut off by the bellowing voice.

  “You believe to have ‘courage’ by throwing yourself into battle constantly? You think it’ courage’ to be problematic? You think it ‘courage’ to live a loner’s life, to do EVERYTHING on your own? You refuse to trust a living soul, are they that beneath you? Is this your idea of ‘courage’?” The demon accused. Gisbo sat for a moment, pondering these words.

  “This is not courage. It is fear glorified! It is ignorance embraced and above all, it is purposeless!” The voice boomed. Gisbo struggled to refute him.

  “No! I am confident! I believe in myself!” Gisbo argued.

  “Wrong! Utterly wrong boy! You have nothing more then confidence of self! Not total confidence! You are a frightened child! Fearful! I see it, even now, seeping out of your soul like a disease infecting all that you do! True courage is trusting those around you! True courage is the ability to pour yourself into friendship! True Courage is to pour yourself into a cause! All you do is hold yourself back, afraid it won’t work out all because you fear the pain that may come of it! Afraid you may be abandoned once more! Afraid people will see you beneath themselves!” The demon bellowed. Gisbo looked at the ground, trying to hide from its gaze.

  “It is so easy to live a selfish lifestyle such as yours, easy to dwell in your pain of loneliness, easy, to simply worry about yourself and no one else! Look at your wolf! Look at your friend! Look at your Class Master! You don’t trust them . . .” The voice boomed with fresh accusations, trailing off disappointed.

  “But I do! They are the only living things I have trusted! Why do you think I got where I am today! Because of them!” Gisbo stated, yelling now. The demon reared on him.

  “Exactly! Because of THEM you are here now! They put their trust in you and you refuse to return an equal share. You offer them mere scraps of a dinner while they offer you an entire feast! You send your friend away to fight this lonely battle on your own, for what? Self-justification? Now is when you needed him most! Who starts a battle wanting to prove the strength of being alone? Utter idiocy! Throw yourself instead into the trust of your friends, your Boon, whole-heartedly and victory will be yours! Fail to do so and you will die, both physically and within.” The voice said. It was then it dawned on Gisbo. Now that the demon spoke in a calmer tone, he recognized the voice.

  “Wait! You! You were the one! The one who whispered in my head at the tryouts! You helped me! What are you?” Gisbo asked. The flaming eye’s continued to seep into him.

  “You do not yet understand your importance. I will reveal myself in due time, for now, I am your courage, use it. Trust those around you…whole-heartedly! Throw yourself into them like you do everything else and the battle is yours! I cannot lend you my power otherwise. Will you obey?” The voice asked. It was then, in the darkness, a circular window of smoke seemed to appear. There he saw Rolce running to get help clutching his eagle close to him, face in despair. He saw Falcon walking about the grounds of Heaven’s Shelter, and lastly he saw Fao, about to be overcome by the wolf atop her…

  “YES! I will! I trust you! Bring me back! Let us win!” Gisbo yelled.

  “Wisdom has aided you this day. Upon my close you will not recall what has transpired or will transpire. You are not prepared. Your rash stupidity was not taken into account for the current situation, ergo; my presence was required once more for the sake of your very survival. The time will come when your mind is ready and this memory will be retrieved. That time however, is not upon us. Your subconscious however, like a small whispering voice shall remember. Grow strong of body, strong of mind, and strong of heart young Gisbo. The time of testing draws near and you will be tested, by all that you are but fear not, for I will never leave you nor forsake you. Listen for that still, small voice. Now Go!” The voice boomed for the final time as the fiery eyes were extinguished.

  Upon the final statement the blackness dissolved around him and he was again face to face with the snarling wolf in front of him. The transformation occurred once more as Gisbo’s eyes burst into fire. Everything went red like before, he saw his wolf too was washed in a red energy field, eyes afire as well. Power, pain, and fury washed over Gisbo’s entire being. A yell pierced the air not entirely human and with immense strengt
h he threw the wolf by its throat into a thick oak tree, shattering the trunk as the wolf died upon impact.

  He grabbed the wolf attached to his arm by the head as he ripped the wolves jaws clean from his bleeding wound and threw it as well, like a Frisbee, far out into the distance of the woods, lost to view. Fao joined him by his side as they charged into the onslaught of wolves, fighting as one, wolves thrown asunder both unconscious as well as dead. The last few remaining wolves scattered immediately as they ran, whelping and sprinting away as the boy and his wolf howled together at their victory.

  The open wounds across their battered bodies instantly healed themselves, releasing rising strings of steam as the wounds closed over. The boy and his wolf returned back to normal, toppling to the ground unconscious, side by side, victory theirs and together at last.

  And now, here the monster stood before him again in the darkened forest, only this time, in its true form, the fiery Phoenix!

  “Now listen closely, Gisbo. Extensive training awaits you, but for the moment you must obey. Everyone has a part to play in what is to come, even Purah. You must open the Reath and grant them their wish. Send the dogs to their master!” the Phoenix bellowed. Gisbo shook his head.

  “No way! That’s exactly what they want! They'll be able to bring Drakearon back! Just let me kill them or something!” Gisbo yelled back with all his might. The Phoenix shook its great head.

  “I cannot reveal to you mankind’s future on Thera, but I have my orders and a part to play, just like you. You must take up your part immediately! Drakearon’s followers will not stop until they reach their master. You must end future suffering. Do it! Open the Reath!” the Phoenix commanded.

  “Well then, give me the power to kill them! This makes no sense! I can stop all this from happening right now!” Gisbo answered. The Phoenix shook its head.

  “Your body is not ready for such power … yet. You would implode upon yourself like a star. There will come a day, Gisbo, when such abilities will be granted, but that is not this day. Do what IAM wills,” the Phoenix bellowed.

  “But I . . . fine.” Gisbo muttered.

  “I am grateful for your obedience. Now go!” The Phoenix screeched.

  “But, how do I speak with you again? I am so confused . . . I,” Gisbo argued, only to be interrupted.

  “I will always be with you,” the Phoenix roared for a final time as blue fire erupted all around. When the flames subsided, Gisbo was back in the cave with his eyes red with fire and his body filled with otherworldly power. Around him, the blue aura of Gisbo’s blade now surrounded his comrades and healed them from their wounds. Rolce stood up first in utter awe, now realizing how he was healed of his broken knee in the fight with Thomson. The Phoenix’s essence through Gisbo, had healed him.

  “WHAT? Falcon’s boy? The Man-Phoenix? But he’s . . . he’s . . .” Purah screamed in disbelief.

  “Beneath that knucklehead resides a heart of fire,” Narroway said, grinning from ear to ear.

  “You remember then? You know your purpose?” Falcon asked. Gisbo nodded.

  “Yeah, I have to open the Reath,” Gisbo said.

  “No! You can’t! You will be giving Drakearon the keys to return to Thera!” Moordin argued.

  “That’s what I said! But how the hell am I supposed to say no to a giant blue bird?” Gisbo answered.

  “Moordin, we must have faith. Gisbo, do what IAM wills you,” Narroway instructed. Gisbo nodded as he walked forward holding his sword. His essence felt different when his weapon unexpectedly erupted into blue flames, matching his uniform. Everyone gazed upon him with awe as their cuts and bruises healed themselves over completely. Gisbo felt a surge like adrenaline as the swelling where his body was bashed and bruised deflated and the gash across his jaw from Malik healed into a neat scar. Gisbo reared back and slashed his blade forward, not really knowing why, only that it felt right.

  The air itself seemed to cleave from his cut as a window to another world parted the air like a torn cloth. Gisbo and his company saw the Reath for the very first time. To Gisbo, it looked how he would imagine hell if he truly thought about it. There was nothing but a barren wasteland of sand covered by a sky as red as blood with dark, thunderous clouds overhead. Gisbo cocked his head as if listening to a voice, nodded, then turned to face Purah.

  “Go back to your master, you stupid dog!” Gisbo said with a snarl.

  “How ironic of you. Just as I said, the portal is open to me tonight. Very well, it seems I cannot hide my Sybil blood anymore. Drakearon was correct in his theory that a Sybil is capable of suppressing the cravings of the dragon’s power. It seems, my dear Falcon, that there are now two who have held onto their humanity with such power flowing through them. I believe there is something beyond pure willpower that allows you to resist. What it is I can only ponder at, but I can promise you that I will discover your secret. Even so, I release the children. They are of no more importance,” Purah announced and with a wave of his hand, every one of Purah’s mind slaves began to awake. Shax nearly toppled over from the shock of being in control of his body for the first time in seventeen years. Tears swam to his eyes when he saw Rolce from across the room.

  “Rolce! Rolce, my boy! My boy!” Shax screamed, taking a few more shaky steps, and both father and son broke into a sprint. They fell into an embrace on their knees and as they hugged each other, tears were streaming freely down their faces.

  “Oh Rolce, seventeen years of imprisonment! I…I’ve done horrible things…your mother…oh, your mother, I…I’m so sorry…” Shax wept, but Rolce interrupted.

  “Never mind that, Dad, you're back! You're back and that’s all that matters now!” Rolce insisted with the first genuine smile Gisbo had seen in a long time. Gisbo turned his gaze upon Purah and Lokin.

  “Well? The hell you waiting for? Get your pansy ass out of here!” Gisbo yelled. Purah snickered.

  “You truly believe these lies, boy? This self delusion? You call it faith, Narroway? I see blind allegiance. This . . . part to play? I hear the voices too, both sides. IAM is not all-powerful and we proved it yet again tonight. You blindly follow. Open your minds and see the truth! Why would IAM allow Drakearon and his Dragon to live and now return? Why does he allow his people to suffer? Appolyon speaks differently, he promises only love and equality. His powers are equal with IAM and the power I used to decimate your little band was nothing but a fraction of what Appolyon has granted Drakearon. You cannot hope to stand on equal footing, silly boy-phoenix. And Falcon, my old friend, you cannot deny the power of the Drakeness that flows through you. You will use it again and when you do, Drakearon will own, once again, his greatest of warriors,” Purah predicted. Falcon shook his head.

  “Purah, my old friend, what you have done here is unimaginable. You escape for a little while, friend, but mark my words and mark them well . . . retribution will come, but you need not look for it over your shoulder. I, Falcon Vadid, will come for you, if only to see a sword impaled through you once more,” Falcon said.

  “I don’t know what would excite me more, my dear Falcon. Seeing you obedient to Drakearon once more or awaiting the day you speak of. Time will tell of course. As for the rest of you, continue to revel in your foolishness and ignorance…a Renegade’s downfall. Drakearon loathes both. A closed mind is useless,” Purah exclaimed.

  “Pride and lack of imagination … your downfall. The mind need only be closed to wickedness and evil. Should one not recognize it for what it is, that makes them a fool,” Moordin said aloud.

  “No matter. Till we meet again. Oh, and boy-phoenix . . . Deity Drakearon tells me he looks forward to an engagement with you,” Purah said.

  “Well, you tell that sick bastard I ain’t interested in marriage proposals and when I see him, I’m gonna . . .” Gisbo screamed as he marched towards Purah. Falcon stepped in.

  “Whoa, whoa, take it easy tiger.” Falcon said with a wink as he stood beside his son, lancing one final glare at Purah and Lokin.

  “Careful, boy-phoenix. As the Renegades say, pride before the fall . . .” Purah said with a final cryptic smile.

  “Be seeing you boys!” Lokin said with a haphazard salute.

  And with that, both Purah and Lokin passed into the Reath. A flash of light and pulse of energy engulfed them and within an instant, both men and the Reath were gone without a trace.

  Gisbo slumped to the ground, nearly blacking out from sheer exhaustion as the flames on his sword returned to normal, Flarian red flames. Oddly enough, as the red essence returned, the handle in his sword cracked, causing the red orb to tumble out. Gisbo’s eyes expanded in awe when his essence didn’t dissipate. For the first time, he was using Elekai' correctly.

  “So, how does it feel to know you aren’t going to explode after all?” Narroway said, taking a seat on the floor next to Gisbo.

  “I . . . this is all just so . . .” Gisbo muttered, unable to really think of a response.

  “Don’t worry, son, you’ve done your part well tonight, although I can guarantee you are confused beyond belief,” Narroway said. Gisbo just nodded as he watched the boys around him begin walking around, dazed and confused.

  “Before I explain anything else, I think we need to return these children back to their families, get a warm meal in their stomachs AND throw the biggest celebration Heaven’s Shelter has ever seen!” Narroway said as he patted Gisbo’s back and rose to get the kids in order. Turning his attention to them, Gisbo saw Jackobi sit up, rubbing his chin as he made eye contact with Gisbo sitting across from him.

  “So, um,” Gisbo stammered.

  “Yeah . . .” Jackobi muttered as Rolce came and stood over them both.

  “Well, might as well start with introductions, eh? My name’s Rolce Moordin,” Rolce said as he stuck a hand out to Jackobi.

  “And this guy right here is Gisbo Falcon!” Gisbo said as he outstretched a hand too. Jackobi shook both hands with a grin.

  “You know my name; I loathe repeating myself. It’s good…to finally meet you. Both of you,” Jackobi said with a smile as the boys helped him rise to his shaky feet.

  “Ok, before anything else, I have a serious question I need to ask you,” Gisbo said.

  “Yeah?” Jackobi asked, cocking a curious glance toward him.

  “You like sushi?” Gisbo asked. At this, Jackobi’s face lit up.

  “You kiddin'? I love the stuff!” Jackobi said.

  “Jackobi my friend, on that assurance, I think it's safe to give you the extra bunk in our dorm. Welcome to the best synergy in Heaven’s Shelter!” Gisbo smiled as he pumped his hand once more. The complete synergy all laughed together for the first time.

  Gisbo turned to see Falcon leaning against a large stalagmite, arms folded and smiling at their little group. Gisbo left them and walked over to his class master, his father.

  “So, what, do I call you 'Dad' or something now?” Gisbo asked. Falcon merely shrugged.

  “Long as I can call you meathead,” he said with a smile.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Gisbo asked.

  “Why didn’t you ever ask?” Falcon countered. Gisbo just shrugged.

  “I tried . . . HEY! Don’t turn this around on me! You’re supposed to be the responsible adult!” Gisbo said, pointing at Falcon.

  “Do I look like a responsible adult to you?” Falcon said as he stepped forward and placed both hands on his son's shoulders.

  “Gisbo, I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but really couldn’t find a way to do it. With a past like mine, I hope you understand. What Purah told you was indeed true, I was an agent of Drakearon and do have the evil flowing through me.” Falcon slowly removed his bandana, revealing the same grotesque symbol that appeared on Rolce’s forehead. It started to drip before Falcon wiped it away and tied the bandana back on.

  “It has now been over twenty years since I have last released the Drakeness, yet the craving is always there. I am reminded every time I hurt myself, as it heals my wounds for me on its own. The amount of willpower needed to resist during such times is extraordinary,” Falcon said.

  “So there is no healing technique for Flarians? That time you got your hand nearly melted off by Ricard, the Drakeness healed you?” Gisbo asked.

  “I thought when we discussed it that you came out of there unscathed, Falcon . . .” Foxblade chimed in behind him.

  “Technically I did . . .” Falcon said, rubbing the back of his head and smiling nervously.

  “I see. Secrets, secrets, secrets . . .” Foxblade mumbled.

  “But yeah, only a lucky few know of healing abilities, Gisbo. As for the Drakeness, I was one of the rare lucky ones to break my addiction and get it under control. Others weren’t so lucky, I’m afraid. Those who get fully consumed by the addiction and surrender themselves to it become monsters. The creatures that you saw as you spiraled through the portal are what is left of Drakearon's most worthy of followers, the ones who provide him power. The more people Drakearon enslaves, the more power he generates and the more power his followers receive in return. I’m sure you can see the danger of something like this spreading. As of now, I am one of the only known people to overcome the addiction. It is a fight every day for me, but as long as I have my will and my friends around me, I will never give in. You know what helped me overcome it the most?” Falcon said. Gisbo shook his head. Falcon smiled before answering.

  “It was you, Gisbo. When you were born, I wanted to be the best role model possible. Just seeing your face and thinking of you dulled the cravings and gave me happiness like no other, a sense of purpose. You became my passion. I want to continue to be that example for you, Gisbo. I may have my shortcomings, but as I said before, I will pour all that I am into you to make you the best warrior and the best man you can be. I love you, son,” Falcon said in a low voice. By now, both father and son had tears in their eyes as they embraced. Clapping erupted all around them as those closest looked on, watery eyed too.

  “Hey! Would you guys quit it!” Gisbo yelled.

  “This isn’t for your entertainment!” Falcon chimed in.

  “It’s best to appreciate moments like these in life, my dear friend Falcon. As one who has lost seventeen years of his own, it’s safe to say I know what I’m talking about. Please say you still have that secret recipe marinade of yours, old friend. Please say it's true! If you could marinate the entire cow, it couldn’t satisfy my appetite!” Shax exclaimed as he put an arm around his son. Falcon nodded.

  “For you, Shax, anything. We had assumed the worst about you for so long; good to see the saying about assuming stands true, even after all these years. Welcome home!” Falcon said with a smile.

  “Wait, do you mean to say it was your bright idea to name me after a dog? Huh? Not only that, but the Flarian name for dog? That’s heaping insult upon injury! Gisbo? Really? Fido would have been easier! What the hell!” Gisbo accused.

  “Huh, you think just because I’m your dad I named you Gisbo?” Falcon said with a gleam in his eye.

  “Wait, wait one second . . . do you mean, I have a mom?” Gisbo asked.

  “Of course you had a mom. Do I need to explain where babies come from?” Falcon teased.

  “NO! Of course not! Where is she? Is she . . .” Gisbo asked, only to be cut off by Falcon's shushing.

  “That’s a story for another day,” Falcon said in a quiet tone.

  “Well! I don’t know about the lot of you, but I believe Heaven’s Shelter would be an ideal place to catch up on things rather than doing it here! Let us all leave this place and return home!” Narroway said with gusto.

  Everyone agreed and they began their trek out of the cave. To their surprise, the cave’s entrance was crowded by armed men clad in green uniforms. At the forefront stood a man of huge stature, with battle scars crisscrossing his proud, bearded face and brandishing a dark green eye patch. On his green uniform were two long ribbons that stretched down each of his shoulder pads, longer than all the other Strifes.

“Narroway . . .” Chieftain Lamik said.

  “Lamik . . .” Narroway answered, with a hint of disgust in his voice.

  “I trust you dealt with the traitorous bunch without mercy?” Lamik said. Narroway shook his head.

  “They are gone for now, suffice it to say, and everyone is unharmed. That should be enough,” Narroway said.

  “As soft as always. Evil deserves death or suffering or it will continue to thrive,” Lamik said.

  “Don’t speak to me of your twisted justice, Lamik, I know full well of your Glaknabrade prison. This is Renegade business; just be thankful your son is safe and was never in any real danger,” Narroway said, eyes full of cool fury.

  “To me, Malik,” Lamik ordered. Upon command, the boy that Gisbo had pummeled earlier and had been equally pummeled by made his way through the group to stand beside his father. Lamik lifted a hand to the boy's chin, cocking Malik’s head upward to examine the massive cut stretching from his eye to his nose.

  “A worthy wound. Wear this scar with pride and know one day you will take revenge on the one that gave it to you. A Strife forever!” Lamik said.

  Gisbo placed a hand over the side of his face, fingering the cut that Malik had given him. Lamik figures it was Purah instead of me, doesn’t he? Gisbo thought warily. He wondered if Malik knew the true origin of the scar when suddenly, as if reading his mind, Malik turned and gave him a wicked stare, his eye fluttering in pain from the gash across it.

  “I look forward to it. A Strife forever!” Malik declared without taking his eyes off Gisbo. There was something about this boy that made Gisbo's skin crawl even more than Ranto, Thomson or Rake - and that was saying a lot. They were just spoiled rotten when all was said and done, but not this boy - not Malik. There was something dangerous behind those eyes, something familiar . . . whatever it was, Gisbo didn’t like it.

  “Yours is bigger . . .” Gisbo said, mouthing the words so as not to be heard, and making a diagonal cutting motion across his own eye with a finger. Gisbo was used to Thomson's reaction of rage at such disrespect, or Ranto shrugging him off as worthless in a haughty huff, but what Malik did surprised him.

  He smiled, deliberately. There was something maniacal behind it.

  Who is this kid? Gisbo wondered as he returned the smile with one of his own. It was then Gisbo felt it: the strange sense of destiny overtaking him. He couldn’t explain how he knew, only how he felt, and Gisbo realized exactly what he saw in the boy’s face. The eyes, and teeth, of a lone wolf.