Read Rescued Runaway Page 30

Chapter 30

  “So how did it go with James?” Cassie looked up from her salad.

  “Much better than I expected. James took it with reasonably good grace. He hasn’t been any happier with us than we’ve been with him. The public story is that he’s disappointed we didn’t make him a partner, so he’s looking for a better opportunity. We’re letting him take most of his clients with him.”

  “Those are the ones who are giving you problems, right?”

  “Not exactly, but they seem to prefer a more aggressive approach to tax planning than either Charles or I are comfortable with.”

  “Ginette will be happy, then. Charles won’t admit it but he was losing sleep over some of James’ clients.”

  “And you know this how?” Frank reached for his decaf.

  “I listen, remember?” Cassie paused then continued, “Ginette and I were talking at the art show about how well you get along with Charles and she complimented me on how patient I was with all of the elders.”

  Frank smiled, “Well, you do have a lot of experience with them.”

  Cassie shrugged. “I suppose. Well, we chatted about a number of things then Paula Mainwaring marched over to complain to Ginette about how difficult Charles was being with Dean. She was pretty snotty about it and when Ginette introduced me Paula assumed I was your daughter because she assumed you were Charles’ age and ignored me. When Ginette made it clear that I was your wife, she raised an eyebrow and gave me the usual look.”

  “The ‘you’re too young to understand’ look? Or the ‘why should I talk to Frank’s bimbo’ look?”

  Cassie snickered. “I think it was the ‘I thought Frank was an idiot before but now I’m certain’ look. Remember, she didn’t meet you until after she met me and thought you were forty years older than me. Anyway, Ginette held her temper and started to apologize after Mrs. Mainwaring finished her rant and left. I wouldn’t let her apologize but she did say that most of James’ regular clients were equally difficult and asked me if you had trouble with some of the decisions that they were asking you to facilitate. So, putting two and two together, I think that Charles is very happy you let James go.”

  “Charles certainly seemed to be in a good mood this afternoon. He seemed relieved that James is gone.” Frank sighed. “I don’t think anyone should enjoy firing people. Dad seems to, though, which is another thing that gets between us. If I had thought that James would correct his behaviour I would have tried that first but I don’t think he’s got the same moral code as Charles and I do.”

  “Has he done anything unethical that you’d have to report?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. The ethical standards of our profession are fairly clear but it is possible to do things that I would consider immoral and still abide by professional ethics.”

  “Like what?”

  “For instance, I wouldn’t be able to work for or with a medical clinic that counsels or performs abortions. And I couldn’t work for a casino either. But they are legal businesses that need to be audited and that need advice on financial planning and reporting. It would be entirely ethical for me to provide them with sound advice or to audit them but I couldn’t do it.”

  “Have you had to turn anyone down for those sorts of reasons?”

  “Not since I became partners with Charles but I did ask to be reassigned a couple of times when I worked at Deloitte in Halifax. They asked me to audit a strip club once and I said no.” Frank snickered. “Back before I became a Christian I would have thought I’d died and gone to heaven, but now?” Frank shrugged. “My manager wasn’t happy with me and a bunch of the guys teased me about it but most of the women on staff were supportive. There were at least a dozen volunteers to replace me.”

  “So how do you feel about Mum being a stripper?”

  “I’m sad that she felt her choices were that limited. But we all, including me, make choices that are not very Christian and my behaviour before I came to Jesus was pretty bad. I pray for her, you know, that she’ll eventually turn to Jesus and start to turn her life around.” Frank grinned. “Besides, if she hadn’t been dancing in that club, she wouldn’t have met your father and had you.”

  Cassie stood to clear the salad plates and bring a small meat pie and steamed vegetables to the table. “Any news from the forensic team?”

  “Not directly. I don’t expect them back in the office until after Thanksgiving although Joanne will probably be in the office to coordinate everything. Trevor called to say that Henry had scheduled a video conference for this afternoon to announce some changes. Tony and J. David and the presidents of the three other subsidiaries got their notices this morning and Joanne’s people asked for their Blackberries and laptops before they could wipe anything. The new presidents were on site at the four subs this morning to supervise the forensic teams and to give the other participants their pink slips. A couple of people in Tony’s section were also let go. The CFO from the Vancouver subsidiary has agreed to take over temporarily while Henry looks for Tony’s replacement.”

  “So that part’s over?”

  “It’s really just starting. Trevor has already been forwarded two statements of claim for wrongful dismissal and gotten calls from several reporters.”

  “That was quick. Did the police go in with the forensic teams?”

  “They did, which is why the press is interested.” Frank smiled. “Henry made Marie-Ève acting CFO at Alawen. She called me to thank me for my support. She’s got interviews lined up already to hire three new people. She figures that by Christmas she’ll be down to a thirty five hour week except for the first week of each month when she’ll have to do the month end reports and maybe an extra week of overtime at year end.”

  There was a tentative knock at the kitchen door. Carmen peeked around the corner. “Miz Ellis?”

  Cassie looked up and said, “Yes, Carmen?”

  “There was a man who come by this morning. He say he was your father.”

  “It can’t be. My father died last year.” Cassie stiffened in panic. “Was he a big balding man?”

  Carmen nodded. “Yes, Miz Ellis.”

  Cassie looked at Frank and said, “Gord.”

  Frank looked at Cassie to gauge her mood then asked Carmen, “Did he leave a message?”

  “No, Mr. Ellis. He want to wait in de house but Miz Ellis she told me no one was to come in de house unless you are home. He wait in his car for almost two hour then drive away.”

  Cassie took a deep breath. “You did the right thing, Carmen. He is never welcome here.”

  Frank smiled. “Thank you, Carmen, for letting us know.”

  Carmen nodded then closed the connecting door. Cassie sat stiffly at her place, ignoring her rapidly cooling soup.

  Frank said, “Are you all right?” Then he added, as he stood, “That was a stupid question, sorry. Do you need a hug?”

  Cassie stood mutely and held out her arms.

  Frank pulled her close. “What do you think he wanted?”

  “Money, probably, it’s why he married Mum in the first place. Someone in the building probably saw that picture of me wearing the Murcheson emeralds. We are in the phone book and the article did say we were based in Ottawa.”

  Frank stroked her back, carefully avoiding her neck and shoulders. “Will I need to hire security, I wonder?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Probably.”

  “Do you want me to drive you to school and back for the next few days?”

  “You know that I’m still not comfortable in the house by myself. Especially after dark.”

  Frank squeezed her and stood back. “Then I won’t leave you alone except at school until you tell me to. But you might have to come with me on Tuesday and Thursday to the pool. Or we could ask Meghan to sit with you or have you visit with her.”

  Cassie wiped at a tear. “It feels cowardly, Frank. I should be able to stand up to him.”

  “He’s bigger than me, Cassie, and we both know he won’t hesitate to use his fists. W
e were lucky he was wasted the morning we showed up at your Mum’s.”

  “Should I call the police?”

  “It’s up to you.”

  “Maybe Alain can get someone to come over to your work to talk to me?”

  “I’ll call him first thing tomorrow. I’ll try to set something up for after school.”

  “Okay.” Cassie took a deep breath. “We should finish supper.”


  Frank tried to release her but Cassie snuggled closer seeking comfort.