Read Rescued by the Woodsman Page 11

  “Know what I wanted to do every time I saw you bent over that desk?” he murmured, leaning forward and bracing one hand near my head.



  I expected him to pull my panties down.

  He didn’t.

  The hard, stinging blow from his hand was a shock I couldn’t prepare for. Yelping, I jerked upright, but he had braced one hand on the small of my back, holding me steady.

  “Now are you ready to walk?” he asked, voice still calm.

  “I…” My head was spinning. My ass felt stung where he’d struck me, but while there was a minor pain, I didn’t really hurt. Gulping for air, I answered in a raspy voice, “I don’t know.”

  “You better decide.” He spanked me a second time.

  A rush of wetness between my thighs caught me off-guard, the punch of arousal so visceral, I didn’t know how to process it.

  The hand on the small of my back slid up to tangle in my hair as he held me in place and spanked me a third, then a fourth time. After that, he slid his fingers down between my thighs and tested me. “You’re wet. But that doesn’t mean you want this. Are you ready to walk?”

  I knew the answer.


  He spanked me again, and I shuddered, realized I’d lifted up for that blow. After a seventh then eighth swat, a fine sweat broke out over my body. He stopped at the tenth and pulled me up, staring down into my face. “Kneel.”

  The word came out clipped and tight, and it never occurred to me not to do it.

  “Unzip me. I want that mouth on me. You’re going to swallow my cock.”

  I moaned, and my hands shook as I obeyed his orders. He was bigger, thicker than Aaron, and I had to stretch my mouth wide to take him. He didn’t immediately grab my head and try to ram himself straight down my throat. He let me learn him, and in turn, he learned me, one hand fisted in my hair, guiding me until he found my natural rhythm, then he fell into it, fucking my mouth as surely as he’d fucked my body the last time.

  “Play with yourself,” he ordered, the command coming as if from a distance.

  But again, the thought of not obeying just didn’t occur to me.

  I slipped my fingers inside my panties to find liquid wetness, my flesh swollen and slick. Just the feel of myself so aroused was another turn-on, and I had to stop for a second, pulling away from him and resting my head on his thigh.

  He didn’t say anything, waiting for me to come back to him, and there was no question – I was going back.

  The head of his cock was thick and round, angled off to the side just the slightest. I’d had that penis inside me. He’d made me come harder than I’d ever come before.

  I raked my teeth across him.

  He shuddered.

  Sliding one finger inside my pussy, I gasped around his cock at the intense sensation. It hadn’t ever felt this good while masturbating.

  “Keep it up…make me come. Make yourself come, Stella,” Lukas said. He gripped both sides of my head now, rocking to meet me, shuttling his cock back and forth past my lips.

  I swallowed the head just the slightest, and another faint shake rocked him.

  The first liquid drops of precum seeped free, and I licked them away before moving faster on him. I would have begged for more, desperate for the climax now, but I was in control. Or so I thought. I caught his balls, squeezed.

  He reached down, covering my hand with his and adding pressure, more and more until my grasp was so tight, it had to hurt.

  A growl escaped him.

  He thrust deeper and held still, the head of his cock at the very back of my throat. My eyes watered. Under the ministrations of my thumb, my clit was stiff, pulsing.

  I rocked against my hand one last time, and it was all over.

  I came apart just as he started to come, flooding my mouth with his release. I would have pulled away, desperate for air, but the fist in my hair held me steady, forced me to take more, and more.

  The need for air, the need to moan out the rhythm of my climax rose inside me and then I was free, still kneeling in front of him, my head pressed to his thigh as the aftershocks of my climax pulsed.

  Wow, I mouthed to myself.

  But I didn’t say anything out loud.

  I was a little afraid to.

  * * *

  Lukas had slid down to sit in front of his desk next to me.

  Without conscious thought, I slumped over and rested my head on his thigh.

  He tensed, but after a moment, he reached up and combed his fingers through my hair. “You still glad you stayed?” he asked after what felt like an eternity.

  “Yes.” Rolling my head around so I could look up at him, I said softly, “I’m glad I stayed…and I want more. More of this, and I’m not just talking about us having another go against the desk once my knees are working again.”

  A faint smile quirked his lips up, but he didn’t answer right away.

  His gaze slid away, and he stared out at nothing for what felt like an eternity. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Stella.”

  “Why not?” I cocked a brow at him as I met his gaze.

  “I just…” He stopped and shook his head, still not looking at me. Finally, after a moment, he said, “I’d have to think about it.”

  And something told me he meant that in the very real sense of the word.


  He must have been doing some serious thinking, and he was doing all of it away from me.

  I barely saw him during the days that followed.

  And I looked. Well, I looked when I had time, and that wasn’t as often as I would have liked.

  We were slammed. It turned out that the ‘project’ he’d had us working on over the retreat wasn’t just a speculative thing. No, he’d actually used the retreat to get us to come up with some ideas he could pitch to a local non-profit, and now, I was in charge.

  In charge. I wasn’t just helping Breanna or working with a team, I was in charge. I was due to have lunch with the head of the small, local non-profit later this week, and Breanna had beamed at me as she turned over a company credit card. “Use this power wisely, young one,” she’d intoned, and we’d both laughed,

  Logically, I shouldn’t have had a chance to even think about Lukas at work.

  But I did.

  Too much.

  By the time Friday rolled around, I was wondering if he’d even meant it when he said he needed to think about it and whether he’d bother telling me if he’d decided he wasn’t interested in pursuing anything else. I wasn’t even sure myself just what anything else might entail, but I definitely wasn’t done.

  My phone rang almost before I had a chance to put my things down as I entered my cubicle, and I hesitated to pick it up. Both the head of marketing and a couple of others had been treating me with more than a little cool distance, and I’d seen them talking furtively with Terri from time to time. My meeting with Tony, the head of marketing, about the two team ‘projects’ had been strained at best. I told him that I’d been at work on the logo that had been so similar to Terri’s for well over a week. I even shown him the timestamps on my work.

  He’d brushed it all off and started on a heated monologue, detailing just what I should and shouldn’t do with the company expense card and what was going to be expected of me as I headed up such a large project.

  I’d felt about two feet tall when I left.

  He’d called me into his office two more times since then, and each time, I’d left with similar results.

  If this was him…

  Another chime from my phone, and I picked it up. “Stella Best speaking.”

  “It’s Lukas. Come to my office, please.”

  My heart lurched up into my throat.

  “Yes, sir. Of course.”

  As I put the phone down, I saw that my hand was shaking.

  * * *

  Lukas sat behind his desk.

  He looked cool and in control as I shut the door,
a sharp contrast to me and my trembling fingers.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  He gestured to the door. “Lock that, will you?”

  I did so and hazarded a few more steps deeper into the room, but I didn’t take one of the seats. It was easier to clasp my hands behind my back – and hiding their tremors – if I remained on my feet.

  “Have you changed your mind about the request you made?” he asked softly.


  Something flickered in his eyes. I couldn’t tell if it was relief or what. It didn’t make the nerves dancing in my belly go away. Licking my lips, I thought calming, soothing thoughts and when that didn’t work, I thought about how wild and crazed I’d felt with him. That boosted my confidence some. I’d felt…wanted. Not just sexually, which was always nice, but there had been something about the way he touched me that made it clear he was touching me – it wasn’t just a sexual release he was after, but he’d wanted me.

  That helped, and I met his eyes with more self-assurance.

  “Have you decided?” I asked calmly.

  “I have.” He gestured to one of the seats. “Why don’t you sit?”

  Emotions unfurled inside me, and they were both terror and relief – because I already knew what he’d decided. If he’d decided against the two of us pursuing…whatever this was, he’d just say no and send me along on my way. There would be no reason for anything else.

  “This isn’t going to be a relationship,” he said bluntly. “You need to understand that right off the bat. I’m not looking for romance, and I’m not going to offer any. If you want that, you should get up and leave now. I won’t blame you one bit.”

  Mouth dry, it took me a second to form the words to respond. “There wasn’t a lot of romance happening the other day. I still want more.” My nipples were already tight and throbbing, sensitive to the point of pain, I wanted so much more.

  “No.” Lukas stroked a finger down his jaw, his eyes lingering on my mouth. “There wasn’t. But that barely scratched the surface. You may have already guessed that I have…issues about control. As in, I want all of it. This won’t be a give and take thing.”

  “Does that mean you get all the orgasms?”

  To my surprise, a heated smile curled his lips. “Well, perhaps there will be some give and take. I’ll give you pleasure, the likes of which you can’t imagine. I’ll take pleasure too. But it’s my rules, Stella. Can you handle that?”

  “I got an indication of just how you liked to play the other day.” I tried for a casual shrug, and I think I somewhat managed well enough. “I can’t say I’ve got much experience with it, but I’ve never had any desire to…” I hesitated, trying to sound much more sophisticated about the matter than I really was. “Take the lead, so to speak.”

  “You didn’t have any problem back at the lodge.”

  Pursing my lips, I pondered the way I’d kissed him, then I shrugged. “True. Are you telling me that if I get it in my head to kiss you, you don’t want me to?”

  Lukas cocked his head, and I could actually see the way he thought that over, and to my surprise – and his, I think – he said, “Actually, I don’t think I’d mind you kissing me. But you won’t be the one in charge here. I will. Again, if that unsettles you and worries you, it’s best you leave now.”

  “If I was unsettled or worried, I never would have told you that I wanted more.” I still ached, still burned for more.

  “When I tell you to do something, I expect obedience.”

  “What if it’s something I don’t want to do?” I countered.

  “If you’re really against it, then tell me. But I will push your limits, Stella. Be prepared for that.”

  “You’ve been doing that since I first met you. I wouldn’t expect you to stop now.”

  That familiar, wolfish smile settled on his face, and he nodded. “I think we understand each other then. Just remember…what you and I will share will be purely physical – sex, nothing more. It isn’t going to end up in a happy ever after with a white picket fence. That sort of future isn’t for me.”

  It made me sad for him, and I thought about what I’d seen him doing in the shed, but I held my tongue. He’d already made it clear this wouldn’t venture into emotional ground. I doubted he wanted to hear that I’d seen him at a time when he’d been stripped so bare, so vulnerable.

  “Is there anything else?”

  He crooked a finger at me, and I got up and circled around the desk. He pulled me between his legs and rested his hands on my hips, studying me lazily. I felt as if that slate-blue gaze could see straight through me, and by the time he reached my eyes, I felt more naked than I’d ever felt in my life.

  “Kiss me,” he said.

  Slowly, I bent down and pressed my mouth to his.

  “Do better than that, Stella.”

  I traced my tongue along his lips, tasting him again and knowing, just knowing, I’d never in my life find another man who made my knees weak the way he did.

  Then you better enjoy it while you can, I thought. I twined my arms around his neck and leaned into him, letting him take my weight as I deepened the kiss. He let me, remaining passive as I slid my tongue into his mouth. The kiss was slow, decadent and deep…and completely one-sided.

  Breaking away from him, I fought to control my breathing. “Is something wrong?”

  “No. I was just checking something.” He reached up and touched one finger to my mouth, but he didn’t elaborate beyond that. “Come back here.”

  This time, he kissed me, and if I’d been breathless before, it was nothing compared to how much I struggled for air when he broke away this time.

  “Go,” he said curtly, pushing me away so unexpectedly, I stumbled back a few steps. “We both have work. I’ll text you later.”

  * * *

  “Lunch?” Breanna stood at the entrance of my cubicle with a hopeful look on her face.

  I grinned at her gratefully. “Lunch, absolutely.”

  I’d been hoping she’d want to go out. I felt like I was coming out of my skin, sitting around waiting for a call or text that might not come until later tonight. Tomorrow, for all I knew.

  But we were almost out of our work area when my phone chimed, signaling an incoming text. I pulled my phone out and almost died when I read the message.

  It was from Lukas. It was short and simple, although I could in no way call it sweet.

  I want you to go to the restroom and take off your panties before you leave.

  Swallowing, I shot a furtive glance backward, but I didn’t seem him. How he knew I was leaving, I had no idea.

  Now, Stella.

  “Breanna,” I said, hoping my voice didn’t betray the nerves I felt. “I’m going to run to the restroom before we head over there. The one at the restaurant is always so crowded.”

  She glanced back at me as she went to pull her coat from the series of hooks near the employee entrance. “That’s a good idea.”

  I nearly died a second time when she followed me, and once we were inside, I went straight to the stall on the far side of the wall, moving with an almost deliberate casualness in hopes she wouldn’t notice anything weird. If she did, she said nothing.

  Once I was in there, I sat down and pulled out my phone to re-read the message.


  He wanted my panties off.

  Blushing despite the fact that there was no way he could see me, I slowly stood up and lifted my skirt.

  I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

  * * *

  After you’re done for the day, come to my office.

  It was almost four by the time I got another text from him.

  I’d known one would come.

  He wouldn’t have made me take my panties off and then…nothing.

  I was acutely aware of the fact that I was bare under the skirt, and I was so glad I’d worn a longer, pencil-style skirt today, one covered in tiny little pin-stripes. The thin red silk blouse I wore had
long sleeves and buttoned at the nape of my neck, but did little to help with the odd chills that racked me off and on.

  I knew what it was – arousal. A long, drawn-out session of terminal horniness brought about by my own anticipation of wondering what he was up to. And he was up to something.

  Now, as I read his message, I swallowed hard and debated. Finally, I replied.

  I’m wrapping up the Big City, Big Love campaign. Should have it done in 1hr. Do you need me before then?

  Seconds ticked by, me sitting there hyper-aware that somebody might see me staring at my phone, mesmerized. Nobody did, and it was nothing unusual for one of us to be eying our phones. We texted clients, surfed the web looking for inspiration or stats. The world had become a technological one, and the advertising industry was definitely one that relied heavily on it.

  But I was paranoid somebody would look at me and just know – you’re flirting with the boss!

  Nothing happened, and after a few seconds, his response popped up.

  You can finish the job. The client wants it first thing Monday, and you won’t be working any this weekend.

  I huffed out an annoyed breath. No, I wouldn’t. Of course, I also had plans on Sunday that involved me and Breanna, not him. Maybe I needed to go over limits of my own. I had to stay me. I had a terrifying feeling he could consume me.

  But that was something that could wait until later.

  Turning my eyes back to the monitor, I told myself to focus.

  Normally that was something that came easily to me, but ever since Lukas had come into the equation, focus had become harder and harder to come by.

  * * *

  “What is that?” I asked weakly, staring at the garments carefully laid out – displayed – on the desk in front of me. My jaw dropped as one piece in particular jumped out at me. “Is that…that’s a corset. Please tell me that’s not for me.”