Read Resident Evil Legends Part Seven - Aftermath Page 8

  Chapter 8

  Hunk sat on the edge of the bed and absentmindedly rubbed his leg, watching the television as it showed shaky images of the remains of Raccoon City from a national news channel. His leg was in better shape now after some real medical attention, having been stitched up properly the night before, although it still hurt badly. The pain pills helped with that, but Hunk expected he would bear that pain for the rest of his life. His fingers traced the jagged scar through the fabric of his khakis.

  The phone next to the bed rang and he picked it up, grunting a response.

  “We’ll be there to pick you up in a few minutes,” a gruff male voice said.

  “I’ll be ready,” Hunk responded, and hung the phone back up.

  He and his mysterious partner, the woman who went by the name Ada, were picked up at the motel only a few hours after she made her phone call. Two plain cars arrived with five men dressed in civilian clothes, and they very quickly and efficiently picked them up and drove off. Hunk didn’t ask where they were going and no one bothered to tell him.

  They were taken directly to a small airfield and shoved aboard a private jet. Hunk slept on the flight for an unknown amount of time, and when he woke up, they were in Japan. He hadn’t seen Ada since they stepped off the plane.

  And now, he was a guest at a very expensive hotel in downtown Tokyo. His room window offered a wonderful view of the city, but the curtains remained closed. Hunk was not interested in taking in the sights. At the moment, he was concerned with staying alive, and hoping that his new benefactors found him useful enough to keep around.

  Three men in dark suits came for him and escorted him from the hotel to the underground parking lot, where a black limousine with tinted windows was waiting. Hunk winced in pain a bit when he climbed inside, and the men closed the door after him.

  “Well, how do you feel?” Ada asked, seated across from him. She was dressed in a very flattering black miniskirt and black suit jacket, with black high heels and sleek nylons. Sitting with her legs crossed, she held a glass of wine in her slim hand. Golden jewelry flashed on her wrists, and her eyes twinkled attractively.

  “I feel fine,” Hunk said, leaning back and setting his hands in his lap.

  “Care for a drink?” Ada asked.

  “No thanks.”

  “Good, then I’m going to have another,” Ada said with a smirk, and downed the rest of her glass. She reached into the minibar and poured herself another as the limousine began moving.

  “Where are we going?” Hunk asked. Out the tinted windows, he caught glimpses of crowded sidewalks and heavy traffic as the limo zipped through the streets of downtown Tokyo.

  Ada cleared her throat and said, “We are going to meet my employers. They want to have a face-to-face meeting with us.” She paused and then downed the glass of wine in one swallow.

  “Do you always get drunk before meetings with your boss?”

  “I’ve never had a meeting with them before.”

  “That’s not encouraging.”

  “No, it isn’t,” Ada said distractedly. “There’s a very good chance that when the meeting is over, they’ll kill us both and dump our bodies in the ocean.”

  “Is that why you got so dressed up?”

  “If I’m going to die today, I might as well look my best.”

  “Well, I have to admit that you look very nice,” Hunk said humorlessly. “Maybe you and I could have a quickie here in the limo before the meeting. If they’re going to kill us, it might be our last chance to get laid.”

  “I’m tempted to take you up on that offer,” Ada said emotionlessly, not looking at him. The empty wine glass remained in her hand, as if waiting to be refilled again.

  “I was being sarcastic,” Hunk said.

  “I don’t care. I like strong, violent men, and you fit the bill.”

  “You really are scared to go to this meeting, aren’t you?”

  “Scared shitless,” Ada said softly, returning to the minibar to refill her glass again.

  The limousine wove through traffic and a few minutes later pulled into another underground parking lot, this one with armed security guards at the entrance. They drove down to a brightly lit area, separate from the rest of the parked cars, and the limo came to a stop.

  The doors opened abruptly and more men in dark suits escorted Hunk and Ada out of the vehicle, submachine guns visible under their black jackets. They were taken to an elevator and directed inside, but none of the guards went inside with them. The elevator doors closed and they felt the elevator start to rise.

  “Do you even know who it is that we’re meeting?” Hunk asked.

  Ada shook her head, looking at herself in the reflection of the elevator doors. She brushed some stray hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “I’ve never met them before. I only speak to them on the phone.”

  “If they were going to kill us, they wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble to bring us here.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “Why would they want us dead, anyway?”

  “Because I failed my mission,” Ada explained. “I was sent in to gather information on high ranking Umbrella scientists, and attempt to infiltrate one of their labs. We had a contact there, someone we thought we could bribe. But obviously, my mission didn’t go as planned. My employers don’t appreciate failure.”

  More armed guards were waiting for them when the elevators doors opened. Ada walked confidently forward, her high heels slicking smartly on the marble floor, acting as if nothing was wrong. Hunk almost smiled at her behavior, but he was too tired to smile. He didn’t think they were going to be executed, despite Ada’s worst fears, but at the same time he didn’t think he was going to see Ada again after today. Which was a shame, because she was an interesting person. Undeniably beautiful, mysterious, dangerous, and able to hold her own in a fight. Hunk almost wished he could have gotten the chance to really see her in action.

  They were brought through a pair of doors into a huge conference room dominated by an enormous conference table lined with dozens of black leather chairs. One entire wall was made up of floor-to-ceiling windows looking out toward Tokyo Bay. Two people were seated at the head of the table, talking quietly to each other, but there was no one else in the room.

  One of them was a middle-aged white man in a smooth black suit. His graying hair was slicked back and his dark eyes were set behind a pair of wire framed glasses. He stood up when they approached and stuck out a hand, his fingers adorned with large gold rings. Ada and Hunk both shook his hand but neither of them spoke.

  “My name is Reginald Dane,” he said in a deep, commanding voice. “Please, be seated. Both of you. We have much to discuss.”

  The other person at the table was a thin, attractive blonde woman wearing a blue blouse and black slacks. She had a self-satisfied smile on her face, and barely even glanced at Ada or Hunk, not bothering to introduce herself.

  “This is Agent Takashi,” Dane said to the woman, motioning to Ada, “and with her is Mr. Hunklemeyer, formerly of Umbrella’s security force.” He then turned to Ada and Hunk and said, “And this is Gianna Aldritch, a representative from the firm who hired us.”

  “You can tell them,” Gianna said.

  Dane nodded and sat back, steepling his fingers. “Agent Takashi, you already know some of the details, of course. But let me fill you in on what you don’t know. We were contracted by a company called Tricell. They are one of Umbrella’s largest competitors. One of Umbrella’s employees contacted Tricell recently and indicated he might be willing to sell secrets. Your mission was to contact him and possibly infiltrate one of the Umbrella facilities. You were unable to complete this mission.”

  “Yes, sir,” Ada said softly, although she kept her head up and tried to hide her fear.

  “However,” Dane continued, “your failure to complete your objectives were, of course, not due to your own actions. Performing
your mission became impossible when the city was struck by the outbreak. I understand that.” He glanced at Hunk and added, “But even though you were unable to meet with your original contact, you did manage to secure a different high-level contact within Umbrella. Not bad work, considering the circumstances.”

  Ada nodded a little. “Thank you, sir.”

  Dane leaned back and smiled. “Now, the reason we’re all here today is because the situation has changed considerably. As it turns out, Agent Takashi, some recent events have transpired that have rendered your original mission completely irrelevant. And the fact that you were able to escape from the outbreak without being detected has made you a very valuable asset.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, sir,” Ada said.

  “Perhaps Mrs. Aldritch can explain.”

  Gianna turned in her seat a little in order to face Ada and Hunk, although she regarded them coolly, like some pampered millionaire looking down on poor people. Hunk could tell she was a recent promotion within her company, still getting used to the feeling of power and control. Hunk saw more than his share of new managers and commanding officers in his years with Umbrella. He could tell when someone was trying to establish themselves in a position of authority.

  A man like Dane didn’t have to look down on anyone to prove that he was in charge. He radiated an aura of authority, and just being in the room with him was enough for Hunk to know that he was not a man to be crossed. Dane had been in power for so long that it came naturally to him, and subtle changes in his tone of voice were more than enough to keep his underlings in line. The fact that someone like Ada was so meek in his presence was proof of the man’s powerful effect on people.

  Gianna, on the other hand, did not have that aura of authority, so she tried to make up for it by being aloof and rude. She regarded Ada and Hunk like a pair of vagrants dragged in off the street, barely worth her time. But Hunk could see that it was just an act. She was just as nervous as they were, but she was supposed to be in charge, so she tried to act like she was.

  “The man that you were sent to meet was one of the researchers in the Raccoon City lab,” Gianna said to Ada, “but he was one of the low-level employees there. He didn’t have clearance to the more advanced projects in the lab, unfortunately. So he was not very valuable to us yet, but we hoped that in time he would develop into a very important contact. We don’t have any verification yet, of course, but he probably died in the early stages of the outbreak. So sending you to meet him was basically a waste of our time.”

  A small intercom device on the table beeped and a female voice said, “Mr. Dane, your other guest has arrived.”

  “Send him up,” Dane said, and then nodded to Gianna. “Please, continue.”

  “The reason we’re not concerned about your intended contact anymore is because we have made a deal with another employee from Umbrella. He is a much more important person within their organization, a senior research manager, and after the unfortunate events in Raccoon City, he has decided to join us.”

  Ada took a short breath. “So my failure won’t be held against me?”

  Dane shook his head and gave her a smile. “Quite the opposite, my dear. If things had worked out differently, there may have been some repercussions, I suppose. But given the unique situation, you are currently in line for a promotion.”

  Ada just stared at him, speechless.

  The door opened suddenly and Hunk turned to see who entered. The new arrival wore plain black dress pants and a white shirt, and wore a pair of reflective black sunglasses on his face. He had blond hair and a lean but muscular frame. As he entered the room, Hunk could sense that he, like Dane, was a man accustomed to authority. His movements were deliberate and controlled, but he carried himself like a coiled spring, ready to jump at any moment.

  He walked around the other side of the table and took a seat opposite Ada, sitting next to Dane. Gianna narrowed her eyes and gazed at him intently, and Hunk noticed that Ada seemed mesmerized as well, staring at him in amazement.

  “I recognize you,” Hunk said.

  The man turned and studied Hunk for a moment, his eyes invisible behind the dark sunglasses. “I don’t recognize you. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

  “We haven’t. But we used to work for the same company.”

  “Is that so? What work did you do?”

  “I cleaned up the mess,” Hunk said.

  Ada spoke up, clearing her throat. “I know who you are too. I recognize you from my mission dossier.”

  “Well, it’s nice to know how popular I am,” the man said in a cold monotone. He rested one hand on the surface of the table.

  “Thank you for coming, Wesker,” Gianna said. “This is Ada Wong and Ted Hunklemeyer. Ada works for Mr. Dane here, and Ted was a commander in Umbrella’s classified security force. They managed to escape from the outbreak without being caught.”

  “Fascinating,” Wesker said.

  “I was thinking that they might be worth our time,” Gianna added. “You said that our own security forces are not up to your standards. I thought Mr. Hunklemeyer could add some needed experience to our team.”

  “Please,” Hunk interrupted. “Don’t call me by my last name. Just call me Hunk.”

  Wesker looked at him. “Your code name is Hunk?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Were you part of the squad that tried to take William Birkin into custody?”

  Hunk had no idea how Wesker would have known that, but he did not show his surprise. “Yes, I was in charge of the squad.”

  “Now that actually is fascinating,” Wesker said with a cruel smile. “You’ll have to give me your own first-hand account of what happened. I would love to hear it. A long time ago, you might say that Birkin and I used to be friends.”

  Wesker turned to look at Ada and said, “And what about you?”

  Dane answered for her. “Agent Takashi is one of my most talented field agents. Since she managed to survive the outbreak on her own, Ms. Aldritch suggested that she might make a capable addition to your own team.”

  “Takashi? I thought you said her name was Wong.”

  “I have lots of names,” Ada said. “It comes with the job.”

  “Which name is the real one?”

  “Sorry, I don’t think I know you well enough yet.”

  At that, Wesker actually laughed. It was a short, violent sound, like a bone breaking.

  “Do you approve?” Gianna asked.

  Wesker nodded, an amused smile on his face. “Yes, I think we can work something out.”

  “Wonderful,” Dane said eagerly. Hunk could almost hear the dollar signs ringing over Dane’s head. He also was mildly irritated that he and Ada apparently had no say in the matter. They were being treated like pawns in some high-level corporate chess game.

  “Sir?” Ada asked. “Does this mean I’m being … reassigned?”

  “In a manner of speaking,” Dane said. “You might say that they are placing you under an indefinite contract. For all intents and purposes, you will work for them.”

  “Welcome to Tricell,” Gianna said.

  Wesker pushed his chair back and stood up. “I’m sure you two can work out the details. If you don’t mind, I’ll be getting back to the lab.”

  “Thank you for coming,” Gianna said. “I know how busy you are.”

  As Wesker headed for the door, he gestured for Ada and Hunk to come with him. Ada hesitated momentarily, looking to Dane for permission, but he was already talking to Gianna about reimbursment and fine print. Hunk went after Wesker and Ada quickly followed.

  “They think you’re dead,” Hunk said as they walked down the hall to the elevator.

  “And hopefully they continue to think I’m dead,” Wesker said casually. “But I’m sure they’ll always have their doubts.”

  “So what happens now?” Ada asked. “I’m not sure how I feel about this.”

bsp; The elevator opened and all three of them got inside. Wesker pressed the button for the basement and then leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m afraid your feelings are ireelevant. Your boss just sold you to Tricell. Actually, he sold you to me. Both of you work for me now.”

  “For you personally?” Ada asked.

  Wesker smiled as if sharing some private joke. “Well, technically all three of us work for Tricell. But right now they’ll do anything I tell them to. So if I say that you work for me, then you work for me.”

  “Doing what, exactly?” Ada asked. “I’m not a secretary.”

  “Don’t worry, I have some work already lined up for you. If you’re as good as your boss implied, then it should be a walk in the park.”

  “And what about me?” Hunk asked. “I’m part of your new security team?”

  “Tricell has their own military response team, but they’re little more than a bunch of overpaid mall security guards. Maybe you can actually make a useful combat unit out of them. We’ll need them soon enough. The UBCF lost too many men in Raccoon City, and Umbrella can’t spare the resources to replace them. Eventually, Tricell’s team will have to take over for the UBCF completely.”

  “I left Umbrella because I wanted to get out of the mercenary business,” Hunk admitted. “I was kind of hoping to retire in peace.”

  “Sorry,” Wesker said. “You don’t have a choice.”

  “I know that.”

  “I don’t have a choice either,” Ada said, but she didn’t sound too upset about it. She was still alive, and that alone was more than she had expected.

  “Trust me,” Wesker said. “Some day you’re going to thank me for this. Tricell might think that they own me, but that’s not going to last very long. They’ll make so much money because of my research that before long I’ll have the Board of Directors eating out of my hand. And when that happens I’ll take control of the whole company. If you do what I tell you and do a good job for me, I promise you’ll be rewarded.”

  Ada looked at Wesker and then smiled seductively. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”