Read Resistance Page 32

  Applause trickled from the men, and Kyrin’s cheeks flushed.

  Trask grinned again. “Impressive indeed.”

  She shrugged and unstrung the bow. There were certainly better archers and a big difference between a tree and a moving target—a big difference between a living and non-living target. Even so, possessing skill with the weapon fit in perfectly with the plan developing in her mind.

  Just after lunch, Kyrin sought out Rayad. Everyone was particularly busy since receiving the news from Tane. As much as Kyrin also desired to help the people who would be escaping the emperor as she had, Elôm seemed to be calling her to a different need, and she couldn’t ignore it.

  Rayad had a ready smile for her when she neared. They had shared some good talks since he’d told her about her grandfather. Kyrin enjoyed his stories and hearing of the places he and Warin had seen. She already held a deep respect for him. Now she needed his advice and honest opinion.

  “That was good shooting earlier,” he praised her.

  Kyrin smiled and shrugged. “Thanks. It’s one form of defense girls are allowed to learn at Tarvin Hall. I had a good teacher and practiced a lot.”

  “It’s a good skill to know.” After a pause, Rayad asked, “Can I help you with something?”

  “I hope so.” Kyrin’s idea had grown to such a nagging ember in the back of her mind, she had to believe Elôm had put it there for a purpose. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I really want to help Jace.”

  “Not many people have ever felt that way.”

  “That’s partly why I do. I was bullied at Tarvin Hall right up until I left, and I’ve always tried to help others like me.” Except that those others had always been children like Meredith, not grown men. She hesitated at the uncertainty and unlikelihood of such a task, but every time she contemplated letting go of the idea, it was as if Elôm sent her a little nudge.

  “That seems to be a rare gift these days.”

  “The problem is, I’m not quite sure how to get closer to Jace so I can help him.”

  Rayad loosed a sigh. “It’s a hard thing. I’m not even sure how to do that myself anymore. I think it rests on Jace, whether or not he’ll open up to anyone.”

  Kyrin sent him an uncertain look. If Jace’s closest friend, his mentor, couldn’t get through to him, what made her think she could? Jace didn’t even know her. But she couldn’t give up. Not without trying, at least.

  “I have an idea, but I need to know what you think. Part of the problem is how Jace is always gone, so I thought, maybe he’d let me go out hunting with him.”

  Rayad gave her a gentle but regretful look. “I’m afraid that’s quite unlikely.”

  “I know, and I’m prepared for that, but what I need to know is…” She hesitated as doubts pricked her resolve. This was not like anything she’d done before, and it would be so much easier to let it go. She struggled with it a moment, but pressed on. “You know him better than anyone. If I did go with him, would I be safe?”

  Understanding lit Rayad’s eyes. “What I can tell you is, no matter what anyone thinks, no matter what Jace himself thinks, I know he’s not dangerous. I’ve seen him at his worst, and aside from when we first met, I’ve never once feared for my life or the lives of anyone innocent. It may not be the wisest move on your part for appearance’s sake, but Jace would never harm you.”

  “Thank you. That’s all I wanted to know.”

  Kyrin shivered. Dawn was chilly. She leaned against the cabin as best she could with her quiver and bow strapped to her back and wrapped her arms around herself. Her thoughts drifted to the warm bed she had left a short time ago. It had been hard to leave it, but she reminded herself this was more important than temporary comfort.

  She’d gone over it so many times, this urging she had to befriend Jace, and spent much of the previous day praying about it. In the end, she always came to the same conclusion. Jace needed help, and for some reason, despite her doubts and uncertainties, she felt compelled to give it. She’d made her final decision after discussing it with Lenae before bed. Both believed Elôm was prompting her to act.

  She waited in the dark and watched the trees for any sign of movement. Everything was so still, and peace settled inside her. But at the first glow of sun peeking through the trees, disappointment lurked. According to Rayad, Jace usually came by camp for supplies before setting out for the day. Would this be the one day he didn’t? Please let him come. She’d worked herself up to this, and didn’t want to have to do so again.

  Just before she gave up hope, a shadowed figure approached the supply shack. She straightened. Actually seeing him brought all her doubts to the forefront. How did she expect to accomplish this? How would she even talk to him? She had to admit that the thought of going out alone with him suddenly intimidated her even more than it had yesterday, regardless of Rayad’s assurance. Elôm, don’t let me back out now if You don’t want me to.

  Jace gathered his supplies and then headed away from camp without ever noticing her outside the cabin. Before he went too far, Kyrin took a fortifying breath and set out after him. Her heart thundered. She glanced back to the security of the cabin, but kept on. Still Jace didn’t seem aware of her presence. When she reached the edge of camp, she licked her lips and called his name.

  He stopped and spun around. His wide eyes glinted pale blue even in the low light. Beside him, Tyra gave a wag of her tail. Kyrin hesitated under the guarded intensity with which Jace watched her. What in Ilyon was she doing? She cleared her throat to work her voice loose.

  “I have a favor to ask of you.” She paused to say a quick prayer. Jace’s eyes bored into her. “Would you teach me how to hunt?”

  His brows dipped low, shadowing his eyes. He stared at her and appeared to wonder if he’d heard her right. Deciding he had, he shook his head. “No.”

  He turned to go, but Kyrin hurried to stop him.

  “Jace, wait.”

  He turned back and eyed her as if she’d grown an extra set of arms. His eyes narrowed warily. After all, how many people would ever come to him with such a request, especially a young woman like her? She spoke carefully to convince him of her sincerity and appeal to his sympathies.

  “I sometimes feel a little out of place here. I love camp and the forest, but it’s so different from what I’m used to. My brother is still trapped in Valcré, and I really miss him. He always helped me in new situations.” She sure could use him right now. He would have been a better one to do this. “I love helping Lenae, but I’d like to help in other ways too. I’ve noticed the game you bring back and how much everyone eats. I’m a good archer so, I thought, maybe…I could help hunt.”

  Jace’s expression barely changed, intense and indecisive.

  She went on. “I’ve never hunted before, and I realize I have a lot to learn, but I promise I’ll quit if I’m too much of a burden. I’d just like a chance.”

  She held her breath. Please Elôm.

  Jace peered at her long and hard. When he spoke at last, his voice was tinged with suspicion. “You do know I’m half ryrik?”

  Kyrin nodded while projecting as much openness and honesty as she could. “Yes.”

  “They’ll think you’re crazy.”

  Kyrin let out a breathy laugh that bubbled up with her nerves. “I’m used to that.”

  She held his probing gaze steadily despite the urge to shrink away. She had to convince him that she didn’t share the same fear as the others. It was the first crucial step in earning his trust. He glanced past her, toward camp, before staring at her again. A storm of emotions flickered in his eyes. With a wince, he shook his head and muttered, “Fine.”

  Kyrin’s heart gave a stuttering leap. Thank You, Elôm!

  Without another word, Jace strode away as if to put more distance between them. Kyrin hurried to catch up. Whatever the rest of the day brought, at least she had made it this far.

  Kyrin’s foot snagged on a branch, and she gasped when she nearly fell…aga
in. Panting, she glanced ahead to make sure she hadn’t lost sight of Jace. How did someone his size move with such ease through the tangle of underbrush? He barely even made a sound and didn’t say a word. She may as well have been out here alone.

  She tugged on her sweat-soaked dress and pressed forward. The chill of dawn completely disappeared as the sun worked its way above the trees. But she wouldn’t complain. She wouldn’t even allow the temptation in her mind for more than a moment. Not after what it took to get here, though it didn’t seem to be accomplishing much good at the moment. Did Jace even remember she’d tagged along?

  Without warning, he stopped, and she nearly smacked into his back. She stumbled away with another gasp and looked up as he turned piercing blue eyes on her. Though they had to have come miles already, she asked, “Are we going to keep on?”

  She hoped to sound willing, but her voice came out winded. So much for being in good shape. This was much more taxing than wandering the streets of Valcré. Jace stared at her for a good, long moment—something she would have to get used to. She tried to read his expression, but he made it difficult by so skillfully guarding his emotions. He stared at her the way Master Zocar did when trying to figure her out.

  “We’ll rest here.”

  Kyrin could have jumped for joy had her legs cooperated. They just about collapsed of their own volition, and she sank into the grass and old leaves. Grabbing her waterskin, she took a long drink. Though distracted by the relief, she felt Jace still watching her, but then he sat down a few feet away. A moment later, he dug around in his bag and surprised Kyrin by offering her a piece of jerky.

  “Thank you,” she said, “but why don’t you eat it?” She smiled and pulled a pouch containing her lunch off her shoulder. “I came prepared.”

  Jace’s eyes widened the tiniest bit, perhaps in surprise, but he didn’t look at her long enough for her to be sure. He took a bite of the jerky and fed the rest to Tyra. No wonder he was so thin. The wolf probably ate more of his food than he did.

  Kyrin ate her lunch in silence, while discreetly watching Jace, who stared off into the forest, never once relaxing. She didn’t even taste her food as she racked her brain for the perfect thing to say to him. In fact, she begged Elôm for the right words, but nothing came. Why couldn’t Kaden be there? He’d think of something.

  The moment she finished her last bite, Jace pushed to his feet. Kyrin jumped up to follow him, and off they went again. As before, Jace quickly worked his way ahead and left her to trip and stumble after him. A branch slapped her in the face and tears seared her eyes, but more from frustration than pain. How did she ever think she could do this? Did Elôm even want her to, or had she just made herself think so? Because she was doing a terrible job of it. What would it benefit if she only managed to be a dead weight for Jace to drag around all day? She couldn’t even find a single word to say to him during lunch, probably her one chance at speaking to him at all. Just like with Daniel, she’d failed at her opportunity.

  Sometime later, Jace heaved a sigh and stopped again. She tried to catch her breath as she waited for him to either turn around or continue on, but finally he turned to her with in intimidating frown.

  “I don’t think we’re going to see anything if you can’t walk more quietly.” Though he spoke evenly, frustration bled out through his voice.

  Kyrin ducked her head, cheeks flaming. “Sorry.”

  Really, she had tried to be quiet, but there always seemed to be a stick or dry leaves to crunch under her feet and branches to snap and crash when she pushed through them. Tears threatened again, but she swallowed them back. She would not get teary in front of him. She’d ruined things enough without turning into an unskilled, noisy, and weepy girl.

  Jace sighed again and stuck his fists on his hips. He frowned into the forest, which was void of even the hint of game, no doubt ruing the moment he’d allowed her to come along. Kyrin shifted and stared awkwardly at a nearby trillium. When Jace did look at her again, his expression had softened a little.

  “When you walk, put your heel down first, carefully. Then shift your weight forward, but on the outside of your foot.”

  Kyrin looked at her feet. She took an experimental step. “Like this?”

  She glanced up, and he nodded.

  She took a few more steps. It seemed unnatural and put her off balance, but with time and practice, she could get the hang of it.

  “Always scan the terrain to see what’s ahead,” he told her. “Take advantage of large rocks and bare ground.”

  They moved along a short distance. Kyrin was quieter, but not nearly so much as Jace. He glanced over his shoulder.

  “Softer boots would help. It’s better when you can feel what you’re walking on.”

  She glanced at his well-worn, soft leather boots. Maybe Trask could find her a similar pair.

  For the rest of the afternoon, Kyrin practiced the new walking technique with nominal success. Focusing on every step, she fell far behind, forcing Jace to wait for her; but when she tried to keep up, quietness was impossible. By the time the sun set, her head throbbed and her legs burned. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but this wasn’t it.

  Though she was never even aware they had made a direction change, they suddenly arrived in camp, where the men were just gathering for supper. The smell of it made Kyrin’s mouth water and her stomach growl. She moved toward the fire, aching to sit down, but Jace hung back. She paused and turned to him. Careful to keep any frustration out of her voice, she said, “Thanks for teaching me about walking today. I’ll keep practicing.”

  Jace said nothing, and Kyrin did not linger. He was probably eager to be rid of her. At the fire, she met Lenae.

  “How did it go?” The woman studied her face. “You look worn-out.”

  Kyrin exhaled loudly. “It would’ve gone better if my crashing through the forest wouldn’t have scared all the game away. Turns out I’m not a very stealthy hunter.”

  Lenae gave her a sympathetic smile. “These things take practice. I’m sure you’ll be better next time.”

  If there was a next time.

  Despite the disaster of the previous day, Kyrin waited outside the cabin before dawn the next morning. She’d dragged herself out of bed, aching from the miles she’d traveled, but she wouldn’t give up. Not as long as Jace let her join him. If he let her join him.

  She peered into the trees where he had appeared yesterday, but nothing moved in the last bit of nighttime darkness. Only a slight breeze rustled the trees, not that she would have heard him coming anyway. After another few minutes, a bird chirped nearby, and others soon joined in as the sky glowed pink in the east. Kyrin’s expectation rose, but sank again when the other men woke and one by one left their tents to start the day. Jace would never show up now. With a heavy sigh, she turned and stepped quietly back into the cabin. She couldn’t blame him. She had proven to be a liability, but defeat stung.

  Kyrin returned her bow to her room in the loft and spent a little time there to pray before joining Lenae, who had begun work on breakfast.

  “No hunting today?” she asked.

  “He didn’t come by this morning. He probably knew I’d be waiting for him. I don’t know what I’ll do now.”

  “Don’t get discouraged just yet,” Lenae comforted. “You may get another chance.”

  “I hope so.” Kyrin walked over to the shelf to measure out coffee for the pot. Jeremy loved his morning coffee. “I still want to help him.”

  “Give him a little time. I think he’ll eventually see that.”

  Kyrin looked over at her. If only she didn’t feel like such a failure already. “Do you really think I can get through to him?”

  “You?” Lenae shook her head. “No. But Elôm? Yes. And it just might be you’re the one He uses. It may take days, weeks, or even months, but be patient and don’t give up. It was a big step that he even let you go with him yesterday.”

  The encouraging words brought a smile to Kyrin’s
lips. It might not feel like much of a step, but Lenae was right, and she prayed for patience and perseverance.

  Kyrin kept a close watch for Jace throughout the morning, just in case he showed up, though she didn’t know what she would say to him if he did. But she trusted that Elôm would work something out. At least she could be one person to make him feel welcome and offer him friendship.

  Just after lunch, she headed toward the edge of camp, but a voice called out to stop her. She turned to see Holden and frowned. She knew little about him since he kept to himself, but he was the one who had started the hostility toward Jace. Regardless of his reasons, it made it difficult for her to like him. Still, she tried not to pass judgment before she had a chance to get to know him.

  “Yes?” she asked, her eyes following the determined lines in his face. His voice was just as unyielding.

  “Where were you yesterday?”

  Kyrin’s frown deepened, wondering why it was any of his business, but she answered simply, “I was out hunting. With Jace.”

  “Alone?” His blue-gray eyes resembled Ardaluin Bay when a storm approached. Kyrin nodded, and he asked, “You’re not going again, are you?”

  “Maybe, if he’ll take me.”

  Holden’s sharp gaze flickered to the trees as if expecting a monster to emerge from them. “You can’t do that. It’s dangerous.”

  Kyrin shook her head. “I know how you feel about Jace, but I don’t believe he’s dangerous.”

  “He is,” Holden insisted tightly. “His ryrik blood makes him dangerous. You can’t trust him.”

  Kyrin read the real concern in his eyes. He truly believed every word he spoke, and deep down he had reason to. She kept this in mind and spoke evenly. “Perhaps, but I do trust Rayad. He said Jace would never harm me, and I believe him.”

  “He can’t know for sure.” Holden’s voice rose. She might have been afraid of him if his own fear wasn’t so evident. “That ryrik blood could take hold at any moment. You’d be no match for him.”