Read Return to Me Page 7

  Chapter Four

  Erik returned the next afternoon, as promised. She heard the ring of the doorbell first, followed by her step-fathers deep timbre, which managed to sound cantankerous and rude from an entire floor away, she marveled with a sad shake of her head. She tossed her book onto the floor, bounded from her bed, and rushed across the hallway to take the stairs two at a time in her hurry to get to Erik before Denmari did or said Heaven only knew what. She knew Erik was smart and tough and more than capable of holding his own, but the thought of him having to endure any discomfort for being her friend was more than she could bear; besides, she didn’t have all that many friends…

  “I thought we talked about this, Paige.” Her step-father was saying as she skidded to a stop in the entryway, a disapproving frown gracing his classic features.

  “I know, but-“

  “I’m gay, Mr. Denmari.” Erik kept his shoulders straight back. His voice was firm and he made his declaration without ever breaking eye contact with Giovanni.

  Long, tense moments passed and Paige waited for his decree with her heart in her throat. She didn’t think she could stand to give up Erik too.

  “A fag.”

  Paige’s face heated at her step-fathers crude language. Erik flinched but remained silent. The quick glance he gave Paige silently advised her to do the same.

  “Hell, Paige, why didn’t you tell me he was a fag?” Denmari shook his head and grabbed his hat and sport coat before telling them to have fun.

  Paige and Erik let out their collectively held breath once the door had slammed shut behind Denmari.

  “That went better than I expected.”

  “Erik I’m so sorry he said…that word.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess I’d better get used to it, right?” He sighed, looking her over with a speculative eye. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. But what about you? How did it go last night?”

  “With my parents, you mean?”

  Paige nodded.

  “Not so great.” He plowed a hand through his dark hair and exhaled. “Let’s get out of here.” He said suddenly.

  “Okay. Where to?”


  “What?” Paige froze, sure she must not have heard him correctly.

  “Let’s get out of Montana, away from this whole damn place.” He marched over to stand in front of her, taking both of her hands in his own and staring down into her stunned face.

  “Alaska?” She repeatedly numbly.

  “Just for this year. We can get G.E.D’s and find jobs or live off the land, whatever. Just until we’re both eighteen. How about it?”

  “But that’s crazy!”

  “Please, I need you with me.”

  “Our lives aren’t that bad.” The protest sounded weak, even to her own ears; weaker still when Erik raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m going either way.” He said softly. “But I don’t want to do this alone.”

  “But…we’ll have the police called on us.”

  “So? Who’s going to find us in Alaska? Come on, it’ll be fun. Please Paige.”



  “I said okay.” She squeezed his hands.

  “Wow, I didn’t think you’d give in this fast.”

  “When do we leave?” She wanted to know.

  “Right now. I’ll help you pack.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that. But, okay, let’s do it.” She nodded reluctantly, leading the way up to her bedroom and trying desperately to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. One hour and two plane tickets later, they were bound for Alaska.