Read Reunion Page 1



  Marvin K. Perkins

  Copyright 2012 by Marvin K. Perkins


  Chapter One

  There were times when I thought I would lose my mind, not wanting to come to grips with the reality of my bleak situation, distraught for no reason at all, feigning melancholy for days on end. Those were the dark times when my soul was locked in a deep dungeon of despair, devoid of any light or human companionship.

  It was during these days when I met her. I was hardly fit to be a suitable companion for anyone, but she loved me anyway.

  One cold, rainy night, I was driving back from Seattle to Snohomish,Washington. The fog was thick, diminishing the visibility down to mere yards, as I made my way cautiously through the soupy mixture of rain, sleet and snow.

  As careful as I was I still almost ran into a vehicle that was stopped, presumably disabled, parked partially on the road. She had seen my headlights in the abysmal night and was attempting to flag me down in her desperation.

  I swerved just barely missing the disabled vehicle, momentarily spinning out of control, but managing to bring my car to a stop just short of hitting a tree on the side of the road. My heart pounded in my chest, sweat poured down my face, my hands still in a death grip on the steering wheel, I surveyed the situation. Not wanting to move for fear I may be terribly injured, I sat motionless for a minute, my eyes darting back and forth in my head. Finally feeling that I wasn't seriously injured I turned loose of my grip on the wheel, easing out of the passenger door, I gingerly stepped down on the highway that was slick with a coating of ice and snow. I almost slipped but managed to right myself holding onto the car door for dear life. That's when I saw her.

  It was dark but I could make out her silhouette as a backdrop to her car headlights, waving feverishly at me. I waved back in acknowledgment and she seemed to be relieved that I had stopped to help her, and in a way I guess I had, but not by my choosing. I took a few steps testing my shaky legs to see if they would hold my weight, and to my relief they seemed to be adequate for the challenge.

  I made it over to where the lady was standing, shaking in the cold, wet, snowy night, looking very helpless and lost. Her dark hair was matted to her face, I could see her piercing blue eyes almost glowing in the fog drenched moonlight. She was slight in build and diminutive in stature, but she held her head up high as she spoke with an angelic voice, that echoed down the deserted stretch of highway.

  “Thank God you stopped. I was so scared. I didn't know what I was going to do,” she said looking straight into my eyes, her words somehow piercing straight to my soul.

  “I damn near ran over you ma'am. Are you all right?” I said suddenly, concerned about her well being.

  Looking down the highway for a moment, she then turned back and continued her stare. “Oh yes, I'm fine, Thanks to you. I'm Constance, I'm very happy to meet you.”

  She was shivering, I felt momentarily sorry and ashamed, so I slipped off my overcoat and draped it over her shoulders. Gladly accepting the added warmth against the cold night, she smiled and thanked me. It was a thank you that warmed me much more than the garment I had gladly surrendered to her.

  We just stood in the onslaught of a winter downpour looking at one another like we were searching for truths not yet told, and finding them in each others eyes. We stood in such proximity for what seemed like hours, but in fact was only minutes that had stretched seemingly into days.

  Suddenly coming to as from a trance, I uttered almost incoherently,

  “I'm Michael, I'm very glad to meet you too, Constance.”

  She said that her car had stopped and she couldn't get it started, I looked down the highway to my own vehicle, praying that it would start when the time came. “Could I give you a lift somewhere? Is there someone you could call?” I inquired, pulling out my cell from my pocket attempting to get a signal,

  “I don't have anywhere to go. There is no one,” she said so sadly, I was almost brought to tears from the melancholy tone of her voice.

  Not knowing exactly what to say, I just looked at her. She seemed so frail and helpless, I for some reason felt an unexplained attraction, almost love for this woman whom I had only just met. I wanted to take her in my arms right there on the side of the road, but I dared not, thinking that would be much too bold an activity under the circumstances. And yet the need and desire was overwhelming, almost compulsive in it's nature and I succumbed.

  Embracing her, with tears in my eyes, I couldn't believe the words that came from my own lips. “You could come with me. Home, to my place.” I was terrified, but emboldened in the moment, afraid she may be insulted by my straightforwardness, I thought she might slap my face and storm off down the road, not wanting to have anything to do with me, thinking I must be a pervert or some type of maniac. I held on, holding my breath, waiting to discover the answer to my boldness.

  She just smiled, took my hand and led me towards my car, the carriage that awaited my lady and me. I prayed that it would start or my plan would be discomfited and I would look foolish and fool hearty for suggesting a plan that could not possibly come to fruition.

  Finally reaching my vehicle that was turned sideways on the dark snowy highway, I opened the door like a gentleman should, allowing the lady Constance to enter, I quickly followed. I said another silent prayer and turned the key in the ignition, nothing. Fear suddenly gripped me, sweat began to trickle down my brow, I could feel her stare on my face that would probably prove to be crimson red, if it wasn't hidden thankfully in darkness.

  I turned the key one more time, the engine started up with a roar that scared and excited me, thank God.

  We drove in relative silence the few miles to my abode, all that needed to be said was said, in our looks, in our touch. Our eyes told the story, sealed the bond with glances, words were not necessary, love was in the very air that we breathed. The touch of our hands held tightly was electrifying, sensual, and sexual, in those minutes we were lost in time.

  Arriving at my house around midnight, we sat for a few more minutes, then I asked starting to feel ill at ease, “Well this is home, would you like to come in?”

  “Of course silly, I have come all this way,” she replied with a giggle, like a shy school girl.

  I had a few reservations about the condition of my bachelor pad, not necessarily being the greatest of house keepers, I felt somewhat embarrassed as we entered, but she quickly put my mind at ease. She assured me that she loved my place and didn't mind the mess at all. Cleaning the house was woman's work and she would make short order of it, not to worry.

  Somewhat uncomfortable with having a woman alone in my house, I struggled with how to act and what to say. I had always been very shy around women, but Constance made me feel comfortable and at home in my own home. I felt I had known her for years.

  Even though it was after midnight, we drank coffee, ate left overs, and talked like it was the middle of the day. She seemed to hang on my every word, sometimes finishing my sentences for me, it was all very wonderful. I was happy again for the first time in a year. I was in love with the woman who sat next to me on the couch, so comfortable together like an old married couple.

  I shyly asked if she would like a shower and a fresh change of clothes, I still had some of my wife's clothes in my closet that I didn't have the heart to dispose of after she passed. She said a shower would be wonderful, not embarrassed or apprehensive at all at my once again bold suggestion.

  After our showers we sat by the fireplace, drinking wine until almost daybreak, enjoying each others company, locked in embrace. I wished this night would last forever, all my dark thoughts had been washed away leaving nothing but happiness, even love.

  We kissed at
first lightly, then more passionately. We made love until the sun came up, the world outside melted into oblivion, we were the only two people on the face of the earth, it revolved around us in our lovemaking.

  As the sun came up and the morning light trickled through the curtains into my dimly lit bedroom, I looked at the beautiful woman lying in my bed next to me. Somehow now she looked different but very familiar, her features had changed, her hair was now blonde, her eyes were no longer blue but brown. I realized in that instant, who my guest actually was, and it touched me deep to my soul and I wept uncontrollably. It was my wife Monica who had been killed a year ago that very evening in a traffic accident on a deserted stretch of road. She had came to share a night of love with me.

  She put her index finger to her lips and said, “Don't cry Michael, I will be back to see you again, this time next year.”

  Then she was gone.

  Chapter Two

  I woke up hours later with a start, I looked around my now brightly lit bedroom in hope of seeing Monica, but she was not there. Had the whole evening only been a dream? No, she was there, I know she was. That's what I wanted to believe. I had never believed in ghosts before, but now, I wasn't so sure. Maybe she had entered the real world through a portal that opened up on that deserted highway. Maybe I was still asleep and was dreaming I was lying in bed thinking what I was thinking. I was so confused my head throbbed, the room spun as I managed to get myself out of bed on wobbly legs.

  Downstairs in the kitchen, I pulled a half full bottle of bourbon out of my kitchen cabinet to calm my nerves. I poured three fingers in a glass and downed it in one gulp. I refilled my glass and downed it as well. Waiting for the whiskey to take effect, I sat in silence at my kitchen table.

  “Monica, where are you? I love you so much. I can't live without you.” I screamed, by this time my head was getting fuzzy from the two glasses of bourbon. “Its not fair,” I thought. “I was just getting used to living without her, well existing at any rate, when she came back into my life.”

  I proceeded to drink the rest of the bourbon. I was going to need courage, and the liquid kind was as good as any, to embark on the journey I needed to take. I was going to find Monica, she was in another world, on a different plane perhaps but she existed somewhere. After what happened the night before, I was certain of it.

  Pacing the room, round and round, I felt like a caged mad man, At one point I got so dizzy, I lost my balance and toppled to the floor. I lie there for what seemed like an hour but was only minutes before I was able to right myself, once again sitting down in my kitchen chair, throbbing head in my hands.

  “I must find her. I can't go on without her. She's out there, I tell you.” I spoke to myself as if I were another person. Maybe I was another person. I had heard of people having out of body experiences. “That's what it was; an out of body experience”. The words seemed to calm me.

  “The plan, I must come up with a plan. She's out there. A plan, got to have a plan. I must find her.” I rambled on like a madman for another ten minutes before I passed out at my kitchen table.

  Waking up, startled, I started again.

  “Got to find the portal. She left out of a portal into another dimension, another time. We were in the bedroom, it must be there. Its got to be there.” Again, I was shouting like a madman. I quickly rose from the kitchen chair and raced to the bedroom.

  I lie on my bed exhausted and fell fast asleep. Somehow she must have heard me and as I entered a dream state, I saw Monica again. She was a spirit dressed in white. She motioned for me to follow her.

  Chapter Three

  My mind was fully functional and alert in my spirit form, I followed her as a bird in flight soaring above my bedroom and heading for the front door. “That must be the entry point into the world she now inhabited. Of course, she is leading me to place where we can be together, forever. Oh how wonderful. No more sad, dark times for me.”

  But suddenly it occurred to me, “What about my body that lie in my bed, an empty shell? What would happen to it? I would no longer need it in the spirit world. Would it just rot and decay, turn to dust and blow away? What did I care. But what if I had to come back to the real world and needed it, if it were gone, what then would I do?”

  I had no time to think of those things as the front door melted away and we were suddenly in a world of blue, a world that was made up of only sky, crystal blue and shining bright. It almost blinded me as I struggled to keep up with the apparition in white. I wanted desperately to talk to my wife. I had so much I wanted to say to her. How much I loved her. How much I missed and needed her and died myself when she died on that lonely highway. If only I had drove her that night, then maybe she would still be alive. She never was a very good driver on snowy roads. I killed her, oh God, I killed her.

  Maybe she was leading me to hell as punishment for my sins. No she forgave me, I know she did. She never blamed me, it was I, and only I, who blamed myself. She was taking me to paradise to live forever in her arms.

  Suddenly she turned and spoke to me. “Come with me, I will take you to the paradise where I live. It is a long and perilous journey. If you go you will be in great danger. If you are willing to take the risk, we will continue, if not you must return to your flesh and blood body. What is your answer?”

  I did not need any thought to make my decision. “Of course I will go with you. I would face any challenge, suffer any hardship, even die in the quest to be with you forever. I have lived in hell for the pass year without you. Nothing, even death can be any worst than going back to that torment.”

  “Take my hand now, hold on tightly. We will face many dangers on our way to paradise. We must not get separated, for if we do we will be lost forever, and parish into the dark land of the unknown.

  Hand and hand we soared through the land of blue skies. Soon the challenges would be begin. I was ready and confident we would complete our journey. But in my innocence I had no idea of the perils that lay ahead of us.

  Chapter Four

  The blue skies gave way to gray skies as we soared hand and hand in search of paradise. The gray skies grew even darker, almost black as we continued our journey. “Hold on tight, my love,” she said and I did as she requested. “We are getting close to the entryway. We must be very careful. Hold on!”

  A howling wind began to blow, it was eerie like a siren's cry. We were tossed to and fro, struggling to keep from falling into the nothingness. A black hole had opened up and we were being sucked into the vortex. Icy raindrops began to fall, pelting our bodies mercilessly. Then the raindrops turned hot and burned us unbearably, our spirit beings writhed in pain.

  But then it was over as quickly as it began and we entered the other side. Thinking it was all over I felt better and started to relax and grow accustomed to my spirit being. “We made it!” I said, not knowing how foolish a statement I was making. “That wasn't so bad.”

  “We only entered the challenge world, my love. We have not even begun what we must endure.”

  “I will do what must be done,” I stiffened my resolve.

  I did just in time. I heard a swooping sound like a thousand birds flapping their wings multiplied a thousand times. “Oh, my God, what is that?”

  “It is the guardians of paradise. We must get by them to enter the gate.”

  “But how?” I asked.

  “We must trick them into letting us in.”

  Then I saw them. They were like huge hideous prehistoric birds, with a wing span of twenty feet at least and bulging red eyes that protruded from a head that resembled a Tyrannosaurus Rex. There must have been hundreds of them. How could we defeat these creatures? I feared we were doomed already.

  “We must fly away,” I yelled to Monica.

  “We cannot. If we fly away we can't get in through the gate. There is only one entrance to paradise.”

  “But how?” I said, not believing what she said was true. How could I doubt her? I was a stranger in this

  “We must give them the answer to a riddle. Then we must ask of them a riddle they can not answer. If we fail in either test they will rip our souls to pieces and feast on our remains.”

  “Are you sure it is the only way?”

  “I am sure, my love. Do not worry. Besides, they're really not very smart.”

  And then they were upon us, hundreds of huge creatures with big hideous heads. We stood transfixed awaiting our challenge of wits with the winged beasts.

  One of the creatures seemed to be in charge, for the others moved aside letting a particular individual come to the forefront. He came close, his huge head inches from us. His breath smelled of rotting meat, as steam snorted out of his nostrils, he eyed Monica and I with a steely glare, presumably in an attempt to antagonize us. His ploy was working, with me at least, however Monica was not impressed.

  “Are you ready for your challenge, spirits? If you answer wrong, we will rip you to shreds and scatter your remains throughout the netherworld. Are you ready?” The leader asked and stared at us with piercing red eyes that could bore a hole in your soul.

  “We are ready,” Monica replied confidently, I, on the other hand was not so self assured.

  “ I'm a father's child and I'm a mother's child, but no one's son, who am I?” The head keeper of the gate asked his question, just knowing they would win the contest.

  I looked at Monica, drawing a blank, she floated in silence for a minute and finally gave her answer. I held my spirit breath, hoping she would answer. She must, our very future and indeed our lives depended on the next few moments.

  “Oh that's so easy,” she said with a laugh.

  “What is your answer, spirit?”

  “Someone's daughter, of course, silly.” The enraged monster roared and blew fire out of his nostrils. “You have passed the first part of the challenge, now it is your turn.”