Read Revelation Page 10


  “Can I ask you a serious question?” I ask Asher on the drive to La Gargouille Manor. We’re meeting the rest of the clan to regroup and devise my training schedule as well as the demon and underworld tutorial sessions.

  He nervously slides his eyes to me then back to the road. “Sure.” His voice is unsure.

  I smile. “Are you ever going to let me drive the Aston Martin?”

  He laughs. His deep, throaty laugh makes me want to jump over the console and spend all afternoon attached to his lips.

  Asher’s face goes serious. “Eve, no offense, but this car is the love of my life. No one touches her. Once you’re mine, I don’t share.”

  The double entendre doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “How do you know it’s even a she?”

  “The car is female. I know because she and I are connected in a very intimate way, you just don’t understand,” he says cockily.

  I sigh. Damn lucky car. “Fine.”

  He smiles as he pulls up to the manor. “I’ll make you a deal. You train hard and learn everything you need to for your ascension and I’ll consider allowing you to drive íde ámo.”

  “Idee who, what?” I ask, not following.

  “Ide ámo. It’s Garish for my love,” he says in his sexy tone that I can’t resist.

  I watch him for a moment. Crap. He really does love this car. “Deal, on the car. I’ll train and you let me drive her.”

  My answer causes him to smirk. “Deal.” He gets out and crosses the front to open my door and help me out. We just stand there for a moment, enthralled in one another.

  Asher clears his throat. “We should head inside.”

  “Right. After you.” I follow him, sad that our moment ended too soon.

  A large, warm hand finds its way to my lower back and guides me into the house. Instead of heading into the ‘tension room,’ Asher ushers me into an office where everyone is gathered, including the bouncers from Katana, Tadhg and Leo.

  “Eves. Hey, cutie,” Callan greets me with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “Hi, Callan. Everyone,” I greet, feeling more than overwhelmed.

  “We’re so glad that you’ve finally decided to embrace this, Eve, and allow us to help you,” Abby says with a cheerful voice.

  My smile is polite. I’m still working through all of this and my apprehension levels are high.

  She grabs my hand and squeezes. “Eve, you remember Tadhg? He’s a gargoyle from my dad’s clan, the Irish clan. He’s offered his assistance for a bit and you know Leo already, beta of the Quinnipiac pack.”

  “Nice to see you both again,” I say, trying not to freak out at their supernatural titles.

  Abby lets go of me and heads over to Callan as Asher takes her place next to me.

  Keegan leans on a desk in front of us, his ankles and arms crossed. He offers a brief smile then begins.

  “We, along with Michael, feel it’s important that you prepare, both physically and mentally, for all the challenges that face you.”

  “Okay. What does that entail?” I bite the inside of my cheek with anxiety.

  Without thought, Asher reaches over and rubs his thumb along my bottom lip in an effort to stop the torture my teeth are causing the inside of my mouth. The act feels like something he does all the time out of habit.

  He smiles. “Keegan will teach you strategy and weapons. Kenna will show you how to control and enhance current and future abilities and powers. Abby will guide you on wielding powers for protection and Callan will work with you on hand-to-hand combat. I’ll be in charge of daily conditioning, practice sessions, and demon defense. Leo, Tadhg and I will work with you to apply what the gargoyles are teaching to other supernatural beings.”

  I watch Asher explain my sessions as if he’s a general about to wage war. I’m trying to focus on what he’s saying but the way he’s commanding the room is creating all kinds of illicit thoughts. I swallow, attempting to push them away.

  Like he can read my mind, he whispers in my ear, “Focus, siren.” It’s followed by his signature sexy smile. “In addition to the physical training, you’ll also be educated on the supernatural and demonic worlds. Michael will instruct with regard to the celestial world, as well as how to enhance and fine-tune your ascension abilities. All are important elements for you to know.”

  I take in a breath. “Alright. When do we begin?” I sit on the couch and Asher follows suit.

  Callan smirks and rubs his hands together like a kid with a secret. “Well, that’s the best part, Eves. We know you’re heading to your Aunt Elizabeth’s for winter break but she and Michael discussed it and agreed it’s best if you stay with us instead. Of course, we’ll still be with your aunt on the Vineyard for Christmas Eve and Day.”

  “Wait, what?” I turn to Asher. “You guys want me to move in here over break?” I ask in shock.

  He remains silent.

  “Yep.” Callan gives me a mega-watt grin. “And we all get to spend Christmas together. One big, happy family.”

  I sit back and cross my arms. “Great. It’s how I’ve always dreamed Christmas would be. Me, my adopted aunt, and five gargoyles,” I shoot off with sarcasm.

  “Awe, it’s going to be so much fun! I promise.” Abby beams.

  I sigh, defeated. “I haven’t even had a chance to discuss all this with my aunt.”

  “Then it’ll be good we’re with you for that,” Asher offers in a supportive tone.

  The room falls soundless as I absorb everything.

  “Do I really need to stay here?” I ask.

  “Yes, it’s for your own protection as well as ease for training purposes. You’re off from school so you’ll be able to focus solely on your ascension,” Keegan states.

  I blow out a long breath. “Fine.”

  “Good, it’s set then.” Asher squeezes my knee.

  “Eve, we’ll begin your educational training tomorrow. When we return from the holiday, you’ll start the physical aspect. We know you are well versed in Krav Maga, which is an excellent start. Today, we need to just go over a few things,” Keegan outlines militarily.

  “So, I don’t get to throw daggers at McKenna today?” I pout.

  She stalks toward me. “I could kill you in three seconds, blood of Eden, so don’t tempt me.”

  I smirk, excited that I goaded her.

  “What’s left to discuss?”

  Callan stands up. “A general discussion about the rules.”


  “Yes, rules.” Asher confirms, sliding his stern gaze to me.

  I narrow my eyes. “Why don’t I like the sound of this?”

  Keegan steps forward. “Eve, we’ve set some protection procedures that we’re asking you to follow. They’re for your safety. We realize that it might be uncomfortable for you to abide by them until we get you up to speed on things, but it’s important for you to try and accommodate what we’re asking of you.”

  Asher speaks first. “Rule number one, stay away from Gage Gallagher.”

  My eyes go wide. “Why?” I question his motives more than the actual reason.

  “Because he isn’t safe,” Asher growls out of a tight jaw.

  Keegan exhales his annoyance. “Eve, we go way back with Gage. Unlike us, he’s not affiliated with The Spiritual Assembly of Protectors. Gage is, however, part of a Secular Set of Protectors, meaning he works for both Heaven and Hell, depending on the day. We know he’s working with another gargoyle clan, the Declan clan. They too are affiliated with the Secular Set and have no loyalty to either side. Deacon Baptise, the leader of the Declan clan, is half-gargoyle and half-demon, meaning his ties with Lucifer run deep. In addition, he and his kin have been positioning for power over our race for a long time. We think Deacon might have made a deal with Lucifer. In exchange for you, Lucifer would help him take control of the gargoyle community.”

  “Wait, I thought gargoyles were sworn to protect mankind. Why would he turn a
human over to Lucifer knowing it could potentially hurt people?” I question.

  “That’s what we don’t know yet, which is why it is imperative that you stay away from Gage and the Declan clan. Gage is Deacon’s right hand guy,” Asher says sourly.

  “So you think Gage is playing me in order to get me to go to Deacon,” I state, already knowing the answer.

  Asher nods his head in confirmation.

  “So staying away from Gage is really about my safety and nothing else?” I look sternly at Asher.

  “Yes,” he replies with a final tone.

  Ouch. Well, that hurt. I exhale a slow breath.

  I turn to Keegan. “What other rules are there?”

  He smiles briefly. “It’s simple really. A protector will be with you at all times, meaning you’ll go nowhere without one of us. Aside from heading to your aunt’s house for the holiday, you’ll be here at the manor for training.”

  I nod my agreement as Keegan continues the imprisonment policy.

  “Also, until you can get your realm jumping and dream walking controlled, one of us has to be around at night while you’re sleeping. Therefore, after break, you will not be returning to the dorms. You’ll finish out the spring semester here. Abby has set up a guestroom for you.”

  I release a short laugh. “So, basically, you’re my babysitters and I’m a hostage?”

  “No, we’re your protectors and you’re our guest whom we will keep safe at all costs. Even if you don’t like it,” Asher informs me in a bitter tone. “We’re not asking to protect you.”

  I ignore him. “What about Aria? I’m not going to just leave her alone in the dorms.”

  “She can stay here. We have plenty of rooms,” he offers.

  I snort. “You think she’s just going to move into this house? Or that her parents would even allow that?”

  “Her parents won’t know. It’ll be temporary and you’ll still keep your on campus housing for pretense purposes. As far as her staying here, well, we have an incentive,” Callan states.

  I’m confused until he tilts his head to Leo.

  “Hi, roomie,” Leo says, acting as if he is excited.

  I roll my eyes. “Great. A new house and a dog all in one day! How did I get so lucky?”

  Asher sighs. “Eve, it’s just until you’ve been properly trained, can handle your abilities, and we get your safety under control.”

  I look around, seeing I’m not going to win. “I guess I should go pack then,” I say, defeated.

  Two hours and twenty bags later, Aria and I were settling in to our rooms at the manor. She was more than happy to get out of the dorm, especially when she found out Leo would be staying at the estate as well.

  I’m sitting on the window bench in my new suite. It’s so large it’s not really fair to call it a room. While watching the white clouds move over the blue sky, I briefly close my eyes and wonder how I got to this point.

  A month ago, I was as normal and plain as a girl comes. Now, I’m preparing to fight demons, living with gargoyles, and getting ready to take on a battle that has been fought by angels and demons for the past few centuries.

  I turn and see Asher standing in the doorway, watching me. “How long have you been there?” I query.

  “Long enough to see the crease forming between your eyebrows.”

  “Stalk much?” I say with a bite. “So is this how it’s going to be? You watch every move I make, confining me to the manor unless chaperoned? Are you going to cut my steak and wipe my ass too?”

  “It’s nice to see your sense of humor is still intact.” He exhales a tired breath.

  I throw him a nasty look before returning my eyes to the calming clouds. “What is it you want, Asher?” I whisper and give him a side-glance.

  He gives his sexy smile. “Just to welcome you home.”

  “Is that where I am? Home.” I pin him with my stare.

  Asher comes over to the bench, crouching so we’re eye level. “This is your home now. We’re your family. There is nothing to be afraid of. We’ve got this.”

  “I hope you’re right because at this moment, it feels like the world is coming down around me.” My voice is small.

  Asher takes my chin and turns my head to face him. “Hey, when the skies turn black, I will reach you. I will pull you from the darkness and bring you home. Always.”

  I nod at his promise and accept his words.

  He will protect me.

  16 Gateway to Paradise

  I grew up in a small cozy town located on Martha’s Vineyard, which is a small island located off the shores of Cape Cod. The only way to get to “The Vineyard” is by ferry, usually out of Woods Hole. Hence the reason I’m currently boarding the vessel with five supernatural beings in tow, all heading to my aunt’s house for a very unique Christmas.

  I opted for the peace and solitude of the outside deck seating even though it’s the middle of winter. The air is crisp, coming off the Atlantic Ocean, tinting my cheeks pink and icing my nose. The scent of brine carried in the frigid breeze and the lighthouse lined shoreline provides me with the comforts of home.

  The Vineyard is a popular destination during the summer months because of the weather and beaches. It’s known as a place that tourists and locals come to relax, shop, eat, and get sun. My aunt’s jewelry shop is a local treasure and people come from all over to buy her unique, one-of-a-kind pieces.

  Those of us who live here year-round just find the island special and enchanting. Well, except when the off-seasoners come through on their damn mopeds. Then it’s just congested and totally overpopulated.

  I check my cell phone. The ferry ride is forty minutes and we still have twenty left before we dock in Vineyard Haven and I can firmly plant my feet on the “rock” as natives say.

  Grateful to just have a quiet moment to myself, I watch the choppy water as the waves crash against the rock filled shoreline.

  “May I join you?” Asher asks.

  “Sure,” I point to the bench next to me.

  He hands me a paper cup. “I figured you’d be cold out here. They only had milk chocolate and no marshmallows but it should still warm you up.”

  “Thanks,” I say as he sits.

  His leg presses against mine, which itself is warming me from the inside out. Why do I always feel so warm when he’s near? I sip my cocoa in contemplation.

  Asher’s deep voice pulls me out of my reverie. “You okay about seeing your aunt with everything that’s going on?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. We have yet to discuss any of this. Most of our calls are superficial lately. How’s school, are you eating and sleeping, etcetera. Nothing substantial about the fact that she isn’t my blood relative or that she is my link to the celestial plane.” My voice sounds tired as I recount my insecurities with Asher.

  “It’s not an easy situation for either of you. She probably wants to discuss it in person so she can reassure you that no matter what, she loves you,” he offers.

  I shrug through my thick winter coat. “Maybe.”

  “Eve, look at me,” he gives me the quiet order.

  I peel my eyes from the lighthouses and meet his glare.

  “No matter what, in spite of everything, she’s still, for all intents and purposes, your guardian. I guarantee you that her love is still a love that comes from her core. A mother’s love doesn’t stem from a bloodline. It comes from all the little moments through the years.” Asher shifts his eyes to the lighthouse in deliberation.

  “Wow, that was profound. Are you secretly a mom and I don’t know it?” I laugh at myself.

  His face is serious. “There are some things you just know. You’re an easy person to love, siren. I’m certain that she fell in love with you the moment she saw you and that she couldn’t imagine a life without you in it,” Asher says with nothing but sincerity.

  I exhale, watching him as he stares forward at the shoreline. His beautiful jaw is clenched and his emotions are in check, his face gi
ves nothing away.

  All of its own accord, my mitten covered hand reaches over and wraps itself in his larger, stronger one, filling me with warmth.

  His eyes slide to mine and I move closer to him like a magnet.

  “Eve.” It’s a warning.

  “I know.” I close my eyes as the boat’s whistle blows, alerting us we’ll be docking shortly.

  He cups my face, his gloves warm on my icy cheeks. “You’re not alone. I’m here and we’re going to face this together,” he promises me.

  “Okay.” I nod my head in agreement.

  He smiles with cockiness. “Now let’s go meet your aunt so you can tell her how amazing I am and how sexually attracted you are to me.”

  My mouth falls open. “So cocky.”

  Asher raises his eyebrows. “You really need to think about something other than my body parts, siren.”

  I playfully push him. “You’re terrible and gross. Oh, and don’t talk like that in front of my aunt or she’ll kick your ass to the next island.”

  He laughs as the rest of the clan comes out to meet us.

  “Ready to get into the car? We’re going to dock soon,” Keegan says.

  “Yep, let’s do this,” I reply in an upbeat tone.

  “We’re off to meet Aunt Elizabeth. I’m so excited.” Callan feigns excitement and bounces around like a girl at a boy band concert.

  McKenna rolls her eyes. “Let’s go, idiot,” she says as she drags him by the ear to the carport level.

  “Ouch. Abbs, help me,” Callan whines.

  “No, I told you if you pretend to be all ‘fan girl’ again, you get what comes to you,” Abby attempts to be stern.

  He pouts.

  “Alright, kids, enough. Let’s hope you all act more civilized around Elizabeth,” Keegan scolds.

  The hatch opens and Keegan pulls the black Escalade out onto the main road toward my Oak Bluffs neighborhood which is located about fifteen minutes away. It was built in the eighteen hundreds and the homes that line the street are considered gingerbread cottages.

  Each home is brightly colored and adorned in themed embellishments. The neighbors also like to name their homes after sailboats. There is Sea Shrimp Cottage, Sandy Lane and my aunt’s is the Gateway to Paradise.

  I’ve always assumed it was named so because my aunt is passionate about her wild flower gardens. Everyone in town comments on how beautiful they are, like paradise. I suppose the name has a new meaning now with my recent realities.

  Keegan slows down as we approach the clapboard gingerbread home with powder blue shutters and a bright front door. The yard looks amazing with my aunt’s winter wildflowers strategically placed to appear as if they’re growing naturally around the white picket fence and waiting patiently for the first snow fall.

  He pulls in the driveway and parks behind my aunt’s hybrid just as the front door opens, revealing my aunt’s beaming smile.

  I watch her and her easy manner. She has long, light brown hair that flows in the breeze and her hazel eyes sparkle. She’s biting her bottom lip and rubbing her arms up and down her lean frame.

  My aunt has on one of her flowing long skirts and her favorite white shawl that always reminds me of a blanket instead of a sweater. She looks so much like me it’s impossible to believe she’s not blood.

  “You okay?” Asher whispers next to me.

  “Yep. Let’s do this.” It seems to be my standard answer these days.

  He stares at me thoughtfully before opening the door to the SUV and allowing us to exit.

  All of us make our way through the gate and up the stone pathway to the front porch where my aunt waits.

  She offers a bright smile to everyone before locking on me. I move in front of her and she clutches me into a tight, warm hug.

  “Welcome home, baby. I’m so happy you’re here.” She squeezes me, releasing only to cup my cheeks and kiss my forehead like she did when I was little and getting ready to sleep for the night.

  I force a smile. “Hi, Aunt Elizabeth.”

  “Hi, love bug.” She uses her nickname for me since childhood.

  I clear my dry throat. “This is everyone. Keegan, McKenna, Abby, Callan and Asher.” I quickly make the introductions. “Everyone, my aunt, Elizabeth.”

  “Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Vineyard. I’m thrilled you were all able to join us for the holidays this year. Please come inside where it’s warmer. I have some hot cocoa waiting with some goodies from a local bakery,” my aunt replies cordially.

  We all walk into the comfortable house. My aunt did everything in this house by hand, even stripping and re-staining the original hardwood floors.

  Unlike La Gargouille Manor, this house is modest with a living room, kitchen, small dining room, and half bathroom downstairs and three bedrooms with a full bathroom upstairs. That’s it, but it’s always been full of love and warmth. Even now, I feel peaceful and at home.

  My aunt motions to Keegan and Asher. “You boys can go ahead and put the bags in the first room at the top of the stairs.” She smiles with warmth. “I don’t have much space, but I figured you boys can share that room and the girls can stay in Eve’s room with her for the two nights.”

  Keegan nods politely. “Yes, ma’am.”

  My aunt scoffs. “And none of that ma’am crap. Please call me Elizabeth.”

  Callan claps and rubs his hands together. “I’ll escort the ladies to the kitchen for cocoa. Show me the way, Aunt Lizzy,” he says, putting his arm around my aunt while she laughs and leads us to the kitchen, which you can see from the living room because of the open floor plan.

  I lag behind a bit, looking around at my cozy home, remembering all the nights my aunt and I curled up on the couch to watch movies and have girl talk, all the Christmas mornings I ran downstairs to see what was under the tree, all the quiet talks and laughs we shared in front of the fire and I’m saddened by the feeling it all stemmed from a lie.

  Asher’s scent engulfs me as he presses his chest to my back, igniting my veins with warmth as he leans down and speaks in a low tone in my ear, “You okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I am.” I offer a small smile and make my way to the kitchen.

  My aunt’s kitchen is as cheery and as well designed as the rest of the house. It’s square and has eggshell blue cabinets with modern bronze handles. It’s open to the living area, so you can see the white walls and v-shaped ceiling. There are dark wood beams flanking the ceiling and blue pendant lights hanging over the half-wall, which she made into a breakfast bar with stools. She makes the most out of small spaces. Her designs are always elegant and inviting.

  Although, she doesn’t have a microwave because she believes ‘nothing good ever comes out of a machine that cooks something in sixty seconds.’

  The petite kitchen also has four windows over the sink located to the right, overlooking her gardens, a refrigerator, and a back closet, which she opened up to add more storage space. Just like my aunt, the room is stylish, warm and pleasing.

  She busies herself getting the mugs and filling them up. Abby and Kenna sit on the stools. Callan leans with casual ease against the cabinets, crossing his legs at his ankles.

  Once Asher and Keegan return, my aunt turns to the group and announces that Michael will be joining us tomorrow.

  I raise my eyebrows. “He has time to come celebrate Christmas with us?” I question snippily.

  “Eve, he’s coming so we can discuss the events that led up to your entrance into our lives and to make sure we’re all okay with next steps,” my aunt corrects with a gentle reprimand.

  “You mean he has more to say about when I was taken from my dead, adoptive parents and given to you by archangels who bred me as a divine secret weapon to use against Hell and its demon legion?” I say with reproach. Okay, so maybe I am not as all right as I led Asher to believe.

  Aunt Elizabeth sighs. “Eve, that’s not entirely how it happened but, yes, something like that.”

  I need a f
resh brain to discuss this. “Great. It’s been a long day so I’m just going to get ready for bed. See you all in the morning.” I turn to leave as I hear my aunt’s voice.

  “Eve, we’ll talk tomorrow,” she says in her no-nonsense parental tone.

  “Goodnight,” I shoot over my shoulder and make my way to my upstairs bedroom.

  Opening the door, I notice everything looks the same as when I left for college a few months ago. The warm yellow walls and bright white trim still gleam. Photos of all my friends from high school adorn my corkboard. An entire life memorialized in one room.

  I pick up a picture of my aunt and me from my nightstand and collapse on my soft, luscious white comforter. We took this photo last summer. I have a similar one at school. We’re laughing on the beach after a day of paddle boarding and sunbathing. We look so carefree and happy. I sigh as I hear a small knock at my door.

  “Come in.”

  “Eve, is everything alright?” my aunt asks cautiously.


  She sits next to me on the bed, smiling at the photo. “You were so stubborn that day. We must have been in the water for hours while you learned to paddle board. Instead of taking classes over months, you just had to learn it all in one day. Goodness, we were so tired.” She laughs quietly.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  Her sympathetic eyes meet mine. “Eve, it’s not an easy thing to bring up to a teenage girl. Michael and I contemplated telling you so many times. We were concerned about how you would take it. At the end of the day, I suppose I just wanted you to have a normal childhood.”

  I put the photo back on my nightstand and lay on the bed, watching my aunt.

  “I know you’re upset with me and rightfully so. I apologize for withholding the information about Katherine and Robert. It was wrong of me to do, but please understand I did it for your safety.”

  “Yeah, seems to be a theme going around. People lie then tell me it’s for my own protection.” I sigh.

  “We all love you and care for you. Believe it or not, we all want the best for you and to help you through this mess that the world seems to be headed for,” she says softly.

  “When Michael showed up with me, did you ever regret it? Taking the word of an angel and becoming my guardian?” I ask, worried that she’s regretting it now.

  “Not for a second. There wasn’t ever a second guess as to whether or not I would care for you. I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you and held you for the first time and every instant since. The first time your eyes met mine, I knew you were meant to be with me. Regardless of how upset you are at me, it has been a privilege and an honor to be your guardian over these past eighteen years. No matter what, my love for you will continue every day, unconditionally,” she states in her maternal manner.

  I swallow, averting the tears. “Thanks for always taking care of me.”

  My aunt pulls me into a fierce hug. “I love you, love bug. Get some sleep. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  After a few moments, I get ready for bed and close my eyes, comforted by my childhood bed.

  My eyes flutter open as the scent of bacon and eggs wafts through the floorboards and into my bedroom. I look over and see Abby and McKenna are still asleep on the makeshift beds we pulled together.

  I get up and run to the bathroom to freshen up before I head downstairs for a cup of much needed coffee. I find Callan, Asher, and my aunt in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

  “Good morning, love bug,” my aunt chirps.

  “Morning,” I reply, reaching for the coffee. “It’s seven in the morning. Why are you baking?” I ask Callan groggily and a little cranky from the hour.

  Callan returns my question with a large smile. “It takes hours to get cookies and pies perfect.” He wiggles his eyebrows then washes his hands. “That reminds me, I got you an early Christmas present. Technically, it’s Christmas Eve so you can have it today,” he beams, reaching for a box with a large blue ribbon on it then hands it to me.

  I smile. “You shouldn’t have.” I untie the ribbon and pull the lid off the box then lift my eyes to Callan. “You got me this?” I half question half laugh.

  He smiles. “Yep!”

  “What is it, Eve?” my aunt asks curiously.

  I pull out the pink ruffle apron that has I believe in gargoyles written on the front. Both Asher and my aunt break into a fit of hysterics.

  Callan just smiles then pulls me in for a bear hug. He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Welcome to the family, Eves.”

  I return the hug, pouring love into it. “Thanks, Callan.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. Since you like my chocolate chip cookies so much, you’re on holiday cookie duty with me today.” He smirks.

  I groan. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. Consider it part of your training.” Callan chuckles.

  “How is making cookies part of my training?”

  “Initiation,” he simply states.

  I shift my gaze to Asher who holds his hands up in surrender. “Don’t look at me, siren. I’m looking forward to you flittering around all day in the kitchen in that thing and making cookies.” He grins wickedly.

  I purse my lips and continue making my coffee. Hours later, I’m still wearing my apron and peeling potatoes while Asher laughs at me from the living room where he is helping my aunt secure the Christmas tree. Asshat.

  “Nice apron,” McKenna snipes as she and Abby walk into the kitchen.

  “Thanks,” I mumble as Callan smirks at the ham he’s glazing.

  Tired, I turn to Keegan. He’s just standing around, watching me, so I hand him the potato peeler.

  “Um, no fucking way. Protectors don’t peel potatoes,” he says with defiance.

  “Ah, yes, they do. I’ve seen you peel them before. Here you go, big bad gargoyle,” I muse back, forcing the peeler onto him as I head into the living room to help with the tree. Her smile is warm as she hands me decorations to add. For a brief moment, I look around, truly happy that everyone I love, or have come to love, is under one roof, almost like a real family.

  17 Divine Presence

  Callan and Abby end up being the only ones left in the kitchen to finish up dinner. The rest of us have congregated in my aunt’s small living room and are decorating the tree. The atmosphere is light and jovial as holidays should be. I pick up an ornament that says Eve’s First Christmas and smile to myself.

  My aunt comes up behind me, noticing the ornament in my hand.

  “I wish you had told me sooner. I’m upset that you lied to me. I feel like my entire life has been an untruth,” I say in one lengthy breath.

  “Oh, Eve, don’t be so dramatic. Everything about your life has been true. Katherine and Robert loved you, as do I. I kept something from you and that was wrong but every moment of every day was real. You had a very happy childhood, a wonderful set of friends, and an amazing educational experience. I will not allow you to think that your entire life was built as a mirage for you. It was not. It was real,” she scolds in her parental tone.

  My shoulders sag in defeat. “So now what?”

  She stands taller. “Now you embrace who you must become to fulfill your destiny. We have been and are still doing our part to make sure that you succeed. Is it a heavy burden? Yes, but if anyone on earth can do this, Eve, it’s you. Especially with the help of the gargoyles. They will protect you to the death if you let them. I can see they love you and you love them like family.”

  “Even McKenna?”

  She smirks. “Especially McKenna. People who fight with us the hardest are the ones who are the most passionate about who we are.”

  I look over to the kitchen where my gargoyle family is cooking, and then back to the tree where the rest are laughing and at ease in my home. “I love you, Aunt Elizabeth. No matter what, you are and will always be my family.”

  She smiles, the tears freely falling now. “Me too, love bug. Me too.” Our moment is interrupted by the doorb
ell. She wipes her eyes. “That must be Michael.”

  “He rings the bell?”

  My aunt gives me a pointed look. “Eve, what would you have him do?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. It just seems so normal. I mean, doesn’t he have powers? Can’t he just poof into a room?”

  She looks less than thrilled. “I think he and I would have a problem if he just proofed into a room at my home, unannounced.”

  I watch her go to the door, but notice her quick glance in the mirror before she opens it. Then I see her entire demeanor light up when Michael turns around and locks eyes with her, in their own private moment. He smiles brightly. I sit down on the couch, entranced with the intimate behavior.

  “Libby,” he greets her with adoration.

  “Michael, it’s lovely for you to join us,” she welcomes shyly.

  He hands her a gigantic bouquet of daisies, her favorite flower.

  Abby plops down next to me on the couch.

  “I think your aunt has a thing for Michael.”

  I look at her and wrinkle my nose.

  “Ewe. First, that is my aunt and second, it’s Michael.”

  She laughs. “Looks like the lovey dovey eyes work both ways,” Abby says as she points to where my aunt and Michael are flirting with one another. Crap.


  Michael comes over to us. “Eve, Abigail, good to see you both again.” His eyes roam to my apron and he laughs. “Callan?”

  I nod. “Callan.” I forgot I was still wearing it.

  “Did I hear my name?” Callan and Asher both come out of the kitchen.

  “Yes, I was just showing Michael the lovely gift you got for me,” I say, causing Callan to beam with pride.

  Michael turns to my aunt. “If you will forgive me, Libby, I do need to discuss a few things with Keegan, Asher, and Callan before dinner.”

  My aunt seems flustered. “O-of course, please, you can use the sitting room. The girls and I will finish up dinner and get things ready in the dining room.”

  The angel smiles at her as if in their private world. “Thank you.” He responds politely and they all head closer to the fireplace. Talking quietly in a circle formation, nothing can be overheard.

  “Come on, let’s set the table. It’ll be fun watching Kenna try to figure out where the napkin goes.” Abby drags me out of the living room and into the kitchen.

  Twenty minutes later and we’re all sitting around my aunt’s humble dining room table. Five gargoyles, one archangel, one human weapon, and one human are all packed in. There’s nowhere else I would rather be.

  My aunt lifts her glass. “Thank you, everyone, for joining Eve and I today and especially to Callan for this wonderful meal. I can’t show my gratitude enough for your protection of her. Eve’s safety is the best gift I could ask for this holiday season. Please enjoy.”

  With that, everyone starts to dig in. After dinner, we admire the tree while eating the cookies I slaved over with Callan. Everything feels so...normal.

  Michael stayed after dinner and is engaged in quiet conversation with my aunt by the fireplace, where Callan insisted we hang stockings.

  “Eve, are there any questions I can answer for you this evening while I’m here?” Michael asks with thoughtfulness.

  I stare at him for a moment and then shake my head. “No, not right now. Tonight, I’m just enjoying Christmas with my family.”

  The archangel gives me a warm smile while my aunt glows. Asher’s next to me, smiling as he squeezes my knee with pride. We all sit and talk for a few more hours, enjoying just being together.

  “If you all will forgive me, I’m being called back,” Michael announces. “Libby, thank you for having me in your home and allowing me to share your holiday with you.” Then he turns to us. “I’ll see you all at training next week. Have a wonderful evening.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” my aunt offers.

  “Well, we all need to go to sleep so Santa can come,” Callan says like a small child.

  I laugh.

  “Come on, I’ll make sure you brush your teeth and get your pajamas on correctly this time,” Abby teases, holding her hands out to him.

  “It’s been a long day. I think we should all get some rest.” My aunt returns and ushers us all upstairs.

  I wait patiently for everyone to fall asleep. As soon as I think the coast is clear, I tiptoe downstairs and open the front closet where I stashed the gifts I got for everyone.

  Placing them under the tree is proving to be a difficult task since there are so many already laid out and the stockings are completely full.

  “Looks like someone else got here first,” I mutter to myself. Once I’m done, I turn to run back upstairs only to bump into something solid and I stifle a scream.

  Asher’s hand comes over my mouth as he laughs. “Shh. It’s just me, siren.”

  My wide eyes become slits as I rip his hand off my mouth. “What the hell, Asher! You gave me a heart attack,” I whisper shout.

  He’s still laughing. “Guess we need to work on your awareness and reflexes in training. I’ve been standing here for about ten minutes, watching you work, little elf.”

  “What are you doing down here?” I ask, annoyed and attempting to control my heart rate.

  “Well, I was filling the stockings because Callan still thinks Santa is real and then I headed into the kitchen for some water until I heard someone rifling around, so I thought I would check it out,” he speaks in a hushed tone.

  “Well, next time, announce your presence,” I say slowly.

  Asher tilts his head toward the stairway. “Come on. I’ll walk you back upstairs.” He offers his hand. I look at it for a moment before I take it, allowing the warmth of our touch to fill me.

  Once upstairs, he stops at the door to my room but doesn’t release my hand. Once again, we’re frozen in each other’s gaze. We just stand in silence for a moment, watching one another.

  “Well, goodnight, siren.” His whisper is low, causing my heart to stumble.

  “Goodnight, Asher.” I don’t release his hand. Without realizing it, I’ve pulled him closer to me and he’s come without hesitation.

  Asher’s body meets mine, pressing it against the door. He lowers his head and he brushes the hair off my shoulder before caressing my neck, continuing until he reaches my cheek. My eyes close involuntary at his gentle touch as my stomach twists in eagerness to be close to him.

  My breath and his mingle in the small space between our lips. His forehead presses to mine.

  “Merry Christmas, siren.” He licks his lips.

  “Merry Christmas, pretty boy.” I lift my head to meet his mouth.

  Then I’m falling.


  One minute I think I’m going to be kissing Asher, the next I’m flat on my back, staring up at McKenna. She looks like she’s ready to stab me to death.

  “What the fuck are you two doing? Get in here, Eve, before your aunt hears something,” she scolds while looking down at me.

  Asher’s hysterical in the hallway. “By the grace, McKenna. Be careful when you open doors.”

  Asher holds out his hand to help me up, but I ignore him since he’s still laughing.

  “Goodnight, Asher,” McKenna says as she closes the door tight and locks it.

  “What?” I feign innocence.

  “Go to bed, Eve,” she says sternly while I crawl into my large bed and close my eyes, willing myself to dream about Asher.

  I’m in an industrial loft. The walls are grey concrete and the floor is made of dark bamboo wood. There are oak beamed, two-story ceilings and a large wall made up of floor-to-ceiling glass windows, overlooking what appears to be Paris.

  I move closer to the windows. The Eiffel Tower in view confirms its Paris. The living room has a modern black leather sofa in an l-shape around a grey granite coffee table. A small fire in the fireplace alerts me that someone is here.

  There’s a spiral staircase leading
to the second floor mezzanine though I decide it’s best not to investigate. I turn around and see the kitchen area and a long hallway that leads to what I discover is a bathroom, office, and closet. Where the hell am I?

  I walk back to the living room area and freeze. Shit, this can’t be good. How the hell did I end up here?

  The tall, lean blond standing in front of the fireplace is wearing only black silk pajama bottoms. A tumbler of golden liquid is in one hand and a cigarette in the other. There is a large lion tattoo completely covering his ribbed back muscles. As he turns, his eyes widen in surprise.

  “Eve?” Gage questions, his hair wet like he just showered.

  I swallow, trying to regain my composure.“Gage, nice to see you again.” My smile is polite like we ran into one another at the market.

  Confusion mars his face. His eyes dart around the room with unease. “What are you doing here?” he asks with irritation.

  “Um, where is here exactly?” I ask, my voice small. My eyes focus on his chest. What is it with my hormones and Gage?

  He studies me, his brows pulled together. “Here is in my home, in the heart of the Marais area of Paris.” Gage’s tone is almost offended that I didn’t know.

  I smile awkwardly and attempt to brush it off. “I see.”

  “You see? How did you get into my loft, Eve? Is your protector with you?” His eyes are fixed on me.

  I shake my head. “No. I realize this is going to sound crazy but I’m not sure how I got here.”

  Gage just looks at me, stunned. Without a word, he turns back to the fire, throwing his lit cigarette into it. It’s obvious he’s trying to ascertain how I got here. Uninvited.

  I sit on the couch because honestly, what else am I going to do? If I don’t know how I got here, I certainly don’t know how to get back. Maybe this is a dream? I close my eyes and when they reopen, two sea green eyes are staring at me as I stifle a scream at Gage’s closeness.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I shout and pull back.

  Gage laughs. “Funny, that’s actually my question for you.” He gulps the last of the liquid in his glass and places the empty tumbler on the granite coffee table. “Can I get you a drink, love?”

  I shake my head. “No, thank you.”

  Now that he’s an inch in front of me, I wonder how I missed the distinct smell of spice and cigarette that’s all Gage running through the air of his residence.

  Taking a seat in the chair across from me, he watches me pensively and waits for an explanation. Which I don’t have.

  “Well?” he questions with a calm and curious demeanor.

  I lift my brows. “Well, what?”

  “What are you doing here, Eve?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not sure. One minute I was sleeping in my bed at my aunt’s house and the next I was looking out your rather large, picturesque windows of Paris.” I smirk mockingly.

  Gage contemplates my answer. “My guess is you’re either dream walking or astral projecting. Most likely, you’re astral projecting. You don’t know that you’re doing it?” he asks with disbelief.

  I shake my head. “Why are you convinced I’m not dream walking?”

  He clears his throat, annoyed with my lack of understanding. “Dream walking is when you enter someone’s mind, intrinsically manifesting in some form in a dream, normally used as a way to communicate with that person. Whoever initiates the dream walk can manipulate it to their will. Some even trap themselves in their own dream. The fact that you’re here and I’m not in a sleep state signifies that you’re able to travel outside your physical body which is astral projection.”

  “So am I really here with you?” I ask, confused.

  “Yes and no. Your body is still in your bed at your aunt’s but for whatever reason, you’ve subliminally sought me out,” he offers with his eyes twinkling.

  I shake my head. “No offense but I wasn’t even thinking about you tonight.”

  A slow, sinful smile appears on his face as he leans closer. “Actually, love, your subconscious was thinking of me. It’s the only way you’d be able to project to me.”

  Suddenly, I’m even more aware of the fact that he isn’t wearing a shirt and his beautiful body is inches away from me. Damn hormones. I look around, averting my eyes.

  “So you live in Paris?” I divert.

  He smiles knowingly and sits back in his chair. “When not in Massachusetts, yes.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You just fly back and forth?”

  Damn gargoyles.

  “Something like that.” He smirks secretively.

  I scan the loft. “Your home is very...grey. You like concrete?”

  He shrugs. “I’m a gargoyle. I prefer dark, cool, stone-like places.”

  “So is your stone concrete?” I ask, looking at the granite in the kitchen and other places.

  “Hematite. I see the London clan is finally providing full gargoyle disclosure to you.”

  “As I said, I believe I have all the facts now.” My tone is firm.

  He exhales roughly. “Hardly, especially noted by your lack of knowledge regarding dream walking and astral projection.”

  I sigh. “This visit has been a blast but if you would be so kind as to instruct me how to get back into my body, that would be peachy.” My sarcasm takes over.

  He laughs. “It’s normally done intuitively. I can’t send you. You pull yourself back once whatever it is you need has been taken care of. Since you’re still here with me, you obviously still have needs when it comes to me.” He drops his tone to a seductive level.

  “So I’m having an out of body experience with you because of unfinished business or something?” I ask, attempting to decipher this conversation.

  His eyes darken as he smirks sinfully. “Most women say they have an out of body experience with me. Rest assured, love, I always finish my business.”

  I roll my eyes. “You know what I am saying. So I can send myself back?”

  “Yes, you’ve astral projected yourself here. You should be able to do it to return,” he states.

  Just as I’m about to retort, there’s a harsh knock. Gage just stares at me, unmoving.

  “Are you going to get that?” The pounding has now picked up and is becoming violent.

  “Your ride back is here.” He gets up and opens the door where a very pissed off archangel is standing.

  “Gage, where is she?” Michael states coldly as he brushes past him into the living area where I’m seated.

  “Lovely to see you too, Michael. Please do come in,” Gage says in a mocking tone.

  Michael turns to me, his face angry. “What are you doing here, Eve?” His voice is disappointed.

  Eyes widened, I shrug. “Truthfully, I have no idea. I’m not even sure how I got here.”

  Michael sighs. “Well, then we need to work on that. In the meantime, please take my hand and I’ll return you.”

  I turn to Gage. “Thanks. Sorry for barging in on you.”

  “Anytime, love.” He stands with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed at Michael. “You will be taking her back to her aunt’s, right, Michael?”

  “That is none of your concern, gargoyle.” Michael takes my hand and astral projects me back to my body.

  I jolt awake to find myself in my bed. It’s still dark outside. My eyes slide to Abby and McKenna still sleeping next to me. I get up and head to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. When I open the door, I jump back, startled.

  “Shit. What are you doing here?” I whisper shout to Michael while my heart pounds in my chest.

  He is standing with his arms folded like an angry parent. Why do I feel like I’m in trouble?

  “Making sure you returned to your body. It is not safe for you to be astral projecting, Eve.”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s not like I did it on purpose. None of these abilities are under my control.”

  Asher walks out of his room, looking pretty ticked off. “Where the he—” He
stops, looking at Michael then clinching his jaw. “Where have you been?” His voice is laced with anger and concern.

  Michael turns to Asher. “Astral projecting but I caught her. We need to commence training as soon as you return home.”

  “Agreed. Are you alright?” Asher asks, arms folded as his jaw muscles tick.

  I nod. “How did you know I was gone?”

  “I can feel you so when you pulled away, I thought you went realm jumping and I followed.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize I could astral project too,” I say, trying not to laugh.

  This is the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had.

  Asher exhales in annoyance. “Alright. I’ll see you in the morning,” he throws out irately and returns to his room.

  I turn to Michael. “Why didn’t you tell him you found me at Gage’s?” I ask with curiosity.

  “The gargoyle’s concern with where you were is not necessary, just that you were not present in your body,” Michael states.

  I smile. “Thanks for keeping that quiet. He would have really blown a gasket.”

  Michael smirks. “Yes, he would. Let me be clear. He is your protector, Eve. That’s all. You are a child of Heaven and he is your gargoyle sentinel. There are rules,” he reminds me.

  “Oh, I’m aware.” My voice sounds tired.

  “Good. Get some rest. I will see you at training soon.” Instantly, he’s gone as my eyes shift to Asher’s closed door.

  18 The Declan Clan

  The light snowflakes twist and turn while falling from the sky, reminding me of a shaken snow globe. Keegan pulls the SUV onto the ferry to head back to the manor. I smile to myself, feeling more relaxed and at ease with my aunt, and believe it or not, the situation I’ve now found myself in.

  My eyes slide to see Asher is watching me. He leans in and my body instinctively inclines toward the warmth radiating between us. All I want to do is climb onto his lap and stay there forever.

  “You look beautiful when you smile, siren. You should do it more often,” he barely whispers.

  “Alright, kids, the ferry has launched. Forty minutes and we’ll be back on dry land again. Thank grace,” Callan says with a sigh of dread.

  “Did you take the dramamine?” Abby asks him.

  Callan nods.

  “Aw, does the big bad gargoyle get sea sick?” I tease him and laugh.

  He shoots me the death glare. “Say what you will but boats are evil.”

  We all make our way to the deserted seating area. After my astral projecting incident last night, forcing a second visit from Michael, it was decided we would go back to the manor tonight and start my training tomorrow. Since it’s Christmas Day, the boat is almost empty.

  Still feeling restless, I stand and head over to the glass window. “Your aunt seems great. You two have a special relationship. It’s nice that you’re so close,” McKenna says quietly from beside me. I hadn’t even noticed her approach.

  Unsure of how to respond to her, I keep my focus forward to the choppy water. “Yeah, I’m glad we were able to work it all out. She’s the closest thing I have to a mom. I would have hated to lose that.”

  McKenna looks out the window in reflection and then sighs. “I miss mine every day. Family is important, Eve.” Then she walks back to sit beside Keegan.

  I’m not sure what’s more surprising. The fact that she called me by my name or that she just had a normal conversation with me. I return my focus to the large window and trace the snowflakes with my finger.

  “You want to take a walk and get some fresh air?” Asher asks from behind me.

  I nod my response. We walk out to the deck. The fog has picked up and is becoming thick, blanketing us. The lighthouses on the shoreline are scanning but the mist is so heavy, the illumination isn’t doing much in the darkness. I’m not sure why, but unease begins to seep into my soul, maybe because it’s so dark and dreary out.

  The smell of salt and the cold nip from the air isn’t comforting me the way it normally does, though it’s refreshing on my skin. The snow falls steadier now, and my breath is coming out in a solid, cloud-like form in front of me.

  Asher and I walk to the side of the deck in silence. “The Vineyard is really pretty,” he says, nodding to the water's edge. “It’s very charming. Thanks for allowing us to come.”

  I give him a small smile. “It is special and I think my aunt enjoyed having everyone over. It’s usually just the two of us and pretty quiet.”

  “I’m happy things worked out with her. You need her in your life,” he expresses offhandedly.

  “Me too,” I agree. “I really need you in it too.” I keep my focus on the shore, knowing that if I look at him, I’ll break down and jump into his arms, breaking the friend rule, though we haven’t been very good at abiding by those lines.

  “I didn’t mention this earlier, but you look lovely today, siren” he compliments softly.

  I turn to face him. He’s standing close to me and our arms brush one another. Michael’s warning echoes in my ear and I pull my arm back.

  “Thanks.” I try to keep my voice even.

  “I meant to give you your Christmas gift earlier, but didn’t have the chance. I’d like to now, if you’re okay with that?” Asher reaches in his pocket and searches for something but comes up empty. “Wait here. I might have left it in my bag, which is in the car.” He turns and goes inside.

  I bite the inside of my cheek in anticipation. As I’m waiting, I imagine swirling in the snowflake flurry on the boat deck. I narrow my eyes to see if they’re playing tricks on me. They’re not, the snow is actually swirling. I move toward the twister to see what it is. Then it calls me. “Evvveeee…” I stop. Frozen. My intuition is warning me that talking twirling snow can’t be good. Crap.

  The spinning flurry morphs itself into a man as I stand motionless and completely terrified. He’s wearing black dress pants and a black dress shirt that’s unbuttoned. Odd. Isn’t he freezing? His powerfully endowed body is covered in various tattoos and he stands tall, stretching as if he’s been sitting in the car too long and his muscles ache.

  He must be over six feet. His black hair is buzzed short and his eyes shine a dark shade of brown that seems black in the night. He stretches his tattoo-covered neck to the right then the left as he stares at me. A sinister smile plays on his lips.

  Two additional swirls of mist appear. One materializes into a girl with mocha skin and chocolate eyes and her long, dark brown hair curls at her waist. She’s petite, but looks viscous. The second form is another man. He stands just as tall as the first with dark black, shaggy hair hanging into his evil looking dark brown eyes. He’s also lean and muscular like the first guy. They’re all smirking maliciously at me. Crap, this isn’t going to end well.

  “Eve Collins. Unprotected, I see,” the first guy speaks to me.

  Curbing my tenseness, I inhale through my nose, standing straight as I tip my chin up and puff out my chest. I’m attempting to show I’m not afraid, although I’m quivering inside.

  “Who are you?” I inquire with a strong voice.

  Open shirt guy begins to button up, unaffected by the frigid temperatures. “Deacon, leader of the Declan clan. My mate, Jade,” he motions to the pretty girl and then to the boy, “and my brother, Kaiden.”

  “What is it I can do for you, Deacon?” Fear runs down my spine right into my soul.

  A cruel laugh filters out of his mouth as he rolls up his sleeves, showing off more tattoos on his arms. “Are your gargoyles playing hide and seek?”

  I stare at him, arms folded.

  “Cat got your tongue, little girl?” Deacon steps into my space. His foul breath blows in my face. “I am to deliver you to Lucifer. His interest in you is, unsuitable, at best.” He sneers at me.

  A strangled laugh comes out of me. “You’re kidding, right? There’s no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you or your little minions.” I tip my head toward Kaiden and Jade.

??s narrowed eyes shoot to mine. “I didn’t ask. Force is my forte.” His large, cold hand grabs my upper arm, holding it so tightly that he’s bruising it as I futility try to escape his hold.

  “Let go of me, you nasty son of a bitch,” I say, attempting to sound cold but it just comes out furious and whiney.

  Deacon pulls his hand out and backhands me across the face. The sound of the collision echoes in the cold night air. “Don’t insult my mother. It’s unflattering of you.”

  My eyes involuntary water and my cheek begins to sting from the impact of his hand, which felt like a brick of ice against my skin. I try to regain my composure after the shock of being slapped.

  “Let her go, Deacon.” Asher’s voice comes out callous and deep.

  I swallow as I watch Asher coming toward us. He looks menacing with Keegan and Callan flanking his sides. Abby and McKenna are behind him. They all have their gargoyle wings out, and their eyes are glowing blue as if prepared for battle.

  “The dark prince graces us. Upset I’m toying with your pet?” Deacon’s raspy voice comes out with spite.

  “I said, let her go,” Asher grits out through clenched teeth.

  Deacon increases the tight hold on me. I wince from the pain, knowing it’s leaving a bruise. He’s so strong, there’s no way I can break out of his clutch. Crap, I’m screwed.

  The Declan clan protrudes their wings, which are a dull grey color. Their dark brown eyes glow almost black as they take a fighting stance.

  “No. You’ve had your fun. Now it’s my turn to play with her,” Deacon taunts as his grip tightens and he pulls me back behind him like a rag doll.

  “I am not a toy to be played with. Let me go.” I seethe.

  “Shut up.” As he raises his hand to me again, I flinch, waiting for impact.

  “Touch her again and I’ll kill you.” Asher’s face is deadly as he pulls his black granite sword out. His voice cuts right through me, the threat real.

  Deacon sighs, bored as he throws me at Kaiden, who grabs me hard and pulls me taut to his chest. Sniffing the back of my hair, he groans in excitement as I squirm. Gross.

  “Enough talking. We are delivering her to Lucifer.” Deacon’s voice sounds low, like a growl.

  “Leave her. But you, go now, Deacon, while I still allow it,” Asher says with finality in his tone.

  The snow and wind have picked up, making the water choppy and the boat deck slippery. The rocking motion of the boat is starting to make my head spin, along with the tight hold from Kaiden. All I can see in front of me is the darkness from the night. I focus on Asher’s face, trying to calm my nerves. He looks so deadly. All I feel is coldness inside and out.

  Deacon pulls out his grey steel sword and points it at Asher. “You want her? Come get her.”

  Asher steps forward at a slow and methodical pace. “She is human, Deacon. Even you, with your lack of morals, know the penalty for harming a human.”

  My eyes scan the rest of the London clan. They’re focused on Deacon and his cronies. Unmoving but prepared to jump into battle at any moment.

  “Deacon, baby, I’ve had enough. Let’s just flash her out of here and be done with this,” the girl he called Jade coos seductively at him.

  “Anywhere you take her, anywhere in the world, I will hunt you down and kill you on the spot. You know I’m a man of my word,” Asher states slow and callously.

  “That’s just it,” Deacon mocks, “you’re not a man. You’re a gargoyle.”

  “As are you, Deacon. If you injure her, I will end you after I torture your mate,” Asher promises in a low, deep rumble before he turns to the girl.

  With lightening speed, my protector grabs Jade, throwing his granite sword across her throat, smirking triumphantly while it sears her skin. The rancid smell of burnt skin triggers my gag reflexes. The rest of the London clan remains locked in their warrior poses.

  Kaiden sees Jade’s discomfort and lessens his grip on me. Confusion crosses his face as indecision floats through him to hold onto me or save Jade.

  Seeing Asher act so cruel causes goose bumps to cover my skin. The reality of what he is sinks in. My body begins trembling because I know the Declan clan has the ability to disappear and take me with them at any moment.

  Deacon sharpens his gaze on Asher. “The Angelic Sword?” It comes out as more of a statement than a question.

  “It’s burning her. The longer I hold it to her throat, the longer she suffers,” Asher mercilessly singes her skin again as Jade snivels in pain.

  Deacon’s nostrils flare in anger, his eyes never leaving Asher’s. He motions to Kaiden with his hand, “Give her,” he grits out the order from his clenched teeth.

  Kaiden thrusts me forward. Deacon roughly grabs my wrists and manhandles me, yanking me forward.

  With his other hand, Deacon grabs my face hard, forcing me to look at Asher before he whispers in my ear like a lover sharing a secret. “You know not what your protector’s actions have now unleashed.”

  My chest is rising and falling in shallow motions with each breath. Tears are building in my eyes from the sheer pain of Deacon’s grasp. As one escapes and travels down my cheek, Asher’s gaze follows it, his face unaffected but his eyes pained.

  “This is not over.” Deacon throws me toward Asher.

  I cry out from the force and shock of being roughly pushed. Instantly, Asher releases the sword from Jade’s neck, tossing her aside to catch my fall.

  She grasps her throat and Kaiden helps her up. They make their way over to Deacon who looks like he’s ready to implode.

  Asher grabs me and clutches me to him, sword still out. He’s worried for me but still in attack mode.

  Deacon sneers. “I’ll get what I came for. War or death.” Abruptly, the three of them vanish into thin air.

  I collapse from the adrenaline into Asher’s arms, the force causes us both to fall onto the now snow covered deck. The wetness seeps into our clothes while I hide my head in his chest and he cradles me like a child.

  “I’ve got you. You’re safe. It’s okay,” he comforts while he caresses my hair. I’m unsure if he’s trying to convince me or himself as he exhales an uneven breath and pulls me closer.

  My arms tighten around his neck and my body trembles while tears stain my cheeks. I try to focus on the safety and warmth of his embrace.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you alone. Are you okay?” Asher leans back and scans my face, his jaw tight, nostrils flaring. No doubt from the sight of bruises that have formed from where Deacon backhanded me and squeezed the crap out of my cheeks.

  “Ash, let’s take Eve inside. We’re about to dock. We can look her over once we get back to the manor,” Callan intervenes, his voice quiet and sympathetic.

  Asher nods, handing his sword to Keegan and then places one arm under my knees and wraps the other around my waist. He carries me into the boat’s interior seating area and down the stairs to the carport.

  Once in the vehicle, he sits me on his lap. I cling to him as he tightens his possession of me, not letting me go. Asher whispers into my ear to ease my fear.

  For the first time in a while, I actually feel safe.

  19 Stay

  The drive back to La Gargouille is silent. I can feel Abby’s warm eyes every so often, but don’t actually see them because I keep my head nuzzled in Asher’s neck, breathing him in. The shaking has finally subsided by the time Keegan pulls the SUV up the cobblestone driveway and parks in front of the manor.

  Everyone exits the vehicle and I’m faintly aware of the side door opening. I hear Asher say, “I’ve got her,” to whoever opened it. He’s still holding me tightly, afraid I’ll disappear at any moment.

  Asher carries me into the house and heads straight for the stairs. Once we’re in my room, he walks me into the bathroom, placing me carefully onto the counter near the sink and then turns on the hot water in the shower.

  He doesn’t speak. Words aren’t needed. Instead, he opens the bottom
cabinet and takes out a first aid kit. With the lightest of touches, Asher grips my chin in his hand, moving my head left then right, assessing the damage.

  Once I’ve been examined, he pulls out a cold pack, snaps it and carefully places it on my cheek where Deacon slapped me. I flinch more from the cold than the pain.

  At my motion, Asher closes his eyes like the pain is his, breathing in deeply and trying to control the rage. A warm, large hand covers mine before placing both over the cold pack, forcing me to keep it on my face while he rolls up my sleeves and looks at each of my arms where Deacon gripped me. There are hand marks on my wrists and upper arms that are turning a nasty dark blue-purple color. Asher swallows hard at the sight.

  Once done examining me, he rolls my sleeves down again and takes my cheeks in his hands, looking me directly in the eyes.

  His face is apologetic and distressed. “I’m sorry.” His voice is almost inaudible.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay,” I reassure him.

  He nods for show not out of belief and then kisses the top of my head.

  “The warm water will help with the chill. Take your time,” he speaks in a low tone. Without another word, he leaves the bathroom. I exhale the breath I had been holding.

  I step into the shower and allow the warm water to trickle over my head and body, warming me like a blanket. I stand under the dribbling water and let myself soak in everything that has happened these past two months.

  As it all hits me at once, my body slides down into a seated position. Knees bent, I rest my head between them as I lose control of my emotions.

  The tears begin to fall freely, mixing in with the warm shower water as I sit there and sob for what feels like days. Finally, when the last tear has leaked out, I inhale and pick myself up. I turn off the water and step into the embrace of a warm, fluffy towel.

  I wipe the steam off the mirror and get a good look at myself. My eyes are red from crying and my right cheek has swollen to twice its size. My eye is almost shut from the swelling. On the left cheek are fingerprints from Deacon’s grip. I close my eyes, exhale, and reopen them, allowing them to shift down to my upper arms which both have circular bruises matching the one on my wrist.

  With great care, I apply my lotion and get dressed in the Property of London t-shirt that Asher left for me again and a pair of my own sweatpants.

  After brushing my hair and teeth, I grab the cold pack and put it back on my face then open the door to find a showered Asher sitting on the edge of my bed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. His head is down and he’s staring at the floor like it holds all the answers. His beautiful body sags in defeat.

  I approach him slowly. He doesn’t notice me until I’m standing in front of him. I stand between his parted legs as his eyes lazily move up my body, taking me in. Once they lock onto my face, his becomes downhearted. The pain on his face is etched on like a statue. His eyebrows pull together in a severe frown.

  My need to comfort him outweighs any discomfort I’m feeling. I take the cold pack and throw it onto the bed then move closer, cupping both of his cheeks with my hands. Asher’s hands come up around my waist and pull me to him with a firm grip.

  Using my thumbs, I smooth the frown on his eyebrows and force his eyes to look at me. I promise myself to be strong in this moment. He needs to know I’m okay and it’s not his fault.

  “Thank you,” I speak softly.

  He shakes his head so I tighten my hands on his cheeks. “I’m here because of you,” I murmur.

  “I left you unprotected,” he says.

  “No. You. Saved. Me. Tonight,” I reply with no room for argument.

  Asher’s dejected eyes meet mine as he swallows and scans my face. “I vowed to always protect you, and tonight you were hurt because I wasn’t focused on your safety.”

  I shake my head in disagreement. “Ash, you saved me. If you didn’t come when you did, Deacon would have vanished with me and who knows where I would be right now.”

  Asher releases a heavy sigh, like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. “You should get some rest. It’s been a long week and you’ll start your training tomorrow if you feel up to it.” With ease, he moves me and stands.

  I reach for him and grab his arm. “Stay,” I plead.

  Asher looks at me with pensive sadness. “Eve, you’re safe. No harm will come to you in this house. The enchantments are up and we’re on guard. I promise.” He misunderstands my request as fear and not a need to be close to him.

  I shake my head. “Stay,” I plead again in a softer voice.

  Indigo eyes soften as they watch mine darken. Without a word, his hand reaches for mine as he guides me to the side of the bed. He pulls down the covers and motions for me to get in then tucks me in like a child.

  A small tilt of his lips appears as he leans down and places the softest kiss to my forehead, lingering for a brief moment while I close my eyes.

  “Sleep, siren,” he whispers against my forehead.

  “Stay,” I repeat, my tone becoming panicked.

  “I can’t,” he answers sadly.

  “Stay,” I demand.

  Asher inhales, realizing I’m not going to give up. After staring me for what felt like a lifetime, he lies down next to me, on top of the covers. I peek over at him, deciding to curl up into his side, placing my unharmed left cheek onto his chest.

  Overwhelmed, he wraps his strong arms around me, pulling me against him. I sigh, content with being in the protection of his arms. The rise and fall of his chest lulls me to sleep.

  “Batya, you must open your eyes.” The warm voice of Lady Finella coaxes my ear. My lids flutter open as I realize I am back in the Kingdom of the Fae.

  “H-how did I get here?” I question.

  Confused, I push myself up off the grass to stand.

  “It is my belief that you crossed realms again child, however, do not fear, your protector is here,” she says with a reassuring tone and points an elegant finger behind me to Asher.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, holding back my excitement at the idea of Asher being here with me this time.

  He walks at a slow and purposeful pace with a beautiful smile upon his lips. As he approaches us, he properly bows. “Lady Finella, thank you for granting us permission to the Kingdom of the Fae.”

  She dips her head back at Asher. “Protector, you and the daughter of Heaven are always welcomed guests in my land.”

  I swallow. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I had jumped back here.”

  She glances at me with kind eyes. “There is nothing to be sorry for, child. You feel a strong connection to our realm and we’re happy to provide haven. Perhaps you and your protector would like to join me for tea at the palace?”

  I glimpse at Asher and he nods his concurrence. “Thank you. That would be wonderful.”

  “Magnificent. Please, each of you take a hand,” she commands with a gentle and regal voice.

  Asher and I both clasp our hands in hers and we begin to shimmer in waves, leaving magic dust in our wake as the beautiful and lush forest morphs into gemstone lined castle walls.

  Lady Finella releases our hands and motions for us to follow her through a maze of hallways. The castle appears to be made of glass, as though we’re outdoors in the forest.

  The transparent walls reflect a light green tint and when the sun shines through them, it gives a soft glow inside the fortress.

  We enter a circular chamber that is spacious. It reminds me of a garden green house. The round ceiling is at least ten stories in height with an open glass top allowing a stunning view of the blue sky. There’s an elegant table set in the center of the hall, decorated with soft green and cream linens and flower patterned china.

  Lady Finella approaches the table and gestures for us to sit. “Please sit and I’ll call for Ainsley.”

  Asher and I take a seat. I haven’t felt this peaceful in a long time. I turn to Asher to see his content expression from my left.

smaller version of Lady Finella flitters into the room. She’s about three feet tall, has red hair that also falls in ringlets, and emerald green eyes. Her dress is amber in color as are her transparent wings and the soft glow around her. This fairy has wrist and ankle bracelets in green, like Lady Finella’s gold ones, but she doesn’t have the rune markings on her legs or arms.

  The amber pixie flutters over to the table and bows in a graceful motion at Lady Finella. As she turns to Asher and myself, her eyes widen with recognition and she bows first to Asher and then to me.

  “Eve and Asher, may I present the Duchess of the Sprites, Ainsley,” Lady Finella introduces us in a proper fashion.

  “It is an honor to meet you, daughter of Heaven and your protector.” Ainsley curtsies to me.

  “Thank you.” I tilt my head politely toward her tiny form.

  “Ainsley, would you be so kind as to have the sprites bring tea and an offering for Eve and her sentinel,” Lady Finella asks Ainsley.

  Ainsley curtsies again. “Of course, my lady.” Then she flies away.

  Lady Finella turns her attention back to us. “Allow me to formally welcome you to the Emerald Castle. As you may have noticed, the walls are translucent, allowing our viewpoint to be of the surrounding forest. However, there is a protective shield blocking the view from the outside for privacy. The openness allows all who reside within the castle to feel as if they are actually living within the forest and gardens. The green hue is designed to emanate the sense of calm and tranquility that mother earth projects.”

  “Is that why I feel so peaceful here?” I inquire.

  Lady Finella smiles brightly. “It is my wish that is the case, Batya. You have the blood of Eden within your veins so it’s possible there is a strong connection to mother earth’s gardens and forests. Perhaps that is why you’re so drawn to our realm. When you feel afraid or unsure, you seem to land here, perchance seeking comfort. Which we are most privileged to provide.”

  “That is an interesting perception, Lady Finella,” Asher adds, a reflective hitch to his tone.

  “Whatever your reason, child, we are grateful,” she says with an air of privilege.

  “I just wish I knew how I was doing it. I’m starting to feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland,” I mutter, chewing the inside of my cheek.

  Ainsley enters with two sprites, one gold and one blue. They bustle around us, pouring tea into the flowered china and placing finger sandwiches in front of us. Once they’re done, both fairies bow, and without noise, leave the atrium.

  Lady Finella motions toward the bites. “Please, help yourself. The tea sandwiches are made with vegetables and herbs that we grow in our gardens,” she says with pride.

  I take a bite of one, and my mouth waters. The cucumber is so fresh and crisp and the chive cream cheese filling is amazing.

  “Thank you, your highness,” Asher replies politely as I chomp on the snack.

  I nod my head in agreement. “Yes, thank you. These are incredible.”

  The elegant fairy smiles. “I am quiet flattered that they please you. Now, do tell me, when do you start your training?” She turns her head to Asher, evidently interested in his answer.

  “Eve has had a difficult time embracing her bloodline, Your Grace. It’s only recently that she has welcomed it. She will begin proper training tomorrow,” he assures her.

  “It must have been quite difficult for you, Eve, given your upbringing within the human world, but I see greatness in your eyes. You shall do well, child,” she assures, patting my hand in a motherly gesture.

  I sigh. “I’m not so sure about that. I had a run in with an unfriendly gargoyle clan yesterday. The altercation is making me think twice about my abilities,” I blurt out without thought.

  Asher’s face drops as if I’ve punched him in the stomach. I immediately regret the statement.

  Lady Finella turns to Asher, visibly worried and confused. “Is this true, protector? Another gargoyle clan is endangering and showing signs of hostility toward a human?”

  He nods. “Unfortunately, yes. Not just any clan, the Declan clan, Your Grace.”

  Lady Finella’s face drops and goes pale. “Are you implying the half-breed spawn of Dimia and Lucifer threatens a human?”

  “Yes, Your Grace.” Asher’s eyes slide to mine then snap back to hers.

  Lady Finella places her napkin on the table as her voice becomes authoritative. “Well, it appears that you will need more than the gargoyles helping you if you are to succeed in this vile war, child.”

  “We are diligently working on a strategy for Eve’s protection, I assure you,” Asher states.

  “Very well. I hold court the day after tomorrow with Arabella, Lunette, Valentin, and Lucian. I will bring this to their immediate attention and see what can be done from our kingdoms to ensure her safety and success,” she says in a business-like manner.

  Asher nods his head in a soft bow. “Thank you, Your Grace. That is most kind and we gratefully accept the help of those realms. I will inform Michael as well.”

  “Wonderful.” She claps her hands together in delight before she tilts her head, listening to something. “My apologies. I am being called away by kingdom business. With regret, l must send you both back to the earth realm. Protector, Ainsley will come to you with word as soon as I know what we can do on our end. Thank you both for your lovely company during tea today,” Lady Finella says as she rises from her seat.

  Asher stands, guiding me by my hand to do the same. “Thank you for your hospitality,” he offers as I stand, confused.

  Before I can say anything else, Lady Finella flattens her hand and blows iridescent gold shimmer at me. I begin to flicker, returning to the earth plane as I notice the fairy leaning into Asher’s ear in a bare whisper.

  “Am I to understand, gargoyle, that she still doesn’t know who you really are?” she asks.

  Asher nods. “For now, yes.”

  She pauses for a moment in contemplation. “I will guard your secret. For now,” she vows before sending Asher back to the earth realm as well.

  I wrench awake with Asher lying peacefully next to me. I allow myself a moment to get lost in the beauty of his face. His eyes open a few moments after mine at a casual, easy pace. A slow, small smile presents itself on his lips.

  I pout, turning onto my side and angling my body up on my elbow to face Asher. He’s still lying on his back, eyes fixed on the ceiling. “Why don’t you jerk awake the way I do?” I whine.

  He lets out a light laugh. “I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have. Once you train, you’ll learn to control your return and it won’t be so jarring anymore.”

  “How did you know I realm jumped?” I ask as my eyes scan his stubble-dusted jawline.

  “I felt you pull away. I figured you went back to the same realm so I followed you,” he explains in a nonchalant tone, like he followed me to the library.

  “I remember the visit this time,” I admit in awed excitement.

  He smiles. “It’s because you have been enlightened. Your mind has allowed you to process the visit as real versus a dream.” Asher slides his face to me, catching my eyes.

  “Thank you for staying last night,” I say, my tone shy and quiet.

  Asher sits up, startled. “Eve, your face,” he exclaims, puzzled. He takes my cheeks in his palms as his gaze scans my entire head.

  “What?” I panic and he grabs my arms, searching for the bruises that were there last night.

  I look and they’re gone. “Wait, what? Where are they?” I ask in confusion, looking to Asher.

  He locks eyes with me. “It seems you have one of the archangel’s gifts. The power to heal. You’ve mended yourself, siren,” he breathes out, astonished.

  I bolt out of bed and run into the bathroom to look in the mirror. Yep, I’m completely healed.

  20 Morning Light

  Staring at myself in the mirror, I’m still in shock that I’m no longer sporting a swollen and bruised cheek.
The ring of bruises on my wrists and upper arms are completely gone as well.

  Asher comes up behind me and our eyes connect in the mirror. With his large hand, he brushes my long hair to the right side and places it over my shoulder. The touch is so achingly beautiful and full of unspoken things.

  He leans into me, his breath tickling my ear. “That’s an amazing gift, siren,” he says, awestruck.

  “Do you think I can heal others or just myself?” I inquire, holding his gaze with curiosity.

  He gives me his bright, sexy smile. “I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out.”

  His fingertips run along my neck in a light caress. “I never gave you your Christmas present yesterday. I was going inside to look for it when Deacon showed up. Would you like it now?”

  I nod my head, not breaking eye contact and he lifts his left hand. It is clasping a silver chain with a single feather lying on its side.

  “It’s beautiful, Asher.” I breathe out.

  “I asked your aunt to make it especially for you. It’s an angel’s wing. A symbol to remind you of the divine presence in your life. May I?” he asks.

  I nod as he brings the necklace around my neck, securing the clasp.

  “I love it. Thank you.” I turn to face Asher. “But I don’t need a necklace to remind me that I have a divine presence in my life. I have you.”

  His face turns ashen and he closes his eyes. “We should go downstairs. I need some coffee,” he says with a raw voice.

  I frown. “Wait, this is a lot nicer than the scabbard I gave you.”

  Asher smiles. “Nope, that’s the best gift I’ve ever been given,” he states and grabs my hand, guiding me down to the kitchen where everyone, including Leo and Aria, are eating breakfast.

  As soon as they see us, Callan stops eating, spoon in mid air, mouth open.

  “EVE!” Abby exclaims. “Where are your bruises?” She shifts her focus between Asher and me.

  Asher walks over to the counter and pours two cups of coffee. He places one sweetener and a hint of milk in mine, causing me to smile inside that he knows how I take my coffee. Asher pours his black and turns around, taking a sip.

  He gives everyone his devastatingly beautiful smile. “It seems Eve has inherited a gift from Michael. She can heal herself.”

  “What?” McKenna whispers out.

  Asher nods in confirmation and Keegan comes over to inspect me. “May I?” he asks, his hands on either side of my head, waiting for my approval. “Amazing,” Keegan exhales with admiration.

  “That is remarkable, Eves. Truly awesome.” Callan smiles and puts his spoon in his mouth.

  “It is pretty fantastic that you can do that, Eve.” Aria beams.

  I return her smile. “I guess. At least I won’t need cover up.”

  “Way to be positive.” Aria laughs.

  I snag a blueberry muffin off the counter and begin picking at it.

  Keegan smiles with respect. “We should let Michael know about your new ability as soon as possible. In the meantime, now that you’re feeling better, we can begin downloading information on the demonic legion. So, after breakfast, please dress and meet us in the library.”

  “Keegan, we also need to let Michael know that Eve realm jumped again last night.” Asher shrugs off handedly.

  “Again?” McKenna snipes.

  I roll my eyes. “I didn’t do it intentionally. Asher came with me so no harm done,” I explain.

  “Which realm?” Callan asks, amused.

  “Kingdom of the Fae again,” Asher offers.

  “Alright, I’ll alert Michael as well. Is Lady Finella amiable with Eve’s continued presence in her realm?” Keegan questions.

  “She is very pleased that the daughter of Heaven chose her realm as a haven,” Asher says, mimicking Lady Finella’s regal voice.

  “Alright then. Let’s do this.” Callan stands up, placing his cereal bowl in the sink.

  I follow him upstairs to freshen up.

  After showering and getting dressed, I head down to the library for my demon 101 lecture.

  “Eve, are you prepared to learn about the demonic legion?” Keegan asks from his seat across from where I’m sitting on the couch.

  Before he can continue, Aria bounces in and plops down on the couch next to me as all eyes turn to her in surprise.

  She looks around. “What?”

  “Aria, this may not be—” Leo gets cut off by his bubbly girlfriend.

  “I want to learn about it too. How am I going to help protect Eve if I don’t know what I’m up against?” she says with a bit of whining.

  Keegan nods after meeting Leo’s defeated eyes.

  “Okay, but just to learn, not to participate.”

  Aria claps with excitement before whispering to me. “This is our first class together,” she says as she wiggles her eyebrows, causing me to giggle in surprise.

  “Ladies, please. Let’s get started,” Keegan scolds.

  “A little background on demonology. After Lucifer was banished from Heaven for refusing to revere humans, he took a human woman, Lilith, as revenge. He stripped her humanity, making her not only the first demon but also his mate. As a result of this offense, Michael was sent to imprison Lucifer in a cage, known today as Hell,” Asher explains.

  Keegan continues. “While in his cage, Lucifer rebelled and created his own army of demons. It’s called the demonic legion or dark army.”

  “If an angel is formed from fire, how is a demon created?” I ask.

  “A demon is produced from a human soul after centuries of torture. One month on earth is the equivalent to one hundred in Hell. Human souls are sent when they have either made deals or agreements with demons that roam earth or are deemed worthy of Hell’s Gates. Hellhounds hunt and then kill the humans who’ve entered into these agreements or death is sent to retrieve the worthy souls. Then they are sent to Hell to suffer agonies you can’t even imagine,” Leo describes with sadness in his voice.

  “The hierarchy of demons can be defined by eye color. Black-eyed demons are usually Lucifer’s most trusted underlings. They are able to conceal their eye color at will. However, once they release the demon, their eyes turn black. Demons that have white eyes are usually devoted generals. Those with yellow eyes, like the banshee or baghest, are usually delegates or messengers and red eyed demons are the cronies or minions,” Keegan adds.

  “Can we realm jump there?” I ask, attempting to hide the fear in my voice.

  Asher shakes his head. “No. Only souls, demons, or angels can enter or exit both Heaven and Hell.”

  “Do they have powers?” Aria prods.

  “Yes. All demons have powers. Telepathy, telekinesis, superhuman strength, enhanced endurance, mind control, pyrokinesis, and resurrection are just some of the many abilities they possess. Also, with a single touch, demons can send souls and other demons back to the Gates. Like most supernatural beings, their powers depend on what their strengths and ranks are,” Asher explains.

  “How do you stop them?” I chew on the inside of my cheek.

  Asher runs his thumb along my bottom lip, stopping my bad habit while he speaks. “Angels have the power to kill demons with a touch. The rest of us need an Angel Sword, spells, burning, it really just depends on the demon and what is needed to remove it.”

  I inhale sharply. “But demons aren’t all that are after me, right?”

  Leo stands. “No, there’s a world of supernatural beings that will also want to turn you over to Lucifer. The reason is that Lucifer can give them all the power they want. You, my dear, are the negotiation tool. Luficer wants you and the supernatural world wants control. As with all things in life, there are good and bad and everyone is misguided by greed. We will be facing and learning how to defeat witches, sprites, werewolves, vampires, belkins, and ilfrits amongst others.”

  I close my eyes.

  “Holy shit!” Aria exclaims.

  “You said it,” I agree with her.

/>   “Do you see why your training is so important, Eve? We can and will protect you but you must be educated and prepared as well,” Keegan implores.

  “Lady Finella has also offered the assistance of The Supernatural Court. She’s meeting with them the day after tomorrow, plus we have Michael and a divine presence. Eve, you’re not alone in this,” Asher assures me.

  Yeah, not working. Still freaking out.

  “Why don’t we head to the training facility and get Eve going on some basic skills. I think this is enough education for today,” Asher suggests.

  Thirty minutes later, I walk into the training room and it’s empty. The clock on the wall confirms the time. “Yep, on time,” I mumble to myself.

  Walking around the vast room, I notice the mats, punching bags, and other gym equipment as well as a wall of weapons. Everything from knives, swords, daggers, staffs, axes, bill hooks, and other medieval type battle weapons are hanging within reach. I sigh, having no idea what any of these items are for or how to use them.

  My hands run over each of the blades and stop on a set of silver daggers with black onyx handles. The stone is so smooth until you reach the dragon symbol etched into them. It matches Asher’s tattoo and is brushed in silver. Of their own accord, my hands move to release them from the hooks but I’m stopped by a deep voice.

  “You have not earned the right to use those yet,” Asher says with authority.

  I pull my hands back and walk away from the wall then turn to see Asher, Callan, Kenna, and Tadhg all standing in the center of the room in a straight line. They look more than intimidating. They look like warriors, ready for battle.

  The guys are wearing black workout pants and white t-shirts and Kenna is in black yoga pants like mine, and a similar black tank top. Their faces are focused and all business. Crap.

  “You better get used to this room. For the next month, you’ll be in here twelve hours a day. When you aren’t training with us, you’ll be with Keegan being downloaded on supernatural beings and dark army,” McKenna states.

  My mouth drops open. “Are you fucking serious?”

  Asher nods. “Thirty minutes of warm-up, two hours of conditioning, four hours of hand-to-hand and defense combat and eventually, six hours of weapon training. The last thirty minutes will be to stretch and cool down.”

  My eyes shift over each person.

  “That’s a lot of training.”

  “Aye, ye need it,” Tadhg states with his heavy accent.

  “We’re talking demons and supernatural creatures, Eves. This isn’t Krav Maga class or simple self-defense. You need to be prepared,” Callan reminds me.

  Asher steps up in front of me and his eyes soften slightly. “We want you to be prepared for your safety and my peace of mind. Do you understand?”

  I nod. “Okay, where do we start?”

  McKenna steps up with a hard look on her face. “Warm up. Hop on the treadmill over there. Thirty minutes of running then you and I will work on conditioning before I hand you over to Callan and Asher for hand-to-hand.”

  I groan and follow her. Two and a half-hours later and my body already feels like it’s about to collapse. I’m sweating profusely and have gone through four bottles of water. She, on the other hand, looks like she stepped off the treadmill after a light jog. Damn gargoyles.

  “Come on. Callan and Asher are back in the training room waiting for you,” she barks at me, unimpressed with my slow pace.

  Asher and Callan are waiting in the middle of the mat.

  “Good luck. She seems like she’s already spent,” McKenna snottily throws out before she leaves the room.

  Callan hands me a cup with a straw. “Protein shake. It will keep you going for the next four hours.”

  I roll my eyes. “Thanks.” I take a sip and immediately wish I hadn’t. This tastes nasty.

  Asher closes his eyes and sighs. “Finish it, Eve,” he orders. When I do, he takes the empty cup then instructs me to sit in the middle of the mat.

  I sit, welcoming the momentary reprieve as Callan paces in front of me. “Demons are skilled fighters. That means you must be one step ahead of them at all times—both mentally and physically. In hand-to-hand combat, it’s not always the bigger and stronger person who wins. It’s the strategic warrior who can prevail.”

  “Great. Let’s start the instruction,” I say eagerly after having rested a bit.

  Asher nods to Callan. “Some of the basic self-defense you’ve learned in Krav Maga will apply to what we’re going to learn here.”

  Asher and I stand face-to-face as Callan circles around us. “First thing is first, basic defensive and hand-to-hand combat tactics. I’m going to mirror some of the Krav Maga stances and moves you’re used to so we can ease into this, okay?”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  “Basic drills done repetitively will force muscle memory, and during an adrenaline rush, muscle memory is what will save you,” Asher explains gently.

  “Got it.”

  “Asher is going to be your sparring partner while I instruct,” Callan says.

  Two hours later, I can’t keep my head up. My muscles are fatigued to the point of not being able to lift my arms.

  “I think she’s had enough for today,” Asher says.

  “You think?” I groan sarcastically, flopping down with dramatics on the mat, unmoving.

  Callan just laughs. “Yeah, she’s done for. See you tomorrow morning, cutie. Then we’ll start your twelve hour shift.”

  I just lay there, willing death to take me, quickly.

  Asher walks over and lifts me off the ground. “Come on, siren. Let’s get you into a hot tub so we can relax out your muscles and get the stink off you.”

  I sulk. “I do not stink.”

  He smirks. “Um, yeah, you do. Have you smelled yourself today?”

  “I would hit you but frankly, I’m too tired,” I croak out.

  Asher carries me up to my room and places me gently on the bed while he walks into the bathroom and turns on the hot water in the whirlpool tub. I can hear the jets starting too. I don’t think I’ve ever been this sore. Even my fingernails hurt.

  He comes out of the bathroom and just stares at me. His voice is amused as he asks, “Are you going to get up and undress or do you finally need a protector’s help for that?”

  I moan. “Just put me in the tub fully dressed. It hurts too much to move.”

  He approaches me, eyes twinkling with humor. “Alright, I’ll assist but just this once.” Asher carefully moves me to a sitting position and bends down so he can untie my sneakers. Then he slowly takes them off, one by one and my breath gets caught in my throat.

  His indigo eyes follow my hazel ones, all humor from before gone as the heat in my veins begins to crawl up my body. His breathing becomes rapid as he pulls off my socks. It’s nice to see I affect him as well.

  Large hands slide up my legs, landing on either side of me as he cages me in. His chest leans in so close that I can feel the warmth radiating off his body.

  Asher swallows hard. “I-I think you’d better do the rest.” His voice is raw.

  I nod as he helps me off the bed and I walk into the bathroom and turn around. “Asher?”



  His sexy smirk makes an appearance.

  “Anytime, siren.”

  21 Strategy

  My body hurts. Even the hair follicles on my scalp ache in protest of movement. It took me twenty minutes to get into a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants after my very long soak in the whirlpool tub. As I shuffle my way to the bed, I see two Advil on the nightstand with a glass of water.

  Grateful that Asher put them there, I take them and close the blinds so I can rest. I drag my limp body into the comfortable bed then pull the covers up, allowing exhaustion to take me into a blissful slumber.

  One would assume a normally healthy eighteen-year-old woman who runs at least five miles a day and takes Krav Maga self-defense classe
s would have enough stamina to keep up with her training routine.

  One would be wrong. The last two weeks of daily twelve-hour intensive weapon and hand-to-hand combat trainings still cause my muscles to protest in agony every night.

  “Fight harder,” Asher growls at me in frustration.

  “I can’t,” I whine.

  “You can. You must,” Asher says, looking annoyed.

  I watch him, knowing the confrontation with Deacon terrified him. “Okay.”

  “You need to lift your daggers higher and snap them forward with a tighter and more controlled thrust,” Asher scolds me. “Remember, you will be shorter than most of your opponents. Wielding weapons will be harder for you so you must use more force and precision. You’ll only get one shot to pierce a heart. Do it again, from the beginning. And if I see you rolling your eyes at me, externally or internally, I will make you run another ten miles today,” he threatens.

  Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. “Fine,” I agree and take my aggressive stance.

  “Ash, perhaps Eves should work on hand-to-hand.”

  I love Callan.

  Asher nods, allowing the sweat to drip off his face.

  “Fine.” He stalks off.

  “Who spit in his cheerios?” I ask.

  Callan laughs. “Alright, cutie, you know the drill. Five basic moves, practiced to perfection.”

  I put down the daggers that have become like second hands to me and get into fighter stance with Callan.

  “Remember, for each drill, we’ll repeat the same movements you’ve done a thousand times before. They should come to you without thought at this point.”

  Callan comes at me, and for a moment, I hesitate. That’s all it takes for him to hit me at full strength and knock me to the mat. He reaches down to help me up.


  I stand, exhausted, sweat pouring off me, and get back into the stance. Callan comes at me, twisting around and gripping me from behind as I topple to the mat.

  “Don’t hesitate. Focus, Eves. If you don’t strike first, it’s too late,” he reminds me.

  Asher walks back in, chugging down water, just in time to see me take my third fall from Callan’s attack. Crap. He looks pissed though I can’t tell if it’s directed at Callan for dropping me or at me for allowing it.

  “Callan, leave us.” It’s a harsh command that surprises both Callan and I.

  Callan slides his eyes to me then back to Asher, nodding in agreement before walking out of the training room without a word.

  I place my hands on my hips, my breath ragged from the sparring. “Was that necessary?”

  Asher doesn’t say anything. He just throws his empty water bottle to the side. It hits the floor and bounces. I’m fixated on it, watching it roll.

  For some reason, I don’t want to see the disappointment on Asher’s face as he stalks towards me.

  “I suggest you mentally prepare yourself because right now, I am not your protector. I am not your friend. I am someone who is going to attack you, over and over again, until you drop me. Do you understand, Eve?” he asks as he pulls off his shirt.

  My heart rate kicks up a notch. It’s hard to focus when he’s shirtless. “What are you doing?” I question, doing my best not to quiver.

  “You need to learn how to defend yourself when distracted.” His voice is cocky and unkind.

  I huff. “All righty then. Glad to see you think so highly of yourself.”

  “Are you prepared for my attack?” he asks abruptly.

  I go to answer him but before I even take a breath, my back is on the mat and I am staring up at the ceiling. Crap.

  “Get up, Eve,” he demands as I roll my aching body and stand again.

  He attacks from behind this time. Within seconds, I’m laying face down on the mat, with him on top of me. I really can’t focus when the tattoo is touching my bare shoulder and causing the humming to jolt through me.

  Asher pushes off me heatedly. I slowly get to my knees and fix my tank top.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” I hiss at him.

  “Again,” is all he says to me as he lunges for me and I dart to my left, avoiding contact.

  He spins, facing me again, his breath coming out like a bull at a matador. He narrows his eyes and speaks through a tight jaw. “Fighting is all about focus and knowing what your opponent is going to do as soon as or before they do it. You need to think one step ahead of me and then immobilize me. Act on offense not defense.”

  We circle one another for a moment before he charges again catching me off guard and I land on the mat, hard.

  “Fuck, Asher,” I scream and get up faster this time.

  “Are you pissed, Eve?” he taunts. “Then come at me.”

  I do. I lunge for him full force. He grabs my arms, twisting me around, and slamming my back against his chest. The protector mark is zapping me again. He leans down and whispers nastily in my ear, “Not good enough.”

  Then he pushes me away while I growl at him.

  “How do you avoid being taken to the ground in a fight, Eve?” he yells at me.

  I rack my brain, panicking at his question as he attacks and I’m once again flat on my back. I jump up even faster this time.

  “You strike out with your closest weapon to your attacker’s easiest target,” he spits out.

  I lunge at him, kicking my leg to Asher’s knee, making slight contact but not enough to bring him down.

  “Yes. Good. Again,” he encourages in a rough tone. “If you hit or kick early, before your attacker reaches you, then you may be able to get by without tumbling to the ground.”

  Once again, he jumps for me as I duck and twist, facing his back. I lock my wrist and angle it downward, making contact with the back of his neck and causing him to grunt but not go down.

  “Use your knees and elbows, Eve. You can put more power behind them at your height.”

  I do as I’m told. I bend at the waist as he comes at me then round my right leg up at the knee, connecting with the side of his face as he grunts. My smile inches up on the corner of my mouth.

  Asher spits a small amount of blood onto the floor and connects with my eyes. “Again,” he says a little less severely this time. He sniffs once and turns a cold face to me, ready to attack.

  I crouch into a defensive stance as he comes at me so fast he’s just a blur. I duck out of his reach and twist on instinct, grabbing the back of his neck in a chokehold while my foot connects with the back of his knees, bringing him down to the mat with me falling on top of him. He twists and his back hits the floor first.

  We’re both breathing heavily from the work out. Lying there, his eyes meet mine and a small smile forms on his face. “Excellent. See, when the supernatural kicks in, so do your instincts.”

  I return his smile and my hand becomes extremely warm. It’s then that I realize it’s covering his protector tattoo. The energy hums between us as heat flows through my veins.

  Asher’s gaze becomes dark and filled with desire. My own body tightens in response and fills with lust. I’m hungry for his touch. His large hands lift, pushing the fallen hair out of my face.

  He sits up with me on his lap. I shift for a moment, straddling him. I’m aware of all the places his body is touching mine. His arousal hits me like a train as our emotions begin to feed off each other.

  “Ash.” It’s a soft plea. A wanting request for him to kiss me this very instant. My longing for him is at its limit and I can’t push it away anymore.

  “What do you want, siren?” His question is quiet, barely a whisper.

  “You,” I say with an unwavering voice.

  “Eve.” My name comes out like a prayer from his lips, causing me to pull him closer.

  My voice is a husky whisper. “Make me yours.”

  “Well, I do hope that I’m not interrupting anything.” An icy archangel’s voice comes from the doorway.

  Asher and I both freeze.
r />
  “Both of you, in the office now,” Michael states angrily and walks out.

  “Shit,” Asher says as he pushes me off his lap and stands up to search for his shirt. Prowling over to it, he snatches it off the ground and throws it on.

  Humiliated, I don’t make eye contact with him as I catch my breath and come back to my senses.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t, I mean, we shouldn’t have—” His eyes meet mine before he huffs and walks out of the training room, leaving me to bask in my mortification before heading to the office to get scolded.

  By the time I get there, Asher’s already seated and looking like he’s taken an earful from Michael and none of it pleasant. I hesitate by the door for a moment before entering.

  “Eve, have a seat.” It’s an order not a request from Michael.

  I sit and Asher doesn’t even glance my way. His expression is void of emotion and his eyes are fixated on the window in front of him.

  “Asher has explained what I walked in on in the training room. I’ve made it clear to him that relations such as what I witnessed are not to continue. Not only is it inappropriate, but also there are dire consequences for continued actions. For Asher and the rest of the London clan. They are here to protect you and only to protect you. I realize the bond can encourage and heighten emotions such as today, therefore, I think it would be best if Callan and Tadhg finish training you while Asher falls back into a sentinel role only. Are we clear?” Michael says with a flat and stern tone.

  I swallow, waiting for Asher to fight him on this. It doesn’t happen. My eyes slide to him. His face is forward and his expression is impassive. I nod my agreement.

  “Good. Asher, you are formally dismissed. Eve, we will continue our control over your divine abilities so stay seated,” he orders.

  Asher gets up and leaves without a word and my heart officially breaks into a thousand pieces.

  Two hours later, I’m back in the training room. Tadhg and I are working with weapons as Asher watches from a distance.

  Keegan, Abby, Kenna, and Leo walk into the training room. “We’ve come up with a strategy,” Keegan announces as we all stop and circle around the rest of the group.

  “What is it?” Asher asks with a slightly nervous twinge to his voice.

  Keegan looks around, sliding his eyes between Asher and me before speaking in a quiet and authoritative voice. “We use Eve as bait to lure Deacon in, then we place him in stone petrifaction.”

  Asher immediately shakes his head no. “There’s no way I’m placing Eve in that kind of danger. She isn’t ready. He’s half-demon, for shits sake. Are you out of your mind, Keegan? Do you know what he would do to her if he got his hands on her?” Asher shouts, clearly pissed.

  “I understand your concerns,” Keegan soothes.

  “NO, YOU DON’T!” Asher roars.

  “The strategy here is that if we can get Eve to distract Deacon long enough, a protector will be able to get to him, piercing his heart with the Angelic Sword and turning him to stone. With Deacon out of the way, we can simply focus on the dark army,” Keegan explains in an attempt to convince Asher.

  “She’s guarded by gargoyles and supernatural beings Asher. Eve will be safe,” Kenna adds.

  “No. Why would Deacon just assume that Michael or we would willingly hand over a charge? Or that Eve would even agree to go without a fight?” Asher challenges.

  “The plan is to have The Royal Gargoyle Council of protectors reach out to Gage. They’ll tell him the Angelic Council had no knowledge of Eve’s existence. That they were furious with Michael when the council learned he allowed her creation, since it clearly violates the peace treaty. In an attempt to save face, the Angelic Council has ordered Michael and The Royal Gargoyle Council to cease our protection of her, effective immediately, and turn her over as a gesture of peace to Lucifer in order to prevent war. We, in turn, are forced to follow orders because the gargoyle’s ongoing protection of and loyalty to mankind, outweighs Eve’s continued haven with us. We let Deacon believe our protection of Eve would lead to too many human deaths and break our own treaties and oaths,” Keegan explains.

  “We would also need to make it seem that we’re torn between saving one human, Eve, or sacrificing her for the greater good of mankind,” Callan suggests. “By now, Gage and Deacon know how important she is to this clan.”

  “Agreed. Eve will also have to act upset that we’d suddenly be turning her over. It would have to seem we’re doing this against her will,” Keegan adds.

  “Where would we meet?” Tadhg asks.

  “Here, nightfall. We’ll tell him that the enchantment will be lifted and if he comes peacefully, we’ll allow him on the grounds. We let Deacon get close enough to Eve that he thinks he has her and then we move in and bury him alive in stone,” Keegan states.

  Asher shakes his head back and forth. “I don’t like it. You’re giving a lot of credit to a half-breed. Demons are not known for their stupidity, Keegan,” he retorts. “Not to mention that Eve is no where ready to go up against him.”

  “Hold up.” They all turn to me. “I may not be fully ready but the past few weeks of training have taught me a lot.” I turn to Asher. “It’s a good plan. I could easily distract him. I can do this.”

  Asher shakes his head adamantly in disagreement.

  “I’m ready. If this solves the problem of Deacon for good, why not?” I ask in a quiet tone.

  “I am not willing to purposely place you in harm’s way, siren,” Asher says, his voice low and final.

  “Ash, we’ll all be there. Deacon won’t hurt Eve. We’ll all make sure of it,” Callan offers.

  All eyes are on Asher as he stands defiantly, arms crossed over his chest. His cold eyes lock onto mine as he sighs his agreement. “I don’t like it.”

  I grab his arm in a firm hold. “I can’t escape him. Deacon and his clan are going to keep coming for me. We need to stop him. This will work. I’m ready.” My eyes plead with his.

  Asher’s irises scan my face, searching for an ounce of uncertainty. When he sees none, he swallows and turns to Keegan.

  “Reach out to Gage.”

  22 Sacrifices

  I find Asher in the library, standing in front of the fireplace with both hands on the mantel, head down, breathing deeply. The glow from the fire illuminates his striking features and the way he’s leaning shows off his toned back and arm muscles.

  I breathe him in for a moment before I approach him. Once he senses my presence, his eyes shift to me, but he remains rooted in the same position.

  I offer a small smile. “Keegan’s strategy is good. We can stop Deacon. I’ve got this.”

  Asher huffs. “You’re naïve to think that.”

  He turns his focus back to the fire.

  I approach him and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my cheek over the dragon tattoo on his back. Hoping he doesn’t push me away.

  Asher closes his eyes and inhales. “You think it’s easy for me to let you go into this tomorrow? I see right through you, siren. I know you’re scared and trying to act brave.”

  “You were the one who said I was strong and could rise to meet my destiny,” I remind him, enjoying that he isn’t pushing me away after Michael’s warning and his cold reaction.

  “I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to protect you properly while feeling the way I do about you. It’s hindering my ability to keep you safe,” he says, pained. “And Michael—”

  I let go of him, move around to the front and step in between his arms so I can look him in the eyes. “You will look after me. You can protect me because it’s engrained in your soul. I know you will catch me if I fall,” I promise him. “We’ll work on Michael. I’m not afraid.”

  He lets go of the mantel and cups my face. His gaze searches mine. “I don’t want to let you down.”

  “You won’t,” I assure.

  He shakes his head. “Then why does it feel like the world is about to come down on us?

  I grab his cheeks, his stubble comforting my hands. “This is who we are. You promised to always bring me home. You will.”

  Asher nods. “You’re right. This is who we are. It would be easier not to let you go. This plan, using you to lure Deacon, isn’t good. Someone is going to get hurt. A few weeks of training isn’t enough. You’re not ready. You’re not allowing me to protect you.”

  I look fiercely at him. “You can’t shelter me. I need to be part of this. Besides, I’ve got you and a clan of the most badass gargoyles a girl could ask for. Not to mention a few werewolves. We’re good. I promise.” I smile, hoping it will put him at ease.

  “I will protect you, always,” he vows.

  Asher leans forward and his lips take mine with so much passion and force, pouring all his fears and promises into this kiss.

  The expression of his feelings is so beautiful that a small tear falls from my eyes and runs down my cheek. He leans back, scanning my eyes and wiping the tear with the back of his fingers. The gesture’s so tender I feel the need to crawl inside him and never leave.

  “I’ve got this,” I whisper to him.