Read Revelation Page 8


  I obsess about what Asher said to me. How the hell did he get into my dream? Did he actually kill a demon there? Aria walks into the dorm room and I’m pacing like a lunatic.

  She eyes me with caution. “What’s going on?” Her tone holds a hint of nervousness at my erratic behavior.

  I chew the inside of my cheek, hands clenching and unclenching at my sides. I need answers and I need them from someone who is sane and normal. I decide Aria’s that person, so the rapid question and answer period begins.

  “Do you think it’s possible for a person to be injected with another person’s blood so they can be linked to that person in order to protect them?”

  “Is this question rhetorical or literal?” Aria places her pink bag on her desk.


  “Then no.” Her head is shaking for good measure as she falls onto her bed.


  “Still a resounding no. Is this about Asher?”

  I ignore her question. “Do you think someone can physically enter someone else’s dream?”

  “Eve, what’s—” I interrupt her with another question.

  “Do you think a human could kill a demon in a dream?” I stop pacing and stare at her.

  Aria sighs in defeat. “Presuming demons exist, then no, I do not believe a human can kill a demon. Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”

  I continue to disregard her questions.

  “Do you think a human’s eyes can glow?”


  “What kind of human is fast and senses another person?”

  “I don’t know. I give up.” She watches me with suspicion.

  “Me either, but I’m going to find out. I need to borrow your car or for you to drive me to Asher’s house, right now.” I wait for her to answer as she just studies me. “Please, Aria? McKenna and Abby already left to head over there.”

  Standing up, she grabs her car keys. “After your last chip and dip run, I don’t trust you. I’ll drive on the condition you tell me what’s going on.”

  I nod my head in agreement.

  Aria keeps giving me sideways glances as we drive her Volkswagen Bug out of the Kingsley College area and into the town where Asher lives.

  “Eve, you promised you would tell me. What the fuck is going on? Why are you playing twenty questions with me about demons and dreams?”

  I turn to her. “I don’t think you really want to know, Aria. Once I tell you, I can’t untell you and when you know, it can’t be taken back. I’m not quite sure what the consequences are of enlightening you. There are all these rules and I’m not quite up to speed on them yet.”

  She drives, focused on the windshield. “Well, that’s not suspicious or anything.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean this to sound the way it’s going to, but I’m not sure I can trust you with this just yet.”

  She snorts. “You’re going to have to trust me. I’m the closest friend you have at the moment. Are you in some sort of trouble?”

  I shake my head then bite the inside of my cheek in contemplation. “I think Asher might not be human.”

  Aria is quiet. “No shit.”

  That’s all. Her reaction is the same as if I told her I don’t like cupcakes. I watch her, waiting for something, anything.

  “That’s it? Just, no shit.”

  “Well, Eve, you were asking some really odd questions earlier. Can he dream walk, can he kill demons in dreams, glowing eyes, blood connection. Oh my god! Is he a vampire?” It comes out more like an excited shriek than a question.

  I look out the passenger window. “No, I don’t think so, but he’s definitely not human.”

  She pauses. “Well, let’s go find out what he is,” she declares, pressing down on the gas.

  We get to Asher’s house in less time than it took before, thanks to Aria’s lead foot. The entire ride, I watched the landscaping, trying to figure out what Asher could be if he isn’t an angel and he certainly isn’t human.

  She pulls up to the keypad at the entrance. Looking at me expectedly, as if I have the number, I look back at her, my expression conveying I don’t.

  “Well, what do you suppose we do?” she asks.

  “I have an idea.” I pull out my cell phone and text Callan that I’m at the gate and need to see them urgently.

  I don’t have to wait long. The code is texted to me with a bypass number for the thumbprint. Once I punch it in, Aria drives up the cobblestone driveway.

  “Holy shit! This is where he lives?” she asks in astonishment.

  “Yep.” I direct her to park in front of the house.

  As soon as she shuts off the engine, I jump out.

  Aria is right on my heels. “So are you going to knock or just—”

  I walk right into the manor, cutting off her question.

  “ASHER,” I shout.

  Aria just looks around in awe while I storm through the house like a bat out of Hell.

  “ASHER,” I shout again.

  Callan comes out of the family room, looking shocked.

  “Eves, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” His face is marred in concern and his voice is quiet.

  I stop in my tracks. “Where is he?”

  Aria walks up behind me.

  “Eves, maybe—” Callan begins but Aria gets up in his face, stopping him before he can finish his sentence.

  If I weren’t so focused on getting to Asher, it would be comical that all five feet of Aria is threatening Callan’s six-foot frame and poking her finger in his chest.

  “Listen, you big goliath, where is Asher? And don’t even think about lying cause I will go all ape shit on your ass if you do,” Aria bullies.

  We just stand there gaping at her.

  “I’m right here,” Asher says in a low, calm voice from behind us.

  I spin to face him and the minute I see him, my heart skips a beat. He’s in nothing but jeans, hanging low on his hips and he’s shirtless, with his black dragon tattoo on display along with every single one of his firm muscles.

  Aria actually purrs, causing me to clear my throat.

  “I was looking for you.” I try to catch my breath.

  He gives me his signature sexy smile. “I can see that. Callan, the pink haired pixie is Aria, Eve’s roommate and Leo’s girlfriend. Aria, this is my brother, Callan, Abby’s boyfriend. Callan, would you please show Aria to the room you and Abby are hanging out in while I talk privately with Eve?”

  “Sure, come on, pixie. Let me show you where the magic happens.” Callan chuckles at his own joke.

  Aria looks at me, waiting for approval. I nod and she follows Callan without a word.

  “Keegan told me you were on your way, he was guarding you this evening,” Asher offers.

  I just stand there, arms crossed, staring at him. This was a much better idea earlier when he wasn’t standing in front of me, looking all edible without a shirt.

  “So are you going to tell me why you’re running around my home at midnight and yelling my name? Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered it’s my name you’re screaming, it’s just not how I imagined you doing it.” His eyes sparkle with seduction.

  “Asher,” I grit out.


  “Stop. You’re doing it again and I don’t want to be flustered.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the library. “Come on. Let’s get all your questions answered so we can have some peace and quiet tonight, yeah?”

  After he, sadly, throws on a t-shirt, we sit on the couch, facing one another in silence.

  He sighs. “Ask away.”

  “Your eyes glow?” I begin.

  “Yes, at times. If my emotions are heightened.”

  “You can go into dreams?”

  “Not all, just yours because I’m your bonded protector.”

  “You kill demons?”

  “Yes, it’s part of the job.” He smirks, amused.

od from one human to another doesn’t open up a link. Who are you? ” I breathe.

  “I am your protector,” Asher answers with a firm tone.

  “No, I mean WHAT are you? I know you’re not human. You said you’re not an angel, so what?”

  I wait, trying to push away the nervous energy.

  Asher exhales. “I’m a—”

  His response is cut off by a loud, piercing screech.

  I cover my ears and scrunch up my face. The sound is like someone taking a sharp knife to glass and scratching the shit out of it. It’s actually painful to my ears.

  The minute Asher hears it, he stands and instinctively goes into protector mode, positioned in front of me. His body is rigid, and his fierce warrior face is in place.

  Callan, Keegan, Aria, Abby and Kenna all come running into the room. With the exception of Aria, they all have their sentinel expressions on and are in fighter stances.

  “Everyone okay?” Keegan inquires.

  “Fine,” Asher confirms with authority.

  “What’s she doing here?” McKenna asks, pointing in a less than thrilled manner to Aria.

  “She’s with me,” I defend.

  The screeching happens again and I cover my ears.

  Callan walks to the windows then turns back, face unhappy. “It’s Editha.”

  “Shit. How did she get through the protection enchantment?” Kenna spits out while stalking toward the window. “Yep, the old bitch still looks like death.”

  “Alright. Well, let’s go see what she wants,” Asher says, bored, as everyone but Aria and I makes his or her way to the window.

  “WAIT,” I shout and everyone turns. “Who the hell is Editha?”

  “More importantly, what is with the crazy ass screeching?” Aria adds.

  “Editha is a banshee,” Abby replies in a soothing voice.

  I stare at her. “Come again?”

  “A B-A-N-S-H-E-E. Are we always going to have to explain everything in detail to you, blood of Eden?” Kenna questions rudely.

  I shoot her a death glare.

  “Not to sound dumb here, but what the hell is a banshee,” Aria asks as Editha shrieks again, banging on the window and causing the entire house to rattle.

  “Well, right now, she’s a pissed off banshee.” Callan chuckles.

  “A banshee is a messenger from the underworld,” Asher explains.

  I look at him as if he has four heads. “I see. And this banshee would want…” I wait for him to finish my sentence.

  McKenna rolls her eyes at my ignorance. “She obviously has a message for us, so let’s go see what it is before she gets really pissed off and lights the house on fire.”

  I snag Asher’s hand. “Is it safe?” My voice is crossing into hysterical pitch levels.

  Asher looks at me like I’ve insulted him. “I wouldn’t allow her within ten feet of you if it weren’t safe.”

  I nod my head as we make our way to the French doors leading to the backyard and patio.

  Editha screeches again, her sound like nails on a chalkboard. This time, the octave chills my bones, shaking off the icy sensation. My nails dig into Asher’s arm.

  As we walk outside, I nearly faint. In front of us is a floating, ghost-like, transparent creature. I think it might be an old, decrepit female dressed in a tattered, gray, flowing gown. Her eyes are yellow, her hair is a straggly gray, and her teeth crooked. She smells of sulfur, which instantly makes me nauseous.

  I stand behind Asher and McKenna, who are both in attack mode, while Keegan and Callan flank my side and Aria and Abby position themselves behind me.

  “Editha, what’s with all the dramatics?” McKenna prods.

  The banshee gets right in McKenna’s face. She just stands there, not even flinching. Then Editha screeches again and Kenna’s hair flies back. I can feel the wind from the shriek behind her and smell the acid-like sulfur floating with it.

  “Point made. Perhaps a breath mint is in order,” Callan offers, mocking her.

  I glare at him.

  “I haaave a messsage for the daughterrr of Heavvven.” Her voice sounds like an eerie whisper as she slurs her sounds and draws out her words like a slither. “Wee arrre awarrre of yourrr exissstence. The darrrk arrrmy isss coming for you. Not evvven yourrr gurrrgulio claaaan willlll sssave you.” Suddenly, she vanishes in blue flames.

  Awesome. More blue flames.

  “Well, that was a letdown,” Aria jokes. We all turn to her. Asher and Keegan exchange a look that says they’re less than thrilled she just witnessed the banshee.

  “What? I thought a little humor might ease the tension,” she offers. Wow, she’s oddly calm.

  Keegan turns to Asher. “Well, that confirms Lucifer knows about Eve. We need to let Michael know right away and then figure out how to deal with the pixie.” His blue eyes shift to Aria.

  Asher nods. “Agreed.”

  Everyone starts back toward the house but I stop in my tracks. “Wait,” I demand and everyone turns to face me. “What does Gugulio clan mean?”

  In unison, everyone but Aria says, “Gargoyle.”

  Holy Hell.

  13 The London Clan

  Aria and I sit on the couch. Callan brought in a plate of cookies, which Aria is munching on at the moment, with hot cocoa. She seems to be taking this all in stride.

  Abby and McKenna sit on the other side of the sofa and Keegan takes his place next to the fireplace. Callan sits on the arm of the couch next to Abby, while Asher positions himself in front of me on the coffee table.

  The fact that they’re all sitting is making me nervous. We really need to stop hanging out in the tension room. Whatever happened to normal college activities like frat parties and beer pong? I sigh.

  “What do you know about Gothic folklore?” Asher asks. Here we go again.

  Aria and I shrug noncommittally. “Not much. Just a small amount from Professor Davidson’s class as it relates to architecture. Why?”

  “What does folklore have to do with the little ugly stone creatures found on buildings? How does that explain what the screeching banshee was yapping about?” Aria asks, void of patience.

  Callan laughs. “No, you’re thinking of a grotesque. A grotesque is a stone carving that has a face resembling a monster or scary creature. A gargoyle is a human or animal face or figure.”

  “I didn’t know there was a difference,” I retort derisively.

  Asher gives me his signature sexy smile. “Maybe you should pay more attention to Professor Davidson’s lectures, instead of gawking at me.”

  I wrinkle my nose at him.

  Asher smirks at me, his eyes twinkling before going serious. “Anyway, what if I told you gargoyles are living, breathing creatures? What if they’re perceived as noble beings, protectors of mankind and over the centuries, they have bound themselves to ensure human safety?”

  Aria rolls her eyes. “I think we’d say you were certifiable.”

  I just hold Asher’s eyes with mine, scanning his face. It shows nothing but sincerity.

  “Gargoyles are supernatural beings in human form that protect a charge,” he says again slowly so it sinks in.

  “Gargoyles are protectors,” I repeat as understanding sets in.

  He nods his head, biting his lip, which causes my eyes to dart to his mouth. Before I get sucked into thinking how amazing his lips feel on mine, I check my hormones and scan the room, seeing everyone’s genuine faces.

  Realization dawns on me. “Oh my god. Are you telling me you’re a gargoyle?” I whisper.

  Asher nods once, afraid to speak.

  I exhale an uneven breath.

  Aria forces out a laugh. “What? That’s insane. Gargoyles don’t exist. Neither do vampires or werewolves or anything else supernatural, for that matter.”


  It’s Callan who breaks it. “Actually, we do exist and so do vampires, though most are nasty little leaches. Werewolves are also real. Just ask Leo.” He
smirks knowingly, waiting for the fallout.

  “Wait!” Aria screeches. “Are you saying LEO is a WEREWOLF?” There goes her calmness.

  Callan nods his head and bites into a cookie, as if he said her shoes didn’t match her outfit.

  Aria huffs, folds her arms, and sits back on the couch with her jaw hanging open in annoyance. She thinks for a moment.

  “Well, he is pretty hairy, super loyal, and very gentle,” she ticks off in an offhanded manner.

  I turn to her and shoot her an annoyed look.

  “What?” she asks innocently. “For fucks sake, Eve. I just saw a screaming banshee. Gargoyles could be real. It certainly would answer many of those questions you were asking me earlier.” She changes her tune quickly with a pointed glare in my direction.

  Still in shock, I return my attention to Asher. His face is guarded. “So, to clarify, you’re maintaining you’re a gargoyle,” I confirm.

  “We,” he motions to everyone but Aria, “are the London clan of gargoyles and members of The Royal Gargoyle Council of Protectors.”

  What the fuck? Seriously, is no one I hang out with a normal human being, I mean really?

  “The London clan is a family that has loyally protected charges from evil for centuries. All of our parents were original clan members,” Keegan explains.

  “I see.” I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

  “The first gargoyle clan was the Rouen clan in France, tied to Archbishop Romanus. During the first war between Heaven and Hell, the gargoyles were charged with protecting humans. Unfortunately, there were a lot of causalities for our race and we almost became extinct. After the peace treaty was signed, the remaining clan members scattered all over the world and began their own clans. Our father started the London clan, Abby’s the Irish clan and McKenna’s the Scottish clan. Each clan has a particular charge, region, or calling they are to protect,” Keegan adds with formality.

  “Do you take a different form or something?” I ask in disbelief.

  “No, we’re always in human form. We have abilities or powers, heightened senses, and wings but other than that, everything else is the same,” Asher answers.

  “Do you turn to stone?” Aria asks with a childish innocence to her face.

  Callan laughs boisterously. “Jeez, girls, we’re supernatural beings not cartoon characters.”

  Abby scolds him with a look. “We don’t turn to stone, but we do need to be around stone in order for our energies to recharge. It’s also why we wear stones in our jewelry or on the leather bands.”

  I look around. “Is that why your home has so much stone and granite in it?”

  “Yes. Granite heightens our powers and also helps us heal faster,” Asher explains in soft tone.

  I stare at him. “So you have abilities? You can heal? Did you heal yourself from the dog attack?”

  “Yes. We heal quickly from injury, though if it’s severe or from illness, we need to heal in a ‘stone state.’ Basically, it’s a deep sleep to help our bodies regenerate through rest.”

  “Are you immortal?” I hold my breath.

  Asher shakes his head. “No, we’re not immortal. Our lifespan is longer than a normal human. Partially because our chemistry slows the aging process, on average our life cycle is about ten times as long as a human lifespan.”

  “That would make you how old?” I ask, not really wanting to know.

  “I’m in my first cycle, so almost one hundred,” he answers. “Each cycle is one hundred years. If we live a full lifetime, we can live to be one thousand years old.”

  I blow out a breath. Gross. I’m attracted to an old man. Focus on something else, Eve.

  “So you can be killed?” I inquire to change the topic.

  “Yes. There are only two ways to slay a gargoyle. The first is to penetrate their heart, which causes them to turn into stone and crumble into dust, ending their existence. The second is while in stone state. If you pierce their heart during the sleep, a gargoyle will turn to stone for eternity. However, their body and mind remains living inside the statue, essentially burying them alive.” It’s called stone petrifaction,” Asher explains with a smooth voice.

  “Although, if the gargoyle is half-demon, you have to use the Angelic Sword to pierce their heart,” Callan interjects without thought.

  “Making plans, blood of Eden?” McKenna snips.

  I narrow my eyes at her. “I can imagine you being half-demon. It would explain a lot about your lack of persona.”

  I throw her a sweet smile. In return, she snorts at me.

  “You sure her heart isn’t made of stone?” Aria asks Asher, tilting her head toward McKenna.

  “Positive,” he confirms, smiling.

  “Your eyes glow. I’ve noticed it on occasion,” I say to Asher, ignoring McKenna.

  “Yes, as I explained earlier, if emotions are running high, they glow. To the normal eye, it just appears as if they’re brighter, almost like contacts. We have excellent eyesight and night vision for hunting demons. Each clan has the same eye color. Obviously, ours are blue,” Asher confirms.

  “We also have heightened hearing,” Keegan continues.

  “Did you hear McKenna that night in the club?” I turn to Asher.

  He nods, confirming that’s why he waited for me in the hallway.

  “You said you have wings?” Aria asks.

  “We have wings. They’re not soft and large but more compact. The feathers are rough like birds, allowing us to glide rather than flap and fly. Each clan has a set color. Ours are black and are retractable. They’re only visible when we wish them to be,” he replies.

  “And powers?” I whisper.

  Asher moves from the coffee table to the couch.

  “Aside from all of us having heightened senses, we can fly, realm jump, astral project, and dream walk. Keegan is a ‘lie detector.’ He can sense when someone is not being sincere or truthful. He also has ability identification, meaning he can discern the type and strength of a supernatural gift. Kenna has the power of pheromone manipulation and energy sourcing or absorbing other’s abilities. Callan can project visions into others’ minds making them think something’s real. Abby can control natural elements: air, fire, water and earth. She also has this really cool sonic scream she can produce that sort of fogs your brain.”

  I look at him. “What about you?”

  “I carry the dragon spirit which allows me to sense demons, heal, and manipulate darkness or shadows. Also, I have been granted the Angelic Sword and the influence that comes with it. My gargoyle powers change depending on my assignment and who or what I need to protect.”

  I tilt my head, studying him. “Why is that?”

  His face softens. “I’m not mated. Therefore, my connections and powers morph with my charge.”

  Confused, I look to Aria but she just shrugs.

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  Before he can answer, Abby responds for him.

  “Gargoyles survive in clans or families. We have affiliations with other clans and members of the councils but each family is usually just a small handful of members. Once we mate, we’re bonded for life. Callan and I are mated, as are Keegan and Kenna. This allows for our emotional and physical connection to be open with one another. We can mind read, teleport, dream walk, feel the other’s sentiments, and also connect on a different level with our bonded partner. Mated partners’ powers complement and enhance each other. Callan needs my sonic scream to fog minds so he can visually project clearer. Keegan needs Kenna’s energy sourcing to decipher other’s gifts. However, you cannot connect on those planes with a charge once already mated. That’s why none of us can be your main protector, Eve. We’re just guardians. Since we’re already partnered, we would not be able to have a protector connection with you. We just protect you as sentinels. Except for Asher.”

  Aria speaks up. “So you’re like werewolves in that aspect. Does that mean you’re married or something?”

  Abby nods. “In a way, yes, to both questions. Once you mate with a male clan member, your eyes and wings change colors to match their clan. All female gargoyles are born with light grey wings and eyes. We also receive this.” She lifts her shirt in the back and shows us her stunning, circular dragon tattoo. It’s tinted green and located on the small of her back.

  Aria stands and squeals. “OMG, you have a tramp stamp?”

  Abby huffs. “No, it’s a protector mate mark.”

  Callan smiles proudly and takes his shirt off, showing us his amazing physique and his dragon tattoo. It looks like Asher’s but is shaded in with green. Abby’s is an identical miniature version of his.

  “McKenna and Keegan have the same ones in red.” Abby beams.

  I ponder this. “You have matching tattoos once you’re bonded and connected, making you life partners with a physical and mental connection?”

  “In a way. It strengthens our bond to one another, allowing certain power swapping, connections, and physical pulls. There is more than just the mating ritual that goes into bond heightening but, yes, I guess you’re generalizing correctly,” Abby answers with honesty.

  “What do the colors mean?” Aria asks, fascinated.

  “They symbolize our healing and strength stone. Callan and I heal faster and our powers increase around emeralds. Keegan and McKenna use rubies and Asher’s is onyx,” she reveals.

  Turning to Asher, I panic. “Holy shit, this doesn’t mean we’re mated, does it?”

  He looks hurt then angry. “No, don’t be ridiculous. Of course, we’re not mated. By the grace, Eve,” he huffs. “In order to be bonded, you would need a matching mate mark.”

  I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

  “Humans can’t mate with gargoyles?” Aria asks.

  “They can, they just can’t have children,” Abby offers.

  “All of these things enable us to be protectors. We’re designed to ward off evil and act as guardians,” Keegan offers with a proud air.

  “Are all gargoyles protectors and demon hunters?”

  “Yes and no. All gargoyles are ruled by the laws of The Royal Gargoyle Council of Protectors. There is a law that no gargoyle can harm humans. However, there are those like us who have chosen to align with The Spiritual Assembly of Protectors. We take divine assignments frequently. Then there are those who still harbor ill feelings with how our kind was treated after the first war. They choose to belong to The Secular Council of Protectors, meaning they have no affiliation to Heaven or Hell. They work for both, either, or none,” Keegan offers, his jaw ticking.

  I watch Aria, amazed that she’s taking this all so well. I, on the other hand, need a break from all the crazy. Archangels, godly bloodlines, tattoos that connect people…I’m starting to feel lightheaded.

  “I think she’s had enough for the day.” Asher sounds annoyed.

  I stand up and push my chin out. “Hey, you don’t get to decide when I have or have not had enough. You might be a protector or gargoyle or whatever it is you are, but that doesn’t give you the right to decide what I’m feeling or what I need, link or not.” I turn back around to everyone else. “Just please tell me again that none of you change into some type of freaky gray statue.”

  “With this clan, what you see is what you get. We’re human in appearance and we don’t change forms,” Keegan simply states.

  “Okay.” I breathe. “I’m just going to go outside for a minute and get some air. I need to process, again.”

  “Do you want some company?” Aria asks hopefully.

  I shake my head. “I just need a minute, okay?”

  “Sure,” she concedes.

  I make my way to a lounge chair near the pool and curl up, closing my eyes and breathing deeply, attempting to ward off another migraine. This is all so mind-blowing and yet logic tells me it’s true. After about twenty minutes of contemplation, reality sinks in.

  “It’s cold out here. You should come back inside,” Asher commands in a gentle tone.

  “Are all gargoyles bossy or just you?” I question flatly.

  He wraps a blanket around me. “I knew you’d be stubborn, but I figured you might want that for warmth,” he says, straddling the end of the lounger and facing me.

  We stare at one another.

  “Talk to me,” he gently coaxes.

  “Is there anything else I need to know?” It comes out harsher than I meant it to but I’m tired of being lied to.

  “Eve, we didn’t intentionally keep this from you. It’s not something we go around announcing, especially to humans. People don’t tend to take this kind of information well,” he muses. “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re taking all this admirably.”

  “Is Aria still in there?” I ask, picking pretend lint off the blanket.

  “Yes. Callan let it slip what you are so now they’re explaining it all to her.” He waits for my tantrum.

  My eyes widen. “Oh great.”

  He chuckles. “I think she can keep these secrets. They’re also letting her know about Leo. Imagine being him when he finds out she now knows that he’s a werewolf.”

  “Does this mean everything is real? Vampires, werewolves, fairies, succubus, all of it?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes, I think you’re all caught up on the supernatural world and your part in it.” His tone is light.

  I exhale. “So, to sum up, I’m a weapon for Heaven, you’re a gargoyle, and the entire demonic legion is after me. Did I miss anything?”

  He looks pensive. “Nope, I think that covers it.”

  My eyes meet his. “Is that why we can’t be together? Gargoyles don’t mate with humans?”

  His face softens. “No, Eve. We could mate, we just wouldn’t be able to produce a child together because our DNA is not compatible, but everything else in that aspect is the same. Trust me.” He gives me his bedroom eyes.

  I laugh.

  He inhales, closing his eyes. “I love the sound of you laughing. You should do it more often.”

  Opening his eyes, his gaze locks onto mine. Moving closer, he relocates a strand of hair behind my ear. “We can’t be together because it confuses the bond link and, therefore, my ability to protect you becomes hindered. I’m loyalty bound. I took an oath to shelter and protect you above all else. We simply can’t be, no matter how damn beautiful you are, or how much I want to feel your lips against mine again. Your safety is my priority. I will protect you, always.”

  My lips part and my heart clenches.

  I barely whisper, “Can I see them?”

  Confusion crosses his face. “See what?”

  “Your wings.”

  “Are you sure that’s something you want to see?”

  I nod my head as he stands and takes off his t-shirt.

  “Okay,” he concedes and his black wings emerge.

  They make no sound but retract effortless and silently. His wings aren’t like I imagined. They’re shiny, raven black and look stiff, not soft and fluffy. They remind me of eagle wings, spanning just above his head to his waistline.

  I stand and timidly walk to him.

  “They’re striking. You’re stunning,” I whisper softly, placing my hands on his bare chest.

  He swallows harshly, causing his Adam’s apple to move. “Eve, don’t touch the tattoo. It’s meant to draw you in through the connection and once you do, you strengthen the bond and heighten our current emotions.”

  My eyes hold his and my right hand caresses the dragon and he closes his eyes with a sharp intake of breath.

  “You really are a gargoyle,” I state in admiration.

  His lids slide open and mine plead with his, expressing my need for him.

  “Eve,” he says roughly but doesn’t move me away.


  The tattoo is humming with the energy between us.

  “You’re not helping, siren,” he scolds while gripping my wrists and pulling th
em away. Then he pulls his wings back in.

  “I know,” I retort, holding my position.


  “Fine.” I pout, stepping back to put space between us.

  “This is for your protection,” he points out in a gentle voice, putting his shirt back on.

  “Fine,” I repeat breathlessly. “Why do we have a connection but are not bonded?”

  “It’s the way Michael and I set up the protector bond. It breaks when I no longer need to protect you,” he replies.

  “How does a normal mate bond break?”


  I still. “Is that why I feel heat and a humming energy when you’re near? The bond?” I question, my voice still breathy from touching the tattoo.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been bonded this way to a female charge.”

  I smile and raise my eyebrows. “Asher St. Michael, are you saying I’m your first female?”

  He nods. “You’re my first female bonded charge.”

  “I see.” I lean closer to him but he pulls away.

  “EVE COLLINS, HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME?” Aria yells. “That’s right. All these hot, badass gargoyles told me all about your little secret. Inside. Now. We need to talk,” she barks at me, storming angrily toward me.

  I twist to see her in all her pissed off glory, hands on hips, eyes narrowed, and her pink pixie hair sticking out in all directions.

  Crap, it’s going to be a long night.

  14 In The Shadows

  “Why do you think Kenna calls you the blood of Eden?” Aria whispers from across the library table.

  I look up from my laptop, grateful she’s talking to me again even if it’s during our study session. It took me an entire month and a very awkward Thanksgiving dinner with her family to calm her down after the clan told her about my ascension and meeting with the Archangel Michael.

  “I have no idea,” I whisper back.

  She starts typing frantically and I roll my eyes, knowing she’s probably searching for answers online.

  “Well, here you go. The Garden of Eden is where Eve was created by Adam. Jeez, Eve, pick up some literature and get some background information on this stuff, would you?” Aria huffs with annoyance.

  I look around at all the students who are trying to get their assignments done before we leave for winter break.

  “Aria, I’m really not interested in the why of all this.”

  Her chocolate orbs gape at me. “You should be. In a way, this is a huge honor, Eve. I mean, for goodness sake, you’re the savior for mankind. Named after the original Eve. Woman up.”

  “Shh.” I put my finger to my lips and look around to confirm no one heard her.

  Aria rolls her eyes. “Doesn’t that even make you want to, I don’t know, learn about it?”

  I sigh. “No. It makes me want to finish my paper, go home, and open Christmas presents with my pretend aunt.”

  Her expression goes stern. I’m saved from another lecture on why I should be taking this more seriously when Leo plops down next to Aria.

  “Ladies, how are we this afternoon?” he asks.

  “Hi, honey. We’re good,” Aria answers, planting a kiss on his cheek.

  Aria and Leo have been exclusive for the past month, despite his being able to turn into a large dog. This basically means she is exclusively allowing him to maul her in public, curbing the promiscuous Aria we all used to know, thirty days ago.

  “You coming to Katana tomorrow night? I know someone who can get you in.” He wiggles his eyes in a suggestive manner at us.

  Aria turns to me. “Yes, right?”

  I nod my head. “Definitely.”

  She claps her hands and we get shushed.

  “When do you leave for winter break?” Leo asks Aria.

  “Wednesday. I really am going to miss you though.”

  She pouts, twirling her short hair and batting her chocolate eyes.

  “Aw, baby, it’s going to be okay. I’ll call and text you every day. Plus I’m looking forward to you coming to meet my family next weekend.” His smile is bright.

  I feign gagging.

  Aria throws stink eye my way. “Ignore her. She’s just jealous that she and the gargoyle can’t get it on.”

  “Aria!” I whisper shout.

  “What?” She feigns innocence.

  “First, would you stop using the terminology we are not supposed to use in public, someone could hear you.” My eyes dart nervously to make sure no one is listening and drop my voice. “Secondly, for the record, Asher and I are just friends.”

  She stares at me before bursting into a fit of laughter. Leo puts his arm on the back of her chair and smirks at me.

  “Listen, Eve, you and Asher are far from,” she leans closer, “friends. Whenever you two are in a room, the rest of us choke from the sexual tension.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

  “No, it’s true. I’m a werewolf. I can smell the attraction on both of you. It’s actually pretty stifling,” Leo adds.

  I give him my best ‘fuck off’ look. “Gross. Listen, mutt, stop sniffing us.”

  He laughs. “Alright, I’ll let you ladies get back to ‘studying.’ Stay out of trouble before I see you tomorrow night. Call you later, baby.” He plants a kiss on Aria’s cheek and sniffs at me. “You reek of Asher horniness.”

  I throw a piece of paper at him.

  “Fetch, Leo. Go on, fetch.”

  “EVE!” Aria whisper shouts as we get shushed again.

  “I can’t help that you’re into bestiality. It’s gross but whatever floats your boat.” I laugh quietly.

  Aria frowns. “You know, I really like him.”

  I smile at her. “I know you do. Aside from the dog thing, he’s really great.”

  “I think Asher is pretty great too. He’s trying to protect you and I get that but, Eve, he’s really into you. You both have tunnel vision when the other is in a room full of people. Abby told me that the weekend you and she came with me for Thanksgiving, he was a wreck with worry.”

  I exhale. “Yeah, but he has his rules and we’re following them, so that’s that. I’m sure he was more a wreck about my safety than me being gone for a few days to avoid my aunt’s house.”

  “You going to be okay there for winter break?” she asks.

  I exhale. “I have to face her and the elephant in the room some time, right? Besides, I can’t hide out at your place all break. No offense but your mom is pretty intense.”

  She waves me off. “None taken. If I could hang out with you on the Vineyard, I would be there in a heartbeat.”

  Aria watches me for a moment. “Okay, then. Girls night at Katana tomorrow and tons of dancing!”

  “Definitely. A normal college activity. I like it.” I say with sincerity.