Read Revolution Page 11

  Chapter Eleven

  The Mark One thundered up into the mountains hugging the landscape as it rose high into the winter sky. Wisps of snow blew out like a long white veil as Troy piloted the elegant vessel. He decided to take it easy and travel at cruising speed, a mild six thousand kilometres per hour.

  ‘Come and look at the view its spectacular!’

  Nikita was rummaging through her bag checking she had not forgotten her toothbrush or something just as trivial.

  ‘I know but I’ve seen it all before, I used to live here you know and Arrin sometimes brought the Mark Four, which as I gather was no different from this one’ Nikita was not at all impressed by the Mark One she felt she had seen it all before.

  ‘You’ll be in serious trouble for talking like that if she hears you, the Mark One is the finest of all the Mark Class helicopters’ with that Nikita sat at Troy’s side and placed her hand on his as he steered and guided the mighty helicopter.

  ‘Where are we going then Mr secretive? I can’t stand surprises!’

  ‘You won’t get round me that easily lady! It’s a secret but one you will like I assure you. Mind you I hope you brought some warm clothes because it does tend to get a little cold at times’

  The Mark One was in her element, smoothly following the contours of the land at a comfortable pace.

  ‘Arrin told me the Mark Class helicopters can submerge below water and still travel at high speed was he telling the truth?’ Nikita asked Troy.

  ‘Yes they can would you like to see the bottom of the ocean?’ He said in an excited tone.

  ‘I would love to!’ She finished. The Mark One increased speed and changed from its previous western heading to a southward heading. Still only two hundred metres from ground level the helicopter took hardly any time in finding its Mediterranean destination. The craft shook for a second on its entry into the water, prompting Nikita to grasp Troy’s hand once again. Down the vessel went maintaining its speed, the rotors retracted and propulsion engaged from the rear engines. Finally he pressed one of the many grey buttons on his control console and the vessel slowed down rapidly sending alarm lights flashing. The forward view was pitch black, for all Nikita knew there could have been a whale looking in, they could see nothing. Nikita was unmoved by the jet-black environment that Troy was showing her and she looked at him as if he were insane. Suddenly the Mark One’s flashlights illuminated the view. Nikita sat back at the astounding sight, a vast array of colourful minute sea life and tiny plumes that resembled miniature volcanoes.

  Nikita at that moment realised they had only just stopped short of the sea floor. Was it luck or precision she thought? She looked at Daryl Troy cleverly working the controls at lightening pace and her question was answered. Troy spent some time explaining the environment they were now looking at, an environment that only a handful of humans had ever seen. Nikita looked upon Troy with incredulity; she was amazed his knowledge was so vast. She remembered how her husband had never paid the same attention to detail.

  Finally when they had admired the ocean floor for long enough Troy once again guided the Mark One up to the shallows and eventually into the sky once again. He regained the previous speed and found that what they had just seen stirred an inquisitive cord in Nikita.

  ‘So explain some of the technology of the Mark One for me, once Arrin was able to tell me about it all he lost interest and became more interested in his armour!’

  ‘Let’s start with how and why the hull material on these helicopters is invulnerable to any weapons even weapons of another Mark Class helicopter’ Nikita obviously knew the basics.

  ‘The hull of a Mark Class helicopter is primarily made from Americium, which was found on the hull of the Roswell UFO. I don’t know if you were aware but the UFO was around fifty metres long, its height in the centre of the disc was thirty metres, this gave the SIA a lot of material to work from. I believe eighty percent of it has now been used’ she sat forward and looked genuinely interested in what he was saying.

  ‘We still have no idea where it came from, like which planet or even which galaxy I guess but the materials that were found have never been found anywhere on Earth or beyond, to this date anyway. The material has such a powerful magnetic field which strengthens the material by vast amounts. The scientists at the SIA tell me the material could withstand entering the Suns Coronosphere which reaches in excess of a million degree’s c’ obviously never been tested but I’d say they’re right’

  ‘The material really is that strong. When bombarded with neutrino emissions at an extreme level Americium will mould however or where ever you want it to, that‘s how the doors work on these vessels, the material is bombarded with neutrinos in the relevant areas then they can be controlled by plasma electronics’ Troy seemed very wise for his years as he spoke to Nikita, he reminded her of a favourite teacher she had except Troy was much more attractive and youthful she thought.

  ‘Obviously the material is at risk from attack by someone hitting it with neutrino emissions, imagine this helicopter slowly merging into a strange shape as it flew. This is where Dymantium Crystal comes in .The Americium is coated with Dymantium Crystal, the scientists found a great hoard of it in liquid form inside the UFO. We found that it was liquid until blasted with tachyon rays, after that it solidified and could not be penetrated or remoulded whatsoever not by high temperature or by any other method we tried and we have tried them all’ her eyes looked deep in concentration as he continued with his science spiel.

  ‘We believe it to be the diamond equivalent of the Alien species the UFO belonged to i.e. their strongest substance. Janner has however posed the theory that a laser directed through a lump of Dymantium Crystal could damage another object made from the same substance. But it is just a theory’ Troy continued he was beginning to enjoy his little science lesson. As he spoke the Mark One glided across the Earth peacefully and methodically as its technological complexities were revealed.

  ‘So how does it travel at such speed, I know it can do Thirty Thousand Kph at top speed, but how come the fastest aircraft us humans have produced can only manage ten Thousand?’ Nikita was well versed in technology of all kinds although it had been her job at the Planetary Commission up until recent days.

  ‘Just for the record, I’ve pushed Thirty Six Thousand Kph out of the Mark One’ He answered smiling.

  ‘Mankind not as advanced as the Aliens who previously owned the UFO, they are ahead of us by leaps and bounds. Their space propulsion system seemed to have exploded killing the crew but leaving the shell of the vessel intact so we’ll never know how they got to Earth or how long it took them. However their fusion drive was functional and we incorporate that technology into these helicopters. You must know what fusion energy is because we use it now for electrical power’ She nodded intently at him.

  ‘Well the fusion drive delivers incalculable amounts of energy when it reaches its peak performance at ninety eight percent efficiency. That’s a full ninety eight percent of all the matter put in being transformed into useable energy, an incredible feet of engineering. That energy can then be thrust out with phenomenal propulsion as a result’

  ‘We also have ion drives onboard that can propel our choppers at one tenth the speed of light, but they can only be used extra terrestrially due to the radiation it gives off’ Troy

  continued. At this Nikita stooped forward in awe.

  ‘You mean you can travel into space? Arrin never told me that!’ She said energetically.

  ‘Yes, we prevented the ‘World Ending Meteorite’ of 2012, which was our first mission. We entered orbit around it and bombarded it with high yield nucleonic pulses, all four of the Mark Class Choppers were used. That is how it eventually fell to Earth as thousands of smaller pieces’ a gleam of pride filled his eyes as he remembered the halcyon days of years ago.

  ‘You guys did that? Why does the Planetary Commission not know this?’ Nikita thought she knew all of what the SIA had done or accompl

  ‘We were selective in what we told your bureaucratic organisation and with good reason’ Troy had an obvious dislike for the Planetary Commission.

  ‘I understand. So tell me about the armour is it made from Americium and Dymantium?’ She no longer cared for her old job; it showed as she carried on the conversation.

  ‘The TCA units are made from another material that we found. It was moulded in the distorted shape of small humanoids and the scientists believed them to be space suits. The material was named Orgaricium because it was similar to Americium in many ways except for a few vital points. The material of the space suits were originally solid and grey in appearance, however when the suits were charged with a constant flow of neutrinos they became solid but allowed free movement for the wearer’

  ‘That’s why the armour requires so much energy, because of the vast amount needed to keep the material flowing with neutrinos. Testing revealed how the material actively tried to bond with organic matter and work in harmony with it. The scientists revealed that prolonged use by the same organic material results in the armour trying to bond to the host wearer. The material of the finished TCA wasn’t coated in Dymantium Crystal because of its solid properties. I mean you’d activate it then you’d be a statue for the rest if your life!’ Troy finished.

  Nikita sat back in her chair and collated all the data her ears had just absorbed.

  ‘Amazing it really is! So why didn’t the SIA share all this knowledge? I mean all these scientific advances and especially the medical breakthroughs; why not let the rest of the world in on it? The world would be such a better place, our standard of life would increase tenfold’ She continued her inquisitive questioning.

  ‘Well unfortunately I do not decide such matters, but imagine if all this technology were released, do you honestly think life would be better? The power this technology gives us can and would corrupt everyone who has access to it. Take your husband, my best friend and brother, he was one of the finest people I know and now he’s a mass murderer corrupted by power and a delusional ideal’

  ‘I ‘m starting to come round to the possibility that the Alien material is not the evil force here; it’s human weakness to the gift of absolute power. I don’t think the human mind is ready for what this technology can give; it is no more Frost's fault than it is the Alien material’s fault for corrupting his mind. It’s just a bad mix of civilizations that should never have met’ Troy again looked wise and intelligent as he finished his philosophy on the current situation.

  ‘That’s why Arrin needs to be stopped before he wipes out all life on Earth. Though it may mean my life as well as his’ His face changed to one of grave foretelling, a hundred blackened skies could be seen in his eyes as he realised his fate. A flash on his computer terminal broke the tense atmosphere much to his relief.

  ‘Excellent we’re here!’ Troy announced, perking up dramatically. The Mark One dropped to near ground level and at the same time reduced its speed. The super chopper had delivered its occupants safely as always, to the Lake District in England. Troy took her down in a remote area of forest hemmed in by trees but for one side. He made sure the forward view was of the beautiful countryside. Nikita was surprised at his choice but at the same time was amazed at the winter beauty of the snow-capped mountains and the ice-covered lakes as she looked through the viewer.

  It was now late January and the English winter was harsh though it restrained no beauty.

  ‘This is incredible Daryl I’ve read about this part of England and indeed heard a great many things about it but I had no idea it would be so picturesque and wonderful!’ Nikita said as she left the helicopter with awestruck eyes like a young child opening a long anticipated Christmas present. Troy just smiled he knew she would like it as much as he did. For a moment or two they stood in awe. Lakes that seemed to run on forever, bare, snow covered trees circled the lakes like guardians of nature. Something sweet but fresh filled the air; birds sang optimistic tunes. Troy knew that he must succeed, he must triumph over Frost or the entire world he loved so much would perish. They walked back to the Mark One and behind the super chopper was a grand Edwardian style house with huge windows facing the wonderful scenery.

  ‘This is my Tibetan ranch’ announced Troy proudly.

  Nikita was awestruck by the beauty of the house and its surroundings, so much so she was nearly overcome with marvel. Troy made them both a traditional English cup of tea and they continued the seamless conversation they initiated the first time they met. They sat in the main room of the house; it was covered in antique furniture and olden day paraphernalia. It was almost like being in a time warp; stuck in the past, although it was incredibly homely. The striking view captivated one’s vision. It was still early Troy made it 10:30 local time on his Wrist Communicator. The SIA wrist Communicator was designed to change time zone according to its position via the Integral Grid.

  ‘I know a great place for food and drink I think you’ll like it, mind you its pretty oldie worldy and they don’t stock Synthohol!’ Troy said with a smile. He got up and walked to the door at the rear of the room.

  ‘I’m just going to check on my baby, back in five’ He said as he left the room. Nikita thought this very strange, he didn’t have children did he? Then she realised how dim the thought was, of course he had no children, she would have know.

  ‘She’s still in one piece and purring like a wildcat waiting to pounce’ Troy said joyfully. The comment only served to increase Nikita’s curiosity.

  ‘What on Earth are you talking about Daryl!’ She exclaimed.

  ‘My wonderful motorbike, touched up with a little SIA ingenuity!’ Daryl was clearly proud of his vehicle that had been in storage for God only knows how long.

  ‘Oh right and I suppose you want me to join you on it?’ Nikita said in a concerned tone.

  ‘I’d expect nothing less young lady!’ He finished motioning her towards the door he come in from.

  Eagerly she waited on the front porch of Troy’s magnificent summer dwelling, looking in anticipation at the garage door. Finally the door opened and out came Troy straddling a large motorcycle. She knew it was motocross style, but she had no idea what make or more to the point if it had a make at all.

  ‘My older brother had one of these, it’s a crosser, am I right?’

  ‘Actually it’s an Enduro but you were close!’ Troy said shrewdly as Nikita sat on the back and made herself comfortable. He revved the engine and it seemed to purr gracefully like a tamed beast. When her arms were securely around his waist Troy sped off into a wide country lane hemmed in by ominous snow covered trees.

  The bike hugged the terrain perfectly and sped around corners seeming to defy the laws of gravity. Nikita held on tight and the more she did, the more Troy pushed his favourite weapon of joy.

  Wind blasted their helmets and this gave Nikita a serious feeling of speed, she looked down at the speedometer and she saw one hundred and seventy three displayed digitally. She recoiled and kept her eyes fixed forward, she thought she would leave the ride to Daryl; he seemed to know what he was doing. After what seemed like a long but enjoyable ride, Nikita found they had arrived in a quaint town she thought it may have been the small houses she had seen from Troy's window. Troy stopped the bike and they got off. They were now in front of a big building built by age-old stones each rounded and as big as a small boulder. If it were not for the modern vehicles that lined the roads, she would have believed they transported back to the past. She half expected to see a horse-drawn carriage of some kind come round the corner at any time.

  They entered and sat at the bar, the inside was as olden-day as the front.

  ‘Mr Troy! We haven’t seen you since July! It is good to see you, is this the long-awaited bride?’ the Barman clearly knew Daryl well and was happy to see him.

  ‘No this is Nikita Frost she is my… friend!’ Troy paused as he spoke and Nikita looked at him and laughed quaintly.

  ‘Anyway my o
ld friend, it is also good to see you! Two pints of your famous ale please!’ Troy said joining in the great atmosphere of the homely pub.

  ‘Nice to meet such a beautiful young lady my name is Howard Smithson, but you can call me Smithy, all my friends do!’ He said while pulling them two of his famous pints. Nikita wasn’t really keen on Lager but perhaps it was overly special she thought.

  ‘This is surprisingly nice! I‘ve never liked beer it usually has a chemical taste, but this is almost exquisite’

  Troy motioned to hand over some European money but the Barman Refused. They sat in the front of a huge window at the front of the room that looked over the frosty lake. Troy eased his mind into the relaxation only this place could give him.

  The warmth of the room and the strength of the drink wooed Daryl Troy into a realm of philosophy and he shared the contents of his now calm mind with Nikita.

  ‘You know how time seems to pass quicker when you’re having fun?’ Troy asked Nikita.

  ‘Yes and time passes slower when you are bored, what of it?’ She said confused at this random statement.

  ‘Well I believe that the human biological clock judges the passage of time from beats of the heart. When you’re enjoying yourself, your heart is beating fast with excitement or movement and therefore the brain perceives that time is elapsing faster, because the heart is beating faster. And when you are bored your heart is a lot slower, the brain thinks time is passing slower. Well it’s just an idea’ He continued.

  ‘That is true! That’s amazing how did you come up with such a profound idea? I think I have read about that theory somewhere, is it called circadian rhythms or something like that, we touched on it in my old psychology lessons at college’ Nikita was impressed by Troy's insight.

  ‘Really? So my idea is backed by physical research! Great stuff!’ He said laughing as the Barman caught their attention from the bar.

  ‘I got that bloody Synthohol Daryl. Would you care for a couple? On the house of course’

  ‘That would be excellent Smithy, bring ‘em over!’ Troy shouted back.

  ‘I don’t think I want one Daryl it’s bad for the liver’ Nikita said just after the Barman had brought them over.

  ‘I mean they kill brain cells and I hate the idea of that, it worries me’ She continued.

  ‘Well let me tell you my theory on losing brain cells’ He said smiling.

  ‘Imagine the brain is a piece of rock and Synthohol and other things that kill brain cells are sculptors. As the sculptors chip away at the rock they care not for the pieces they chip away, for they are making a masterpiece. Think about it’ He finished, proudly basking in his genetically enhanced view of the world as he sprayed the Synthohol into his arm.

  ‘Ok then Daryl you have me persuaded. Where do you get these ideas?’ She said as she too sprayed the Synthohol, almost instantly she felt a tingle down her spine and felt great, these won’t be legal for long. She thought privately.

  They exchanged many more ideas and philosophies and the alcohol flowed. The pub was eventually bustling with people, probably locals and they fitted in easily, joining in their stories and humour. Troy slipped into another world one where his troubles did not exist. If he hid away in this remote part of England could he disappear and forget the world? He knew it was folly and returned his mind to the last few days of peace he may ever know. Their hearts were full of joy and were beating fast, the time seemed to fly by as Troy had foreseen. When they’d had enough they moved on to the centre of the small town to fill their stomachs with more than just liquid. The Synthohol had worn off and they were both talking sense once again.

  ‘Does it not worry you that Arrin will strike again? I mean he could do another Hungary anywhere in the world’ Nikita said worriedly as they sat at the table laden with tasty food.

  ‘I don’t think he’ll try anything like that for some time, he is up to something but there’s no way of finding him even if I wanted to. He has made his ripples as he said’

  ‘Tell me did he mention me at all when you saw him? I couldn’t really care much for him anymore but it’s quite hard to forget the two year’s we spent together’ Nikita could hold her feelings no longer.

  ‘I don’t think he can ever revert to old feelings Nikita, he is something else now something different. What I did see though were many pictures of you in his study and the times I saw him he would only speak of you. Though he may have changed, no-one can deny his love for you Nikita, no-one’ she smiled and touched his hand, he said exactly the right thing just when it was needed.

  They sat for hours and talked about anything they could think of, they were becoming more than just good friends. The sun began to set in its dark blue horizon and the optimistic birds sang no more as the night wore on.

  ‘Come on lets go home my belly is going to burst!’ Nikita said in a loving way to Troy. They left the restaurant and set off back for the house. Images of Frost's smirking face entered Troy's mind as he rode his beloved motorcycle. His rage welled up and the speed increased. Troy's mind was working faster than light as he took the rapid machine to full speed, nearly forgetting about his fragile passenger. Nikita held on for dear life, closed her eyes and hoped for the ride to end.

  As they got off the bike Troy removed his helmet and Nikita saw his eyes, they were wider than the moon in the sky. Fire rippled through them, his steely gaze had become the embodiment of the wrath of Frost. She almost felt them burn her eyes, so much so she had to turn away. Troy realised his task once again, he was truly ready to match Frost in body and min, he regained his calm look transforming instantly.

  ‘Sorry I got a little lost in anger there for a moment’ He said sorrowfully to Nikita who was clearly shaken by what she had seen.

  ‘Don’t do that again, you reminded me of him then’ She said tearfully.

  ‘Of whom?’

  ‘Of Arrin, he looked like that when he started to change, don’t listen to the voice that consumed him’ she finished as she walked into his arms. They headed into the house which was a welcome heat change from the freezing outdoors. Troy went to kitchen and poured them both drinks as a peace offering, although it wasn’t needed she had already forgiven him.

  The night wore on and tiredness gripped them both, although the chemistry between them gave them a new energy and zest for life. Troy now had something worthwhile to fight for.

  ‘I’m going to find your room. I’m ready to go to bed but I’m not tired’ she stood up and looked at Troy seductively.

  ‘So I’ll be upstairs’ she continued, walking towards the spiral stairwell that looked incredibly out of place in Troy's timeless house. He knew what she was implying and he felt great warmth where the butterflies had been the previous day. It was the first time he had felt such feeling, all his other encounters were of lust. This one it seemed was love perhaps. He looked in the mirror above a burning fireplace and psyched himself, he was nervous but he was determined not to show it. He thought about his brother, Nikita was his ex-wife but he knew that Frost was warped beyond hope, uninterested in love and besides, they were facing the end of the world he concluded. He walked up the stairs double-checking he had reads the signs correctly in his mind. He opened the door of his modern looking bedroom, there she lay naked on his luxurious bed. Her body was incredibly slim with slight curves in all the right places, he had not noticed before; he could not help but notice now.

  The sun rose from behind a picturesque horizon and gleamed off the water on the frozen lake before him as he sat on a small hillock in front of the Mark One, in complete awe. He was for the first time experiencing a new love for life, he was genuinely happy for the first time in months. He knew that the SIA would need a report very shortly; he also knew that his time to confront Frost was imminent. He did not worry about it like he had the previous day he had a new energy that gave him strength. Suddenly he heard a movement, jumped up and pulled a small weapon from inside his armour-plated jacket. It was Nikita, his finely tuned
senses had alerted him to a presence and his abilities were as sharp as ever. He returned his gun to its holder and walked to greet Nikita.

  ‘Good morning! A little jumpy aren’t we? ‘Nikita said chuckling.

  ‘Sorry, I need to be on top form for the road ahead’ He replied apologetically. They made for the house and began to pack their bags; their little break was at an end, but their newly kindled love was certainly not. They kissed and cuddled in front of the television for a few hours, they did not wish to part though it was inevitable as well they knew.

  ‘American and British Intelligence have today revealed they are close to finding the mysterious terrorist that has, in recent days, plunged the world into sheer horror. It‘s been well over a week since the atrocities witnessed in Hungary. Some believe he’s an Alien being or even a robot but until this psychotic assassin is caught we will continue to live in the fear that we will be next’ the news reader on Troy's dusty flat screen television looked scared as he gave his report.

  ‘Close to finding him! Ha! Can you believe they are saying that?’ Troy said sarcastically.

  They walked reluctantly to the Mark One for the homeward journey. Troy activated the rotors and they began to pound the air; slicing it into wisps.

  ‘Hang on, the sensors are picking up a presence in the house I better go check it out’ He said as he tapped away on the console.

  ‘Be careful you don’t know who it might be!’ she said, obviously worried.

  ‘Don’t worry it’s probably Smithy, he has a key’ Replied Troy reassuringly. He left the chopper and ducked under the thundering rotors. As he approached the house pat the wooded area to his left, he felt uneasy as though he were being watched.

  Suddenly he was surrounded by four heavy built men dressed in black suits. It was too late to reach for his communicator they were upon him with weapons raised and aimed.

  ‘Don’t move! So you are human after all though your technology is pretty exotic. I’d love to know where you got it!’ another agent stepped forward with a small handgun pointing at Troy’s head, the very people he and his comrades had successfully evaded for years had finally caught up with him.

  ‘How on Earth did you buffoons find me? You need to take a sideline fella’s. I’m the only person that can stop agent Frost’ Troy said confidently.

  ‘We caught you flying below radar through Italy yesterday, we knew your heading so it was only a matter of time before the Integral Grid located your vessel visually. Maybe you should have hidden it better; you could have been free now to carry out more terrorist attacks!’ the agent replied equally as confidently in a well-spoken English accent.

  Troy suddenly became aware of many more armed agents taking aim on his captured body.

  ‘Oh yes I mustn’t forget the pleasantries! I am Special Agent John Sloan of the British Intelligence Division Six. You are coming with us to stand trial for the atrocities you stand accused of. If you make any movement at all you will be killed instantly’ Sloan announced with equal confidence.

  ‘Did your organisation really think they would go unnoticed? Anonymous access to the Integral Grid, honestly! It was just a matter of time before we found you out. I will personally make you pay for what you have done’ Sloan continued as Troy was beginning to tire of his ‘capture’. Suddenly he pulled the four men holding his arms into each other and dropped to the ground underneath them, shielding him from gunfire while he activated the armour. The agents around the perimeter struggled frantically to find Troy in their cross hairs, they could not hit the target and bullets shot past Troy’s unprotected head.

  After a few seconds he was covered in his blue armour. He rose slowly as if lifted by an unseen hand; he was using his armours magnetic force system. Bullets pinged and deflected off his invincible body as he began to walk slowly and methodically toward the Mark One, taking no heed of the helpless agents around him. As he approached the mighty chopper a group of agents grappled his arms to hold him.

  ‘Computer prepare to purge a full power magnetic pulse on my command’ Troy ordered to his computer in his headpiece as the agents frantically tried to hold him down.

  ‘Now’ Troy commanded as a dull static noise filled the air like that of oncoming thunder. The agents surrounding him were thrown into the trees violently. Troy stepped inside the Mark One, deactivated his armour and took the chopper high into the air.

  ‘I was so worried, I didn’t know what to do Daryl!’ Nikita said as he lifted the Mark One out of harm’s way.

  ‘You did the right thing and waited, there was no way they would have taken me in. It seems I’ve underestimated them though, i didn’t expect that!’ Troy said with a smile.

  The Mark One carried them safely without incident and eventually Tibet was again in sight although Nikita wished it would never arrive. Troy had travelled at top altitude and speed, that way the Integral Grid had no chance of spotting them. They touched down in the frostbitten lands of Tibet and they got out of the chopper.

  ‘I wish you didn’t have to do this, I will pray every day that you come back safely’ Nikita said as she kissed Troy on the lips.

  ‘I can’t promise anything but I will do my best. I have something to work for now!’ He answered with a return kiss on Nikita’s lips. She watched the Mark One rise gracefully and dart off into the distance; it gained height and then seemed to vanish instantly into a dark Tibetan sky.