Read Rising Assets Page 15

  “My eyes,” Colton muttered, wiping a forearm across them. “Stop fucking flashing me.”

  “Jealous?” Hawk snorted and then winced again.

  No, but he was starting to feel like a dumbass. Colton stood and yanked Hawk to his feet. “Let’s get out of here before they call security.”

  Hawk nodded and brushed dirt and ice from his hospital gown.

  Colton bit down on his lip. Hard.

  His best buddy stood, legs bare, hospital gown flapping in the wind. A bunch of leaves twisted in Hawk’s hair, and dirt smudged his battered cheek. “What?”

  Laughter rolled up inside Colton, and he let it loose.

  “Shut up.” Hawk finally cracked a smile and then snorted.

  Lights flipped on in the room behind them. They both stilled.

  “Run,” Hawk hissed.

  Colton nodded and helped Hawk over the shrubs, laughing and trying not to fall. They hitched along, Hawk’s ass flashing, until breaking into a clumsy jog and reaching Colt’s truck.

  They jumped inside, and Colt ignited the engine. He turned to survey Hawk. “Are you sure you’re well enough to leave?”

  “Positive. Now go.” Hawk flipped on the heat and shoved his reddened feet toward the blast of air.

  With one more chuckle, Colton threw the truck in drive and escaped the security now pouring out of the front entrance. “Did we just break any laws?”

  “Dunno.” Hawk exhaled. “But it’s good to be alive, right?”

  “Damn straight.” Colton grinned. “When are you going to tell me who beat the hell out of you?”

  Hawk stiffened and then lifted a shoulder. “I’m not. It’s over, and he looks worse than I do.”



  “If you needed help, you’d ask?” Colton kept his gaze on the road.

  “You’re the only person I’d ask, and I promise I would.” Hawk leaned his head back.

  Colton nodded. Good enough. His buddy was now on the mend. Time to settle things with Melanie.


  The quiet rapping on the door had Melanie padding in her fuzzy socks and peering out the window. The fire in the hearth crackled happily behind her. What in the world?

  Yanking open the door, she could only gape. “Brian?”

  Brian Milton stood on her porch wearing board shorts, a tank top, and an opened parka. In zero degree weather, he was wearing shorts? His hair was mussed, and he’d allowed a shadow to darken his jaw. “I’m taking your advice and moving to Maui.” He brushed by her into the warm living room. “I know it’s late to call on you, but I want you to come with me.”

  Her mouth opened and closed. She shook her head. “It’s only ten at night, and you’re always welcome to visit. You want me to go to Maui?”

  “Yes.” He pushed the door shut behind her. “A friend of mine from school owns a surf shop, and I bought in yesterday. Come with me, Mel. Leave the cold of Montana and let’s live on the beach.”

  She shoved unruly hair away from her face. “We broke up, Brian.”

  He showed a charming dimple. “I know. Come as my friend. For now.”


  “I don’t know. Perhaps our friendship could turn into more in a different environment. One where we relax and live by the sun.” He ran a finger down the side of her face. “A new start for us both.”

  The touch didn’t do a darn thing for her. She stepped back. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think so.”

  “Come on.” His brown eyes sparkled. “Why stay here, anyway?”

  For the first time, the idea of leaving tempted her. Well, depending where she and Colton stood. First, she had to figure a few things out.

  “How did your mom take the new plan?” Melanie asked.

  Brian winced. “Not well. But my brothers supported me, and I’m sure Mother will come around. Now how about you?”

  She smiled. “I don’t think so. But who knows, maybe I’ll visit for a vacation.”

  Brian sighed. “Okay. But promise if you want to get out of Montana sometime this spring you’ll give me a call.” He leaned in and captured her in a big hug. “I don’t know if I’d be making this move if you hadn’t encouraged me.” His lips smacked her.

  The door shot open, and Colton stood there supporting Hawk’s weight.

  Sparks lit Colton’s eyes. He pushed Hawk against the wall and rushed Brian, jerking him away from Melanie.

  “Wait—” Melanie started.

  Colton shoved Brian against the wall. “What the hell?”

  “Lighten up, dude.” Brian’s eyes bugged out.

  Anger roared through Melanie. “Let him go, Colton.” She dashed toward him and yanked on his arm. Impressive muscles vibrated beneath her palm. “Now.”

  Colton leaned his face closer to Brian’s. “Why was your mouth on hers?”

  “Stop being a freakin’ jackass.” She pulled but wasn’t strong enough to budge him. She looked for help from Hawk, but he was leaning against the wall and taking deep breaths.

  “Fine.” Colt released Brian. “Leave.”

  “I am.” Brian gave her a quick nod. “I’m not leaving for Maui until tomorrow morning. Give me a call if you want to come.” He sauntered to the door and let himself out.

  Melanie rounded on Colton. “What in the fiery pits of hell is wrong with you?” she yelled.

  “With me?” he shouted back. “I get here, and you’re kissing Milton? Milton?”

  “Who I kiss is my business, not yours.” If she got any madder, she just might kick him in the face.

  “Uh, guys?” Hawk asked.

  “Just a second,” Colton and Melanie said in unison.

  Colton stepped toward her. “You are not going to Maui with that moron.”

  She lifted her chin, both hands going to her waist. “I’ll go anywhere I darn well please, with anybody I want. You can suck it.”

  “Guys?” Hawk asked.

  “Suck what?” Colton said, his face calming. “You name it, I will.”

  He was such an ass. Melanie rolled her eyes. “Get out of my house.”

  “Not a chance.”

  She saw red and swung.

  He easily stepped back. “I taught you to fight better than that, chickie. Try again.”

  Fire lanced through her. She faked a punch and kicked him squarely in the gut. The impact ricocheted up her leg. Holy ouch.

  He grinned, not seeming the bit fazed. “Much better.”

  “Guys!” Hawk bellowed.

  “What?!?” They both turned toward him as he slid down the wall to land on his ass.

  Oh crap. Melanie rushed toward him, colliding with Colton. They went down in a tangle of arms and legs. Her elbow thumped on the floor, zinging pain through her arm. Ouch.

  “Wait.” Colton settled her on the floor and regained his balance. “Hawk? Are you all right?”

  Hawk leaned against the wall, his face pale, his eyes shut. “No.”

  “Why in the world did you take him from the hospital?” Melanie hissed, grabbing Hawk’s good hand and holding tight.

  “We thought it a good idea at the time.” Colton shoved to his feet and helped Melanie up. “Grab his other arm.” Reaching down, he hauled Hawk up. “Do we need to go back to the hospital?”

  “No. I just need sleep.” Hawk swayed and leaned heavily on Colton. “Bed.”

  Melanie nodded toward the guest room past the kitchen. “Let’s take him in there.” They slowly maneuvered their buddy into bed, and Melanie judiciously decided not to inform Hawk she’d seen his butt. Once he was all tucked in, he fell asleep within a minute.

  Colton inhaled, his gaze on his wounded friend. “I’ll have Doc Mooncaller drop by first thing tomorrow morning to check on him.”

  “Okay,” Melanie whispered, shutting off the light and leaving the room.

  Colton quietly shut the door. “Do you want to continue our fight?”

  “No.” Every bone she owned wanted to sleep. “How
about we put the fight on hold and take turns watching Hawk tonight? He shouldn’t be out of the hospital.”

  Colton’s eyes warmed. “It’s a deal. Why don’t you get some sleep, and I’ll take first watch here on the couch.”

  Melanie rubbed her nose. “Say check on him every half an hour?”

  “Yes. Night, Mel.”

  “Night.” She tiptoed up the stairs to her room, although Hawk had fallen into a deep sleep. Once under the covers, she glanced at her moonlit room. Tons of pictures of she, Colt, and Hawk decorated the vanity that matched her antique bedroom set.

  They’d been through so much together through the years. She counted sheep for a while, and then she counted imaginary dragons. The sexiest man she’d ever met sat just a floor beneath her.

  A man who knew how to kiss. Really knew how to kiss.

  Warmth heated through her, and she shifted restlessly.

  Finally, a couple of hours after going to bed, she threw back the covers. Might as well check on Hawk since she couldn’t sleep. She trumped down the stairs and glanced into the living room.

  Colton sat on the sofa, legs extended onto the coffee table, the firelight dancing over the hard angles of his face. His eyes were closed.

  She tiptoed into Hawk’s room, her shoulders relaxing at his rhythmic breathing. Good.

  Then she left the room and crossed into the living area to grab a blanket to spread over Colton. Although the fire still crackled, the temperature had fallen along with the night.

  Just as she dropped the blanket on him, he reached out and grabbed her arm. She tumbled onto him. His mouth covered hers in a deep kiss. She kissed him back for all of two seconds, beyond tempted to fall into his heat.

  Instead, she pushed against his chest with both hands. “We need to talk.”

  “After.” He licked along her lips, and fire slammed right into her blood. “First, let’s try to make it to a bed. Just once.”

  She wanted this night. Life was too crazy. “Then we talk.”

  “Yeah.” He kissed her, lifting her and carrying her up the stairs, his mouth never stopping. Never letting her take a breath or find a thought.

  As lava poured through her veins, she gave up thinking.


  For now, all that existed was Colton Freeze and his dangerous mouth.

  He set her down on the bed, gently lifted her top and yoga pants off. Sure hands unbuckled his belt, and his clothes joined hers on the floor.

  She swallowed, her lids half-dropping. “You have an amazing body.” Gingerly, she slid her fingers along his ripped abs.

  “So do you.” He flattened his hand across her upper chest and pushed her back, covering her with heat and male. “God…Melanie.” His mouth kissed, tasted, and licked her neck, warm breath chasing over her. “You smell so good…all woman.”

  His scent of wild forest washed over her, through her.

  She was practically panting, needed him so much it physically hurt. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders as his knee nudged her legs apart.

  She was so ready.

  But he took his time, his mouth wandering down her neck, his teeth providing bite. Proof that his gentleness, while seductive, could disappear in a second. He nipped a breast, and she cried out.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined you, open to me.” He laved the other nipple. “How fucking amazing you feel beneath me.” His talented fingers found her, pushing deep inside.

  Wild shock filled her, and she arched against his hand, her hips tipping.

  With a grin, he fucked her with his fingers, his other hand teasing her nipples. Thank goodness her period had ended so quickly, or she wouldn’t be so damn comfortable right now. Shock wandered through her at her own boldness while she rocked her hips into his fingers, but one look at his face filled her with confidence.

  Gone was the cool, meticulous man. He was transformed into a hungry, primal being, teeth bared, eyes glinting, the sharp edges of his cheekbones flushed with need.

  For her. Only for her. “Now, Colton. Please.”

  His dark blue gaze captured her. She wanted to look away, to protect herself. But as he pressed the head of his cock against her sex, she was trapped.

  She spread her knees wider for his hips. He stretched her.

  When he was as deep as he could get, he paused and lowered his forehead to hers. He watched her carefully, and she couldn’t hide her emotions. Not this time, and not from him.

  He slid out and then back in, capturing her hands and pressing them to the bedspread above her head. Taking control, as only Colton could. Steadily, with determination, he began to pound until the only sound in existence was flesh slapping against flesh.

  Lava flowed through her blood. Nerves fired throughout her entire body.

  His teeth sank into her earlobe. “Come for me. Now.”

  She exploded, coming hard and fast, sobbing his name. The waves battered her, taking her over.

  Her eyelids flew open in time to see him fall over the edge. The tendons strained in his neck, and his entire body went rigid.

  God, he was beautiful.

  Finally, he relaxed against her, his heart beating against her breasts.

  She smiled. “Colton—”

  “Colton, we can’t keep doing this. It’s going to rip my heart to shreds. I need you as a friend, not as one of your flings. We know how those end,” Mel said.

  “Mel, you don’t know what you’re talking–”

  A bang from downstairs startled them both. Colton lifted up and then withdrew from her body. She groaned at the erotic sensations.

  “Stay here,” he said as he yanked on his jeans and padded from the room.

  A clamoring came from Hawk’s room.

  Melanie jumped up, threw on her bathrobe, and ran down the stairs after Colt, stopping short at the doorway, her heart slamming against her ribs.

  Hawk had thrown the lamp across the room, and was struggling out of his blankets while standing. His eyes were open but unseeing, and muscles rippled in his arms as he fought the sheet.

  She started toward him, only to have Colton grab her out of the way. “He’s not awake.” Colton blocked her with his body. “Hawk? Wake up, buddy.”

  Hawk stilled, and reality slowly dawned across his face. He frowned.

  “You had a bad dream,” Colton said, stepping forward to tug the constricting blanket from around Hawk’s torso. “Sit down. It’s time to talk.”

  With a nod, Hawk dropped back the bed.

  Melanie looked from one to the other, her mind spinning. Instinct took over, and she listened. Hawk needed to talk to Colton right now. The both of them would be too much. “I’ll see you guys in the morning,” she whispered as she shut the door.

  She’d finish her talk with Colton in the morning.

  Chapter Twenty

  Colton left the coffeepot on and slipped out of Melanie’s house. He needed a shave but didn’t have time. In fact, if this was going to work, he had to get a move on.

  Hawk hadn’t wanted to talk during the night, and Colton didn’t feel like pushing him, so they’d played poker. As of five in the morning, Hawk owed Colton two horses and a head of cattle.

  Colton grinned. Sure, Hawk would probably win them back the next time they played. Maybe.

  They’d spent the night reminiscing and planning. Planning big. But this plan would work. For so long, Colton had lived according to plans, and look where it had gotten him. Sometimes a guy just had to take a chance.

  When it mattered.

  Hawk had fallen asleep around six, and after Colton checked in on a sleeping Melanie, he made coffee and headed outside. He loved her. Not in the happy, singing, making-out-in-daisies way, but in a his-heart-would-be-ripped-out-with-sharp-claws-if-she-left-him way.

  He was about to take the biggest risk of his life, and he couldn’t be happier.

  Well, or more nauseated. What if this backfired?

  With a shrug, he propelled himself full-bor
e ahead, as he always had. If he was going to crash and burn, there was going to be a hell of a fire.

  He pressed speed dial on his phone. “Jake? I need to talk to Leila. Yes. Now.” He waited until his niece came on the phone, and then he asked for the help he needed.

  With a happy squeal, Leila agreed to help.

  He hung up and frowned. They’d need more than the two of them to make this happen. Well, one of the benefits of belonging to a big family was…lots of hands. So he lowered his head and started to make phone calls.


  Melanie stomped her freezing feet on the hard pavement just as snow began to drift down from the sky. “I told you it would snow again today. Now can we go?” she asked her too-silent companion.

  “No.” Hawk reached over and yanked her coat zipper up with his healthy hand. “It’s almost spring. You love the parade.”

  “Do not—and spring can’t show up soon enough.” She hadn’t gotten enough sleep, her head hurt, and her heart kind of ached. Colton had left without waking her up and finishing their talk. That meant he didn’t want to talk, and that pretty much said it all.

  Hawk hunched his shoulders against the breeze. “I gave you two cups of coffee and cooked you scrambled eggs with extra cheese. Stop complaining.”

  Melanie squinted up at her slightly cranky friend. “You’ll make some woman a fine wife someday.”

  He grinned as the little Bluebird troop of five-year-olds sashayed down Main Street. “Thanks.”

  Melanie glanced behind herself at the warmth all but vibrating from Kurt’s Koffees. The aroma of freshly baked orange rolls wafted out when a customer exited the coffee shop. “I think I’ll go inside for a bit.”

  “Stay with me. I’m dizzy.” Hawk sounded more amused than dizzy.

  She shook her head. “You are not.” Then she peered closer at his calm face. “Are you?”

  He sighed. “No. But just stay here for a minute, will you? Trust me.”

  “Fine.” She blew on her mitten-covered hands and smiled as the mayor drove by in his vintage 1920 Model T. The Lady Elks were next, then the Boy Scout troops, then the high school cheerleaders, and the high school band.

  Candy flew from many hands, and she happily caught a couple of toffees. She unrolled an orange one. “Are you all right? I mean, with the nightmare and everything?”