Read Road Talk Page 4

  "Nope. Got a green card. I never got loose and partied like the other guys. I keep my nose clean, so I can stay in this country."

  By this time, we finally reached Chickaloon, I felt pretty wiped out. I needed a bed, and Anchorage was just a bit too far for me to drive. The house was no use either. It was almost as far to my place as it was to Anchorage.

  "Is there a place in Palmer or Wasilla where we can crash? We both need to give it up for a while," Lou asked.

  "I'm thinking about it. I don't want to take a chance on the roach coaches in Palmer, but there might be a place in Wasilla."

  Pointing to my cell phone in the cup holder, I gave him a name, and Lou got busy finding us two rooms for the night. We got lucky, and I made for the lake in Wasilla. The hotel had a couple of rooms, a real wonder at this time of year. Lying prone for the balance of the night would be wonderful.

  On the queen size bed, I snuggled the extra pillow up under my arm and thought about the trip and Lou. Eighteen years the man had been alone. Lou was a nice man, even if he got so silent at times, I felt like I was by myself. Then again, not exactly. His silences didn't make me uncomfortable.

  What did he hope to find in a woman? If I was looking what did I want? Did I want to explore that particular possibility? Davis and I were more than good together. It was awesome and amazing. He was the best lover, friend, and husband a woman could ever want.

  But, if the right person came along...? Good question. What did the 'right person' look like? I wasn't looking for another Davis, but having someone just to be with might not be so bad. Someone easy to live with, for sure. I didn't want some guy ordering me around.

  That was one reason I shied away from exploring the available pool of men. I didn't intend to be an unpaid housekeeper, and I was leery of hooking up with someone who might become sick and die on me like Davis Lee did.

  But, insisting on a full physical from a guy would probably be a deal breaker. Then again, the whole thing with Davis did teach me there were no guarantees. Was I afraid to take a chance again? That just might be possible.

  In the morning, Lou sat waiting for me at a table in the continental breakfast area. A cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal were in front of him.

  "Morning," he drawled out before shoveling in another spoonful of oatmeal. I just nodded my head. No coffee, no talk.

  I greeted him after I got about half of the coffee in, but I still felt drained. The fragrant coffee and cold orange juice went a long way toward reviving me, so I headed back for another cup and a Danish. Fortified with caffeine and the beginnings of a good sugar rush, I was about ready to get moving.

  I didn't like putting on the same clothing this morning, but real soon I'd be able to get into my hot tub. When I opened my eyes after a long sigh, Lou grinned at me.

  "What was that all about?" Draining his cup, he pushed it to the side.

  "I thought about climbing into my hot tub with a glass of wine."

  The grin on his face widened. "Yup. I heard about that hot tub."

  Jeeze, what did Davis Lee tell him? Several excellent memories floating around in my head had to do with that tub. I was halfway tempted to ask what he heard, but the other half of me wasn't sure I wanted to know. Lou took pity on me.

  "I got invited over to your place for a dip a few times. I understand the tub is nice and comfy."

  Not sure quite what to make of that cryptic comment, I finished the last bite of the pastry and pushed the chair back. Time to get this show on the road. "Ready to roll?"

  "If you are." He kicked the whole thing back at me.

  Being reasonably intelligent, I shut up and got moving.

  Out on Eklutna Flats, Lou opened the conversation again, which surprised the hell out of me. "I understand there might be a pickup down on the Kenai in a few days. Want to go along for the ride?"

  I gave the matter some thought. I guessed there was more than a trip to the Kenai Peninsula on offer here. But the man didn't push me. The suggestion sat between us, and I gave it careful consideration.

  "You got a place?"

  He seemed surprised by the question. "Yup."

  "Anywhere near close to the shop?"

  "Uh huh."

  "How about if we stop there for a minute?"

  "You planning on pushing me out of the truck?" he inquired softly.

  "Nope." Two can play at the zipped lip game.

  He directed me to the apartment in Spenard. Without pumping me, Lou opened the door and invited me in. The place was as neat as his bunk probably was out on the boat. Not so much as a dirty dish sat in the sink.

  I stood in the middle of the studio apartment, looking around; Lou waited silently to find out what I was up to. He didn't say a word when I looked in the bathroom. The toilet seat was down. I grinned at that; a real holdover from having to keep the lid on it at sea.

  It didn't seem like he wanted an unpaid housekeeper that was for sure. I decided not to push for a physical. I'm just not that much of a bitch. If something happens, it happens. But, there was one more area of stuff I needed to clarify.

  He was short enough for me to be able to place my head on his shoulder. I liked that. And he stood still while I tried it on. He's taller than I am by a few inches. I hardly ever wear heels; I don't like teetering around, so that didn't pose a problem.

  But I got up into his personal space, lifted my head, and looked at him. Those dark eyes of his widened. "So, how about you kiss me. Let's see if all this road talk will lead anywhere."

  The man's face split into a broad grin. "Well now, M.B. You sure are a spicy bit. No doubt about it."

  With that, his hand found the back of my head, and his lips came down on mine. He didn't push the tongue thing right off the bat. Lou went at it easy, gently increasing the pressure as he pulled me close against that hard body of his.

  And, wonders of wonders, we fit. The man broke off to suck on my earlobe, and I had to put both hands on his shoulders to hold on. In a little bit, he went back to kissing my lips. I was content to let him and ran my hands up into his dark hair. Yeah, Lou could kiss.

  We both explored the possibilities a little before he took a tiny step back. "Next Wednesday. Meet me here, say 8:00 am. We'll head on down to Anchor Point. I suppose you're driving."

  A statement, Lou knew me, and I was good with it. I wasn't sure how far we would take this particular road, but I decided to give it a try. "Sure. You want to make the reservations?"

  "Yup. Will do. I suppose we best get to the shop."

  I started toward the door, and his hand found the small of my back. It fit fine there. He pulled the door shut, walked me over to the driver's side of the truck, and opened the door for me with a smile. I might like having doors opened for me. Louis could become a habit I might not want to break.

  1Thank you for taking the time to read Road Talk. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Other books by Cherime MacFarlane:

  "Highland Light" Is the first of the MacGrough Clan series.

  Gideon is a ward of the Master of the Croatia Temple belonging to the Knights Templar. The Knights escape execution and flee to Scotland. The master of the Temple strikes a bargain with Robert The Bruce. In exchange for safety, the eighteen men will marry into various clans in the Bruce faction. Ailene saw him entering the Abby and will have him and no other. Gideon has honored the Templar vows of chastity. With no knowledge of women, he and Ailene must learn together.

  But Gideon owes his new King service. No matter how much he wishes to stay with his wife, he has a duty. Scotland is fighting for its life against England. At the same time, Gideon's new home is locked in a vicious internal struggle for power. Enemies are everywhere. The clan is in danger from all sides. The small bedroom they share is the only place where the young couple can find peace.

  "Bare Wires"

  The prequel to Wired For Sound follows
Lori and Hamish as their lives slowly come together. Lori gets the break she needs when she comes to the attention of a gallery owner in Brighton, England. The small celebration she treats herself to turns into a disaster when she discovers a horrible truth about her lover.

  Hamish and the band are finally poised to break into the entertainment industry. But two big problems stand in Bushmaster’s way; the bass player’s growing addiction and Vincent’s inflated view of his worth. Hamish must learn to manage his problems with insomnia while trying to keep Bushmaster together.

  Two young people's lives will intersect one night in an art gallery in the resort town of Brighton.

  "Wired For Sound"

  Gideon and Ailene's descendant, Hamish MacGrough's story continues. It is 1988. The band Hamish co-founded, Bushmaster, is on its 4th album and 2nd US tour. Vince, the front man, and Hamish started the band as young college students. Now, Vince's nastiness has caused someone to exact the ultimate revenge, death.

  After coercing Lori into marrying him, Hamish isn't sure how long she will stick around. His focus has been on keeping his wife happy and getting out of the band. With a recording date in Glasgow, a deadline and backers waiting, he needs to be back in Scotland. But in Los Angeles, everyone in the band is a suspect, as far as the police are concerned. Hamish's artist wife, Lori, may have been involved with Vincent before she met Hamish. Fearing she could be the murderer, Hamish must find the killer. But when he finds the murderer will he be forced to protect that person?

  In a race to find the answer before the police, MacGrough has to use every resource he can, including the wife he fears may have had a hand in the murder.

  Already burned by one man, can Lori trust her Scottish keyboard playing husband? Will their marriage survive this last gig?

  "North by Northeast"

  Hamish has what is called the sight in Scotland. With his wife, Lori, attending a gallery show, he suddenly finds the lament swirling about in his head. Half a world away, Hamish is terrified. Lori is gone, and there is no ransom note. The remnant of his old band, Bushmaster, comes together to help Hamish as he searches for Lori. The pursuit takes them from Seattle to Canada and into a ghost town North by Northeast of Seattle.

  Lori has no idea why she is being held. Hamish is the musician, the famous one of the family and a partner in WarLoch Productions. What is the reasoning behind this? Will she live to find out?

  "Rhythm and Blues"

  Lurch Walker is the bad boy of the band Bushmaster. A rock solid, rhythm guitar player, he finally finds a woman he is ready to settle marry. Hamish's au pair and mutually adopted sister stakes a claim to Lurch’s heart. But Lurch Walker's past is about to put an end to his dreams of home and family. Lurch and Hamish must make a stand as those threatening Lurch have now threatened Hamish's family and his adopted sister.

  "Family Knots"

  Lori is recuperating from the birth of their third child. But things in the Glen are starting to take a decided otherworldly turn. Hamish suspects his oldest son, just a young boy, has a great deal more of the sight than he has.

  Lori has a touch of post-partum depression and is not able to paint. Hamish's father's relatives have finally found him. Even worse; his cousin wants something from Hamish, which will require his leaving Lori and the Glen when he most needs to be there. It is a family knot of significant proportions.

  "The Templar's Treasure"

  As the MacGrough clan prepares to celebrate a milestone, chaos ensues. A 26-year-old secret is revealed; the father of a child exposed, a woman rescued and another stands up for the love she and her soul mate have shared for years. Lori and Hamish's 28th-year-anniversary celebration goes off the charts.

  The MacGrough Glen is turning up the heat. One antique anniversary gift holds the key to the last of the Templar’s Treasure. And the supernatural talents of one of the clan lead to a discovery of another sort. More history of the Glen is about to reveal itself to the MacGrough's of the twenty-first century.

  "The Twisted Laird"

  Edan MacGrough is the last of the male line of the MacGrough's. Culloden has claimed the rest. His older half-brother, The MacGrough, has given him a duty, he is to take care of the women and children who are left. In particular, Edan is to watch over Rhona, the widow of his brother, who is pregnant. The children are all the clan has left, and MacGrough’s survival depends on keeping them alive.

  Rhona hates Edan and always has. She will not make the commission given to Edan by his brother easy to accomplish.

  Edan does not feel up to the task, as he has a lame leg, twisted due to an accident shortly after birth. The MacGrough, warned by the sight, of hardships to come, has trained his successor well. But nothing can prepare the young Laird for the grief and pain he must deal with. Not only is his leg twisted, but his heart and soul are, as well.

  "Snagged" is the first of the Copper River Romances.

  In some places in Alaska, there are only two places to socialize, the bar and the church. Dorcas' family chose the church. Trying to find her path, she is spending the winter in a remote cabin. The pilot of a small plane crashes on the river. Dorcas pulls James out of the freezing water, saving his life.

  James has been working alongside his father building the business for years. His trip to Fairbanks to scout out a second location angers his father. James leaves a day early, and his plane develops engine trouble over the Copper River, far off course. Being thrown from the aircraft into the icy water, the young man thinks his life is over until the girl pulls him from the river.

  There is a family connection that goes back over twenty-five years, something neither of the young people discovers until her family comes to spend Christmas with her at the remote cabin. Will an old lie tear the young couple apart? Will James' father finally listen to the truth?

  "Stalking Red"

  The second of the Copper River Romances finds a hunter in a tight spot. P.R. Jones wants to get close to the new tenant, Brenda. But she is living with a summer intern from her office. P.R. must bide his time and remain a friend to Brenda, Red if he wants to end this hunt successfully. He doesn't care what his parents think; Red is the one he will have. But P.R. wants marriage.

  Brenda is not sure she wants to lose her only real friend, P.R. Jones. On the other hand, a friend with benefits would be nice. Will P.R. go for that kind of relationship? Red isn’t sure she’s ready for anything else. She’s also not sure what to do if her part Athabaskan, and part white friend needs to move back to the Copper River Basin to deal with family issues.

  P.R.’s connection to his family is strong, but Brenda worked hard to become a paralegal. Giving that up is not something she wants to consider. Is the relationship doomed before it even starts?

  "Heart of the Hunter"

  The third of the Copper River Romances, finds a young man, Jay Leighton, back from Afghanistan and happy to bury himself in the solitude of the Copper Basin. He is a hunter and a loner trying to heal scars, emotional wounds brought back with him. The last thing he needs is to be brought face to face with the loveliest woman to move to the Basin in the last year. His head is not ready, but his heart is saying something else.

  Leda is a teacher just out of school, who has not had time for love; Jay takes her by surprise. A soft-spoken, slightly broken man, who lives in a small cabin with his dog, Licker, for companionship, Leda sees something in Jay she needs to pursue. But Leda is worried about her reputation in the tiny community of Kenny Lake. She should stay away from Jay. But can she? Just who is the hunter and who is the hunted?

  "Cougar Hunt"

  She is very aware of the danger in the game she is playing. Meeting friends with benefits on the internet is not safe. The only constant in her life is the kid she keeps rejecting. But Joey keeps coming back until the night they share a sleeping bag during a snowstorm. Finally willing to admit she may need professional help, Linda finds she may have waited too long. Joey withdraws from college and leaves town without warn
ing. Her world is suddenly in splinters around her. What has she done?

  The fourth of the Copper River Romances, strips away the masks Joe Friday Jones, the youngest Jones boy, and Linda Rae Ed have been hiding behind. Linda is not the positive individual she appears to be. The only one who knows her secret is J.F. Jones. In love with Linda for years, he is finally forced to face the truth one cold night. Keeping Linda alive during a snow storm on the bluffs, J.F. gives her his heart. Linda pushes him away once again. She feels the four years between them would label her a "cougar." J.F. is afraid if she doesn’t reach out for help, she will die, but he can’t take any more rejection from Linda.

  "Baubles and Beads"

  Della Street Jones is everyone’s ‘good little girl’ and is tired of the label. Munk Riley is the skinny little thief she shared her lunch with until the family left the Copper Basin. Riley, caught by the Jones family, is given a chance to redeem himself and earns a diesel mechanic certification. Munk wants to marry Della. He craves all the things denied him growing up the only child of an alcoholic mother.

  Taking a job without telling her, causes a blow out between them. Embarrassed, Della takes a live-in position at a remote lodge. She finds something that causes her to send an SOS to her family to get her out. Munk will do anything to get Della back where she belongs. But does Della belong where everyone else thinks she does? Can they get out without waking the man who controls the underbelly of Alaska?

  "Grass and Blue Skies"

  On crutches and no longer able to fly jets, Brett is grateful to have come home alive instead of in a box. Though he’s still got his leg, there’s a lot of pain too. A relative sends him to see the pretty herbalist who helps people with pain and nerve problems. One look at her and Brett wants more than pain relief.

  Nikee has a secret room beneath her greenhouse full of pot plants. The woman began growing medical marijuana several years ago to help her father after an unfortunate accident, and she has no plans to quit. Hopefully telling Brett about the grow operation won’t cost her a relationship with the man.