Read Road to Nowhere, Ends Here Bundle Page 9

  “Jacob! How many times do I have to tell you to watch your mouth in front of the kids?” Aunt Lily reprimanded, holding her hands over Riley’s ears like muffs.

  “I know. It’s just those heathens are no damn good. I should call Dylan and see if he wants to take out some trash tonight.”

  I frowned, lowering my eyebrows not understanding what he meant by that.

  What was wrong with them?

  I scanned the bikers, knowing he had to be with them, but it was hard to see with all the families suddenly picking up their kids and walking in the opposite direction. Whispering to look away. Crowds parted to get out of their way. Others just turned their heads, not making eye contact with the men.

  I took a few steps in their direction, ignoring my uncle who started to pull on my hand, trying to tug me away.

  “Mia, let's go. Now!” Aunt Lily shouted over the chaos. “Crap! Jacob, can you help me with this stroller? It’s stuck.”

  That’s when I saw him. Pulling off his helmet, shaking out his hair that looked longer now. I hadn’t seen him since that night on the beach. The same night he granted me a second wish. A smile spread across my face, my heart fluttered in my chest, a feeling I had never felt before. My eyes were glued to the man in front of me. I wanted to run over to him to say hi, but after what Uncle Jacob said and how the people were acting, I figured it wasn’t a good idea.

  I watched from afar, waiting for him to turn and see me. I would have waited all night if that’s what it took for him to look at me. I straightened out my light pink dress, fixing the bows in my pigtails, making sure I looked as pretty as I could. Waiting for him to walk this way.

  He got off his bike, turning to put his helmet on the backrest when I caught a glimpse of long red hair behind him, a girl sitting on the back of his bike. Taking off her helmet, smiling up at him with loving eyes.

  I jerked back, caught off guard.

  It was the girl that came running up to him from the first time we met at the beach. I remembered she had chocolate brown eyes and thick black eyelashes that fluttered for him. Her long, messy, red hair was draped all over her face. He helped her off the bike, grabbing the helmet from her hands, and locking it next to his. Reaching up, he brushed the stray hairs away from her rosy cheeks. She was wearing tiny shorts, barely covering her long legs, with black combat boots like Creed’s. Her tank top hardly covered her big boobs and skinny belly.

  The way he looked at her hurt my stomach, hurt my heart, and I didn't understand why. I looked down at my girly dress, all of the sudden not feeling good enough. I wanted to look like her. I wanted to be her. If that’s what it took for Creed to look at me the way he looked at her.

  I could do that for him.

  I waited for what felt like years, wanting him to glance my way, even if it was just for one second. All I wanted was a moment of his time. A flicker to feel a part of his life. All of a sudden as if he heard my thoughts, or felt my presence, he turned. Locking eyes with me from the distance between us.

  I smiled big and wide, just so he could see my giddy face light up for him. He remained expressionless, looking right through me and not at me. Taking one last look in my direction, he turned back around, grabbed the girl’s hand and walked toward the bar.

  He didn’t even acknowledge me. He acted like he didn’t even know who I was. Like I meant nothing to him.

  When he meant something to me.


  I grinned, cocking my head to the side taking in the perfection of her creamy white skin as Autumn danced in front of me. Swaying her hips to the country music the live band was belting out. Running her hands up her banging body, through her hair, making every other man in the tent turn their heads to watch.

  “You and Autumn, huh?” Mason asked, peering over at me. Bringing my attention away from her.

  “She wanted to dance,” I simply stated, shrugging, standing in the background. Leaning against the wood beam with my arms crossed over my chest, one leg over the other.

  We rode in with the brothers, stopping to have a few beers at the bar my old man owned near the fairgrounds. I told Mason to grab Giselle, and meet us up there. The girls got a stick up their asses real quick, nagging us about how bored they were, and how they wanted to dance. The booze running warm through their bodies, getting to them faster than us. Autumn pulled me outside, smiling, laughing, not a care in the fucking world. Dragging my sorry ass out of the bar, causing the brothers to hoot and holler that I better be getting some of that ass for being a pussy and not putting my bitch in her place.

  We ended up at one of the beer tents at the carnival, there was a big slab of cement in the middle of the tent, making up a makeshift dance floor. A small stage set up in the front where a live local band performed throughout the weekend. Twinkling white lights hung from the beams and tables surrounded the dance floor.

  “I call bullshit. She’s been coming onto you hard the last month, so somethin’ must have happened between you.”

  “Ain’t what it looks like.” I didn’t look at him, focusing on Autumn who was now dancing close with Giselle. Singing the lyrics of the song to each other with pretend microphones. Having the time of their lives.

  “I don’t see you turning her down.”

  “Not fuckin’ her, Mason. Won’t cross that line. Everythin’ else is just fuckin’ child’s play.”

  “Does she know that?” he questioned, pointing to her, raising his eyebrows.

  “She knows me.”

  Autumn had been throwing herself at me since that night in my bedroom. I would be lying if I said my cock wasn’t interested. She was a fucking knockout with huge tits, a nice ass, and legs that went on for days. Pouty little lips that I used to think about being wrapped around my cock when I first started jacking off. Her loving, free-spirited personality alone was sexy as fuck to me. She turned me on in so many ways. But I knew better than to fuck around with her. It would only lead to her getting hurt. We’d been there for each other since we could walk. It was only natural for us to be drawn to one another, law of attraction and all that fucking shit.

  Except things were different now.

  I was different now.

  Autumn needed a man that would always put her first. She was needy as all hell, always had been. I couldn’t provide her with that anymore, it was an offer that would never be on my table for us. My priority was the club, Noah, and my mother. I didn’t have the time to be the man she thought I was, the man she deserved. It fucking exhausted me just thinking about it, let alone being that person for her.

  I didn’t let that stop her from flirting with me, though. Needing the support only she could ever offer. No one else knew me the way she did. I needed the distraction from the Hell that had turned into my life. I may have been leading her on, but fuck it. I wasn’t a goddamn saint, never claimed to be, and at the end of the day, she knew I wasn’t.

  As much she tried to pretend that I was.

  “Come dance with me,” Autumn interrupted, throwing her arms around my neck, faltering a little.

  Giselle not far behind her, tugging Mason onto the dance floor without even asking first.


  My arms naturally went around her waist. “Don’t dance,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, come on… please.” She pouted, deliberately swaying her hips against my cock. “I’ll do everything, all you have to do is stand there and look like the badass you are.”

  “Tell that to my cock you’re dry humpin’,” I chuckled, enjoying the feel of her in my arms.

  She rolled her eyes, stifling a smile. “I didn’t know I needed his permission. Since when does your cock care?”

  “Since I was eight. The day my cock realized he fuckin’ liked you, that’s when.”

  She giggled, turning around. Backing her ass up right to where her pussy had just been. Knowing I was an ass man. “Do you mind? Or are you just going to stand there?” she taunted, swaying her hips to the beat of the music.

  I smiled, wide. Leaning into her ear, murmuring, “By all means, Autumn. Don’t mind one fuckin’ bit.”

  She shook her head. “You have no shame, Creed Jameson.”

  “Gonna take a lot more booze to get me to dance, darlin’,” I rasped against her hair. “Ya feel me?”

  “Oh, I feel you all right.” She peered over her shoulder and winked.

  “Oh, that ain’t nothin’, sweetheart.”

  “You may just need to show me then.” She grabbed my hands, placing them on her thighs and ran them up her soft, silky legs to her hips.

  That was my cue to get out of there. “Gonna get a drink, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She spun, stumbling, throwing her arms around my neck again. “Bring me one of those girly umbrella drinks, okay?”

  I cocked an eyebrow, looking at her like she couldn't be serious.

  “Fine… bring me water,” she added, pulling away.

  I grabbed her hand at the last second and twirled her around in a circle. Showing her the only dance move I knew. “Don’t fuckin’ stray. Stay with Mason. Be right back.” Smacking her ass.

  She smiled, nodding.

  I walked back inside the bar. It was a lot more packed than it was before. People crowded all together in the big open space, I could feel the desperation in the air, slutty fucking girls everywhere, and horny ass men following close behind them. The brothers sat in the same place I left them, lined with fresh pussy just champing at the bit. Fucking desperate bitches, beckoning for their attention, running their nails all over their cut. Or anywhere else they could.

  I decided to take a piss before heading over to the bar, relieving myself before Autumn continued to dry- fuck the shit out of my cock. Leaving me with the worst case of fucking blue balls. I’m sure I could have pulled one of these eager bitches in a stall with me and had them suck my cock, but Autumn was waiting for me.

  I was a dick, but I still had manners.

  Skipping over all the people who were waiting to be served, I signaled Louie, the bartender, for two drinks.

  He handed me a beer in a red solo cup and a bottle of water. Technically I wasn’t supposed to be drinking since I was under twenty-one, but I was never one to follow rules. It helped that I looked way older than I was. I’d been drinking out in public since I could see behind the bar, especially at establishments that my father governed.

  The crowd parted for me as I made my way back outside and over to the tent where Autumn was. The music had switched from the live band to a DJ spinning the latest hits. I walked inside the tent, trying to find her through the crowd of people who’d rushed in to see who was playing. People littered the whole tent, making it nearly impossible to see the dance floor. I searched for any sign of her red hair, finally spotting her on the opposite end.

  Except she wasn’t fucking alone.

  Some pretty boy dipshit had his hands all over her body, working his cock into her ass, while she suddenly became a goddamn stripper on a pole. My beer dropped out of my hands and splashed to the ground, chucking her water bottle next. I hauled ass across the dance floor, shoving people out of the way. I was a ticking fucking time bomb about to explode the longer it took to get to her. Taking down anyone who was in my path of destruction, needing to get to her as fast as I could.

  My fist was pulled back as I took my last step, and it connected with the motherfucker’s jaw before he even saw me coming. His head snapped back, taking half of his now limp body with him. Autumn screamed as she was pulled to the ground by the fucker who didn’t let her go. I leaned forward, grabbing her by the waist, saving her ass from meeting the concrete below. Pulling her up to my chest, snaking her body behind mine.

  “Don’t touch what fuckin’ belongs to me!” I snarled, kicking him in the stomach while he was down. Squatting in front of his body, grabbing ahold of his fucking Polo shirt, getting right up in his bloody face. “You got any idea who the fuck you’re dealin’ with? Whose territory you’re fuckin’ pissin’ on?” I cocked my fist back again, ramming it into his face. His head fell back on the ground with a thud.

  “Come on, pussy! Get up!” I roared, lifting him from the ground again when I suddenly felt Autumn’s hand on my shoulder. I shook her off, causing her to stumble back into Giselle. “Fucked with the wrong man!” I gritted out, close to his face.

  I had a short fuse, my temper always getting the best of me. Seeing violence all my life didn’t help my anger issues.

  “Creed!” Mason yelled out, stepping his way through the crowd. Crouching down in between us. “Not here. Let’s go!” he ordered, nodding behind me.

  I turned around, seeing security heading in our direction. Immediately standing, I kicked the son of a bitch one last time. “Fuckin’ welcome,” I growled, grabbing Autumn’s hand. Forcefully pulling her away from Giselle, through the tent and out to the lot.

  “Thought she didn’t mean anything,” Mason whispered, bumping into my shoulder when we were outside and out of sight. “Come back to my house in case they call the cops. Won’t take long for them to figure out who you are. My parents are out of town.”

  I nodded, practically throwing Autumn on the back of my bike.


  “Not one fuckin’ word, Autumn.” I shoved her helmet at her, and then threw on mine too.

  Pissed as fuck…

  That Mason was right.



  “Thanks, Aunt Lily. See you later,” I said, closing her car door behind me.

  I ran up the stairs to the front door of my house, turning to wave at her one last time before unlocking the door and walking inside. I called Mason, waking him up around eight after I’d had breakfast. Letting him know Aunt Lily was dropping me off within the hour. I don’t think he even paid me any mind, grumbling that he was home, sleeping, and not to wake him up again. I knew our parents would be home in a few hours, so he’d be up eventually. He must have been up late last night, doing whatever he wanted. Like always.

  I dropped my key in the dish by the door and kicked off my sandals, not bothering to put them away. It was still early, and the house was completely silent, confirming my brothers were definitely passed out. I booked it up the stairs, taking two at a time, stopping by Mason’s door. Debating on barging in and jumping on his bed to wake him, but I decided against it. The last time I barged into his room, he didn’t have any clothes on, and let’s just say that was when I learned how boys were different from girls. I ran down toward Bo’s room and peeked in. He was sleeping too.

  My brothers would sleep all day if you let them.

  I continued down the hallway, abruptly stopping at my room. Caught off guard when I saw my bedroom door was closed. I never left it closed. I turned the knob, slowly pushing it open. Peeking my head around the door first.

  My eyes widened as I took in the scene in front of me.

  Creed was sleeping in my bed, my pink sheets pulled up to his waist. One muscular arm lying beneath my pillow, the other placed on his bare stomach. He had tattoos everywhere, colorful ink etched all over his skin, not a bare patch could be seen.

  I stepped in, gently closing my door behind me, wanting to get a closer look. My fluffy pillows, stuffed animals, fuzzy throw blanket I loved were all scattered over the floor. Like he just threw them off my bed and passed out. His shirt, vest, and jeans were sitting on my desk. His black combat boots placed at the foot of my bed.

  The closer I got to him, the more I realized how big he really was. Taking up my entire queen-sized bed. He had muscles everywhere on his body. I didn’t know a person could look so scary and beautiful at the same time. I wanted to take a closer look at his tattoos. I wanted to know every design that was severed into his skin, and I wanted to trace them with my fingers, just to see if they felt as smooth as they appeared.

  He looked so peaceful while he slept, I didn’t want to wake him up even though I wanted to talk to him. Ask him why he was so mean to me the night before. Why he treated me lik
e I didn’t exist. Like he didn’t even know me.

  I shook off my questions, grabbing my notebook, a pen, and my guitar from my desk, instead. Quietly searching through my backpack to find the other thing I was looking for, shoving it in my pocket. I walked out onto my balcony, slightly closing the door behind me, not wanting to wake him. I placed my lounger where I could see my bed, wanting to wait for him to wake up. I didn’t want him to leave without getting the chance to at least talk to him again. So, I sat there, softly strumming the strings of my new guitar, finding the right tune.

  After a few minutes, he started to stir, I thought he was waking up, but his eyes started fluttering and his body shuddering. He started shaking his head side-to-side like he was having a bad dream. “Luke… Luke… tell me where you are…” he muttered, his voice laced with pure panic and desperation. A tone I’d never heard before.

  I didn’t know what to do, or how to help him, so I just started strumming a lullaby that Aunt Lily used to play for me when I was little. The soft, tranquil melody filled the air around us. Soothing and comforting him the same way it had for me. It only took a few minutes till his labored breathing soothed out, and he stopped panicking. Sleep had once again taken over, and I smiled, knowing I was able to ease him out of the darkness that plagued his mind, and stop his nightmare.

  I finished playing the song, setting my guitar to the side of the lounger, out of sight. Getting up to close the balcony door to give him some privacy. Knowing I’d still be able to hear him shuffling around when he woke up. The last thing I wanted was for him to wake up to prying eyes. Thinking I was being some sort of creeper and watching him sleep, even though he was in my bed. Minutes seemed to drag into an hour or more that I sat out there, doodling Creed’s name in my notebook. Waiting for what seemed like forever for him to wake up, thinking that maybe he was never going to.

  I jumped out of my skin, slamming my notebook closed when the balcony door suddenly opened. It didn’t matter I knew it was him, I hadn’t even heard him get up. He must have been all stealth mode, or I might have just been distracted by my thoughts.