Read Rob Roy — Complete Page 53

  STATE PAPER OFFICE,_Nov._ 4, 1829

  Note.--The enclosure referred to in the preceding letter is another copyof the letter which Mr. Grahame of Killearn was compelled by Rob Roy towrite to the Duke of Montrose, and is exactly the same as the oneenclosed in his Grace's letter to Lord Townshend, dated November 21st,1716.R. L.

  The last letter in the Appendix No. II. (28th November), acquainting theGovernment with Killearn's being set at liberty, is also addressed to theUnder-Secretary of State, Mr. Pringle.

  The Author may also here remark, that immediately previous to theinsurrection of 1715, he perceives, from some notes of information givento Government, that Rob Roy appears to have been much employed andtrusted by the Jacobite party, even in the very delicate task oftransporting specie to the Earl of Breadalbane, though it might havesomewhat resembled trusting Don Raphael and Ambrose de Lamela with thechurch treasure.