Read Rob Roy — Complete Page 57

  Note D.--Author's Expedition against the MacLarens.

  The Author is uncertain whether it is worth while to mention, that he hada personal opportunity of observing, even in his own time, that theking's writ did not pass quite current in the Brass of Balquhidder. Therewere very considerable debts due by Stewart of Appin (chiefly to theauthor's family), which were likely to be lost to the creditors, if theycould not be made available out of this same farm of Invernenty, thescene of the murder done upon MacLaren.

  His family, consisting of several strapping deer-stalkers, stillpossessed the farm, by virtue of a long lease, for a trifling rent. Therewas no chance of any one buying it with such an encumbrance, and atransaction was entered into by the MacLarens, who, being desirous toemigrate to America, agreed to sell their lease to the creditors forL500, and to remove at the next term of Whitsunday. But whether theyrepented their bargain, or desired to make a better, or whether from amere point of honour, the MacLarens declared they would not permit asummons of removal to be executed against them, which was necessary forthe legal completion of the bargain. And such was the general impressionthat they were men capable of resisting the legal execution of warning byvery effectual means, no king's messenger would execute the summonswithout the support of a military force. An escort of a sergeant and sixmen was obtained from a Highland regiment lying in Stirling; and theAuthor, then a writer's apprentice, equivalent to the honourablesituation of an attorney's clerk, was invested with the superintendenceof the expedition, with directions to see that the messenger dischargedhis duty fully, and that the gallant sergeant did not exceed his part bycommitting violence or plunder. And thus it happened, oddly enough, thatthe Author first entered the romantic scenery of Loch Katrine, of whichhe may perhaps say he has somewhat extended the reputation, riding in allthe dignity of danger, with a front and rear guard, and loaded arms. Thesergeant was absolutely a Highland Sergeant Kite, full of stories of RobRoy and of himself, and a very good companion. We experienced nointerruption whatever, and when we came to Invernenty, found the housedeserted. We took up our quarters for the night, and used some of thevictuals which we found there. On the morning we returned as unmolestedas we came.

  The MacLarens, who probably never thought of any serious opposition,received their money and went to America, where, having had some slightshare in removing them from their _paupera regna,_ I sincerely hope theyprospered.

  The rent of Invernenty instantly rose from L10 to L70 or L80; and whensold, the farm was purchased (I think by the late Laird of MacNab) at aprice higher in proportion than what even the modern rent authorised theparties interested to hope for.