Read Rob Roy — Complete Page 8

  No. IVa.--LETTER.


  The following copy of a letter which passed from one clergyman of theChurch of Scotland to another, was communicated to me by John Gregorson,Esq. of Ardtornish. The escape of Rob Roy is mentioned, like otherinteresting news of the time with which it is intermingled. Thedisagreement between the Dukes of Athole and Argyle seems to haveanimated the former against Rob Roy, as one of Argyle's partisans.

  "Rev. and dear Brother,

  Yrs of the 28th Jun I had by the bearer. Im pleased yo have got backagain yr Delinquent which may probably safe you of the trouble of herchild. I'm sory I've yet very little of certain news to give you fromCourt tho' I've seen all the last weekes prints, only I find in them apasage which is all the account I can give you of the Indemnity yt whenthe estates of forfaulted Rebells Comes to be sold all Just debtsDocumented are to be preferred to Officers of the Court of enquiry. TheBill in favours of that Court against the Lords of Session in Scotland inpast the house of Commons and Come before the Lords which is thought tobe considerably more ample yn formerly wt respect to the Disposeing ofestates Canvassing and paying of Debts. It's said yt the examinations ofCadugans accounts is droped but it wants Confirmations here as yet.Oxford's tryals should be entered upon Saturday last. We hear that theDuchess of Argyle is wt child. I doe not hear yt the Divisions at Courtare any thing abated or of any appearance of the Dukes having any thingof his Maj: favour. I heartily wish the present humours at Court may notprove an encouragmt to watchfull and restles enemies.

  My accounts of Rob Roy his escape are yt after severall Embassies betweenhis Grace (who I hear did Correspond wt some at Court about it) and Robhe at length upon promise of protectione Came to waite upon the Duke &being presently secured his Grace sent post to Edr to acquent the Courtof his being aprehended & call his friends at Edr and to desire a partyfrom Gen Carpinter to receive and bring him to Edr which party came thelength of Kenross in Fife, he was to be delivered to them by a party hisGrace had demanded from the Governour at Perth, who when upon their marchtowards Dunkell to receive him, were mete wt and returned by his Gracehaving resolved to deliver him by a party of his own men and left Rob atLogierate under a strong guard till yt party should be ready to receivehim. This space of time Rob had Imployed in taking the other dramheartily wt the Guard & qn all were pretty hearty, Rob is delivering aletter for his wife to a servant to whom he most needs deliver someprivate instructions at the Door (for his wife) where he's attended wt onthe Guard. When serious in this privat Conversations he is making somefew steps carelessly from the Door about the house till he comes close bythis horse which he soon mounted and made off. This is no smallmortifican to the guard because of the delay it give to there hopes of aConsiderable additionall charge agt John Roy.* my wife was upon Thursdaylast delivered of a Son after sore travell of which she still continuesvery weak.

  * _i.e._ John the Red--John Duke of Argyle, so called from hiscomplexion, more commonly styled "Red John the Warriour."

  I give yl Lady hearty thanks for the Highland plaid. It's good cloath butit does not answer the sett I sent some time agae wt McArthur & tho ithad I told in my last yt my wife was obliged to provid herself to finishher bed before she was lighted but I know yt letr came not timely to yrhand--I'm sory I had not mony to send by the bearer having no thought ofit & being exposed to some little expenses last week but I expect somesure occasion when order by a letter to receive it excuse this freedomfrom &c.

  "_Manse of Comrie, July_ 2_d,_ 1717."I salute yr lady I wish my ............ her Daughter much Joy."