Read Rock Chick Page 11

Tex ambled off and Lee dragged me to a Mercedes sedan. He’d hit a button on his cell phone and was waiting for it to ring through.

  “Lee…” I said.

  He pulled me to a stop at the passenger side, opened the door and pushed me in. He stood in the opening of the door while his call was picked up. I sat in the car too freaked out by the dead body to fume at him pushing me around.

  “Hank, a call’s gonna come into 911 soon. I need to talk to you about it.” Pause. “Yeah.” Then he disconnected.

  Lee slammed my door and got in on the driver’s side of the car.

  I turned to him. “I have a car here, it’s my neighbor’s, my bag’s in there, I have to –”

  Lee held up a hand and I stopped talking.

  “What you have to do is keep your mouth shut until we get back to the condo so I can take that time to talk myself out of strangling you.”


  I felt it prudent to do as he requested. I’d had a rough couple of days, I didn’t want it to end in strangulation. And anyway, Lee was such a badass, even if it didn’t end in strangulation, he might come up with some more creative punishment.

  Lee didn’t say word one until we were in his condo. He dragged me by the arm into the bedroom, pulled out a drawer and threw me a t-shirt.

  “Get ready for bed,” he said to me.

  I immediately saw red.

  It was not surprising. I wasn’t one of his boys, I wasn’t one of the troops, I wasn’t a child, he couldn’t tell me what to do. I’d had a tough night, I’d seen a dead body, for goodness sake!

  I was willing to give him some leeway with his being pushy when I was in the vicinity of said dead body but this was too much.

  “No!” I snapped. “Stop telling me what to do. I want to go home. I want to sleep in my own bed. I want –”

  I didn’t say any more because Lee came at me, I backed up and slammed against the wall. Lee’s body came up against mine and he bent his face so he was nose-to-nose with me.

  “You want your Dad to see crime scene photos of you, dead, sitting on that sweet ass of yours with your brains splattered against the wall?”


  My stomach lurched and my legs went weak.


  “Then this ends tonight.”

  I stared at him.

  “Indy, by God, if you don’t promise me –”

  “Of course it ends tonight! I just saw a dead body! You can’t think I’m that stupid.”

  His face said he thought I was that stupid.

  “Lee! Rosie’s my friend. He’s out there, somewhere. And they’re not only looking for him, they’re looking for Duke. And now they’re killing people.”

  “I’ll find him and I’ll find Duke.”

  We looked at each other for what seemed like days. His brown eyes were hard and angry. I tried to tell myself that all his anger wasn’t directed at me but I was having trouble believing it.

  My gaze slid away. “I couldn’t have known I was going to find that tonight,” I whispered.

  “I told you these were bad guys.”

  My gaze slid back.

  “What kind of job do you do that you know about this shit?”

  He shook his head. He’d moved back an inch so we weren’t nose-to-nose anymore but he was still close.

  “Un-unh, you aren’t gonna make this about me.”

  I moved out from between him and the wall and I stomped to the bathroom on my favorite parting line.


  I brushed my teeth with what now seemed like my toothbrush which was cozily resting next to Lee’s.

  I tried not to think of my day’s plan of not ending up in Lee’s car, company, condo or bed, all of which I’d failed to do. I tried not to think of Tim Shubert, dead and smelly and left to rot in his house while his neighbors worried about him. I tried not to think of Rosie or Duke in a similar position either now or later. I tried not to think of Tod and Stevie’s car, which I had left outside a crime scene. I tried not to think of what a fuck up I was or how Lee could move around in these situations so casually, without blinking an eye.

  I got undressed and put his t-shirt on. It was huge on me and had a Night Stalkers insignia emblazoned across the chest. Too big, I was going to get tangled up in it the way I slept but I wasn’t going to tell Lee that.

  Plus, it was a fucking cool shirt.

  I walked into the bedroom, about to dump my clothes on my bag, which I’d left on the floor, when I saw my bag was missing.

  “Where’s my bag?” I asked Lee as he walked into the room, coming toward me. I dumped my clothes on an armchair.

  “Judy unpacked you,” Lee replied, still coming toward me, he grabbed my wrist and walked me toward the bed.

  “Judy?” I asked, not paying much attention because I was thinking of being “unpacked”, my clothes hanging next to Lee’s. My undies in a drawer. My toothbrush next to his. My body in his bed. How did this happen so fast? It had only been two days, for God’s sake! Whatever happened to taking it slow?

  “My housekeeper.”

  “You have a housekeeper?” I was shocked he had a housekeeper. I was shocked that I was kind of living with a man who I didn’t know had a housekeeper. I was shocked that I was kind of living with a man, period, dot, the end, much less that man being Lee.

  He pushed me gently and I fell back on the bed and finally realized where I was and what he was doing.

  “Lee –”

  Then he moved fast, he pulled my wrist over my head, leaned into me, I heard a snap and ratchet, then I heard another snap and ratchet.

  Then I was handcuffed to his bed.

  “What the hell!” I yelled.

  I was on my back, my left arm over my head and cuffed to one of the slats in the headboard of Lee’s mission-style bed. Lee was leaning over me.

  “I’m goin’ out and I’m makin’ sure you don’t do anything stupid.”

  “You can’t leave me handcuffed to your bed! What if there’s a fire, a break in?”

  He shook his head, pushed away from me and got off the bed.

  “I won’t do anything stupid,” I told him, my voice just this side of seriously pissed off saying clearly that the first stupid thing I’d do when he let me go was kill him.

  He came back, leaned in and kissed my forehead.

  “I know.”

  Then he walked across the room, turned off the light and was gone.

  Fucking, fucking Lee.

  * * * * *

  Normally, I could sleep just about anywhere, crash on someone’s couch, in a double bed with four other people (mainly because my activity cleared the bed), in the back of a van.

  I was learning I had a great many life skills I had not known I possessed, such as running away when people were shooting at me, holding my own when I’d been kidnapped and not throwing up when I found a dead body.

  Unfortunately, those new life skills did not include being able to sleep while I was cuffed to Liam Nightingale’s bed.

  I found a somewhat comfortable position and tried to sleep but I was spitting mad and every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Tim and his brains that were no longer contained in his body.

  What seemed like hours later, I heard the door open and my body tensed. I kept myself perfectly still and listened as someone walked through the house. They didn’t turn on any lights and they were quiet as a cat, the only noise a barely distinct rustling. Then, that someone walked into the bedroom, I heard something fall on the chair, then the whisper of movement of the sheets, then hands at my wrist, the smell of leather, spice and tobacco and when I was released from the headboard, I knew it was Lee.

  No sooner was I released, I rolled away, toward the other side of the bed and freedom.

  I got a roll and a half in before an arm hooked around my waist and I was stopped.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m getting a taxi home,” I said between clenched teeth.


  “Then, I’m sleeping on the couch.”


  Great. We were going to go through this rigmarole again.

  “I’m sleeping on the other side of the bed.”


  “You’re an asshole.”



  Lee settled in, tucked my back to his front, his arm wrapped around my waist.

  I laid there wondering if I should flip over, knee him in the ‘nads and take off.

  Then, for some reason, the vision of Tim floated into my head and my body started trembling, like, a lot. Full-on human earthquake.

  “Shit,” I whispered and Lee turned me to facing him and wrapped both his arms around me, tight.

  I pressed into his warmth and tried not to cry.

  “Did you know him?” Lee asked softly.

  “No.” My voice sounded shaky, even on that one word. I took in a big, broken breath. “Though, I think he’d come into the store every once in awhile.” I took another breath to control the threatening tears. “It’s an ugly way to go. What are his parents gonna think?”

  Lee started stroking my back and he didn’t answer, likely because he had no idea what Tim’s parents would think and didn’t want to dwell on it.

  Lee started to play with my hair and I pressed my face into his neck. His body was hard and warm and I could hear his steady breathing. His hand at my hair relaxed me and his arm around my waist made me feel safe.

  After awhile, I fell asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  He Doesn’t Like Nixon Much

  I woke up in Lee’s bed, but this time, no Lee.

  I didn’t have enough mental capacity to wonder where he was and certainly not enough to process my sense of disappointment. I told myself there should be no disappointment at the absence of a man who would handcuff me to his bed against my will, so I shoved it aside.

  It was twenty past six and I decided when I had all that time to think when I was handcuffed to the bed that Fortnum’s was going to close for the weekend.

  Sometimes it was good being the boss.

  Truth was, working there wasn’t tough. There were four of us, five when Ally was around which was most of the time. We were open seven thirty to six on weekdays, eight thirty to six on Saturdays and ten to four on Sundays. Outside of the morning rush, most of that time was spent hanging around. We all came and went when we pleased.

  With two staff down, it was beginning to seem like work. With me and Ally gallivanting across town looking for Rosie, Jane was taking the burden.

  I didn’t make shifts or assign hours, everyone worked whenever they wanted, which was pretty much seven days a week, give or take a couple hours here or there to run errands, go to lunch with a friend, go shopping at Cherry Creek Mall, come in late if you were sleeping it off, leave early whenever or to tie one on at Lincoln’s Road House, the local biker bar. People took days off whenever they wanted and no one did more than the others. Gram had set the precedent. We all pitched in and, somehow, it worked.

  I needed a break after the last couple of days and I was sure Ally and Jane needed one too. Hopefully, by Monday, now that the police were involved, this would be sorted and all would be back to normal. That was to say, normal with Duke back and normal as it would ever be.

  Rosie, I knew after last night, was likely never coming back.

  I just hoped whatever he did in not coming back, he did it breathing.

  This made me sad, but I pushed that thought aside too.

  I got up, staggered to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I was running on empty, not just my morning caffeine jolt but also the fact that I’d had a lot less sleep than I usually required. I stared in the mirror noting the bruising on my face was subsiding but not by much, or perhaps the scary dark circles under my eyes were running interference for the bruising.

  I walked out of the bedroom to make coffee and stopped dead, staring at the Command Center door, which was open.

  I expected that Lee was gone, off for a run, off to command mercenary troops in a drug war in Peru, off to put tracking devices on my car.

  Instead I heard him talking on the phone like it was an everyday room and not the nerve center for an international commando cartel.

  Normally, curiosity would have forced me to walk right in or at least eavesdrop on his conversation.

  Instead, I went straight to the coffeepot.


  The pot was almost full.

  I emitted a sigh of delight.

  I filled a cup, splashed in the milk and walked it to the balcony off the living room, sipping my coffee and staring at the beauty of the Front Range.

  Lee had a killer view.

  As the caffeine permeated, I allowed my foggy brain to plan my day.

  I was going to call Jane and Ally and go put a note up at Fortnum’s. I was going to go get Tod and Stevie’s car, go home and make macaroni salad so it had time to ferment before the barbeque. Then I was going to go to bed until I had to wake up to make the brownies and get ready for the barbeque.

  If I felt like it, I might lay out in the sun rather than sleeping in my bed.

  That was going to be my day.

  It sounded like a good day.

  Two hands, undoubtedly connected to arms which connected to Lee’s body, settled on the balcony railing on either side of me. I felt his warmth at my back.

  I had a moment where I felt I should turn around, screaming like a banshee and scratching his eyes out for having the audacity to handcuff me to his bed.

  Then I thought about how he held me while I trembled and played with my hair until I fell asleep and decided against it.

  “Hey,” I said as he moved my hair with his chin and kissed my neck.

  “How’re you feelin’ this morning?” His voice sounded in my ear and tingles slid across my skin.


  I realized I forgot to factor Lee in my plans for the day.

  I didn’t have time to perform any mental recalculations as he turned me around, took the coffee cup and put it on the teak table that was just within reach. Then his arms slid around me, I opened my mouth to say something, anything, and then he kissed me.

  The tingles intensified by about one hundred percent and started to target specific zones.

  After the kiss, his lips trailed along my cheek to my ear, I had my hands pressed against his chest and I said, perhaps stupidly and definitely shakily, “What are you doing?”

  He answered, “Saying good morning.”

  He said, “good morning” really, really well. Far better than he said, “thank you”.

  Okay, I decided, something had to give here.

  All this playing around was all well and good (some of it really good). The thing was, I’d made a decision about keeping my distance from Lee a decade ago and I wasn’t so sure I wanted to go back on that decision.

  Well, if I was honest, I had to admit I wanted to, no doubt about it. It was Lee and I’d spent a lifetime wanting exactly this.

  But, there was a lot at stake here. What happened if it didn’t work out? What happened if he got bored and moved on? It would change everything. I’d be devastated but also there were relationships to consider, family, people that meant a great deal to both of us.

  “Lee, we need to talk.”

  “Mm?” This was mumbled before his tongue ran from the skin at the hinge of my jaw, down the line of my neck.

  “Lee!” My toes were curling, my nipples were hard, this was getting serious.

  “Talk,” he said. “I’m listening.”

  He was not listening. His hands had gone up under my shirt and were sliding up my sides.

  “We need to talk about what’s happening between us.”

  His mouth came to mine again. “Okay, shoot.”

  Then he kissed me, this time serious tongue action and I was forced to put my arms around his neck to remain standing.

  When his mou
th went away, one of his hands went to cup my ass and pull me closer and I could feel his God-given talent pressing against my belly. Tingles shot down the insides of my thighs.

  “I’m not sure about this,” I told him even though I was kind of sure and my body was definitely sure and getting surer by the second.

  “No?” he asked, his head coming up and he was looking at me. His brown eyes were melty-chocolate and one look at them made me catch my breath.

  The hand at my ass came up and in and then cupped my breast, the rough pad of his thumb sliding across my hardened nipple. I bit my lip as electricity shot straight from my nipple to my nether regions.

  “That feels pretty sure,” he said.

  “That’s not what I mean,” I whispered.

  “I see. You mean something else. I’ll check there too,” He grinned, his hand moving from my breast down my belly straight to…

  “Lee!” My body jerked, half to get away from him and half in surprise but I had nowhere to go, except over the railing and to an icky death on the sidewalk fourteen stories below.

  He smiled, full-fledged, causing my stomach to do a quick dip and his hand detoured back to my ass. “Let’s have this talk after I make love to you.”

  My stomach had lurched at the smile, my legs went even weaker at his hand at my ass and I knew I couldn’t take much more and somehow, don’t ask me why, that made my eyes sting with tears.

  Both his hands went to my ass and he lifted me up. I gave a small cry of surprise and my arms tightened around his neck as I threw my legs around his hips.

  Holding me by the bottom, he turned and strode back into the condo. One hand left my ass and went into my hair and he tilted my head back with a soft yank, kissing me as he walked me to the couch. He put me down and came down right on top of me, his mouth still on mine.

  I moved my head and, using the last shreds of my ragged control, tried one last time to talk. “We fuck this up, Lee, we fuck everything up. Ally, Hank, your folks, my Dad, are you prepared for that?”

  His body became still.

  After a moment he slid a hand in the hair at either side of my head and held my face to look at him.

  And when I did, it felt like a lead weight settled in my chest at what I saw.

  Something significant had changed. Something significant and scary. He wasn’t happy, the melty-chocolate look was gone and something hard had come into his face.