Read Rock Chick Rescue Page 13

  “But… sleep with me?” I asked.

  “You don’t get it,” he said, his brows drawing together.

  “I think I do,” I was beginning to go from freaked out to angry.

  He let go of my wrist but tightened both arms around me. “Slick’s known for using that blade and not in good ways. I already told you what Vince is capable of. They come after you, I want them to get me first.”

  Okay, so at that, the anger started to melt into that weird feeling again.

  “You can’t do that for me,” I whispered.

  “I’m not doin’ it for you. I’m doin’ it for me. I won’t get what I want out of you if your throat’s been cut.”

  Putting it that way, it almost made sense. But only almost.

  “This is going too fast, it’s…”

  Again, he didn’t let me finish.

  He interrupted me by laughing. If you can believe, he actually laughed.

  His hands moved up my back and his head tilted toward me.

  “Since I’m bein’ honest with you, Chiquita, I’ll tell you I usually play with what I want until I feel the time is right to move in. The time was right with you a long fuckin’ time ago but you’ve been so focused on your own shit, you gave me no opening. This hasn’t been fast. You want to see fast, we’ll go into the bedroom and I’ll show you fast but I’ll show it to you slow.”

  Oh… dear… Lord.

  My stomach curled and that was a pleasant feeling too.

  Regardless, for self-preservation, immediately I said, “I don’t want to see fast.”

  His arms separated, one stayed up my back, the other one went low on my waist.

  His mouth came to mine and I quit breathing.

  With his lips against mine he said, “You’ve got one night’s reprieve. Tomorrow, I start movin’ in.”

  What did I do with that? I mean, I pretty much thought he was already “movin’ in”.

  He didn’t give me a chance to do anything.

  “I gotta make a call and then we’re goin’ to bed.”


  Chapter Eight

  Eddie Fixes One of My Problems

  The alarm went off and, as it didn’t sound like mine, I knew immediately where I was.

  I took stock of my surroundings and realized the warm coziness I felt had a lot to do with being tangled up in Eddie Chavez.

  My body tensed and I started to move away.

  Eddie’s arms, which were wrapped around me, tightened (one of his thighs, incidentally, was wedged between my legs and my thigh was hooked over his hip not to mention one of my hands was pressed against his chest, the other arm wrapped around his waist, um… eek!).

  “You need to turn off the alarm,” I said instead of “good morning”.

  “Turnin’ off the alarm would mean lettin’ you go,” he said, his voice sexy-rough.

  I decided to ignore his sexy, rough voice.

  “And?” I asked.

  “I’m not gonna do that,” he answered and snuggled closer (though I wouldn’t have thought that possible).

  I listened to the blaring noise, it was annoying.

  “You have to turn it off,” I said.

  “I’m not turnin’ it off.”

  “Someone has to turn it off, you’re closer. I don’t know what button to press.”

  He didn’t answer.

  I listened to the noise.

  I tried to pull away.

  This time, Eddie’s arms and thigh tightened.

  I was stuck.

  “Oh for goodness sake,” I said and then pushed into him, rolled him on his back and reached over. This meant I was sprawled on top of him and I decided to hate Eddie instead of love him and want to give Blanca grandbabies.

  There were at least seven dozen buttons at the top so I just ran my fingers down all of them in hopes one of them would turn off the alarm. Instead, the buzzing went away and an old Big Head Todd and the Monsters tune came on.

  It wasn’t just a good song, it was a great song, but it was also a sexy song.


  I pushed against Eddie’s chest and peered closer at the alarm to see which button would turn off the music and saw it was also a CD player. Just when I was about to push “stop”, he pressed into me and rolled me on my back, him on top.

  Not good.

  Last night, after Eddie announced we were going to bed, he was good to his word. He planted a lookout in the parking lot of my apartment building. I called Mom to tell her I wasn’t coming home (to her everlasting glee which amounted to a piercing scream of joy which I could swear Eddie heard from across the room). He’d given me a t-shirt that was faded black and had been washed a million times and was soft and comfy. Then we’d gone to bed and slept, no hanky panky, nothing.

  I wasn’t going to press my luck.

  I decided to go for belligerence. I needed to get up, get dressed and get the hell out of there as fast as humanly possible and I figured being a bitch was the way to go.

  “Get off me. I need to turn off the music,” I told him, looking into dark eyes that were still drowsy and doing weird things to my peace of mind.

  “I like this song,” he said and then his face disappeared into my neck and I could feel his lips there.

  Guess belligerence wasn’t going to work.

  “What are you doing?” I pretended not to like his lips on my neck.

  “It’s tomorrow,” he answered and then I had to pretend not to like his sleepy gruff voice vibrating on my neck.


  His lips glided up my neck, his teeth nipped my earlobe and he said, “Your reprieve is over.”

  Damn. I was afraid of that.

  “Eddie…” I started to say, but he kissed me.

  Really, it was too much to take. His warm body on me, his warm bed under me, his mouth on mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hands everywhere; I couldn’t withstand it.

  So, I didn’t try.

  I kissed him back and, just like in my daydreams, I ran my hands over his chest, his belly, his back. He felt nice… hard, sleek and warm.

  One of his hands went up my shirt, cupped my breast and he rubbed the pad of his thumb across my nipple.

  It felt so good, my mouth disengaged from his, I closed my eyes and sucked in breath.

  His head came up and I opened my eyes to look in his.

  They were liquid.

  His finger joined his thumb and they did a roll on my nipple. Electricity shot straight to my doo-da. My neck arched, I bit my lip and I think my nails dug into his back.

  He watched the whole show, his face changed, looking somehow hungry, and the look sent a shiver through me.

  His other hand came up the shirt, it was whisked over my head and then it was gone.

  His mouth was on mine, then it traveled lower, until his lips locked around my nipple. My hands went into his hair, holding his head while he used tongue, teeth and suction until I couldn’t stand it and I moaned.

  He came back over me, his mouth on mine and I was kissing him with everything I had when his hand cupped me between my legs, over my panties, his fingers pressing in.

  His head came up barely an inch.

  “Christ, Cariña, you’re already ready for me.” His voice was hoarse and sounded approving.

  Regardless, at his words, I froze. Then I moved my hand down to circle his wrist and pulled it away.

  “No,” I said.

  I mean, it was too humiliating.

  In the throes of delicious sexual activity, I could forget.

  I could forget that I was Just Jet and there would be a time when he’d realize that, when Damsel in Distress Jet was saved and there was nothing interesting about her anymore. I could forget that he was Hot Handsome Eddie and it’d never last because he’d eventually realize he was out of my league. I could forget knowing that other people would look at us and think, “What is he doing with her?”

  I could forget for a moment. But the truth was all that was ther

  He was with a gorgeous blonde just two months ago.

  I hadn’t had an orgasm in eight months and hadn’t slept with anyone since Oscar.

  He was the most popular boy at school, and I was the girl with glasses, braces and a funny wardrobe.

  It just wasn’t ever going to work.

  His hand twisted, dislodging mine from his wrist and his fingers laced in mine.

  “Un-unh, Jet. You can’t switch off on me just like that,” he said and looked at me closely.

  “I have to go to work,” I told him.

  “Talk to me,” he returned.

  With my other hand I pushed at his shoulder, using my body to push at him too.

  He didn’t budge.

  We were full-frontal, skin-to-skin, it felt good and, all of a sudden, I wanted to cry.

  “I have to go,” I said, a little desperately.

  He lifted my hand and held it between our bodies.

  “Talk to me,” he repeated, quietly this time.

  I glared at him.

  “I have to go,” I repeated, a lot louder this time.

  He lifted our hands up to his mouth and touched his lips to them, his eyes never leaving mine. Then he held them to his chest and I had to remind myself to breathe.

  “Did someone hurt you?” He asked softly, his eyes had gone funny, gentle and something else, something I couldn’t read.

  I blinked, confused.

  “Pardon?” I asked.

  “Hurt you, touched you in a way you didn’t want?” he explained

  I blinked again, then my breath caught in my throat.

  “Do you mean rape?”

  He didn’t answer, he just looked at me.

  “Why would you think that?” I asked.

  “One second you’re running hot, the next, ice cold and near tears. It would certainly explain why you’re so guarded. Cariña, I’d like to understand,” he said it like he meant it and that pleasant feeling hit me again but this time it was so powerful, it knocked the wind out of me.

  “I haven’t been raped,” I spoke quietly.

  “You’d tell me?” he asked.

  “I’d tell you, I answered.

  I didn’t realize how tense his body was until I answered him and he relaxed against me.

  “Then tell me what it is,” he said.

  “It wasn’t that,” I replied.

  “Then what is it?”

  “It’s nothing.”


  “Really, Eddie, it’s nothing.”

  His brows came together when it dawned on him I wasn’t a wounded soul but instead, just an idiot.

  “It’s not nothing. If it was nothing, right now, instead of talkin’, we’d be in about the same position but your legs would be wrapped around my back. It’s something.”

  My stomach curled.

  I ignored it.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Goddamit, Jet,” he said through clenched teeth, losing patience.

  “Eddie, I have to go to work.”

  “No, you have to talk to me. You don’t talk to me, I’m cuffin’ you to the bed until you do talk to me.”

  I stared at him.

  “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Fuckin’ try me.”

  Oh… dear… Lord.

  I stared at him again trying to figure out if he would do it.

  The look on his face said he would.

  “Get off!” I bucked against him, to no avail.

  “Talk!” he snapped.

  “I haven’t had an orgasm in eight months! Okay?” I yelled, “Now get off!”


  The lengths a girl had to go to were ridiculous and embarrassing.

  He stared at me.

  “You’re joking,” he said.

  “Would I joke about something like that?” I asked.

  “I wouldn’t joke about something like that.”

  I gave him a look.

  He grinned.

  “It isn’t funny,” I snapped, feeling immensely stupid.

  “No, you’re right, it isn’t. I’m just glad there’s finally a problem of yours I can fix.”


  “I don’t think…” I started but he kissed me again. It was a great kiss and then it was all hands, mouth, teeth, tongue, both his and mine. It was delicious; it was almost even beautiful.

  When his hand went between my legs again, he didn’t mess around with my underwear. He just dipped right in, his fingers pressing, hitting the perfect spot and they began moving.

  It didn’t take long. As I said, it’d been a long time but he had talented fingers, strong and creative. I was breathing heavy against his mouth, I was holding on to him tight and then it happened.

  And it was glorious. Fucking unbelievable and trust me, it was definitely worth the f-word. It was worth a thousand f-words.

  After I finished, I opened my eyes and saw him watching me with a look that was both soft and satisfied even though he’d gotten nothing out of it.

  I didn’t have time to be embarrassed. He rolled over me and pulled me off the bed so we were standing at the side, his arms came around me and he pressed me deep into his body.

  “Now, I’ll take you to work,” he said and he bent his head and touched his lips to mine. Then he let me go, turned and walked away.

  I stood and watched him go. He had a great behind, I’d been spending months appreciating it through his jeans but now I could see that fact especially as he was only wearing a pair of blue and white striped boxers.

  By the way, Big Head Todd and the Monsters was still playing on the CD.

  * * * * *

  Eddie parked behind Fortnum’s and I got out of the truck. He did too so I hurried forward but my sexy green sandals slowed me down. He caught up to me and grabbed my hand so we walked into the store, fingers laced together.

  Indy, Ally and Tex were all behind the espresso counter and their heads came up when we entered. Indy and Ally took one look at Eddie and me and smiled. Tex scowled.

  There was a line of customers, ten deep, ready to give their orders.

  “The cavalry arrives!” Tex boomed. “These two ain’t worth shit behind the counter. Get back here, Loopy Loo.”

  I started to walk forward but Eddie’s hand tightened in mine and I turned around.

  “I have to get to work,” I said, like the millionth time that day.

  He closed in on me and said, “Okay, but first, promise me you won’t go lookin’ for your Dad.”

  I thought about it, then nodded. I decided that if I didn’t make my answer verbal then maybe it wasn’t a full-blown lie, more like half a lie or even a third of a lie, which wasn’t as bad, was it?

  He looked at me for a beat then turned toward the books and dragged me along behind him. He walked in two rows, turned left and stopped halfway down the aisle.

  “Eddie, I have to help out. Did you see how many people were in line?”

  He dropped my hand but then both of his went to where my shoulders met my neck.

  “I’ve got something else to explain to you.”

  Oh no, not this again.

  I braced for impact.

  “This morning, things changed,” he said.

  I stared at him.

  “What things?” I asked.

  “Before, I was makin’ you my business. Things are different once I sleep with a woman, make her come and intend to do it again. Now you just are my business.”

  Dear Lord.

  My knees went weak and I grabbed onto his t-shirt to stay standing.

  One of his thumbs started stroking my neck.

  “You still got a bouncer takin’ you to Smithie’s?”

  I nodded.

  “Get Tex or Duke to take you home from Fortnum’s and walk you up to your apartment. I’ll pick you up from work tonight.”

  “Oh… kay,” I said.

  He smiled, dimple and all, and bent his head to kiss me deep. He let my neck go but tucked
my hair behind my ear. Then he was gone.

  I wandered out of the books still half in an Eddie Daze. The minute I exited the shelves, Indy and Ally descended on me. I saw that Duke had arrived and was working the espresso counter with Tex.

  “How’d it go?” Indy asked.

  “You have to ask? She’s still in her clothes from last night. Fuckin’ cool!” Ally said.

  Both of them stared at me.

  I stared back.

  “Well!” Indy nearly shouted.

  I gave them an abbreviated version of the Eddie Date.

  They looked at each other then turned to me.

  “More,” Ally said.

  I sighed and gave them the longer version, including Mom and Trixie, Blanca and Eddie’s siblings, details on Eddie’s “Sleep with You/Keep You Safe/Wear You Down” Speech and maybe got a little carried away and shared a bit much about that morning’s activities.

  When I was done, both of their mouths were open and their eyes were glazed over, just like I expected I looked when I was in an Eddie Daze.

  I nodded in understanding at their reaction.

  “I know,” I said.

  “If you hens are finished pecking over Eddie’s carcass, we could use a hand back here.” Duke yelled.

  * * * * *

  The morning was a crush, Ally chose a Nickelback CD for the occasion and played it loud.

  Normally, “work” at Fortnum’s didn’t seem like work. It was more like hanging out with your friends all day, which was sometimes interrupted by something that felt kinda like work.

  Just after noon, the crowd significantly died down and Tex turned to me.

  “Let’s go, Loopy Loo. I got a plan to get your Dad’s friend talking.” He turned to Ally, “We’ll take the ‘stang. You’re drivin’.”

  I gave him a look.

  “Does this plan involve your shotgun?” I asked.

  “Nope,” he said and I felt some relief. Then he said, “At least Plan A doesn’t.”


  “What about Plan B?” I pressed.

  He started walking toward the door. “Let’s just hope Plan A works.”


  We all got into Ally’s brand-new Mustang convertible, Indy, Tex, Ally and me, and rolled out to Lakewood. Ally parked outside Bear’s house and we barely cleared the Mustang when Bear appeared at the door, turned and carefully closed it. He met us halfway down the walk.