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the New Testament and then decide that sodomy between gay men - men married in a Gay Marriage ceremony, mind you - is a subcategory of sex which is perfectly lawful under the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and, therefore, since these people are manifestly intelligent, their essential problem is they are sort of spineless people who capitulate to peer pressure. They want to be popular with the cool kids, so they go with the flow, they do what they have to do to be popular with the crowd they hang with. Or, if they are not slaves to peer pressure, perhaps the Episcopalians and the ELCA people simply need a crash course in rational thinking. Maybe they are just plain whacked-out-crazy-mothers…Let’s review some more elementary things. There is no doubt that you fall away from the True Faith if you insist that God is OK with Gay Sex. The abortion procedure is much more evil than Gay Sex. Gay Sex is sort of comical or degrading. I only make a big deal about it because it is so obvious that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the True Faith, is hostile to Gay Sex. But in terms of evil, it is a million times more evil to murder / abort an unborn child than it is to participate in consensual Gay Sex. You got to remember that at Sodom and Gomorrah there was homosexual rape, and that’s very different than consensual Gay Sex. Actually, if you want to know the truth, you’ve fallen away from the True Faith, and are therefore on a course for perdition, on a course to be damned, assuming you don’t repent, if you belong to a church which refuses to excommunicate Pro-Choice people. Why so? I’m not addressing Liberal Heathens at this Symposium, right? You’re Conservative Protestants who respect the scriptures – such as Romans 14. 12, right? Romans 14. 12 says that everyone will have to stand before God some day, and everyone will have to give an account of himself or herself to God. You don’t want to have to explain to God why you belonged to a church which gave communion to pro-choice people. I mean everyone knows that 2nd and 3rd term abortions are evil. 1st term abortions are terrible sins, but if the fetus feels no pain when it’s being aborted in the 1st trimester, that’s at least a lot better than abortions in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, when abortion is simply the torture and murder of a human being. The True Church doesn’t celebrate the Eucharist, doesn’t hold communion with people who support evil or who perpetrate evil. Worthless churches which lead people to perdition do that, but the True Church doesn’t do that. When you torture a human being to death you’re an effing sociopath! When you push for policies and vote for politicians who refuse to pass laws which prevent the torture and murder of human beings then you make yourself an accomplice to villainy. When you belong to worthless church, when you are not in the True Church which leads people to heaven, when you are in a worthless church which leads people to perdition, guess what? You end up damned. You go to perdition. Is that so difficult to understand? I suppose it is better for propaganda purposes to have Pro-Life women and not Pro-Life men push the Pro-Life agenda. Politically speaking, the Pro-Lifers only have to convince about 10% of the Pro-Choicers to become Pro-Lifers, and then the whole Pro-Choice voting bloc falls apart. Once 10% of the Pro-Choicers switch to the Pro-Life position, then no Pro-Choice candidate will ever again be elected to high office in the USA, and this will spell the death of the Pro-Choice movement in the USA. To think that a church which gives the Eucharist to Pro-Choice people could ever be the Church which Christ founded on a rock, well, a person would really have to be suffering a huge delusion to think such a thing….If a doctor rips unborn babies limb from limb in the abortion procedure then he’s a villain. Pro-choice people push for laws which would prevent the State from stepping in to prevent such villainy….Bill Cosby drugged women before he raped them, so at least he didn’t torture them, so, you might say he is a very selfish and unfunny horny sort of comedian. I liked him in ‘I Spy’ when he was young, but he never was all that funny - do you think he was ever really funny? - He isn’t an out-and-out villain, just a selfish, piggish, horny old dude driven by uncontrollable lust. I mean, what he did was bad, real bad – you wouldn’t want to belong to a church which failed to excommunicate people who drugged and raped women – talk about a church which leads people to perdition! – talk about a church which is not the True Church! - but at least he didn’t terrorize women at knife point while he raped them. If you were in a generous mood you might say he’s sort of on the line between being a villain and being not-quite-a-villain.…. Don’t you find it incomprehensible, or perhaps not quite totally incomprehensible, to envision Jerry Seinfeld, or Chevy Chase, or Jon Stewart or some such comedian getting a voluptuous gorgeous young woman up to his hotel suite, and then saying stuff like, ‘I’ll put some music on. Here’s your drink. Enjoy! Drink up, enjoy your rum and tonic! I put a special ingredient in your drink which you’re gonna love….Well, I can see by the dazed look in your eyes that I have the green light to get you out of those clothes! I want you to know, dear, my darling, my sweet-heart, my honey forever and ever, and I mean this in all sincerity, I’m not 100% pleased with my actions here, but, that being said, you have to admit that you’re pretty much irresistible, I mean, you’re just so amazingly gorgeous and irresistible! - So it’s really not very fair of you to be so totally gorgeous and irresistible, and, also, at the same time, to expect me to resist you. I think that’s only common sense!…So it’s OK for me to not resist you…Here let me help you get out of that bra…And let me help you out of those panties as well, darling…Do you still got that dazed and drugged look in your eyes? Oh, yes, that’s what we like to see…I suppose I could draw the connection, make everything perfectly explicit, between wacked out drugged voluptuous gorgeous irresistible young ladies in Bill Cosby’s hotel suite, and you stupid Protestant people who are so wacked out of your minds that you can’t see the truth about the sign of the cross and the Roman Catholic crucifix etc., etc. I mean you’re wacked out, you don’t even know what the sign of the cross and the Roman Catholic crucifix symbolize, it’s like you’re some drugged naked chick, and you’re lying there on the bed and Bill Cosby is just taking advantage of you, taking advantage of you like you wouldn’t believe, doing all sorts of nasty shit to you, stuff that you would not consent to if you were in your right mind! But now you are too wacked out to really know or care what Bill Cosby is doing up there on top of you. So, if you are just wacked out of your minds, if you don’t know up from down in regards to the sign of the cross and the Roman Catholic crucifix, and the Eastern Orthodox crucifix, and the Anglican crucifix etc., then the Devil is free to take advantage of you in a really nasty way, you know, ruin your chance to attain heaven by dragging you down to perdition. Understand? Well, so much for this line of theological discourse. We were on the subject of villainy. You see it’s like this. When you torture human beings to death then you’re a villain, or, to be a little more generous, you are acting like a villain, though maybe deep down you’re not really a villain, you’re not really an evil S.O.B., you’re just really lost and confused and you’re presently acting like an evil S.O.B. I once saw this movie called The Young Lions starring Marlon Brando, Maximillian Schell, Montgomery Clift and I forget who else. Anyway Marlon Brando looked super photogenic in it. He’s got his hair dyed blonde and he looks how superman would look, I mean, if there really was a superman that’s how he would look. This is certainly true at least in one scene, where Brando’s lying on the floor, in a room where the wife of a Nazi officer is standing over him, strongly tempted to sin with him. You’re sitting there watching the movie and you’re wondering if hot modern chicks like Kathy Griffin or Chelsea Handler would be able to keep their hands off of Brando, I mean if they were around when Brando was in his prime. I wonder. I suppose that is one of those questions to which the inhabitants of our cosmos can never ever truly know the correct answer. Brando’s playing a Nazi soldier but he’s sort of kinder-gentler sort of Nazi soldier. In one scene he and Maximillian Schell are at the local Gestapo headquarters, and they hear some guy screaming in pain while he’s being tortured by the Gestapo, and Brando wants to go help the guy, but Maximillian Schell
is saying stuff like: ‘Do you know where you are? Do you know what you’re doing?’ Well, obviously, Brando’s instincts were the right instincts, whereas the Nazi played by Maximillian Schell had the wrong instincts. Someone should have asked him: do you know where the hell you are you asshole, you’re a f@#king Nazi asshole in a f@#king Nazi torture chamber, that’s where you are. You know? The point of the matter here is that millions of Liberals are half-wits because they can not understand that it is villainy, it is evil, to inflict painful deaths on unborn babies. They can understand it is evil to torture whales and dolphins and dogs and cats etc., but the Liberals can not understand that it is evil and villainous to torture and murder the unborn. But you shouldn’t call the Liberals nasty names. This kind and wonderful generosity of mine toward the Liberals might be reasoning based on propaganda purposes to some extent. If you’re always kicking the Liberals