Read Rock Island Page 5

rock, if Rome has fallen away from the True Faith, if Rome leads people away from heaven and drags them down to perdition, then the Cafeteria Catholics are wrong for remaining in the Roman Catholic Church: they ought to renounce Rome. So, the Cafeteria Catholics are wrong in all cases. They are wrong if Rome leads people to heaven because Rome has not fallen away from the True Faith. And they are wrong if Rome leads people to perdition because Rome has fallen away from the True Faith. I mean, you would think that any idiot ought to be able to understand that Rome has either fallen away from the True Faith or else Rome has not fallen away from the True Faith! So, therefore, the Cafeteria Catholics must either be insane, or ignorant, or idiotic, or under satanic influences, but there is definitely something screwed-up inside the heads of these Cafeteria Catholics…And one can make the same sort of argument about the Protestants. If a Church gives orders to you, such as on who to vote for, on how long your daughters’ skirts must be, on whether or not you are allowed to play games of chance, making wagers on horses, on what sorts of books and movies you are permitted to read and watch etc., etc., then, if you believe that some false church is bossing you around, you will naturally disregard those orders, but if you believe God’s True Church is bossing you around, if you believe the True Church, the Church which Christ founded on a rock, the Church which leads people to heaven and which leads no one to perdition, is ordering you to do various things, and ordering you to not do various other things, and if you insist on disobeying those orders, then, how are you sane? How is it sane to rebel against the orders of the Church which you say is God’s True Church? How is it sane to think you can attain heaven and escape perdition by rebelling against God’s True Church? Well, that’s just crazy: that’s just utter madness…Insanity is much more common that you might think. Look at the Roman emperors of antiquity: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius etc. On the one hand you can find evidence saying they were monsters in human form, look at the tortures they inflicted on the early Christians, but you can also find evidence which says they were, sometimes at least, good administrators and upholders of justice. Michelet tells us a lot of evil mischief was created via some logic which invaded the minds of these Roman emperors. The logic runs as follows: “if the Roman people will worship an emperor as a god after he dies, then they ought to worship that emperor as a god before he dies”…I suppose, if one actually was superhuman one would always be bitching about how, down here on earth, one was always surrounded by crowds of brainless bastards…I mean, if you truly were superhuman, and since, here on earth, you would always be surrounded by human beings, by people who are not superhuman, then, don’t you think you would always feel sort of suffocated? Don’t you think you would always feel as if you were being crushed under, crushed under by the weight of endless crowds of brainless bastards? You don’t have to be superhuman to understand that there are lots and lots of brainless bastards walking around. Ann Coulter – I wonder if she ever feels crushed under by vast crowds of brainless bastards? – Ann Coulter writes in one of her books about a murderer who led the police to the body of the little child he had murdered. Judges in the USA set him free. They said the murderer had to be set free, because, you see, the police neglected to get a lawyer to him quickly enough, therefore he had to be set free. So, the man who murdered a little child was sprung free by judges in the USA. Do you think judges tend to go crazy because they have to read too much legalese, legalese which would drive anyone crazy eventually? And what about that story you read on the Drudge Report where the US serviceman rescued a little boy who was being raped by men in Afghanistan – that’s a big custom in Afghanistan, men raping little boys. Rather than promote the US serviceman for saving the little boy the Obama administration busted him in rank, because he had been ordered to ignore matters when men in Afghanistan practiced their custom of raping little boys. The story was on the Drudge Report. Isn’t that trustworthy? There are so many brainless bastards walking around, you know? So many brainless idiots! Don’t you think it is dangerous to be too broad-minded? As someone once said: “they’re so broad-minded they’re scatterbrained.” Or look at that journalist who had published articles which were critical of Sarah Palin – Joe McGinness - he moved from the lower 48 and relocated to Alaska, in fact he moved into a rented house which was right next door to Sarah Palin’s house, right next door to Sarah and Todd and Track and Bristol and Willow and Piper and Trig…Joe insisted that this action of his, in moving right next door to Sarah Palin, was not a provocation. He was a friend or acquaintance of William F. Buckley Jr. He wasn’t some wild-eyed long-haired liberal radical progressive hippy freak. But he was definitely a Democrat, and he was definitively a critic of Sarah Palin. He simply could not understand that his action, in moving right next door to Sarah Palin was a provocation. I seem to recall he was trying to prove that Trig was Bristol’s son not Sarah’s, or maybe he was saying Trig was Willow’s or Piper’s kid, I forget, but he was giving this timeline about Sarah flying a lot around the country when she was pregnant with Trig, and he was making a case saying it was pretty damn suspicious of a pregnant woman flying lots and lots of miles so close to her due date. So any fool can see he was being pretty damn provocative in this book of his, moving in right next door to a politician he was picking at and making fun of, and then writing stuff saying her kid is actually her kid’s kid not her kid. Perhaps he was telling a fib, perhaps he knew perfectly well he was being provocative, or perhaps he really was that obtuse. He was a good writer, smart in many ways, but, perhaps he was sort of insane in some other ways. I suppose millions or billions of Liberals around the world would insist John McCain was pretty damn close to stark raving insane for choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Joe McGinness, author of The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin, begins his book with a long list of the various churches to be found in Wasilla, Alaska, which as you might imagine is a little town at the ends of the earth. It’s odd, this long list of Christian churches. I mean, there’s only supposed to be one True Church. Christ doesn’t tell us in Matthew 16. 13-19 that He has founded multiple churches on multiple rocks. No, He founded one Church on one rock. So, it’s sort of odd, that we have all of these different churches in a little town at the ends of the earth….I take a professor of Medieval Studies named Norm Cantor to task for writing like a madman in his books. I suppose Academia, with its publish or perish rules, tends to drive academics crazy. Herding scholars into various disciplines when they are young and inexperienced, and then insisting that these scholars crank out original and profound material, in order for them to keep their jobs as professors, instead of simply demanding that they be competent and rational albeit unoriginal teachers, might tend to drive academics crazy….I make a big deal in my books about how it is that True Christians can never be ignorant crazy brainless bastards. I mean, if a person has God’s New Law written on his heart, if one has this Divine Law / New Covenant, mentioned by Christ at the Last Supper, and mentioned in Jeremiah 31. 31-34, written on his heart, then this person simply cannot possibly be a crazy fool insane brainless bastard mega-dumb-ass. And, conversely, if a person is a crazy fool insane brainless bastard mega-dumb-ass, then, he cannot have the Divine Law written on his heart: he cannot be a True Christian…Anyway: insanity, brainless idiocy, and even satanic activity – deviltry - are three of the main themes of this Symposium.’

  Moderator – ‘Let me explain some things. We’re here in Rock Island, IL today because this city works better, logistics-wise, than Atalissa, IA, which is a really miniscule little place a few miles to the west of here, and it is not equipped to handle conferences and symposiums. Half the time Etem pronounces it: ah-TAL-is-ah, which is not the way the people in Iowa say it, they say: At-ah-LIS-ah. He likes to think his way is the way the Indian princess pronounced her name. I suppose we can humor him. No doubt he could use some. Now to review the Atalissa case. 21 Texas men with very low IQs were shipped up north and essentia
lly kept in slavery in Atalissa Iowa for decade after decade until they were rescued a few years ago. They lived in a vile stinking filthy old bunk house which used to be a school. Now get this. When the social workers raided the bunk house they found rodent droppings everywhere, and the roaches were so thick the retarded men had to hold their hands over their dinner plates to keep the roaches from falling into their food. The place just stank like the worst hellhole sewer you could ever imagine. These guys had turkey blood and turkey guts on their bodies, in their clothes, in their sheets and blankets and mattresses etc. They had been slaving away for years at a Turkey slaughtering plant, but their employers, after all the deductions were made, were only giving them $65 per week. The overseer, when he felt discipline was required, would not let them watch TV, he would chain them to their beds, he would load them with weights, he would make them hold on to a pole for long periods of