Read Rock the Heart Page 47

  “Because I told him I loved him and he wasn’t ready to be that serious with me.”

  “So he goes and fucks two random groupies?” Lanie shrieks. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Believe it. He told me so himself.” I pause and take a deep breath. “We’re over.”

  Lanie sighs. “That’s too bad, because you two still have to walk down the aisle together in my wedding.”

  My eyes widen. “You and Noel are getting married?”

  She giggles. “We are, and sooner rather than later. I’m flying you down this weekend for a dress fitting.”

  “Wow. In four days? That’s soon. So when is this wedding?”

  “In the weekend after this one.”

  “What’s the rush?”

  “No rush. We want to do this. It’s the right thing for us, you know.”

  I smile, completely happy that my best friend is finally marrying the man she’s loved for so long. “Where’s the wedding going to be?”

  “Here at Mom’s house—out on the dock.”

  “Awww. That’s so romantic. It’s almost like bringing your love full circle.”

  “It totally is,” she answers and I can hear the smile in her voice.

  We talk a little while longer about wedding plans and my flight arrangements for the weekend before Isaac pops out of his office. I glance down at the clock. It’s time for lunch already.

  “I have to go. I’ll see you Friday night,” I say into the phone.

  “See you soon. And Aubrey, don’t worry about Riff. He’ll come around.”

  “Okay,” is all I can say because while I understand love is a new thing for him and something that probably scares the shit out of him, I don’t think I can forget that he slept with other women so soon after being with me. The best thing to do is forget about him like he has me.

  I grab my purse and follow Isaac into the elevator.

  He presses the lobby button and glances at my face. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I answer with a smile.

  Isaac steps toward me and tentatively touches my cheek. “Is it him that you’re shedding tears for? If it is, you shouldn’t. He doesn’t deserve you.”

  Even though I know it’s wrong, I lean into his palm and close my eyes. It’s nice to have comfort from someone.

  He cradles my head in his hands. “I would never wrong you. Ever.”

  I open my eyes and stare into his clear blue eyes. There’s sympathy and caring in them, which is something in my current state I desperately want. I grab the back of his head and bring his lips down to mine trying to block out the pain Zach left in his wake.

  Isaac freezes at first and then starts moving his lips with mine while we ride the elevator down. He gives me one final peck and then pulls back. “I’ve been waiting on that for a long time. You’ll be happy with me, Aubrey. I swear it.”

  I smile. I don’t exactly feel the same way, but maybe eventually I will.

  The plane touches down in Houston and I quickly make my way through the airport looking for Lanie in baggage claim as we planned. I stop dead in my tracks when my gaze lands on Zach holding a small sign that reads “Kitten.”

  I roll my eyes and grab my bag off the carousel before I approach him. “What are you doing here?”

  He smiles. “No hello? You mean, you aren’t happy to see me?”

  I shake my head. “Are you really that dense? Where’s Lanie?”

  He shrugs his broad shoulders. “She was busy.”

  “Of course she was,” I mumble. Lanie always wants to fix things or play matchmaker, which is the exact reason I didn’t tell her about my very first kiss with Zach in the first place.

  He grabs the suitcase out of my hand. “Let me carry that.”

  I jerk it away. “I’ve got it. I don’t need your help.”

  Zach narrows his eyes and takes the bag out of my hand with force. “Can’t we be friends at least?”

  I yank back, refusing to let go. “No we can’t. There’s no such thing as just friends between us Zach and I refuse to be another slut you can toss away after you’re done.”

  He opens his mouth to say something but quickly shuts it and shakes his head. “You’re right. Maybe it’s best we not even talk.”

  I stumble back a bit after he releases the handle of my luggage and gives me full control. “Fine by me.”

  He turns and calls over his shoulder, “Come on, then. Our new bodyguard, Kyle, is waiting in the loading area.”

  Without any more words I follow him outside to the black Escalade. He loads my bag into the back and I hop into the back seat and slide over, leaving the door open. Zach comes by and shuts my door with a little more force than necessary before taking the passenger seat next to Kyle.

  I bite my lip. Now, I’m the one who is getting the cold shoulder? I didn’t do a damn thing to him. What gives him the right to treat me this way?

  The entire trip to Lanie’s family home, Zach and Kyle talk amongst themselves up front, completely ignoring me, which is exactly what I asked for. So why do I feel this crushing weight sitting on my chest?

  This is going to be a long weekend if this is how it’s going to be.

  Lanie scrambles out the door the moment we pull in and jumps into the SUV. Her slender arms wrap me into a hug as she tackles me into the seat. “Easy, there!”

  She pulls away and flicks her gaze towards Zach. “Why are you back here by yourself?”

  I frown. “I think it’s better this way.”

  Zach snorts and gets out, slamming the door behind him.

  She shoves my hair over my shoulders and shakes her head. “You two are some of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met.”

  After a long day of getting fitted for my bridesmaid dress, the entire group loads up to head to a local club for some drinks. Who knew so much went into planning a fifteen minute ceremony. We need to blow off a little steam and relax.

  The club is packed. Bodies gyrate on the dance floor beneath spinning lights while the hypnotic beats the most recent top forty hits assaults my ears.

  Trip elbows Tyke as a group of girls walk by and smile at them. They instantly take off after the girls in short skirts as Lanie and I slide into a round booth with Noel and Zach.

  A waitress in a tank top and booty shorts comes to the table to get our drink orders. She flips her blond hair over her shoulder and doesn’t try to hide the fuck-me eyes she’s shooting at Zach. We all order alcohol of some type with the exception of Lanie who orders a water.

  I furrow my brow at her the moment the waitress leaves. “You okay?”

  She nods and smiles. “Never better.”

  I eye her suspiciously as I turn my attention back over to the twins out on the dance floor with a few women. She never turns down a drink, especially at a bar. As my thoughts wonder to the possibility that she may be pregnant, Trip makes me giggle as he lifts a girls skirt and smacks her ass in front of every person in the club. “He’s crazy.”

  Noel grins. “He’s loving all the attention since Riff and I are off the market.”

  I glance over to Riff, curious why Noel would say that? Isn’t he back to banging every chick in sight?

  Riff catches my stare and quickly leans forward, making a show of grabbing the girl standing next to him wearing a tube top and tugging her into his lap. “Speak for yourself, buddy. I’m a free man. You’re the one about to be strapped to the old ball and chain.”

  My lips pull into a tight line and I fight back tears as Zach makes a show of whispering into the girl’s ear. I understand he wants to move on, but he doesn’t have to shove it down my throat. If that’s how it’s going to be, I’ll play dirty right back. I’m tired of assholes walking all over me. I want to show him I can move on, too.

  I flip my hair and turn towards Lanie and say loud enough for everyone to head, “I forgot to tell you I’m seeing someone and he’s going to be my date at your wedding.”

  Her green eyes widen and her lips form the le
tter ‘O.’ “Who?”

  “Yeah, who?” Zach adds in from the other side of me, but I can’t see his face.

  I lean back so I can catch his reaction this time. “Isaac. You remember him...Riff. You met him at the pizza place.”

  I know calling him by his stage name got his attention as well as the shocking news that I’m dating one man I know he loathes because his eyebrows instantly shoot up. “Your douchebag boss?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t call him that. He’s sweet.”

  “How many times have you been out with him?” I fight the urge to tell him everyday since the day we ended things to piss him off. In reality it’s only been a three times, but I’m not going to tell him that.

  I glare at him. “That’s none of your business.”

  “The hell it’s not!”

  I shake my head. “I think it’s pretty clear that we’re even less than friends now, so I don’t have to tell you a damn thing. Lanie, let’s dance. Excuse us, Noel.”

  Noel howls with laughter as he slides around and lets us out. “I’m really starting to like this girl. She’s not afraid to dish it right back to him,” he tells Lanie before he kisses her lips.

  Lanie melts into him, and before she changes her mind about dancing, I pull her into crowd. Amongst the writhing bodies, we shake our hips to the beat of the music. I try to push the thoughts of Riff with other women out of my mind and try to focus on the beat of the music.

  “If you’re trying to push his buttons and make him jealous, I think it’s working,” Lanie says after she glances at the table where Noel and Zach are.

  I shrug. “That wasn’t my plan when I came here, but if he’s going to shove the fact that he’s out with other women in my face then I’m going to dish it right back at him.”

  She nods. “Good plan. He’s been miserable, you know. I think this show is for your benefit. Trip told me that Riff’s been holed up in his room depressed since he came back from New York. I don’t think he’s been with other women.”

  “He has. He told me so.” I shake my head. “I don’t know why he’s trying to punish me?”

  Lanie grabs my arms. “I don’t think he knows what the hell he’s doing. He’s fighting his feelings for you tooth and nail for some reason. I know he still cares about you. Noel says he’s never acted this way with any other woman. You’ve done something that’s grabbed his attention.”

  I run my hand through my hair, frustrated at the entire situation. If he cares for me why run away? Why sleep with other women? It exhausts me even trying to figure it out. I glance back at the table and the girl is gone, but Zach watches me intently as he presses his bottle to his lips and throws back the last of his beer. His hungry eyes rake over me, but I refuse to let me use me for sex. I’m done with those kinds of random relationships. I’m ready for something real.

  Chapter 21


  The rest of the weekend passes by quickly. Aubrey and I never really talked. I didn’t help the situation out much when I flirted with every single girl I could in front of her. It’s a childish game to play, but I want her to be okay with moving on even if it kills me inside. I need her to hate me.

  “I like this one.” Noel points to the plain black tux on the mannequin.

  The middle-aged saleswoman nods and the black bun on the back of her head bounces. “Excellent choice, Mr. Falcon. It’s very traditional.”

  “I like it, too,” Lanie agrees.

  “Okay, then. Mr. Falcon let’s do you first. Follow me back to the dressing area so we can get you sized up. Riff, honey, you’ll be next.”

  I smile as they leave the room, leaving Lanie and me alone in the front of the store. I finger a few shirts and try to pretend I don’t feel a hole boring into me from her heated stare. I know she’s pissed about how I treated her friend this weekend. I offered to go with her to the airport this morning, but both Aubrey and Lanie told me no in unison.

  “You’re an idiot, you know,” she says to me.

  I know exactly what she’s referring to, but pretend I’m clueless. “Why’s that?”

  She walks over and stands next to me, trying to gain my full attention. “Because you’re going to drive her right into that guys arms. If you aren’t careful, you really are going to lose her.”

  I peer down at her. “What makes you think I want her?”

  She laughs. “Come on. We all know it. It’s you that can’t admit your own feelings about her.”

  I sigh and go back to looking at shirts. “You’re her best friend. Aren’t you supposed to protect her from assholes like me?”

  She shakes her head. “Not when the asshole is in love with her.”

  “I don’t want to hurt her,” I whisper.

  Lanie places her small hand on top of mine that’s resting on the rack. “Then stop what you’re doing, because I know she loves you, too. If you keep fighting it, both of you are going to end up miserable and hating each other.”

  I swallow hard. It’s not my intention to ever hurt her but that’s exactly what I’m doing by trying to push her away. It kills me to know I’m hurting her.

  Noel comes out wearing the tux he picked out and runs his hand through his thick, dark hair. “What do you think?

  Lanie squeals the moment she sees him and rushes into his arms. “You look hot, baby.”

  I turn away as their make-out session commences.

  My thoughts drift to my time with Kitten and how happy I felt when I was with her. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and Lanie’s right. I’m an idiot for throwing it away. I need to make this right with her. I still want her, but I’m afraid she’ll tell me to take a flying leap because I lied to her about already sleeping with other people. I don’t care if she’s slept with that fucking Ken doll of a boss of hers. It doesn’t matter. If she did, I know she probably only did it because of the lie I told her.


  I can’t believe this is the weekend my best friend gets married. It feels surreal to me. I can only imagine what it’s like for her to finally marry the man she’s loved for so long.

  The minute my plane lands I turn on my cell phone and a text from Isaac pops up on the screen.

  Isaac: My flight lands tomorrow at ten in the morning. Thank you for asking me to be your date to the wedding.

  I smile. He’s so well mannered and the complete opposite of Zach.

  I lay my head back against the seat. After last weekend, I don’t look forward to seeing him again. It’s hard enough knowing we have to walk down the aisle without killing each other at the wedding. Why did Noel have to pick him as the best man?

  Aubrey: See you then.

  Coming down the escalator to baggage claim, I immediately spot Zach standing with his little sign waiting for me again.

  Great. This is going to be another fun weekend.

  Why am I not surprised to see him? I’m beginning to think he’s getting some sick thrill by torturing me. And why would Lanie allow it? I know she’s busy, but couldn’t she send one of the twins instead?

  Zack tugs his ball cap low on his forehead and a places a pair of dark sunglasses over the bill. I hate the fact that even though I’m pissed at him for hurting me, I still think he looks good in his jeans and form-fitting black t-shirt.

  Zach grabs my bag from my hand and says, “It’s good to see you.”

  I stare at him with narrowed eyes. “Don’t!” I snap at him. “After last weekend I’m over you.”

  A pained look overtakes his face as I turn on my heel to head for the exit.

  I only make it one step before he grabs my wrist and stops me in my tracks. “Look, I was a jackass last weekend. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. I’m sorry.”

  His eyes seem sincere, but his apology doesn’t make me feel any better or make me forget what he’s done. “I will accept your apology so we can get through this weekend, but it still doesn’t change anything between us. You sleep with other women and shove it in m
y face to hurt me on purpose.”

  He takes his sunglasses off and rests them over top of his hat and leans into my face. “So, what if I have? You’re fucking your boss! Don’t you think that hurts me?”

  I try to yank my arm free, because all I want to do is smack his face. The harder I yank the tighter his grip gets. “Let go of me!”

  Zach shakes his head. “What is this? You get to hate me all you want, but when I mention you’re doing the exact same thing you get pissed!”

  “It’s not the same thing,” I huff, knowing that simple kisses are as far as I’ve been with Isaac.

  He pulls me into him and forces me to look him in the eye. “Are you fucking him?”

  I want to hurt him, like he hurt me so I refuse to give him a straight answer. “That’s none of your business.”

  “It is my business! Now tell me!” One last jerk and my arm’s free. I rub my wrist as I stay silent and gaze up at his face. His eyes never leave mine. It’s almost as if he’s studying me while his jaw works under his skin, trying to get the truth out of me. “Are you sleeping with him?”

  I fold my arms. There’s no way I’m going to make this easy on him. “You left me, remember! Why aren’t you happy about this? It’s what you wanted.”

  He drops my bag and grabs me by the shoulders. “Because you’re mine! Can’t you see that? I still want you and I know you want me too.”

  I gasp and my mouth drops open. Why would he say this to me now? Is it because I’m dating Isaac and he can’t have me now? Well, too bad. I’m not going to let him play around with my heart anymore. “You told me to move on, so that’s what I did. Get over it!”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t believe you! You still want me. I can see it in your eyes. People don’t just walk away from a connection like the one we have. I’m going to make you admit that to yourself by the end of this weekend.”

  Before I have a chance to reply, he crushes his lips to mine. I melt into him, forgetting what we were even fighting about to begin with as I focus on is him. Both legs beneath me wobble and I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close.

  Damn my stupid body for reacting to him like this.